Solved by verified expert:Specific Instructions:Create a To Do List and check off each item as you complete the following: Design a PowerPoint presentation (at least 6-10 slides) using PowerPoint 2016 to run continuously at the upcoming Health Fair to 1) showcase Physicians United medical group; 2) highlight the ‘Welcome Day’ for the new Nurse Practitioner; and 3) showcase the new mobile app. Complete SIMnet PowerPoint Lessons 1-4 before designing your presentation.Design a one-page flyer using Word 2016 to 1) hand out at the Health Fair; 2) to be enclosed in the letter you will be mailing to patients; and 3) also to be placed in the office for patients to pick up.The flyer will announce a “Welcome Day” with date and time to meet Jenna, the new Nurse Practitioner. Complete SIMnet Word Lessons 1-4 before designing your flyer.Write a one-page letter to patients using Word 2016 introducing Jenna, the new Nurse Practitioner (you want patients to begin booking appointments with her to alleviate the heavy scheduling with the doctors).Be sure to 1) add Enclosure at the bottom of your letter as a reminder to enclose the flyer; 2) showcase the new mobile app that patients can download to their mobile devices to schedule appointments, access their records, and other features; and 3) highlight the benefits of being a patient of Physicians United.Complete SIMnet Word Lessons 1-4 and download your Handout Letter located under Content in your class shell before writing your letter.Write a one-page memo using Word 2016 to be sent in-house to the doctors and all of your co-workers to get their feedback on what patients are saying about the new mobile app you had created for patients to use to schedule appointments, check records, and other features. You want positive and negative feedback so you can make adjustments to the mobile app if needed.Complete SIMnet Word Lessons 1-4 and download your Handout Memo located under Content in your class shell before writing your memo. I’ll attach also what you need to make this more easy ….
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ISM 2000 – Business Project Guideline
Business Project Objectives: Among the goals of this course is to pro vide you
with simulations of the many tasks and managerial decisions a manager will
make during the work day; you will also create the types of documents used by a
business manager using MS Office 2016. These projects will require you to:
Be proficient in the software used in the project to present information in a
professional format,
Use critical thinking and decision making skills to accomplish tasks without
Possess communication skills to convey information in user friendly language,
Conduct online research for information,
Develop time management skills to manage multiple projects and to
complete projects in a timely manner,
To apply management technique like problem solving to determine what is
relevant information to include and exclude in professional communications.
In this Business Project you will act as Business Manager for the Physicians
United medical group.
As the Business Manager, the physicians have given you the following tasks
(assignments) to complete:
Presentation (50 pts)
Flyer (50 pts)
Letter (50 pts)
Memo (50 pts)
These are the four (4) documents you are to create and submit to the
Assignments Dropbox in your class shell. (Worth 200 points total.)
The Due Date for the Business Project assignment is listed in your syllabus
under Class Schedule.
(Specific Instructions begin on next page.)
NOTE: For technical problems with the Business Project: you may contact our Technical Support
person Michelle Balfour in our Business Lab 386-506-3643. Please see her schedule posted in the
discussion area. (She cannot help with content problems.)
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Specific Instructions:
Create a To Do List and check off each item as you
complete the following:
1. Design a PowerPoint presentation (at least 6-10 slides) using PowerPoint
2016 to run continuously at the upcoming Health Fair to 1) showcase
Physicians United medical group; 2) highlight the ‘Welcome Day’ for the
new Nurse Practitioner; and 3) showcase the new mobile app. Complete
SIMnet PowerPoint Lessons 1-4 before designing your presentation .
2. Design a one-page flyer using Word 2016 to 1) hand out at the Health
Fair; 2) to be enclosed in the letter you will be mailing to patients; and 3)
also to be placed in the office for patients to pick up. The flyer will
announce a “Welcome Day” with date and time to meet Jenna, the new
Nurse Practitioner. Complete SIMnet Word Lessons 1-4 before designing
your flyer.
3. Write a one-page letter to patients using Word 2016 introducing Jenna,
the new Nurse Practitioner (you want patients to begin booking
appointments with her to alleviate the heavy scheduling with the
doctors). Be sure to 1) add Enclosure at the bottom of your letter as a
reminder to enclose the flyer; 2) showcase the new mobile app that
patients can download to their mobile devices to schedule appointments,
access their records, and other features; and 3) highlight the benefits of
being a patient of Physicians United. Complete SIMnet Word Lessons 1-4
and download your Handout Letter located under Content in your class
shell before writing your letter.
4. Write a one-page memo using Word 2016 to be sent in-house to the
doctors and all of your co-workers to get their feedback on what patients
are saying about the new mobile app you had created for patients to use
to schedule appointments, check records, and other features. You want
positive and negative feedback so you can make adjustments to the
mobile app if needed. Complete SIMnet Word Lessons 1-4 and download
your Handout Memo located under Content in your class shell before
writing your memo.
Business Project Background: Background and information you will need to
complete your Business Project:
Who You Are Employed by:
Physicians United of Ormond Beach
1234 Hospital Drive
Ormond Beach, Florida 32174
Telephone: 386-676-8900
Web address:
ISM 2000 – Business Project Guideline
Background. Doctors Fred Smith and Julia Caring founded Physicians United of Ormond
Beach in 2000 after they completed their residencies in Tennessee. Dr. Smith specializes in
Family Practice while Dr. Caring specializes in Internal Medicine.
Over the years the practice has focused on a target market of treating families. You have
been an integral part of the organization since you started as an office assistant five years
ago. You worked there as you completed your AS degree at Daytona State College. Shortly
after your graduation, the current office manager moved and the Doctors promoted you to
Office Manager and then to Business Manager!
Recently, you had a meeting with Drs. Smith and Caring regarding the demands of their
growing medical practice and the technological changes taking place in physician’s offices
across the country. As the practice’s manager the physicians delegated to you the task of
identifying potential mobile apps along with managing the transition to mobile technology by
scheduling the rollout.
Meanwhile, you just completed the project of hiring of a nurse practitioner who would bring
a wealth of experience and knowledge to the practice. Physicians United was especially
looking for a professional with exceptional patient care service and bed-side manner. The
team selected Jenna Thomas, ARNP.
Jenna Thomas has been a NP for the last 7 years and was a RN for 15 years prior to seeking
her ARNP (Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner) degree. After receiving her ARNP
license, Jenna worked as a NP for an Emergency Room and then as a NP for Internal
Medicine Group both in Atlanta, Georgia. During her 15 years as a RN, Jenna worked in the
ICU, the ER, Geriatric Care, and Pediatrics. She would bring a wealth of experience and
knowledge to Physicians United.
As the Business Manager, you were involved with the hiring of the new Nurse Practitioner
and will be heavily involved with her orientation to the practice and her introduction to the
patients. Like many business managers, you always have several projects to manage at the
same time. Thankfully, you learned organizational skills as a DSC student juggling your
many class projects and assignments.
NOTE: For technical problems with the Business Project: you may contact our Technical Support
person Michelle Balfour in our Business Lab 386-506-3643. Please see her schedule posted in the
discussion area. (She cannot help with content problems.)
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Additional Information needed to complete the projects and items to
The Health Fair Presentation (50 pts) information:
(Look under the Content tab for the HANDOUTS and review all materials; complete SIMNet
PowerPoint Lessons.)
1. As a Business Manager you rely heavily on Internet research to complete your job
duties. For your presentation you search for articles on for how to construct a
professional looking presentation. You jot down notes on what to do and not do. For
example, you realize while animation is fun to do, it may take away from the
professionalism you desire. You remember you need to write from the point of view of
the reader and make a note to only include the information the heath fair participants
would find interesting and helpful. You add to your project goals that you want to
portray the organization in the most positive light and at the same time be truthful and
follow the medical field’s code of conduct in what you do.
You decide to sharpen your PowerPoint skills: You complete the PowerPoint SIMNet
Lessons 1-4 and you pay very close attention to make sure to learn the skills you will
need to create your presentation. While working in SIMNet, you look at the different
fonts, layouts, styles and themes available and especially how to insert graphics and
photos. You make a note to start collecting good medical graphics and photos and save
them to your desktop.
2. You also conducted research on the types of features medical apps can provide patients
about their medical information. You find one in particular that shows all their
appointments, has appointment reminders and keeps basic medical information like an
individual’s prescriptions with a button to renew them. You keep of a list of the features
from the different apps you found and place them in an appropriately marked folder.
3. Then you review your research on how a nurse practitioner can be of help to physician
practices. You know the Physicians United’s reason for hiring Jenna was to reduce
waiting room times and allow more patients can be seen in a day. You realize less
patients will need to go to Emergency rooms if Nurse Thomas can do some of the routine
appointments the doctors are doing now. You research all of the benefits of having a
nurse practitioner and jot down the ones that should go into your presentation. You also
think about including bios for the doctors and nurses too in the presentation. And
wonder what else you should include about the practice? As you research, you locate
articles on patient satisfaction surveys to see what attributes your practice provides that
are important to people seeking a primary family-care physician practice.
ISM 2000 – Business Project Guideline
Create your PowerPoint. You feel you’ve done enough research and are ready to build your
PowerPoint. The Kiosks at the health fair will give you up to 15 minutes to display your
presentation. You remember from your ISM class your Instructor said you should figure an
average of a minute a slide and should use lots of photos to make your point instead of a lot of
crowded words.
And you remember, your instructor said if you have a citation slide at the end it gives your
words more credibility. You are glad you printed out those customer satisfaction pages and
other research you conducted so you can cite them. This is your first ‘real world‘ presentation
and you want to establish your professionalism within the local medical community.
The MEMO, LETTER and FLYER (50 pts each=150 points total):
(Look under the Content tab for the HANDOUTS Letter, Memo and Flyer; complete SIMNet Word
Create the FLYER. First, a goal of the flyer is to be able to hand out at health fairs and put in
mailings to the patients. You probably will have some placed in the waiting room too!
As you are considering the layout of the flyer, you think about flyers that you have seen in the
past. Remembering the elements that captured your attention and the elements that made you
ignore reading the flyer. You make a quick list of the do’s and don’ts. On the do’s are include
photos, on the don’t is to use too many words.
After the flyer you need to create a LETTER for the current patients telling them about the
addition of Jenna Thomas to the staff at Physicians United. You decide your goals for the letter
should be to
1) introduce Jenna and encourage patients to take advantage of the expertise Jenna
brings to the practice,
2) list the benefits such as shorter wait times for routine services, and the practice’s
ability to see more patients on short notice when they are sick instead of going to the
emergency room,
4) showcase the benefits of using the new mobile app.
NOTE: For technical problems with the Business Project: you may contact our Technical Support
person Michelle Balfour in our Business Lab 386-506-3643. Please see her schedule posted in the
discussion area. (She cannot help with content problems.)
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While you want your letter to be persuasive, you know it still must remain professional. Use
bullets, lists, or tables; be succinct, thank them for being loyal patients. Add Enclosure to the
bottom of the letter-see Handout Letter.
While you think about opening lines, you find the company letterhead and save it as a MS
Office 2016 document. You think you will create the letter so can easily convert it into a mail
merge in the future. you review the basic format of the block letter and put that in along with a
signature line from the doctors. You remember you have to write this from the patients point of
view don’t want them throwing out this letter as junk mail! Yes, you need to get their attention
without sounding like spam.
In the closing you will have to do the ‘call to action’ to get them to book an appointment with
Jenna. You think you will enclose the flyer about the app as they can schedule an appointment
to see her by using their phone or app. Proofread for errors or typos.
Create a MEMO to the Doctors and Staff seeking their feedback, and the feedback from their
patients, about the mobile patient medical app. Now that the app is live you want to make sure
they provide you with feedback of their experiences using it, including what the patients are
saying. Secondly, another goal of the memo is to see if there is any feedback they can give you
on successful ways they’ve encouragde patients to use the app. All of this needs to go into the
memo. You think bullet points will help in listing what feedback you would like them to give
You refer to the MEMO samples you have from the ISM class (under HANDOUT module) and
make notes about the format and content. Now that you are the Business Manager you think
you will create a MEMO template to save you time later. You think spending some time now
will save lots of time later. You saw how the doctors seemed to want something NOW from the
last business manager! You smile – bring it on! I’m prepared. Template done; you get to work
writing your Intro, Body and Conclusion for the memo. You save your first rough draft to review
tomorrow looking for typos, spelling and grammatical errors. You decide you will show it to
another staff member – two sets are eyes are even better. You really want to make a good
impression in your new position.
Additional Resources:
Creating a marketing flyer:
Writing Effective Flyers:
ISM 2000 – Business Project Guideline
Be sure to go over your To Do checking off all items to verify that you have
completed all assignments on your list.
Check off each item completed. Be sure to check that each item (file) includes
ALL the information the doctors wanted you to include and nothing is
overlooked before submitting!
Presentation (50 pts)
Flyer (50 pts)
Letter (50 pts)
Memo (50 pts)
NOTE: For technical problems with the Business Project: you may contact our Technical Support
person Michelle Balfour in our Business Lab 386-506-3643. Please see her schedule posted in the
discussion area. (She cannot help with content problems.)
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Insert your
letterhead here
1234 Hospital Road
Port Orange, Florida 32129
Telephone: 386-676-3300
Fax: 386-676-9000
November 18, 2017
Ms. Jane Doe
1234 Pleasant St.
Daytona Beach, FL 32114
Dear Ms. Doe,
This letter is done in block format. Notice you can put the company name and address in the header.
You can also make use of the footer. Every letter is dated and contains the name and address of the
person to whom you are sending it. Sometimes you have a title for the person and you should include it
too. Certain titles have forms of address. For example, a Judge would be called Your Honor. You can
google forms of address when you aren’t sure how to address someone with a title. Just like your
MEMO, a letter will start with an introduction, have a body and a conclusion. Notice how you will align
everything (except bullets) along the left margin. There is no indenting of paragraphs.
Think about the letters you have enjoyed reading and the ones you haven’t. What is it you like about
them? What makes you read something? In business, we write to be understood. We usually have a
message we want to get across, like our product is on sale or a new location. Or we have an action we
would like someone to take, like buy our product or join our team. We use the “you focus” and write
from the readers’ point of view. Successful business communication does NOT use my point of view.
Letters can use bullet points:
• We assume our readers are busy people and provide information in an easy to use format.
• Letters often have enclosures.
• You can include flyers, brochures, resumes and relevant handouts.
One page letters and limiting the letter topic to one to two items is best. Your concluding paragraph
should ask for an action on the reader’s part or summarize the key points if it is informational in nature.
You should take the initiative in following up rather than putting the follow up in the reader’s hands.
Stay away from statements like: I look forward to hearing from you. Instead say something like: I look
forward to meeting you and will call your office next week to set up a meeting. Also, saying a thank you
for their time to read the informational letter is considered very professional.
Sincerely, (Best Regards)
or /s/ (symbol for signature)
Name, with title
Web address:
(This is your header)
ISM 2000 Student
ISM 2000 Instructors
August 1, 2017
How to write a memo- Without a YOU Focus (not the way to write a memo)
There are several parts to a memo. In any business writing there will always be an introduction, body
and conclusion. The memo has a format that distinguishes it from other documents. The MEMO should
be clear and concise, as well as, using an active voice and ‘you focus’. This introduction just introduced
what is included in this memo.
This is the body and it provides details. The body often uses bullet points to be concise and draws
attention to important ideas. A MEMO has:
Header (company logo),
Subject, and
Footer (optional)
The TO:, FROM:, DATE:, SUBJECT: are all in upper case followed by a colon. They are doubled space and
are tabbed so the words line up. Often in the header will be an organization logo and /or an address line
using a non-default font. Sometimes the initials of the author of the memo are found next to the FROM
line. Often memos are used as attachments to emails.
This memo does not use the ‘you focus’. There is another sample memo that shows this memo written
in a “you focus” tone that starts below this memo on page 2. A memo should not be longer than one
page in length and the body may have more than one paragraph. It should also be written in a
professional manner using correct spelling, punctuation and grammar. Rules of capitalization should be
This conclusion will summarize the key points of the memo and / or ask for action on the part of the
reader. A memo will have a set format, is concise, and uses the introduction, body and conclusion
structure. After reading both memos, write the required memo for the ISM 2000 Word assignment and
submit it to the appropriate folder by the date in the class calendar. (NOTE: Please continue to the next
page and read that sample memo.)
(This is your footer- it is a good place to put the name of the file for record keeping purposes)
(This is your header)
ISM 2000 Students
ISM 2000 Instructors
August 1, 2017
How to write a memo- With a YOU Focus (focus on the reader-this is how you write a
memo-see examples of the use of YOU highlighted in this memo)
There are several parts to a memo. You will find in good business writing there will always be an
introduction, body and conclusion; this is the introduction. Your graded memo will use this format that
distinguishes it from your letter, flyer and other course documents. Your MEMO should be clear and
brief, use an active voice and ‘you focus’. In …
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