Expert answer:How movies, and songs impact the society

Solved by verified expert:this s a research paper that i want to be SIX PAGES long double space. i will provide you with annotated bibliography ” sources” and you at least use 6 out of them the topic is “How movies, and songs impact and change the community’s perspective of race, sexuality, and war”-6 pages -6 sources-no sources in the introduction/ conclusion-work cited pagenote** not all of the sources in the annotated bibliography are scholarly researches. thus, i would like to use only scholarly researches from a database, and if there is not enough in the annotated bibliography you can get scholarly sources out of the annotated. i want you to connect the sources together and then at the end tells why this topic is important.if you need any explanation you can ask


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Elyass Bin Alsheikh
Instructor: Hailey Foglio
Annotated bibliography
Engl 102-011
How movies, and songs impact and change the community’s perspective of race,
sexuality, and war.
People usually do not pay so much attention to how their cultures and
traditions change, or to what things that have the ability to change their
perspectives. The media influences the perspective of individuals in the society towards
race, sexuality, and war. Moreover, Society’s perspectives change overtime because of
many factors that occur around. It can be any major situation such as, wars, civil
revelation, or through movies which are very powerful medium. The powerfulness
of movies is in the wide range that it can reach. It can reach all different places, ages,
and generations. In addition, movies have a major impact on how people view
aspects in the society. Viewing and reading such materials often have an influence
on the people involved.
Craig, D. R. (2014). Coming out of the Television: LGBT-themed Made-forTelevision Movies as Critical Media Pedagogy.
This article was written by David Craig explaining how Critical Media
Instructors are used to addressing the social issues faced by the community.
Furthermore, The author is a doctor of philosophy in education. The article
emphasizes on how the television in the past had ignored LGBT concerns. Some of the
issues the media was to address were coming out, gays in the military and hate crimes
towards LGBT individuals. David Randolph Craig has experience in teaching and
production. The media producers and writers used critical entertainment to educate
audiences and advocate on behalf of the LGBT community. This information will help
me in developing my research with the perfect examples offered.
Perse, E. M., & Lambe, J. (2016). Media effects and society. Routledge.
This article by Elizabeth Perse and Jennifer Lambe explains the addictive
effects of the media exposure on individuals and the society. Some movie producers
integrate characters that are stereotypes. This results in some films useed certain
religions, or ethnicities to symbolize stuff. Thus, the media is the sole agent for change
in the society. It influences the public opinion on various aspects. Through the media,
celebrities and advertisements on products have an impact on the livelihood of the
younger generations. This article was published in 2016 on Third Avenue in New
Herd, D. (2015). Conflicting paradigms on gender and sexuality in rap music: A
systematic review. Sexuality & Culture, 19(3), 577-589.
This source by Herd was published in 2015. The article explains how songs
precisely rap has a significant effect on the American audience. The lyrics in the songs
shape the youth’s beliefs and attitudes towards sexuality. The lyrical content has
control over the sexuality and gender rap in music. The author, therefore, tries to
analyze the gender and sexuality issues faced by the youth as a result of rap music.
Musical genres have brought about change in the sexual and gender relationships
among most youth in America. It also illustrates the conflicting paradigms of sexuality
challenges in rap songs.
Feagin, J., & Elias, S. (2013). Rethinking racial formation theory: a systemic
racism critique. Ethnic and Racial Studies.
This article by Feagin and Elias was also accepted on 22nd February 2012 and
published online on 23rd April 2012. The source explores the mainstream ethnicity
theories. Some of the contents streamed online emphasize on racism as a white issue.
This has brought racial conflicts between people of different ethnic groups. The media
has changed the perception of the society. Most black individuals view white people
as racist. This is due to the racial theories being streamed online regarding the white
Coyne, S. M., & Padilla-Walker, L. M. (2015). Sex, violence, & rock n’roll:
Longitudinal effects of music on aggression, sex, and prosocial behavior during
adolescence. Journal of adolescence, 41, 96-104.
This article by Sarah Coyne and Padilla-Walker was published in 2015. It
explains the influence of music on aggression and sexual behaviors. The source
explains how continuous exposure of music with sexual attributes has resulted in
individuals having multiple sexual partners. The article explores the longitudinal
effects music has on adolescents. When they listen to sexual contents in music they
practice sexual behaviors at the teenage level. Some music also portrays aggressive
images on the televisions. This influences the general behavior of the youth who apply
such act in their lives. This source was accepted on the March of 2015 before it’s
publishing date.
Elbih, R. (2015). Teaching about Islam and Muslims While Countering Cultural
Misrepresentations. The Social Studies, 106(3), 112-116.
The article by Elbih explains how the media contributes to some myths
regarding terrorism. It was published online on 22nd April 2015. The source shows
how the media has influenced the public on misinterpretation about terrorism. The
community mainly views the Islam religion associated with terror acts in the world.
However, this is not the case as terrorists may belong to any religious group.
Furthermore, there are ways to overcome these challenges explored in this source.
Thus, this will help to inform how to think critically in complex stereotype situations,
and the article focuses on the negative representations of the Muslim community.
Croteau, D., & Hoynes, W. (2013). Media/society: Industries, images, and
audiences. Sage Publications.
This book by Croteau David and Hoynes was printed in the United States of
America. It was also published on 2013 by SAGE publications. It explains how the
media regulates its content to avoid stereotyping among the public. The internet
browsers are exposed to all issues regarding sexuality racism and terrorism.
Therefore, a certain level of neutrality should be maintained to avoid the users from
negative exposure. The adventure film of Vietnam explores the war faced by the army
in the past. The media explains the hardships that the fighters had to endure in the
The Danish girl
This movie explores the concepts of gender and cultural expectations. It
explores the tale of love and revolutionary behavior. However, the society has a
negative idea regarding the LGBT community and discriminates against their love. On
the other hand, the movie had an impact on how the LGBT people behaved concerning
their sexuality. Also, some felt the need to come out while others continued to hide
their identities. This movie was directed by Tom Hooper. The Movies explains the
challenges faced when a transgender individual wanted to change their gender status.
Pretty Woman
This is a 1990 film starring Julia Roberts. Its main theme is prostitution. The
society has a negative attitude towards commercial workers. They perceive it be
immoral and unethical. It also emphasizes on stereotyping regarding drug addiction.
The sex work in this movie influenced some of the viewers. Others felt that sex
workers were immoral as a result of the prostitution in the film. The issues addressed
are relevant and they help me in deciding on the side that I should support with
relevance to the topic. Such information will also be vital in my research in increasing
the relevance of the information on gender bias.
Cundiff, Gretchen. “The Influence of Rap and Hip-Hop Music: An Analysis on
Audience Perceptions of Misogynistic Lyrics.” Elon Journal of
Undergraduate Research in Communications. (2013)
This article by Gretchen Cundiff, examines on how college students perceive and
react to the portrayal of females when exposed to rap in Hip-Hop music. The article is
based on analyzing the lyrical, and emotional contents of Hip-Hop and rap songs and
how it affects college students on their perception towards sexuality. Different song lyrics
are classified into various categories which physical violence, sexual assault, and sexual
conquest. This study also examines the culture of hip-hop songs and how its contents
influence the audience’s attitude toward sexuality and intimate partner violence. Also, this
article incorporates the assumption in relation to how audiences become affected to
media violence after being exposed to hip-hop songs. The article was published in 2013.
Kulaszewicz, Kassia E. “Racism and the Media: A Textual Analysis”. Master of
Social Work Clinical Research Papers (2015).
This is a research paper by MSW in St. Paul, Minnesota. The paper provides an
analysis of racism and the media. Also, this research paper incorporates an understanding
of the Learning theory to help the explanation on how the media content affects our
beliefs. In addition, it examines the type of information that media presents to the
audience and how it affects our beliefs, attitude, emotions and behavior towards other
ethnic groups in the society. The media through its songs and movies, they influence the
majority of individuals in the society in one way or another.
Work cited.
Last name, First name. “Title of article.” Title of publication volume.issue (publication year): page
numbers. Name of database. Date of access. File type.
Cundiff, Gretchen. “The Influence of Rap and Hip-Hop Music: An Analysis on Audience
Perceptions of Misogynistic Lyrics.” Elon Journal of Undergraduate Research in
Communications. (2013). Accessed 29 October 2017.
Croteau, Daived. Hoynes, Williams.” Media/society: Industries, images, and
audiences”. SAGE. 2014.
David Randolph, Craig. “Coming out of the Television: LGBT-themed Made-forTelevision Movies as Critical Media Pedagogy”. 2014. eScholarship USLA.
Accessed 28 2017.
Elbih, Randa.” Teaching about Islam and Muslims While Countering Cultural
Misrepresentations”. The Social Studies. 2015. Routledge Taylor and Francis
group. Accessed 28 October 2017.
Feagin, Joe. Elias, Sean. “Rethinking racial formation theory: a systemic racism
critique”. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 2012. Research gate. Accessed 27
October 2017.
Herd, Denise. “Conflicting Paradigms on Gender and Sexuality in Rap Music: A
Systematic Review”. Sexuality and culture. 2015. Springer link. Accessed 27
October 2017.
Kulaszewicz, Kassia E. “Racism and the Media: A Textual Analysis”. Master of Social
Work Clinical Research Papers. (2015). Accessed 30 October 2017.
Lambes, J. M. Perse, Elizabeth. “Media Effects and Society”. 2017. Routledge Taylor
and Francis group. Accessed 27 October 2017.
Pretty Woman. Marshall, Garry. 1990.
Schulzke, Marcus B. “Schmitt’s Telluric Partisan in American Entertainment Media:
Fantasies of Resistance and Territorial Defense”. 2017. The university of
NewYork. Accessed 27 October 2017. Journal.
The Danish girl. Hooper, Tom. 2015
Walker, Padilla. Coyne. “Sex, violence, & rock n’ roll: Longitudinal effects of music on
aggression, sex, and prosocial behavior during adolescence”. Adolescence,
2015. NCBI. Accessed 28 October 2017.
Engl 102-011
How movies, and songs impact and change the community’s perspective of race,
sexuality, and war.
People usually do not pay so much attention to how their cultures and
traditions change, or to what things that have the ability to change their
perspectives. The media influences the perspective of individuals in the society towards
race, sexuality, and war. Moreover, Society’s perspectives change overtime because of
many factors that occur around. It can be any major situation such as, wars, civil
revelation, or through movies which are very powerful medium. The powerfulness
of movies is in the wide range that it can reach. It can reach all different places, ages,
and generations. In addition, movies have a major impact on how people view
aspects in the society. Viewing and reading such materials often have an influence
on the people involved.
Craig, D. R. (2014). Coming out of the Television: LGBT-themed Made-forTelevision Movies as Critical Media Pedagogy.
This article was written by David Craig explaining how Critical Media
Instructors are used to addressing the social issues faced by the community.
Furthermore, The author is a doctor of philosophy in education. The article
emphasizes on how the television in the past had ignored LGBT concerns. Some of the
issues the media was to address were coming out, gays in the military and hate crimes
towards LGBT individuals. David Randolph Craig has experience in teaching and
production. The media producers and writers used critical entertainment to educate
audiences and advocate on behalf of the LGBT community. This information will help
me in developing my research with the perfect examples offered.
Perse, E. M., & Lambe, J. (2016). Media effects and society. Routledge.
This article by Elizabeth Perse and Jennifer Lambe explains the addictive
effects of the media exposure on individuals and the society. Some movie producers
integrate characters that are stereotypes. This results in some films useed certain
religions, or ethnicities to symbolize stuff. Thus, the media is the sole agent for change
in the society. It influences the public opinion on various aspects. Through the media,
celebrities and advertisements on products have an impact on the livelihood of the
younger generations. This article was published in 2016 on Third Avenue in New
Herd, D. (2015). Conflicting paradigms on gender and sexuality in rap music: A
systematic review. Sexuality & Culture, 19(3), 577-589.
This source by Herd was published in 2015. The article explains how songs
precisely rap has a significant effect on the American audience. The lyrics in the songs
shape the youth’s beliefs and attitudes towards sexuality. The lyrical content has
control over the sexuality and gender rap in music. The author, therefore, tries to
analyze the gender and sexuality issues faced by the youth as a result of rap music.
Musical genres have brought about change in the sexual and gender relationships
among most youth in America. It also illustrates the conflicting paradigms of sexuality
challenges in rap songs.
Feagin, J., & Elias, S. (2013). Rethinking racial formation theory: a systemic
racism critique. Ethnic and Racial Studies.
This article by Feagin and Elias was also accepted on 22nd February 2012 and
published online on 23rd April 2012. The source explores the mainstream ethnicity
theories. Some of the contents streamed online emphasize on racism as a white issue.
This has brought racial conflicts between people of different ethnic groups. The media
has changed the perception of the society. Most black individuals view white people
as racist. This is due to the racial theories being streamed online regarding the white
Coyne, S. M., & Padilla-Walker, L. M. (2015). Sex, violence, & rock n’roll:
Longitudinal effects of music on aggression, sex, and prosocial behavior during
adolescence. Journal of adolescence, 41, 96-104.
This article by Sarah Coyne and Padilla-Walker was published in 2015. It
explains the influence of music on aggression and sexual behaviors. The source
explains how continuous exposure of music with sexual attributes has resulted in
individuals having multiple sexual partners. The article explores the longitudinal
effects music has on adolescents. When they listen to sexual contents in music they
practice sexual behaviors at the teenage level. Some music also portrays aggressive
images on the televisions. This influences the general behavior of the youth who apply
such act in their lives. This source was accepted on the March of 2015 before it’s
publishing date.
Elbih, R. (2015). Teaching about Islam and Muslims While Countering Cultural
Misrepresentations. The Social Studies, 106(3), 112-116.
The article by Elbih explains how the media contributes to some myths
regarding terrorism. It was published online on 22nd April 2015. The source shows
how the media has influenced the public on misinterpretation about terrorism. The
community mainly views the Islam religion associated with terror acts in the world.
However, this is not the case as terrorists may belong to any religious group.
Furthermore, there are ways to overcome these challenges explored in this source.
Thus, this will help to inform how to think critically in complex stereotype situations,
and the article focuses on the negative representations of the Muslim community.
Croteau, D., & Hoynes, W. (2013). Media/society: Industries, images, and
audiences. Sage Publications.
This book by Croteau David and Hoynes was printed in the United States of
America. It was also published on 2013 by SAGE publications. It explains how the
media regulates its content to avoid stereotyping among the public. The internet
browsers are exposed to all issues regarding sexuality racism and terrorism.
Therefore, a certain level of neutrality should be maintained to avoid the users from
negative exposure. The adventure film of Vietnam explores the war faced by the army
in the past. The media explains the hardships that the fighters had to endure in the
The Danish girl
This movie explores the concepts of gender and cultural expectations. It
explores the tale of love and revolutionary behavior. However, the society has a
negative idea regarding the LGBT community and discriminates against their love. On
the other hand, the movie had an impact on how the LGBT people behaved concerning
their sexuality. Also, some felt the need to come out while others continued to hide
their identities. This movie was directed by Tom Hooper. The Movies explains the
challenges faced when a transgender individual wanted to change their gender status.
Pretty Woman
This is a 1990 film starring Julia Roberts. Its main theme is prostitution. The
society has a negative attitude towards commercial workers. They perceive it be
immoral and unethical. It also emphasizes on stereotyping regarding drug addiction.
The sex work in this movie influenced some of the viewers. Others felt that sex
workers were immoral as a result of the prostitution in the film. The issues addressed
are relevant and they help me in deciding on the side that I should support with
relevance to the topic. Such information will also be vital in my research in increasing
the relevance of the information on gender bias.
Cundiff, Gretchen. “The Influence of Rap and Hip-Hop Music: An Analysis on
Audience Perceptions of Misogynistic Lyrics.” Elon Journal of
Undergraduate Research in Communications. (2013)
This article by Gretchen Cundiff, examines on how college students perceive and
react to the portrayal of females when exposed to rap in Hip-Hop music. The article is
based on analyzing the lyrical, and emotional contents of Hip-Hop and rap songs and
how it affects college students on their perception towards sexuality. Different song lyrics
are classified into various categories which physical violence, sexual assault, and sexual
conquest. This study also examines the culture of hip-hop songs and how its contents
influence the audience’s attitude toward sexuality and intimate partner violence. Also, this
article incorporates the assumption in relation to how audiences become affected to
media violence after being exposed to hip-hop songs. The article was published in 2013.
Kulaszewicz, Kassia E. “Racism and the Media: A Textual Analysis”. Master of
Social Work Clinical Research Papers (2015).
This is a research paper by MSW in St. Paul, Minnesota. The paper provides an
analysis of racism and the media. Also, this research paper incorporates an understanding
of the Learning theory to help the explanation on how the media content affects our
beliefs. In addition, it examines the type of information that media presents to the
audience and how it affects our beliefs, attitude, emotions and behavior towards other
ethnic groups in the society. The media through its songs and movies, they influence the
majority of individuals in the society in one way or anoth …
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