Solved by verified expert:i already have done my essay draft, i just need to be corrected and well set up.directions are in the files
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Checklist for Essays – Abbreviated
Use this version for pasting at the bottom of your essays.
My paper has 1” margins.
My paper is double-spaced throughout. (There are no extra line spaces between paragraphs.)
My paper includes a correct MLA heading.
My paper is written in Times New Roman 12-point font.
Each page includes my last name a space and the page number in the header at the upper right
hand corner of each page.
When required, my paper includes a correctly formatted Works Cited page.
Authors are referred to by their full, correctly spelled names the first time.
Authors are referred to by their correctly spelled last names, thereafter.
If introduced, an author’s profession or area of expertise is stated.
Titles of authors’ works are stated and correctly punctuated/capitalized.
Unnecessary words are eliminated when introducing authors and their works.
The titles of shorter works (essays, short videos, poems, chapters in books) are placed in
quotation marks (i.e., “Plate Tectonics”). The first letter of each key word in the title is
The titles of longer works (books, journal titles, full-length films) are italicized (i.e.., Anatomy).
The first letter of each key word in the title is capitalized.
This text is written to an academic audience outside of this class. The text does not assume that
my audience has read the same things I have and essay fully explains key concepts and provides
Throughout the essay, statements are made that reflect my judgment based on my interpretation
of evidence and my reasoning. They are not based on personal belief and opinion.
My statements demonstrate that I have arrived at conclusions that I am committed to,
recognizing that my audience wants to read works by authors who take clear stands and support
I use the present tense throughout the essay when referring to source texts, unless the source
refers to something that actually happened in history or is expected to happen in the future.
I use rhetorically accurate verbs (e.g., argue, assert, claim, examine, explain, identify) to
characterize the statements I and other authors make.
I don’t use “says” or “mentions.”
I don’t use “I believe” or “In my opinion.” Instead, I refer to my “judgments” based on evidence
sound reasoning.
A citation follows every paraphrase, summary, or direct quotation.
Each citation is placed at the end of a sentence.
Each citation is placed in parentheses. EXAMPLE: (Chan 7).
Generally, in-text citations are formatted, as follows: (AuthorLastName Page#).
I’ve used the In-Text Citation Cheat Sheet or other authoritative source for preparing my in-text
Periods are placed AFTER the closing parenthesis of each citation, not after the sentence.
There are no commas or other punctuation between the author and the page number in the basic
(Author #) in-text citation.
Every direct quotation is surrounded by quotation marks and accurately/exactly records the
words from its source text.
Every quotation is introduced (or ends with) a signal phrase.
Every quotation is explained in my own words.
Quotations are not placed at the very beginning or end of a paragraph.
Quotations flow grammatically with the rest of the text.
Omitted words are shown using ellipses (but these are only used in the middle of a quotation). I
do not use ellipses at the beginnings or ends of quotation when omitting words.
‘Single quotation marks’ are used when a title or quote is placed inside of “double quotation
I have checked my work and corrected awkward phrasing, wordiness, grammar errors, and
incorrect words (often typos).
I have read my work aloud to catch additional awkward phrasing, wordiness, grammar errors,
and incorrect words (often typos).
I have placed periods and commas inside of quotation marks when they are directly next to each
other. (Remember that sentences with in-text citations have no periods or commas until after the
in-text citation.)
I have eliminated “etc.” and replaced it with “for example” or “including.”
I don’t use the pronoun “you” in this paper.
I don’t make unnecessary shifts between first-, second-, and third-person pronouns in my
sentences and paragraphs. Students often shift wildly from we, you, it, they when talking about
the same thing or when it’s unnecessary, creating confusion.
I have corrected shifts in verb tense (e.g., past, present, future, conditional).
I have checked my sentences for singular/plural agreement and corrected any errors.
I’ve addressed all aspects of the prompt.
Submit the final revision of your 4-5 page essay that fulfills the prompt, has been MLA formatted/cited,
and revised to ensure that all checklist items have been addressed.
Review the assignment sheet carefully before you begin developing your draft.
Develop and defend a strong and focused main claim. The assignment sheet includes many questions
and suggestions to help you think about this, as does the handout, “Developing Claims.”
Include at least ONE direct quotation and ONE paraphrase from different provided sources in each body
paragraph of the essay.
Include a counterargument from an actual source and rebut it.
Include your own experience with the topic you’ve selected.
Note: A Works Cited list is only required if you’ve used sources I haven’t provided. Outside sources are
not required.
Final Submission:
Attach a Word file (preferable) or PDF file that is properly MLA formatted
Paste the completed abbreviated checklist at the bottom of your essay or attach it as a separate
document. The abbreviated version is more succinct and doesn’t include the explanation the full version
Check off each item after carefully addressing each.
Note that all final essays will be submitted to SafeAssign, the college’s plagiarism detection tool.
5-10 point deduction if Checklist items haven’t been checked off and completed.
5 point deduction for consistent MLA in-text citation and paper formatting issues. You are required to use
a resource to ensure your in-text citations are accurate.
5-10 point deduction for not meeting the minimum page count. The minimum page number must include
text to the bottom of the page.
False Connection of the Social Media
The advancement of technology has led to many significant advantages. The
widespread popularity of the applications and networks of the social has led to the negative
and positive experiences for the society. This has been caused by the transformation of the
previous technology into a surrounding social media. The sites of the social media can
complicate the differentiation of a relationship in which that is meaningful which is made in
the real world and the several casual links that are developed through the social media.
Through paying much attention and giving a lot of our time to the multiple less valuable
relationships that we make over the social media, we increase the threat to our real-world
relationships and the social skills (Turkle 7). They are in turn negatively affected. However,
there are notable benefits that can be obtained through having a friend list that we are aware
of comfortable with. The uncontrolled use of social media can have real problems on the
social feature of humans if the social is used in replacing the instead of enhancing, increasing
the false senses of connection, the creation of negative emotions and responses to the type of
communications on the Internet and psychologically changing approach of relationships by
humans. This essay illustrates that the use of social media can have significant negative
impacts on the real world human interactions.
The social has become an area where the creation of connections in the real world is
being replaced. However, there is nothing that is wrong with this mentality at all. The
technology has made a majority of the people to prefer using social media such as texting for
conversations instead of a face-to-face talk their friends consistently. This can suggest some
changes that have been taking place in the life of people. For instance, we can say that people
no longer consider direct communication through which they can talk and pass their message
across, especially among the teenagers who are most affected this technology. Secondly, it
can imply that people are not putting much effort and importance to the face to face
communication as it once was. People are sacrificing the understanding and the experiences
of the interactions of the real world that are significant for our lives and advancements just
for connections and relationships that are based on social media. The interactions are not real
but superficial. The connections are not more than surface deep (Levy n.p). For many of the
users of the social media, the connections have become sufficient and have replaced the face
to face interaction. One of the causes of this that they are easier to establish and one can
always control anything before they post it send it because they have enough time to think
and can edit or delete if necessary before they post it.
However, this action has serious consequences for the users since they will be limiting
their potential for future social development. Moreover, the people who use the social media
prefer because the friendships and the relationships do not demand the conditions that a realworld friendship would require. This is achieved by the design of social networks to social
robots and other technologies that provide the illusion of companionship. Although humans
are social creatures and look for compassion throughout their lives, a text is not the same as
saying the same thing directly and face to face to another person. The amount of emotional
attachment that is provoked by such a text message is not the same as when a person could
have said it directly to his or her friend. This is one of the primary reasons that make the
social media insufficient to achieve so many things that the direct communication can
achieve. Hence, face to face communication is so vital in the lives interactions of human
beings. Besides, this type of communication does not allow features such as the maintaining
of eye contact and the making of gestures or touch.
The real world connection is especially important for the young adults and the
teenagers who are most by these technologies. This is the bedrock of their development. The
communication in the real would allow people to understand each other well and gives them
a chance to get to know each other fundamentally. The social media and other types of social
interactions do not offer the same level of connectedness. This then causes the false
connection that people experience with its so many problems. Therefore, social media can
have catastrophic effects on our psychology if the real interactions instead of being enhanced
are replaced.
Furthermore, the use of the social media is affecting the way the users not only in
their social actions but also how they social feel. The connection from the online media
evokes sensational emotions and satisfaction since individuals get interaction get satisfaction
from their social activities (Ethan and Verduyn 56). However, instead of emotional
satisfaction as is expected, the people who use the social media sites become not only anxious
but also emotionally deprived. In fact, the use of the social media exacerbates negative
emotions. This implies that people will have to re-establish the control that they have on
technology and their use of the social media instead of allowing themselves to be under their
control. Another implication of this is that the social media cannot be used for replacing the
real world connections. Although the interactions may seem to be sufficient, some social
needs cannot be satisfied no matter how much we indulge in the digital technologies and the
social media. Face to face interaction is no longer the number one method of interaction. The
young those born in the 90s. They have been raised in the social media and technology. Thus
they cannot be got from the social media controlled life.
Despite all the disadvantages and the false connection created by the social media
amongst its user, there are other benefits (Stout 67). For instance, it enables the users to be
more socially connected than they would if they were not users of the social media.
Consequently, they can reach a greater audience. Moreover, some people naturally find it
difficult and are unable to build their interactions and relationships in the real world.
Therefore, the use of the social media allows developing social lives and relationships.
Although both the arguments are true, social media can’t and should not be used to replace
the connections of the real world. The use of the social media does not result in psychological
well-being that is experienced in real-world communications, and direct interaction is still
very vital in the affairs of human beings. It is possible to have some balance between the
digital technology and social media use and interactions in the real world. The use of the
social reduces the potential of our emotional satisfaction. It can also have a significant impact
on our social development. The online connections and the social media should be used for
enhancing instead of replacing the real interactions.
The rate at which technology is alarming. Face to face communications are
diminishing each day, and many people are adopting IM messaging and the text messaging.
Billions across the globe are running to the digital technology and other social platforms so
that they can create online connections. As a result of the interest, accessibility and the desire
to use the social media, the direct communication has greatly diminished. People should think
twice before they forego such important form of social makeup. People desire to be engaged
in social life, but very few are ready to go through the tribulations and the trials of the real
world interactions (TEDtalks Director n.p.). However, it is the trials and the tribulations in
the real world interactions that prepare the people for the complexities and adaptation to
different social lives in the future. The social media offers none of this. However, the social
media can be greatly important if it is applied in making the real-life relationships better.
People would prefer to send a text message before they met the person and talked to them
Many prefer interaction with the screen of a mobile device or the laptop screen
instead of interacting among ourselves directly. There is a major in this way of thinking. As
direct relationships and interactions reduce, a false sense of connection emerges. Moreover,
catastrophic psychological adaptations on how people approach the social media and the
negative emotional reactions to the online outlets as a result of the social media have
significant negative impacts on what people develop into.
Works Cited
Kross, Ethan, and Philippe Verduyn. Facebook Use Predicts Declines in Subjective WellBeing in Young Adults. PLoS ONE:. Public Library of Science, 13 Aug. 2013. Web.
27 Apr. 2014.
TEDtalks Director. “Connected, but alone? | Sherry Turkle.” YouTube, YouTube, 3 Apr.
Turkle, Sherry. Alone together: why we expect more from technology and less from each
other. Perseus Books, 2013.
Lanier, Jaron. You are not a gadget. Alfred A. Knopf, 2010.
Levy, Steven. The Great Facebook Reset., Wired Magazine, 2011
Stout, Hilary. Antisocial Networking? The New York Times. The New York Times, 01 May
2010. Web. 27 Apr. 2014.
Checklist for Essays – Abbreviated
Use this version for pasting at the bottom of your essays.
My paper has 1” margins.
My paper is double-spaced throughout. (There are no extra line spaces between paragraphs.)
My paper includes a correct MLA heading.
My paper is written in Times New Roman 12-point font.
Each page includes my last name a space and the page number in the header at the upper right
hand corner of each page.
When required, my paper includes a correctly formatted Works Cited page.
Authors are referred to by their full, correctly spelled names the first time.
Authors are referred to by their correctly spelled last names, thereafter.
If introduced, an author’s profession or area of expertise is stated.
Titles of authors’ works are stated and correctly punctuated/capitalized.
Unnecessary words are eliminated when introducing authors and their works.
The titles of shorter works (essays, short videos, poems, chapters in books) are placed in
quotation marks (i.e., “Plate Tectonics”). The first letter of each key word in the title is
The titles of longer works (books, journal titles, full-length films) are italicized (i.e..,
The first letter of each key word in the title is capitalized.
This text is written to an academic audience outside of this class. The text does not assume
my audience has read the same things I have and essay fully explains key concepts and
Throughout the essay, statements are made that reflect my judgment based on my
of evidence and my reasoning. They are not based on personal belief and opinion.
My statements demonstrate that I have arrived at conclusions that I am committed to,
recognizing that my audience wants to read works by authors who take clear stands and
I use the present tense throughout the essay when referring to source texts, unless the source
refers to something that actually happened in history or is expected to happen in the future.
I use rhetorically accurate verbs (e.g., argue, assert, claim, examine, explain, identify) to
characterize the statements I and other authors make.
I don’t use “says” or “mentions.”
I don’t use “I believe” or “In my opinion.” Instead, I refer to my “judgments” based on
sound reasoning.
A citation follows every paraphrase, summary, or direct quotation.
Each citation is placed at the end of a sentence.
Each citation is placed in parentheses. EXAMPLE: (Chan 7).
Generally, in-text citations are formatted, as follows: (AuthorLastName Page#).
I’ve used the In-Text Citation Cheat Sheet or other authoritative source for preparing my intext
Periods are placed AFTER the closing parenthesis of each citation, not after the sentence.
There are no commas or other punctuation between the author and the page number in the
(Author #) in-text citation.
Every direct quotation is surrounded by quotation marks and accurately/exactly records the
words from its source text.
Every quotation is introduced (or ends with) a signal phrase.
Every quotation is explained in my own words.
Quotations are not placed at the very beginning or end of a paragraph.
Quotations flow grammatically with the rest of the text.
Omitted words are shown using ellipses (but these are only used in the middle of a
quotation). I
do not use ellipses at the beginnings or ends of quotation when omitting words.
‘Single quotation marks’ are used when a title or quote is placed inside of “double quotation
I have checked my work and corrected awkward phrasing, wordiness, grammar errors, and
incorrect words (often typos).
I have read my work aloud to catch additional awkward phrasing, wordiness, grammar errors,
and incorrect words (often typos).
I have placed periods and commas inside of quotation marks when they are directly next to
other. (Remember that sentences with in-text citations have no periods or commas until after
in-text citation.)
I have eliminated “etc.” and replaced it with “for example” or “including.”
I don’t use the pronoun “you” in this paper.
I don’t make unnecessary shifts between first-, second-, and third-person pronou …
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