Solved by verified expert:This powerpoint is based on three milestones and journal stuff I have done. Need it all incorporated by Saturday. Final Rubric And other work added.
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HSE 220 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric
As a human services professional, you will witness many client challenges that, on the surface, seem insurmountable. In your role as an advocate, resource, and
role model, you will be in a position of having to help clients find creative approaches to solving problems. You will also have an ethical responsibility to try to
affect change on a larger scale. For this final project, you will create a slide presentation to raise awareness about a barrier to treatment experienced by many of
your clients. This project will help you to start thinking about client issues at a community and policy level while demonstrating leadership, compassion, and
advocacy to your clients.
In this assignment, you will address the following course outcomes:
Employ socially and culturally sensitive strategies in communications practices for strengthening human services delivery across diverse populations
Apply relevant legal and ethical standards to human services communications in demonstrating professional practice
Employ tools and strategies that articulate issues, deal with conflict, and establish rapport in human services communications
Develop human services communications using multiple modalities appropriate to varied audiences and messaging
You have just finished meeting with your client, Mary, to review her treatment plan and discuss why she has been missing appointments at your agency. Referring
to the state-funded transportation program, Better Transportation Company (BTC), Mary stated, “BTC just don’t show up or I have to wait and sometimes I miss
the appointment.” “Sometimes I have to wait for hours to get a ride back home.” “They even forgot me last week.” “You know, back in my younger days, I would
have picketed the state house and shown them a thing or two!” “I love the drivers though; they are kind, help me with my bags and walker, and are always polite
and respectful.”
Mary has few financial resources and significant mental health needs and physical disabilities. Mary is also finding it difficult to pay for alternative transportation
or to rely on friends and family, though they are sometimes available. The therapist has recommended that Mary come to treatment group three times per week.
Mary has only been able to attend three groups in the past two months. She states she would be willing to come to the therapy groups if she could find reliable
transportation. For Mary, attending these groups would likely mean greater medical and mental health stability and therefore fewer emergency room visits,
fewer hospital admissions, and a greater quality of life.
As a human services professional, you already understand that Mary is facing a very real, personal, and difficult problem that may be challenging to remedy
quickly. You also know from your experience with other clients that transportation is a systemic issue and not one unique to Mary. Because you have a friend who
works at BTC, you have been able to arrange for an opportunity to present your concerns to the company.
For this final project, you will consider Mary’s situation, evaluate the transportation options and funding sources in your own community, and create a slide
presentation for your meeting. This presentation will be developed for an audience of managers and bus drivers and may include dispatch and administrative
Your goal is to create a presentation that is professional, non-blaming, collaborative in style, and designed to elicit feedback and ideas from the meeting
attendees. Your hope is that you are able to raise their awareness of the client perception of transportation needs on an individual level while also presenting in
such a way that acknowledges transportation as a systemic issue and helps the audience better understand the challenges and barriers faced by the
transportation company, including what they think needs to happen to be able to offer better services for clients.
The project is divided into three milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final
submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules Two, Three, and Four. The final submission will occur in Module Seven.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed in your final submission:
Create a presentation (using PowerPoint or a similar presentation software) for an audience of managers, bus drivers, dispatchers, and administrative
staff at the transportation company that reflects a communication style you feel best suits you, the audience, and the message. Be sure to address the
following elements, and include speaker notes on each slide for the purposes of narration.
a. Introduction
Provide an overview statement that introduces the problem. What is your client’s specific complaint? Who does she feel is responsible
for the challenges she is experiencing? Be sure to maintain your client’s confidentiality as you explain.
Specifically, what effect is this problem having on your client’s ability to be treated by your agency? Use the details of your client’s story
and the information you have received from other clients as examples to substantiate your claims. Share only the information that is
legally and ethically appropriate to deliver your message without compromising client confidentiality.
What specific social and cultural factors must be considered in your client’s case that might affect her use of transportation services?
Compose speaker notes/narration that will engage the audience by asking them to describe similar stories they may have heard
b. Describe what you have learned about transportation services available in the area.
Discuss the transportation options that are available in your community for people who have disabilities. Are there any limitations
(such as minimum notice requirements for scheduling, transportation is to be used only for medical appointments, etc.) on its use?
What social and cultural factors will impact the use of transportation services? In other words, does dispatch have to know if the client
uses a wheelchair so an appropriate vehicle is sent for pickup? How will the transportation company engage with non-English
Communicate the extent to which the state’s funding policies for these transportation services affects their use. In other words, is
there a financial limitation on the services each client receives or wishes to use? Is prior approval required? How are the providers
and/or clients reimbursed by the state?
Compose speaker notes/narration that will engage the audience by asking them to explain and discuss their understanding of the
regulatory environment and the state’s requirements of the agency for provision of services. For example, what are the legal and
ethical implications of not abiding by these policies?
Assess the impact of transportation services on treatment for clients in general. In other words, how might your agency’s ability to
treat clients be affected if the problems your client noted persist?
a. Conclusion: Write a brief (no more than two pages) concluding reflection that addresses the following:
Identify the key stakeholders other than the transportation company with whom you would need to interact in order to affect
meaningful change to the service your client and others receive. In other words, who do you need to influence to ensure your clients’
transportation needs are being met adequately?
Suppose you are going to adapt your presentation for a variety of audiences. Based on your research of available transportation
options, discuss how you would appropriately adapt the presentation’s message, and the most appropriate delivery method for
garnering support from various audiences. For example, you might adapt this presentation for public officials, clients, state
administrators, or your own colleagues. In order to cover this element comprehensively, ensure that you select at least one other
audience in addition to the transportation company you have already covered.
Differentiate specific social and cultural factors you will need to consider in delivering your message to each of the target audiences. In
other words, how will you communicate the intended message most effectively to a diverse population of audience members?
Differentiate specific legal and ethical standards you will need to employ in delivering your message to each of the target audiences.
For example, what information might you be able to legally and ethically share with one group that you might be unable to share with
another group? How will these considerations affect the message that you plan to deliver?
Milestone One: Community Genogram
In Module Two, you will complete a community genogram and supporting summary to capture the problem and different factors present in the provided
scenario. This milestone will be graded using the Milestone One Rubric.
Milestone Two: Social and Cultural Factors
In Module Three, you will create a short journal entry describing the social and cultural factors that might affect the client’s use of transportation services in the
provided scenario. This milestone will be graded using the Milestone Two Rubric.
Milestone Three: Funding and Regulatory Environment Journal
In Module Four, you will create a short journal entry analyzing the current regulatory and funding policies that relate to the scenario of your final project. This
milestone will be graded using the Milestone Three Rubric.
Final Submission: Presentation and Reflection
In Module Seven, you will submit your final presentation and reflection. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the
final project. It should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. This submission will be graded using the Final Project Rubric.
Final Project Rubric
Guidelines for Submission: Your presentation should be 10–15 slides long and 10–15 minutes in length. Your concluding reflection should be up to two pages in
length, using 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and one-inch margins. Incorporate APA citations, as necessary, throughout the presentation and
reflection to support your work.
Instructor Feedback: This activity uses an integrated rubric in Blackboard. Students can view instructor feedback in the Grade Center. For more information,
review these instructions.
Critical Elements
Exemplary (100%)
Proficient (85%)
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
Provides a comprehensive
Introduces the Problem uses industry-specific language to overview that introduces the
establish expertise
problem and maintains client
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
Accurately articulates the effect
draws novel, well-informed
of the problem on client
connections between concepts
treatment and uses legally and
ethically appropriate details to
maintain client confidentiality
Needs Improvement (55%)
Not Evident (0%)
Provides an overview that
Does not provide an overview
introduces the problem, but with that introduces the problem
gaps in detail
Articulates the effect the
problem is having on client
treatment, but with gaps in
accuracy, or does not
substantiate claims, or does not
adequately maintain client
confidentiality in relating details
Does not articulate the effect the
problem is having on client
Social and Cultural
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
draws novel, well-informed
connections between concepts
Similar Stories
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
speaker notes establish a robust
context for discussion
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
cites specific, relevant examples
to establish a robust context for
the discussion
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
draws novel, well-informed
connections between concepts
Social and Cultural
Funding Policies
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
cites specific, relevant examples
to establish a robust context for
the discussion
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
speaker notes establish a robust
context for discussion
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
draws novel, well-informed
connections between concepts
Key Stakeholders
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
provides detailed examples of
how stakeholders can support
advocacy efforts
Identifies social and cultural
factors specific to the client that
affect use of transportation
Composes speaker notes that will
engage the audience by asking
them to relate similar stories
Identifies social and cultural
factors that are not specific to
the client, or that do not affect
use of transportation services
Composes speaker notes, but
notes do not adequately engage
the audience, or does not
address similar stories
Comprehensively discusses
Discusses transportation options
transportation options that are
but with gaps in detail, or not
available in the community for
with regard to people with
people with disabilities
Comprehensively identifies social Identifies social and cultural
and cultural factors that impact
factors that impact use of
use of transportation services
transportation services, but with
gaps in detail
Does not identify social and
cultural factors that affect use of
transportation services
Does not compose speaker notes
that will engage the audience by
asking them to relate similar
Does not discuss transportation
Does not identify social and
cultural factors that impact use of
transportation services
Comprehensively communicates
the extent to which the state’s
funding policies for
transportation services affect
their use
Composes speaker notes that will
engage the audience by asking
them to discuss the regulatory
Does not communicate the
extent to which the state’s
funding policies for
transportation services affect
their use
Does not compose speaker notes
Does not assess the impact of
transportation services on
treatment for clients
Does not identify key
Communicates the extent to
which the state’s funding policies
for transportation services affect
their use, but with gaps in detail
Composes speaker notes but
notes do not adequately engage
the audience, or do not address
the regulatory environment
Comprehensively assesses the
Assesses the impact of
impact of transportation services transportation services on
on treatment for clients
treatment for clients, but with
gaps in detail
Accurately identifies key
Identifies key stakeholders, but
stakeholders who can affect
with gaps in accuracy, or who
meaningful change
cannot affect meaningful change
Adapt Message
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
draws novel, well-informed
connections between concepts
Discusses how to appropriately
adapt message and delivery
method for garnering support
from multiple audiences
Social and Cultural
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
draws novel, well-informed
connections between concepts
Differentiates social and cultural
factors appropriate to delivering
message to diverse audiences
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
evidences keen and novel
insights into legal and ethical
Submission is free of errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, and organization
and is presented in a professional
and easy-to-read format
Differentiates legal and ethical
standards appropriate for
delivering message to target
Submission has no major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
Legal and Ethical
Articulation of
Discusses how to adapt message
or delivery method, but one or
both are not appropriate for
garnering support from multiple
Differentiates social or cultural
factors, but one or both are not
appropriate to delivering
message to diverse audiences
Differentiates legal or ethical
standards, but or one or both are
not appropriate for delivering
message to target audience
Submission has major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that negatively impact readability
and articulation of main ideas
Does not discuss how to adapt
message and delivery method
Does not differentiate social and
cultural factors
Does not differentiate legal and
ethical standards
Submission has critical errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that prevent understanding of
Running head: JOURNAL ENTRY: HSE 220 Module 5
Journal Entry: HSE 220 Module 5
Daniel McAlister
Journal Entry: HSE 220 Module 5
One the main stake-holder that will benefit from the changes is hopefully Mary. She will
benefit to be able to have transportation back and forth to her much needed appointments. After
all she is the reason we have decided to journey forward with trying to help the transportation
(BTC) in our community. This will also hopefully help other clients, not only for us, but for all
that have depend on the public assistance of transportation. This will help disabled and also
clients with mental illnesses. This will help out our chances to help Mary and our other clients.
We will also be able to keep a better schedule due to being able to have dependable and more
organized transportation.
Now as for others that will benefit would be the drivers and dispatch operators. Being better
organized will make it easier to plan routes and schedules. This also could influence the
possibility of more jobs to not over work the employees they have now. I also believe the
organization of these departments will save gas and money. The idea of also knowing what type
of vehicles to send could save time. Due to dealing with the disabled and mentally handicapped,
not only do you need the right type of vehicles, but the employees need tobe trained to handle
and understand these individuals. This can help with taking care of them properly and keep
away from any possible lawsuits. These improvements can benifit so many in our community if
we just work together.
Short Paper: Module One
Daniel McAlister
In this outline I am playing the role as councelor and the advocate of my clients ability to use
the state funded Better Transortation Company (BTC) for transportation to and from
appointments. There are many alarming problems in this situation. One of my elderly clients it
is a real concern for her health and well being. Clients really need transportation to get to their
appointments to recieve the help needed and offered to them. It is already difficult on them due
to their economic status and lack of help financially. Most of the clients we help don’t have other
options to get their needed appointments. The health of the clients having to wait long period of
times to be picked up for and from in the weather for their visits could be deadly. Some of the
issues these clients deal with are very serious. We deal with a lot mental issues also. Not
showing up to get them or leaving them waiting could possibly cause more unneeded mental
stress to the client. One client is suppose to come to group three times a week but due to the
confusion and transportation issues she has only been three time in two months. This needs to be
worked on.
There are also a lot of ways this is affected the ability for us to help our clients the way they
deserve and need. This causes conflict with scheduling appo …
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