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par t three
Group and
10 Group Dynamics
12 Individual and Group
Decision Making
13 Managing Conflict and Negotiating
11 Developing and Leading Effective Teams
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chapter 10
Group Dynamics
Learning Objectives
S you should be able to:
When you finish studying the material in this chapter,
kre29368_ch10_265-297.indd 266
Identify the four sociological criteria of a group, and discuss the impact of social
networking on group dynamics.
Describe the five stages in Tuckman’s theory
N of group development, and discuss the
threat of group decay.
Distinguish between role conflict and role
E ambiguity.
Contrast roles and norms, and specify four reasons norms are enforced in
Distinguish between task and maintenance roles in groups.
Summarize the practical contingency management
implications for group size.
Discuss why managers need to carefully handle mixed-gender task groups.
Describe groupthink, and identify at least
B four of its symptoms.
Define social loafing, and explain how managers
can prevent it.
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How Can Managers Reduce the Pain of a Layoff?
As part of a company-wide reduction, several managers
at an . . . [Intel factory in Hillsboro, Oregon,] lost jobs.
An engineer who worked for Pat [McDonald, an IntelH
executive], Sumit Guha, told me how “she recountedI
the contributions of these employees in an open forum,
wishing them luck, acknowledging that these employeesG
were being let go for no fault of their own, and we allG
gave these employees a hand in appreciation of theirS
Things got worse in early 2009 when Intel announced
the factory would cease production at year’s end because it was using older technology—and approximatelyA
one thousand workers would lose their positions. Pat
not only expressed concern and compassion, she took
a stance that demonstrated she had her employees’G
backs. Pat quickly announced to her team that althoughE
output metrics would continue to be important, helping
people get through the transition was a higher priority—
especially finding affected employees new jobs inside
and outside of Intel. Pat and her team not only provided
extensive outplacement counseling and related services, they personally visited numerous local employers
to campaign for new jobs for their people. Managers
and employees emulated this behavior. For example,
employees shared job search leads and helped each
other prepare for interviews, even as they were vying for
the same positions. . . .
Pat’s emphasis on people and connection with them
not only instilled calm, her priorities helped many find
good new jobs. And plant performance didn’t suffer a
bit; productivity, efficiency, and quality reached record
levels in 2009.1
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Part Three
Group and Social Processes
Organizations, by definition, are collections of people constantly interacting to
achieve something greater than individuals could accomplish on their own. Research consistently reveals the importance of social skills for both individual
and organizational success. For example, a recent study of 1,040 managers employed by 100 manufacturing and service organizations in the United States found
15 reasons why managers fail in the face of rapid change. The top two reasons
were “ineffective communication skills/practices” and “poor work relationships/
interpersonal skills.”2 Relationships do matter in the workplace, as demonstrated
by Pat McDonald’s compassionate handling of the layoff at Intel. No surprise
that Intel was number 51 on Fortune magazine’s 2011 list of the 100 best companies to work for, up from 98 the year before.3
Management, as defined in Chapter 1, involves getting things done with and
through others. Experts say managers need to build social capital with four key
social skills: social perception, impression management, persuasion and social
influence, and social adaptability (see Table 10–1).4 How polished are your social skills? Where do you need
Himprovement? Daniel Goleman recommends an
expanded form of emotional intelligence he calls social intelligence, “being intelI
ligent not just about our relationships
but also in them.”5 For example, consider
how this informal relationshipG
evolved into both a win-win business relationship
and a stronger community:
Example. A decade ago, Archie Williams, the founder of a small printer-toner
distribution company in the impoverished
Boston neighborhood of Roxbury, happened to play a round of golf with Tom Stemberg, the founder and then chief executive of office supply mega-retailer Staples. Through 18 holes, the pair pitched,
putted, and chatted—and became fast friends. Soon, Stemberg started buying
N company, Roxbury Technology.
printer cartridges from Williams’s
The deal turned out to be aGwin for both Staples and Roxbury—the company
and the neighborhood. The office supply giant found a reliable supplier for an
E got a partner that could distribute its goods naimportant product and Roxbury
tionally. Stemberg soon became
L a mentor to Williams’s company, helping with
strategic planning, finance, and legal advice. Roxbury Technology is now a preA nearly $17 million in annual sales, and] almost
ferred supplier to Staples . . . [with
all of Roxbury’s 65 employees live in the neighborhood or nearby.6
0 Building Social Capital
table 10–1 Key Social Skills Managers Need for
Social perception
Ability to perceive accurately theB
• Individual differences, Chapters 5 and 6
emotions, traits, motives, and
• Emotional intelligence, Chapter 5
intentions of others
• Social perception, Chapter 7
• Employee motivation, Chapters 8 and 9
Tactics designed to induce liking and a
favorable first impression by others
• Impression management, Chapter 15
Persuasion and social
Ability to change others’ attitudes or
behavior in desired directions
• Influence tactics and social power,
Chapter 15
• Leadership, Chapter 16
Social adaptability
Ability to adapt to, or feel comfortable
in, a wide range of social situations
• Cultural intelligence, Chapter 4
• Managing change, Chapter 18
SOURCE: Columns 1 and 2 excerpted from R A Baron and G D Markman, “Beyond Social Capital: How Social Skills Can Enhance Entrepreneurs’ Success,” Academy of Management Executive, February 2000, table 1, p 110.
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Chapter Ten Group Dynamics
Back to the Chapter-Opening Case
How did Intel’s Pat McDonald build social capital with the social skills listed in
Table 10–1?
Let us begin by defining the term group as a prelude to examining types of
groups, functions of group members, social networking in the workplace, and the
group development process. Our attention then turns to group roles and norms,
the basic building blocks of group dynamics. Effects of group structure and member characteristics on group outcomes are explored next. Finally, three serious
threats to group effectiveness are discussed. (This chapter serves as a foundation
for our discussion of teams and teamwork in the following chapter.)
LO.1 Groups in the Social
G Media Age
Groups and teams are inescapable features of modern
life.7 College students are
often teamed with their peers for class projects. Parents serve on community adviS
sory boards at their local schools. Managers find themselves
on product planning
committees and productivity task forces. Productive, organizations simply cannot
function without gathering individuals into groups and teams. But as personal
experience shows, group effort can bring out both the best and the worst in people.
A marketing department meeting, where several people
A excitedly brainstorm and
refine a creative new advertising campaign, can yield results beyond the capabiliN
ties of individual contributors.
Conversely, committees have become the butt ofGjokes (e.g., a committee is a
place where they take minutes and waste hours; a camel is a horse designed by
E by lack of direction and by
a committee) because they all too often are plagued
conflict. Modern managers need a solid understanding
L of groups and group processes to both avoid their pitfalls and tap their vast potential. Moreover, the huge
and growing presence of the Internet and modern communication technologies—
with their own unique networks of informal and formal social relationships—is a
major challenge for profit-minded business managers.
Although other definitions of groups exist, we draw from the field of sociology
and define a group as two or more freely interacting0individuals who share collec10–1 illustrates how the
tive norms and goals and have a common identity.8 Figure
four criteria in this definition combine to form a conceptual whole. Organizational
8 this concept by drawing inpsychologist Edgar Schein shed additional light on
structive distinctions between a group, a crowd, andBan organization:
What can managers do
about social networking
technology blurring the
line between formal and
informal groups?
Example. The size of a group is thus limited by the possibilities of mutual inter-
action and mutual awareness. Mere aggregates of people do not fit this definition
because they do not interact and do not perceive themselves to be a group even if
they are aware of each other as, for instance, a crowd on a street corner watching
some event. A total department, a union, or a whole organization would not be
a group in spite of thinking of themselves as “we,” because they generally do not
all interact and are not all aware of each other. However, work teams, committees,
group Two or more freely interacting people with shared norms and
goals and a common identity.
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Part Three
Group and Social Processes
figure 10–1
Four Sociological Criteria of a Group
Two or more
freely interacting
subparts of departments, cliques, and various other informal associations among
organizational members would fit this definition of a group.9
Go to
for an interactive exercise to
test your knowledge of the
four sociological criteria of a
Nvarious groups of which you are a member. Does
Take a moment now to think of
each of your groups satisfy theG
four criteria in Figure 10–1?
Formal and Informal
L Groups
Individuals join groups, or are
A assigned to groups, to accomplish various purposes. If the group is formed by a manager to help the organization accomplish
its goals, then it qualifies as a formal group. Formal groups typically wear such
labels as work group, project team,
3 committee, corporate board, or task force. An
informal group exists when the members’ overriding purpose of getting together
is friendship or common interests. Formal and informal groups may or may not
overlap in the workplace. For instance,
23 percent of 1,050 women employees who
had planned weddings did not8plan to invite co-workers to their wedding.10 Also,
for better or for worse, family-run businesses and hiring family and friends can
create overlapping formal andB
informal groups.11
Functions of Formal Groups
Researchers point out that formal groups fulfill two basic functions: organizational
and individual. The various functions are listed in Table 10–2. Complex combinations of these functions can be found in formal groups at any given time.
For example, consider what Mazda’s new American employees experienced
when they spent a month working in Japan before the opening of the firm’s Flat
Rock, Michigan, plant:
Example. After a month of training in Mazda’s factory methods, whipping their
new Japanese buddies at softball and sampling local watering holes, the Americans
were fired up. . . . [A maintenance manager] even faintly praised the Japanese
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Chapter Ten Group Dynamics
table 10–2
Formal Groups Fulfill Organizational and Individual Functions
1. Accomplish complex, interdependent tasks that are
beyond the capabilities of individuals.
1. Satisfy the individual’s need for affiliation.
2. Generate new or creative ideas and solutions.
2. Develop, enhance, and confirm the individual’s
self-esteem and sense of identity.
3. Coordinate interdepartmental efforts.
3. Give individuals an opportunity to test and
share their perceptions of social reality.
4. Provide a problem-solving mechanism for complex
problems requiring varied information and
4. Reduce the individual’s anxieties and feelings of
insecurity and powerlessness.
5. Provide a problem-solving mechanism for
personal and interpersonal problems.
6. Socialize and train newcomers.
SOURCE: Adapted from E H Schein, Organizational Psychology, 3rdG
ed (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1980), pp 149–51.
, each working day: “I didn’t
practice of holding group calisthenics at the start of
5. Implement complex decisions.
think I’d like doing exercises every morning, but I kind of like it.”12
While Mazda pursued the organizational functions
N it wanted—interdependent
teamwork, creativity, coordination, problem solving, and training—the American
G groups. Among those benworkers benefited from the individual functions of formal
efits were affiliation with new friends, enhanced self-esteem,
E exposure to the Japanese
social reality, and reduction of anxieties about working for a foreign-owned comL
pany. In short, Mazda created a workable blend of organizational and individual
group functions by training its newly hired AmericanA
employees in Japan.
Go to
for an interactive exercise to
test your knowledge of the
functions of formal groups.
Formal-Informal Boundaries Have
Blurred in the Age of Social Media
Social relationships are complex, alive, and dynamic.
4 They have
little regard for arbitrary boundaries, especially with today’s real8 formal and
time social media. The desirability of overlapping
informal groups is problematic. Some managersBfirmly believe
personal friendship fosters productive teamwork on the job while
others view workplace “bull sessions” as a serious damper
on productivity. In fact, a recent survey of workers 18 and older surfaced
the major positives and negatives of workplace friendships. The
positives were a more supportive workplace (selected by 70% of
the employees) and increased teamwork (69%). The negatives were
gossip (44%) and favoritism (37%).13 Managers are responsible for
Some lively sports competition among
co-workers can break down job boundaries,
open lines of communication, build teamwork,
and generate healthy group dynamics.
formal group Formed by the
informal group Formed by friends
or those with common interests.
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Part Three
Group and Social Processes
real WORLD // real PEOPLE
Russian Culture Embraces Social Media
Facebook officially launched its [Russian] site in April
[2010] and only ranks No. 5 so far, according to Internet
tracker comScore, but its growth has been impressive.
From January until August of 2010, its Russian operation has racked up a 376 percent increase in users, to
4.5 million.
. . . [T]here is a long tradition in Russia of relying on
informal networks for simple day-to-day survival. “In
Russia, there is no sense that you can rely on the public
or the system, so you’ve traditionally had to rely on a
network of friends,” says Esther Dyson, a venture capitalist who has been investing in Russia’s tech sector for
over a decade. In a country with weak institutions, “it’s
very natural for people to network for what they want.”
Even in these less oppressive, post-Soviet times, relationships are critical to everything from landing a job to
wriggling out of a problem with authorities.
How are social media such as Facebook and
Twitter empowering oppressed people around
the world today?
SOURCE: Excerpted from J Ioffe, “In Russia, Facebook Is More
Than a Social Network,” Bloomberg Businessweek, January 3–9,
2011, pp 32–33.
striking a workable balance, based
S on the maturity and goals of the people involved. Additionally, there is the ethics-laden issue of managers being friends with
the people they oversee.
The Social Media Revolution
For many years, the term networking simply
meant building a modest list of personal and professional contacts and attempting
N But thanks to Internet tools such as e-mail, blogs,
to keep in touch on a regular basis.
Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube,G
and Twitter, networking has gone hyper and global—
with Facebook and Twitter even playing key roles in the Egyptian revolution.14 (See
Real World/Real People.) Why E
settle for a static list of contacts when you can have
instant, comprehensive, and impactful
interaction with countless thousands? PC
magazine offers this working definition of a social networking site (SNS):
Example. A Web site that provides a virtual community for people interested in a
3 out” together. Members create their own online
particular subject or just to “hang
“profile” with biographical data,
0 pictures, likes, dislikes and any other information
they choose to post. They communicate with each other by voice, chat, instant
message, videoconference and blogs, and the service typically provides a way for
members to contact friends of 8other members.15
U may not know each other on a face-to-face basis
Members of an SNS may or
and SNS use is dominated by, but not restricted to, young people. According to a
Pew Research Center survey, 75% of online users ages 18–24 and 30% of online
users ages 35–44 have at least one profile on an SNS.16
As SNSs continue to mushroom and new applications emerge, organizational
leaders generally have been left scratching their heads. Their unanswered questions
abound: How can we profit from this? How can we embrace and/or control it? Is it
a good or bad thing? What are the implications of this massive connectivity for productivity, privacy, harassment, confidentiality, protection of intellectual property,
and information systems security? Networking via social media truly is the Wild
West of organizational life, with mostly unanswered questions and unknown consequences.17 (Corporate social media policies are discussed in Chapter 14.) Although
the lines between formal and informal groups in the workplace have been blurred
almost beyond recognition, managers still need to establish some boundaries.
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Chapter Ten Group Dynamics
Should Managers Be Friends with Those Who Report to Them?
A long-standing group dynamics dilemma magnified by social media involves
manager–employee friendships (see the Legal/Ethical Challenge at the end of this
chapter). In their business advice column, Jack and Suzy Welch offered this sound
Example. [Y]ou don’t need to be friends with your subordinates, as long as you
share the same values for the business. But if you are friends with them, lucky you.
Working with people you really like for 8 or 10 hours a day adds fun to everything.
That said, remember that boss-subordinate friendships live or die because of
one thing: complete, unrelenting candor. Candor is imperative in any working relationship, but it’s especially necessary when there’s a social aspect involved. You
don’t want your liking someone’s personality to automatically commun …
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