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paper “You may have to look to the role of India or China in influencing
in Nepal’s political development, as well as the United States. Nepal has
relationships with many “Great Powers “that have influence it over time” and
must include the political philosopher that influenced the Nepal’s political
parties also.


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Fragile State Analysis POL-101
Part 1
Refer to the film or website you identified in Module 3 about the failed/fragile state that you have chosen for your
Portfolio Project. Respond to the following:

Summarize the website or the film and describe the important information presented.
Describe the tone of the website or film: is it hopeful about the country’s future, pessimistic, or
• Does the film or website pass judgment on the country, or does it approach the country
• Based on what you have learned about your chosen country from other sources, do you think that
the film or website gives an accurate portrayal of that country?
• Write a formal essay 2-3 pages in length, complete with citations from at least two outside
academic sources from the CSU-Global Library to support your findings.
• Cite these on a separate page at the end of the essay, and include a title page at the beginning.
• Always follow CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements style and review the library
material concerning APA style before turning in this assignment.
(2015, December 23). Retrieved October 29, 2017, from

Wallace, R. (2013, February 07). Retrieved October 29, 2017, from

Part 2
For your portfolio project, you will evaluate a fragile (formerly called failed) state and develop a plan to help it
recover and get back on the right track. This will involve a survey of the country’s history, the source of its problems,
information about its people, economy, and culture, and its potential to succeed if given a chance.
The Global Policy Forum website provides information on fragile/failed states in general, as well as specific states. provides the 2014 list of most fragile/failed states. You may choose your country for this study
from the countries in dark red on the map at the bottom of the opening page.
General information:
• Population of the country (see 1 below for more information)
• Important ethnic or racial groups and divisions
• Per capita gross domestic product (see 2 below for more information)
• UN Human Development Index rankings (see 2 below for more information)
• Freedom House scores for political rights and civil liberties (see 3 below for more information)
• The economic position of your country compared to other countries (wealthy, poor, middle

Provide an overview of the country’s history, focusing on when and why it began to have problems
leading to its fragile/failed status.
Classification and structure of government:
• Although fragile/failed states lack an effective government, this does not mean that no one is
trying to run the country or at least parts of the country. Who is trying to govern your chosen
country? How are they attempting to do this?
• Are there attempts to hold elections? If so, how are these elections conducted, and what is voter
turnout (See 4 below for more information)? When was the most recent election held, and what
were the results?
Competition, stability and civil society:
• Do political parties exist? If so, what are they, and what role do they play in the country’s problems
and/or efforts to provide structure?
• Are there any recent political changes?
• Major social movements?
• Are their divisions or conflicts based on race/religion/culture, etc? Has genocide taken place?
• Who provides basic services such as utilities, education, medical care, etc?
• What is daily life like for the people?
Economic environment:
• Major industries
• Natural resources
• Other sources of revenue
• Reliance on foreign aid.
Other questions:
• What are the most important political, economic, environmental and human rights issues facing
your country?
• Is your country in conflict with its neighbors or other countries?
• What are its relations with major global powers — the U.S., Europe, China, etc?
Conclude the paper with your assessment of the country’s future. What could be done to help the country become
stable and develop an effective government? Include what the people can do to help themselves, as well as the role
that other countries and humanitarian aid groups could play.
Required Resources:
1. Data can be accessed through the World Bank website.
2. Data can be found on the website of the UN Human Development Report
3. Data available at
4. Data on election turnout available on the website of the Institute for Democracy and Electoral
Additional Requirements:
• Write a formal essay 8-10 pages in length, complete with citations from at least 10 credible
academic sources other than required course readings to support your findings. The CSU-Global
Library is an excellent place to search for scholarly sources.
• In addition, provide a reference list, in alphabetical order by last name of author, in APA format,
and include a title page at the beginning.
• Always follow CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements style and review the library
material concerning APA style before turning in this assignment.
Zimbabwe the Fragile State
Csilla Smith
POL101 – Introduction to Political Science
Colorado State University – Global Campus
Cynthia Counsel
July 15, 2017
Zimbabwe the Fragile State
Zimbabwe is located in the sub-Saharan region of Africa, bordered by South Africa,
Mozambique, Zambia, and Botswana. Zimbabwe is one of the countries in the lead of the fragile
state index, as the 2017 rating shows (The Fund for Peace, 2017). Fragile states are defined
according to Crisis State Workshop (2006) as “a state significantly susceptible to crisis in one or
more of its sub systems (para. 1). Fragile states are often characterized by violent rebel
activities, terrorist engagements, and extreme poverty. Zimbabwe belongs to this category, in
which government systems can be described as ineffective both politically and economically. In
this paper, Zimbabwe’s governing system and economic status will be discussed, with the
development of an effective plan to help the country to recover and become a better functioning
Zimbabwe Demographics and GDP
Zimbabwe is a modest-sized country with approximately thirteen million people (World
Population Review, 2017). World Population Review (2017) has stated that Bantu-speaking
people account for 98% of the population, which is composed of multiple ethnic groups, such as
Shona, Ndebele, Venda, Tonga, Shangaan, Nambya and Kalanga (para. 2). Shona ethnic group
is the majority of the population, while white Zimbabweans account for less than one percent.
There are 294 births and 72 deaths per day, which confirms the fact that “Global South” (poorer)
states greatly contribute to the overpopulation of the world (CSU-Global, 2017). Reimer, Simon
and Romance (2015) have stated, there are sixteen official languages, which makes this nation
fairly diverse (p. 291).
“Zimbabwe’s economy is characterized by instability and volatility, both of which are
hallmarks of excessive government interference and mismanagement” (The Heritage Foundation,
2017, para. 1). Thus, poverty is widespread, due to corruption and ineffective economic policies.
The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita is 2,096 dollars according to The Heritage
Foundation (2017) and the unemployment rate is 9.3percent. Further, the Freedom House (2017)
has discussed that currently Zimbabwe is a partly free country, with the aggregate score of 32 out
of 100. For instance, the media is strongly restricted and unauthorized press can result in arrest
or even imprisonment. Freedom rating is composed of political freedom and civil rights, which
both has been rated five out of seven, where seven means the least free (Freedom House, 2017).
Also, Zimbabwe ranks 154 on the UN human Development Index, which places it to the low
human development category (Human Development Record, 2016). In addition, the economic
position lags behind all developed countries, only a couple of sub Saharan states stand behind
Zimbabwe, such as South Sudan, Somalia and Democratic Republic of Congo (Mushava, 2017).
Zimbabwe’s History
Zimbabwe was governed by multiple African kings before the colonial era. Two major
era has shaped the country’s history, the British colonial times, and Robert Mugabe’s presidency
since the declaration of independence. The colonial era started, when Cecil Rhodes from British
South Africa Company has settled there in 1871, with the hope of acquiring natural resources,
such as gold, platinum, and diamonds (Riemer,, 2015). The land was named after him
Sothern Rhodesia, but he did not fully lead the colony. Even though “Rhodesia was never
administered directly from London, the United Kingdom always retained the right to intervene in
the affairs of the colony, particularly in matters affecting Africans” (Zimbabwe Profile, 2008).
During the Smith government, “Zimbabwe’s dominant path towards decolonization took
the form of an armed struggle that pitted African guerrillas against the Rhodesian war machine”
(Munochiveyi, 2011). The most successful leader of guerilla troops was Robert Mugabe, who
was celebrated by the country and was elected to be the president. He had a successful decade as
a leader, in which he made advantageous decisions for his country and even economic
developments occurred during this time. MacLean (2002) has discussed that Mugabe had a
social policy after his election to eliminate racial and ethnic inequalities, which led to initial
economic improvement. “However, by 1990 the economy was in decline and the government
was forced to adopt the first in a series of structural adjustment programs because of escalating
debt” (MacLean, 2002). At the same time, the Mugabe’s presidency slowly started to transform
into authoritarian type of governing system and the degree of allowed corruption became
concerning to many other western nations. Economic decline was clearly in process in 1997,
when 232 strikes were recorded and many civil organizations started to protest for their rights
(Munangagwa, 2009). From that point on, multiple unpopular decision has been made by
Mugabe, such as entering the war with Congo or land reform, which ultimately led to economic
Classification and Structure of Government
Zimbabwe is an authoritarian regime, governed by its President, Robert Mugabe, who led
the most powerful guerilla forces in the war against the Rhodesian troops (Riemer, et. al, 2015).
Mugabe was elected in 1980 and became prime minister of Zimbabwe. At this time, a small
group of African educated elite developed nationalist views and they “had the ability to articulate
Marxist-Leninist versions of socialist or communist ideologies” (Munochiveyi, 2011, p. 67).
Mugabe was among the people, who shared this view and was definitely influenced by Karl
Marx’s doctrine. Mugabe unfortunately has governed Zimbabwe by using fear, torture, and
threat against the citizens and opposing political parties.
The structure of government is similar to the one in the U.S., because it separates power
between the legislative-, executive-, and judicial branch (Blogspot, 2009). However, the
branches have a different composition and the system rather promotes an authoritarian stance
instead of encouraging democracy (Blogspot, 2009). It is many western politicians’ opinion that
if this structure would be used under a more democratic leadership, the country would have a
real chance to recover from the economic distress that Mugabe’s presidency caused. In addition,
the election process in Zimbabwe is corrupt; therefore, a real chance for change will likely
present itself with the passing of Mugabe or at the 2018 elections, because of his decreased
power due to his old age. Tendi (2013) has argued “Elections in Southern Africa are hardly ever
‘free and fair’ in any strict sense” (p. 965). The elections in many other countries’ in the
southern regions of Africa are characterized by manipulation of the votes and violence, which
means that nothing more ethical is or ever was expected from Robert Mugabe during elections
(Tendi, 2013). The last election was held in 2013, which Robert Mugabe won with 61 percent,
while Tsvangiari finished second with 34 percent (Smith, 2013).
Competition, Stability, and Civil Society
As the 2018 elections are getting closer, multiple political parties compete for
Zimbabwe’s leadership opportunity. Robert Mugabe’s power is coming to an end and at the
same time the chance for a new type of government is becoming a long hoped reality. It is this
chance that encourages many new political groups to form and compete in next year’s election.
According to Zhangazha (2017), there are close to twenty parties entering the arena of election,
but “MDC-T leader Morgan Tsvangirai and Zimbabwe People First leader Joice Mujuru are seen
as front runners to lead the coalition” against Mugabe (para. 6). Mujuru is popular candidate
because he has liberal credentials, but Tsvangiari has beaten Mugabe once already and
supporters like the idea of someone who has the proven ability to win. Zhangazha (2017) also
discussed that “in May, five opposition parties formed a coalition called the Coalition of
Democrats (Code) to challenge Mugabe and his Zanu PF party in the 2018 general elections”
(para. 10).
In addition to the formation of political parties, social movements also became
increasingly present in Zimbabwe, where many civic organizations aid in strengthening
democracy by advocating for education in rural areas or other government institutions
(Jambawo, 2017). Their primary goal is to protect human rights in the country and also to get
the attention of international powers. The diaspora communities for instance have a great
influence on Zimbabwe’s politics, because they stay connected and politically helpful from
abroad as much as possible to further the cause of democracy (Jambawo, 2017).
Naturally, there are certain domestic conflicts among citizens, given the large number of
ethnic groups, especially between the Shona and Ndebele people, who both aim for political
power after Mugabe’s rule. The upcoming election further deepens ethnic disagreement, because
the Shona most likely will win election due to their greater numbers in Zimbabwe (Thata, 2016).
Tribalism conflicts will remain an issue until the change of government, because the people
focus much more on the ethnicity of the future leader than on his ability to lead the country
Thata (2016) has stated “there is no judiciary system in Zimbabwe with a mandate to
competently execute justice against genocide and crimes against humanity committed by Zanu
PF” (para. 27). Therefore, government has total authority to carry out mass violations against
Zimbabwean citizens, such as the operation Gukurahundi, in which approximately twenty
thousand people lost their lives “between 1983 and 1986 by the hand of “Fifth Brigade”, a North
Korean sponsored terror unit of Zimbabwean army” (Zimmerer, 2009, p. 2). Another
Zimbabwean genocide example is “Operation Murambatsvina” in 2005, where “security forces
“cleared” illegal settlements in Harare and other cities and destroyed the informal market which
had guaranteed the survival of the poor” (Zimmrer, 2009, p. 2). Consequently, there is no trust
towards Mugabe in Zimbabwe and many awaits the end of his government.
Basic services are provided by municipality in Zimbabwe. However, the country
struggles to provide these basic services to its citizens. Nyazema (2010) has implied there are
growing inequities in healthcare provision and mortality rates keep decreasing due to preventable
and communicable diseases. In addition, Zimbabwe is among the countries with the highest rate
of people infected with AIDS; as of today, one-fourth of the population carries the HIV virus
(Economic Conditions, 2001). Healthcare is not a right in Zimbabwe and there is no effective
policy that would address health issues nationwide (Economic Conditions, 2001).
Moreover, although the ZANU-PF government had initial efforts to eliminate educational
inequities in the 1980’s, they had not come up with “an education policy or philosophy”
(Nyazema, 2010). The government decreased education expenditure due to economic and
political instability; therefore, the future of many young citizens depends on mission schools that
were established to provide secondary education to the needy. Consequently, the lack of
government aid result in extremely hard living circumstances in Zimbabwe. Many people are
starving and have no chance to provide food for their families. Citizens constantly facing cruelty
and neglect from the government. Robert Mugabe is using fear, threat and terror against the
people, and he completely has driven the country and the whole nation into desperation.
As money is worthless – Zimbabwe is plagued by the world’s highest inflation rate – the
villagers are reduced to panning for gold in rivers. Instead of attending school, youngsters
from the village scrabble knee-deep in muddy water or dig ever deeper holes in a
desperate search for a few grains of gold. (The Guardian, n.d.)
These upsetting conditions have not improved with time, only worsened in the past few years.
The country has sunken to the bottom of the economic rating list even among African countries.
Economic Environment
According to CSU-Global (2017) Zimbabwe belongs to the “Global South”, which
describes the poorer countries of the world located on the southern side of the globe.
Colonization definitely contributed to the slow development of infrastructure and social services
in Zimbabwe, which hindered the country’s ability to compete in the international arena (CSUGlobal, 2017). The major industries are mining, agriculture, textile and staple crops, but in the
past decade most of these industries suffered as well. Riemer, Simon, and Romance (2015) have
discussed that Zimbabwe is rich in natural resources, but the mismanagement of the economy
resulted in the ineffective use of those assets. According to Economic Conditions (2001) the
leading export crops are sugar, tobacco, and cotton, while gold and chromium are the minerals
bringing the most revenue in.
Today Zimbabwe must rely on foreign aid, because of the increased economic decline
since the year 2000, and in the future as well to build up the economy that can function on its
own. “Monetary and fiscal management continues to deteriorate and productive sectors have
largely collapsed” (Economic Conditions, 2001). Further, “The World Bank declared all of its
loans to Zimbabwe in default as of Oct. 2, 2000” (Economic Conditions, 2001, para. 3). The
international communities try to help Zimbabwe through the UN as well as through non-
governmental organizations. The recovery process will be extremely long, but programs such as
World Vision international, World Food Programme and other organizations work tirelessly to
help famine and poverty. As of today, “25 UN Entities working together as One Country Team
towards the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals in Zimbabwe” (United Nations
Zimbabwe, 2017).
Political Issues and International Relations
Zimbabwe has Robert Mugabe as president for the past three decades and because of the
authoritarian nature of the government, there is little hope for change until his power comes to an
end. Presidential succession is one of the political issues the country faces an …
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