Solved by verified expert:Finalize and submit a paper or presentation that comprises all the milestone submissions with edits based on instructor feedback, and a conclusion, based on the results of your self-assessment and your research on your selected leader, of how you can continue to improve and build upon your leadership skills and areas for development.For additional details, please refer to the Final Project Part II Guidelines and Rubrics document in the Assignment Guidelines and Rubrics section of the course.FYI: You can use previous essays that you have submit to me for the required information of this final paper.
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MBA 550 Final Project Part II Guidelines and Rubric
Final Project Part II Overview
MBA 550 has two final projects: Final Project Part I: Self-Assessment Investigation, due in Module Three, and Final Project Part II: Leadership Assessment, due in
Module Nine. The course has a milestone assignment in each of the following modules: Two, Four, Five, and Seven. You will select a corporate or organizational
leader who could be a personal role model. The professional self-assessment taken during the course will be the lens through which you will select this leader.
You will research the leader’s professional career track, management and leadership styles, team-building skills, organizational vision and culture, and problemsolving and conflict-management abilities. You will then compare aspects of your own leadership style to the leadership style of the person you selected.
In the milestone research and writing process leading to Final Project Part II: Leadership Assessment, you completed a thorough analysis of your leadership traits
through the StrengthsFinder results and compared these results with the cognitive factors associated with leadership effectiveness. You explained how
leadership strengths and traits contributed to the effectiveness of an organization. You also evaluated teams and organizational structure in the actions of your
chosen leader with his or her organization and executive team, and evaluated best practices with teams used by the leader. You reviewed your chosen leader’s
organizational vision and how your leader developed the organization’s strategic plan, and methods not employed by the leader in the planning process. You
analyzed evidence of your leader’s personal, political, and positional power, assessing how the leader used that power to structure the organization, thus
creating culture. You reviewed your own knowledge, skills, and abilities related to problem-solving and your chosen leader’s problem-solving abilities. You
evaluated methods and strategies used by the leader and explained which tools, methods, and strategies you would use/emulate and which you would avoid.
You reviewed your own conflict management and negotiation skills and analyzed your leader’s skills related to conflict management and negotiation. You
analyzed which of techniques of the chosen leader you would use/emulate and how they would help you. In Final Project Part II, you will finalize and submit a
paper or presentation comprises all the milestone submissions with edits based on instructor feedback, and develop a conclusion of your findings. You will base
the conclusion on the results of your self-assessment and your research on your selected leader. You will address how you may continue to improve and build
upon your leadership skills and areas for development. Refer to the Final Project Part II Rubric (below) for submission guidelines.
Final Project Part II: Leadership Assessment addresses the following course outcomes:
Analyze results of professional self-assessment tools for informing personal appreciation of leadership skills and areas of professional development
Evaluate best practices for planning and staffing in intrapreneurship and entrepreneurship environments for organizing teams by functions
Recommend strategic planning methods that motivate individuals and teams to align with organizational visions
Analyze elements of personal, political, and positional power as tools for effecting change in organizational culture
Determine appropriate tools, methods, or strategies for organizational problem-solving and decision-making in leadership and management contexts
Select appropriate conflict management and negotiation skills for effectively communicating and resolving organizational behavioral disputes
Final Project Part II Prompt
Your Final Project Part II paper/presentation should answer the following prompt: Finalize and submit a paper or presentation comprising all the knowledge and
material gained from the three milestone submissions with edits based on instructor feedback, and develop a conclusion for your findings. You will base the
conclusion on the results of your self-assessment and your research on your selected leader. You will address how you may continue to improve and build upon
your leadership skills and areas for development.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
A. Assess how the leader structured the organization, describing the best practices for planning and staffing he or she employed to organize teams.
In other words, what leadership or management style did the leader use to organize teams by function?
B. Assess how the leader organized his or her executive team, describing the best practices for planning and staffing that he or she employed in
organizing the executive team. Consider questions such as these in your response: How did the leader use personal power to develop the
executive team? Whom did the leader surround herself/himself with? Did the leader consider specific skill sets, functions, or roles in the
organization of the executive team?
C. Evaluate the best practices used by the leader to structure the organization and develop the executive team. Consider questions such as these in
your evaluation: How did these best practices develop and improve the organization? How did the best practices influence the organization’s
culture and retain top talent?
II. Organizational Vision
A. How did the leader develop the strategic plan for the organization? Was it written by the leader, a team, or a consultant, for example?
B. What was the leader’s organizational vision? What strategies did the leader use to motivate individuals and teams to align with the vision?
C. Recommend strategic planning methods not employed by the leader that could be used to motivate individuals and teams to align with the
vision. Why would these methods be effective? In other words, what alternative strategic planning methods could the leader have used, and
III. Organizational Culture
A. Analyze the evidence of personal, political, and positional power in the leadership style and background of your selected leader.
B. Assess how the leader structured organizational culture using personal, political, and positional power. Consider questions such as these in your
response: How did the leader involve employees in the organizational culture? Was there a focus on employee engagement to retain top talent?
C. How did the leader’s use of power as a tool effect change in the organization?
IV. Problem-Solving
A. Based on the results of your professional self-assessment, what skills, abilities, and knowledge related to problem-solving and decision-making
do you possess?
B. Analyze the leader’s problem-solving and decision-making skills and abilities. Support your analysis with the tools, methods, or strategies he or
she used to solve problems and make decisions.
C. What tools, methods, or strategies for problem-solving and decision-making does your leader use that you want to emulate? What tools,
methods, or strategies for problem-solving does your leader use that you would like to avoid? Explain your response.
V. Conflict Management
A. Based on the results of your professional self-assessment, what skills, abilities, and knowledge related to conflict management and negotiation
do you possess?
B. Analyze the leader’s conflict management and negotiation techniques and skills. How did the leader use these techniques to effectively
communicate and resolve disputes? Support your response with specific examples from the leader’s career track.
C. What techniques or skills for conflict management and negotiation does your leader use that you want to emulate? If you emulate these
techniques or skills, how will they help you to communicate effectively and resolve organizational behavioral disputes?
VI. Conclusion
Based on the results of your self-assessment and your research on your selected leader, how may you continue to improve and build upon your
leadership skills and areas for development?
Final Project Part II Rubric
Guidelines for Submission: Your professional leadership profile may be submitted as a paper or a presentation. If you choose to submit a paper, it should adhere
to the following formatting requirements: 10–12 pages, double-spaced, using 12-point Times New Roman font and one-inch margins. If you choose to submit a
presentation, it should adhere to the following formatting requirements: 18–20 slides, with speaker notes or voice recording. Possible presentation tools include
PowerPoint or Prezi. Whether you submit a paper or a presentation, you should have a minimum of five scholarly references. Use current APA-style guidelines
for your citations and reference list.
Instructor Feedback: This activity uses an integrated rubric in Blackboard. Students can view instructor feedback in the Grade Center. For more information,
review these instructions.
Critical Elements
Exemplary (100%)
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
response demonstrates keen
insight into best practices for
planning and staffing in
intrapreneurship and
entrepreneurship environments
Proficient (90%)
Comprehensively assesses how
leader structured organization,
describing best practices for
planning and staffing employed
to organize teams
Needs Improvement (70%)
Assesses how leader structured
organization, but assessment is
cursory or inaccurate or does not
describe best practices for
planning and staffing employed
to organize teams
Not Evident (0%)
Does not assess how leader
structured organization
Teams: Executive
Teams: Best
Vision: Strategic
Vision: Vision
Vision: Methods
Culture: Power
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
response demonstrates keen
insight into best practices for
planning and staffing in
intrapreneurship and
entrepreneurship environments
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
response demonstrates keen
insight into best practices for
planning and staffing in
intrapreneurship and
entrepreneurship environments
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
explanation demonstrates keen
insight into strategic planning
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
description demonstrates
nuanced understanding of
relationship between
organizational vision and
strategies for motivating
individuals and teams to align
with vision
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
response demonstrates nuanced
understanding of relationship
between organizational vision
and strategies for motivating
individuals and teams to align
with vision
Comprehensively assesses how
leader organized executive team,
describing best practices for
planning and staffing employed
in organizing executive team
Does not assess how leader
organized executive team
Accurately evaluates best
practices used by leader to
structure organization and
develop executive team
Assesses how leader organized
executive team, but assessment
is cursory or inaccurate or does
not describe best practices for
planning and staffing employed
in organizing executive team
Evaluates best practices used by
leader to structure organization
and develop executive team, but
with gaps in accuracy or detail
Does not evaluate best practices
used by leader to structure
organization and develop
executive team
Clearly explains how leader
developed strategic plan for
Explains how leader developed
strategic plan for organization,
but with gaps in clarity or detail
Does not explain how leader
developed strategic plan for
Clearly describes leader’s
organizational vision and the
strategies used by leader to
motivate individuals and teams
to align with vision
Describes leader’s organizational
vision and how leader motivated
individuals and teams to align
with vision, but with gaps in
clarity or detail
Does not describe leader’s
organizational vision and how
leader motivated individuals and
teams to align with vision
Recommends and justifies
appropriate, effective strategic
planning methods not employed
by leader that could be used to
motivate individuals and teams
to align with vision
Recommends and justifies
strategic planning methods not
employed by leader that could be
used to motivate individuals and
teams to align with vision, but
recommendations are not
appropriate or effective for the
Analyzes evidence of personal,
political, and positional power in
leadership style and background
of selected leader, but with gaps
in accuracy or detail
Does not recommend and justify
strategic planning methods
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
analysis demonstrates keen
insight into use of personal,
political, and positional power
Accurately analyzes evidence of
personal, political, and positional
power in leadership style and
background of selected leader
Does not analyze evidence of
personal, political, and positional
power in leadership style and
background of selected leader
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
assessment demonstrates
nuanced understanding of use of
power to structure organizational
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
explanation demonstrates
nuanced understanding of use of
power to effect change in
organizational culture
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
description demonstrates keen
insight into problem-solving and
decision-making skills, abilities,
and knowledge
Comprehensively assesses how
leader structured organizational
culture using personal, political,
and positional power
Assesses how leader structured
organizational culture, but
assessment is cursory or
Does not assess how leader
structured organizational culture
Clearly explains how the leader
used power as a tool to effect
change in the organization
Explains how the leader used
power as a tool to effect change
in the organization, but with gaps
in clarity or detail
Does not explain how the leader
used power as a tool to effect
change in the organization
Clearly describes skills, abilities,
and knowledge related to
problem-solving and decisionmaking, based on results of selfassessment
Does not describe skills, abilities,
and knowledge related to
problem-solving and decisionmaking
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
analysis demonstrates nuanced
understanding of tools, methods,
or strategies used to solve
problems and make decisions
Does not analyze leader’s
problem-solving and decisionmaking skills and abilities
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
response demonstrates nuanced
understanding of tools, methods,
or strategies used to solve
problems and make decisions
Accurately analyzes leader’s
problem-solving and decisionmaking skills and abilities,
supporting analysis with tools,
methods, or strategies leader
used to solve problems and make
Determines and clearly explains
appropriate tools, methods, or
strategies used by leader to both
emulate and avoid
Describes skills, abilities, and
knowledge related to problemsolving and decision-making, but
description is not based on selfassessment or lacks clarity or
Analyzes leader’s problemsolving and decision-making skills
and abilities, but with gaps in
accuracy, detail, or support
Does not determine or explain
tools, methods, or strategies
used by leader to both emulate
and avoid
Self- Assessment
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
description demonstrates keen
insight into conflict management
and negotiation skills, abilities,
and knowledge
Determines and explains tools,
methods, or strategies used by
leader to both emulate and
avoid, but tools, methods, or
strategies are not appropriate or
explanation lacks clarity or detail
Describes skills, abilities, and
knowledge related to conflict
management and negotiation,
but description is not based on
self-assessment or lacks clarity or
Does not describe skills, abilities,
and knowledge related to conflict
management and negotiation
Culture: Effect
Self- Assessment
Clearly describes skills, abilities,
and knowledge related to conflict
management and negotiation,
based on results of selfassessment
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
analysis demonstrates nuanced
understanding of relationship
between conflict management
and negotiation techniques and
skills and positive outcomes to
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
analysis demonstrates nuanced
understanding of relationship
between conflict management
and negotiation techniques and
skills and positive outcomes to
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
explanation demonstrates keen
insight into strengths and areas
for development
Articulation of
Submission is free of errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, and organization
and is presented in a professional
and easy-to-read format
Accurately analyzes leader’s
conflict management and
negotiation techniques and skills
and explains how leader used
techniques and skills to
effectively communicate and
resolve disputes, supporting
response with specific examples
from leader’s career track
Selects appropriate techniques or
skills for conflict management
and negotiation used by leader to
emulate, and clearly explains
how techniques or skills will aid
in effective communication and
resolution of organizational
behavioral disputes
Clearly explains how to improve
and build upon own leadership
skills and areas for development,
based on results of selfassessment and research on
selected leader
Submission has no major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
Analyzes leader’s conflict
management and negotiation
techniques and skills, and
explains how leader used
techniques and skills to
effectively communicate and
resolve disputes, but with gaps in
accuracy, detail, or support
Does not analyze leader’s conflict
management and negotiation
techniques and skills, or does not
explain how leader used
techniques and skills to
effectively communicate and
resolve disputes
Selects techniques or skills for
conflict management and
negotiation used by leader to
emulate and explains how
techniques or skills will aid in
effective communication and
resolution of organizational
behavioral disputes, but selection
is not appropriate or explanation
lacks clarity or detail
Explains how to improve and
build upon own leadership skills
and areas for development, but
explanation is not based on selfassessment or research or lacks
clarity or detail
Submission has major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that negatively impact readability
and articulation of main ideas
Does not select techniques or
skills for conflict management
and negotiation used by leader to
Does not explain how to improve
and build upon own leadership
skills and areas for development
Submission has critical errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that prevent understanding of
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