Solved by verified expert:i already have done my essay draft, i just need to be corrected and well set up.directions are in the files
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Checklist for Essays – Abbreviated
Use this version for pasting at the bottom of your essays.
My paper has 1” margins.
My paper is double-spaced throughout. (There are no extra line spaces between paragraphs.)
My paper includes a correct MLA heading.
My paper is written in Times New Roman 12-point font.
Each page includes my last name a space and the page number in the header at the upper right
hand corner of each page.
When required, my paper includes a correctly formatted Works Cited page.
Authors are referred to by their full, correctly spelled names the first time.
Authors are referred to by their correctly spelled last names, thereafter.
If introduced, an author’s profession or area of expertise is stated.
Titles of authors’ works are stated and correctly punctuated/capitalized.
Unnecessary words are eliminated when introducing authors and their works.
The titles of shorter works (essays, short videos, poems, chapters in books) are placed in
quotation marks (i.e., “Plate Tectonics”). The first letter of each key word in the title is
The titles of longer works (books, journal titles, full-length films) are italicized (i.e.., Anatomy).
The first letter of each key word in the title is capitalized.
This text is written to an academic audience outside of this class. The text does not assume that
my audience has read the same things I have and essay fully explains key concepts and provides
Throughout the essay, statements are made that reflect my judgment based on my interpretation
of evidence and my reasoning. They are not based on personal belief and opinion.
My statements demonstrate that I have arrived at conclusions that I am committed to,
recognizing that my audience wants to read works by authors who take clear stands and support
I use the present tense throughout the essay when referring to source texts, unless the source
refers to something that actually happened in history or is expected to happen in the future.
I use rhetorically accurate verbs (e.g., argue, assert, claim, examine, explain, identify) to
characterize the statements I and other authors make.
I don’t use “says” or “mentions.”
I don’t use “I believe” or “In my opinion.” Instead, I refer to my “judgments” based on evidence
sound reasoning.
A citation follows every paraphrase, summary, or direct quotation.
Each citation is placed at the end of a sentence.
Each citation is placed in parentheses. EXAMPLE: (Chan 7).
Generally, in-text citations are formatted, as follows: (AuthorLastName Page#).
I’ve used the In-Text Citation Cheat Sheet or other authoritative source for preparing my in-text
Periods are placed AFTER the closing parenthesis of each citation, not after the sentence.
There are no commas or other punctuation between the author and the page number in the basic
(Author #) in-text citation.
Every direct quotation is surrounded by quotation marks and accurately/exactly records the
words from its source text.
Every quotation is introduced (or ends with) a signal phrase.
Every quotation is explained in my own words.
Quotations are not placed at the very beginning or end of a paragraph.
Quotations flow grammatically with the rest of the text.
Omitted words are shown using ellipses (but these are only used in the middle of a quotation). I
do not use ellipses at the beginnings or ends of quotation when omitting words.
‘Single quotation marks’ are used when a title or quote is placed inside of “double quotation
I have checked my work and corrected awkward phrasing, wordiness, grammar errors, and
incorrect words (often typos).
I have read my work aloud to catch additional awkward phrasing, wordiness, grammar errors,
and incorrect words (often typos).
I have placed periods and commas inside of quotation marks when they are directly next to each
other. (Remember that sentences with in-text citations have no periods or commas until after the
in-text citation.)
I have eliminated “etc.” and replaced it with “for example” or “including.”
I don’t use the pronoun “you” in this paper.
I don’t make unnecessary shifts between first-, second-, and third-person pronouns in my
sentences and paragraphs. Students often shift wildly from we, you, it, they when talking about
the same thing or when it’s unnecessary, creating confusion.
I have corrected shifts in verb tense (e.g., past, present, future, conditional).
I have checked my sentences for singular/plural agreement and corrected any errors.
I’ve addressed all aspects of the prompt.
Submit the final revision of your 4-5 page essay that fulfills the prompt, has been MLA formatted/cited,
and revised to ensure that all checklist items have been addressed.
Review the assignment sheet carefully before you begin developing your draft.
Develop and defend a strong and focused main claim. The assignment sheet includes many questions
and suggestions to help you think about this, as does the handout, “Developing Claims.”
Include at least ONE direct quotation and ONE paraphrase from different provided sources in each body
paragraph of the essay.
Include a counterargument from an actual source and rebut it.
Include your own experience with the topic you’ve selected.
Note: A Works Cited list is only required if you’ve used sources I haven’t provided. Outside sources are
not required.
Final Submission:
Attach a Word file (preferable) or PDF file that is properly MLA formatted
Paste the completed abbreviated checklist at the bottom of your essay or attach it as a separate
document. The abbreviated version is more succinct and doesn’t include the explanation the full version
Check off each item after carefully addressing each.
Note that all final essays will be submitted to SafeAssign, the college’s plagiarism detection tool.
5-10 point deduction if Checklist items haven’t been checked off and completed.
5 point deduction for consistent MLA in-text citation and paper formatting issues. You are required to use
a resource to ensure your in-text citations are accurate.
5-10 point deduction for not meeting the minimum page count. The minimum page number must include
text to the bottom of the page.
Instructor comment:
I was concerned when I read your main claim because it’s what we call a “kitchen sink” claim – a
claim that a whole lotta stuff is just piled into. But, when I read your essay, I realized that most of it
can be reworked to defend a new, refined claim: Social media has a tendency to negatively impact
self-esteem (or something like that). In order to revise your essay along these lines, you have to
revise your introduction – maybe begin with an anecdote about self-esteem and social media. You’ll
have to adjust each subclaim and the organization of the body paragraphs, and you’ll need to revise
your conclusion to relate to self-esteem. Sounds like a lot, but you should be able to make strides
fairly quickly once you get started.
The negative impact of social media on humans
Social media is fun, entertaining, and the new way of social interactions. New social apps
at the palm of our hands ready for us to start sharing our daily lives with one another. Most people
don’t see the underlying problem with social media, but the problem is only growing and rapidly
growing in that case. Sherry Turkle, a MIT professor, is uncovering this problem and shares it with
others. “Alone Together” is Turkles book in which she explains the harmful impacts that
technology and social media have on society. She identifies the negative impacts that lie beneath
the surface of online interaction and the rapid growth of these problems. Turkle is not the only one
that has come to this conclusion. Others such as Holly Shakaya and Nicholas Christakis have
similar view on the negative effect that social media has on younger generations. Others that
oppose this idea and believe social media is a positive impact on society are people such as Emily
Parker who believes that social media is not destroying society. As the technological era develops,
there will be more discussion over the impacts of social media on today generation and future
generations. With the information present today we can see that social media negatively impacts
humans of all ages throughout the world. Social media has many negative impacts on humans such
as lowering real social security’s, causing mental and physical illnesses and evoking un-punishable
Social media tends to encourage more screen time which in the long-run erodes selfesteem. In today’s world, people spend a significant amount of their time on social media, checking
status uploads or in other cases going over other people’s profiles. As people go over other people’s
updates, the likes received and so forth, self-comparison eventually starts. Self-comparison is a
strong influence which leads people to think negatively about themselves when others show
positive aspects of their life online. If a person and more so teenagers lack some of the aspects
portrayed by others in their lives’ they often start to think negative about themselves (Shakya).
Their self-esteem decreases and feelings of unworthiness set in. quite often, people use social
media to show off important aspects in their lives and for the sole purpose of getting more likes.
“Virtual reality transforms self-esteem and social self-perception.” (Lanier). For example, men
will often be compelled to post a picture of their new drive on social Medias such as Facebook or
Instagram. On the other hand, young people often post pictures of themselves to get more likes
and positive comments. However, when this doesn’t happen and a person fails to get the
anticipated reaction on their posts, they start to think less about themselves. A teenager girl will
start to think maybe she is not pretty enough compared to her friend. This leads to social
insecurities in people over time which is a negative factor resulting from social media and online
interaction (Shakya, Christakis).
Social media is also taking a negative toil on our face-to-face communication. Many people
spend so much time on social media such that they little or no time left interactions and face-toface communications. The most affected people are teenagers and young adults. Technology is
taking away from children’s interaction with their parents. This is one of the biggest negative
impacts because kids are now starting to lose the most important social interaction in their lives
which is with their parents (Turkle). As a result, children spend no time with their parents that
impede social developments among them. The problem is also dominant across the population as
well. I recently noticed that when my friends and I spend some time together, most of the time is
spend online and there is little time left for facial communication. We spend most of the time
showing each other interesting things we see on social media and the likes.
While low self-esteem might seem like the only major impact of social media on an
individual’s self-concept, it only gets worse. Social media is also responsible for causing numerous
physical and mental illnesses. When an individual develops self-esteem issues due to lack of
appreciation on social media, they eventually start to get nervous and become anxious when they
fail to hit their aspired feedback from others on social media. Eventually these people suffer from
anxiety, stress, or worse depression as they start to think nobody cares about them or is interested
in them .(Shakya, Christakis). In other cases, people who feel unappreciated on social media will
attempt to change what they wear and their natural looks in order to fit what is regarded as goo
looking in social media. As identified by Rachel Simmons in “How Social Media Is a Toxic
Mirror”, the presence of a series of free applications makes it possible for one to alter their looks
and make themselves look more admirable as they desire. And all this efforts for what: to get more
likes and positive comments or followers on social media. Simmons further states, “Teens can
cover up pimples, whiten teeth and even airbrush with the swipe of a finger, curating their own
image to become prettier, thinner and hotter. All this provides an illusion of control: if I spend
more time and really work at it, I can improve at being beautiful.” The efforts to look like someone
else’s often result in more cases of anxiety and stress as eventually the affected person has to live
a double life. They try to adjust themselves to look like celebrities and other popular prominent
figures (Simmons). Although an individual can spend a significant amount of time trying to look
like someone else, the feelings of self -worthlessness remain deep down and eventually result in
the identified anxiety issues, stress, and depression as an individual tries to model themselves into
someone else (Twenge). Hence, social media is corroding our society and bringing in a series of
consequences that have far more reaching effects that anticipated.
Cyber-bullying is a growing trend on social media. Cyber-bullying often occurs in
anonyms forms and has devastating impacts on young adults and teen. As identified by Raychelle
Cassada Lohmann in from “Trolling or Cyber-bullying? Or Both?: Is Trolling Another Form of
Cyber-bullying?”, cyber-bullying is a deliberate and repeated harm inflicted through using the
Internet, interactive and digital technologies, or mobile phones.” Cyber-bullying is often
perpetrated to gain popularity or get revenge on the targeted party (Lohmann). Cyber-bullying has
devastating effects on the affected party and often results in cases of mental stress and cases of
low self-esteem, anxiety, and stress some of the mental illnesses identified above. In my personal
life I have been bullied and cyber bullied. The feeling of hopelessness comes along and you feel
alone. No longer are you connected to anyone or any person because nothing exists in the online
While many people are concerned about the negative impacts of social media in our lives,
other like Emily Parker believe that social media is doing no harm to the country and is contrarily
doing the society more good (Parker). Many people believe that social media and technology
enhances communicational skills in face-to-face interaction because men and women have more
opportunities to interact with others. During this online interaction people can edit and delete
things and post their thoughts without having any critical impact on their lives. For example, Rose
points out that “Communication with him gives me so much satisfaction.” Rose argues that social
media and technology at large gives us time to communicate online that enhances face-to-facecommunication. Most of the proponents of social media believe that social media enables us to
communicate effectively with one another helps build relationships.
Despite the strong arguments presented by the proposers of social media, the technological
advancement is tearing our society apart. Children spend large amounts of time online that prevents
time for social interactions. At the same time, as young adults and teens spend a lot of time on
social media, there is little or no time left to spend with their families and more so their parents
(Turkle). This is tearing our society apart and resulting in family breaks. At the same time, social
media also results in cases of low self-esteem, lack of self-worthiness, as well as physical and
mental illnesses (Shakya). Negative comments gained on social media as a result of cyber bullying
often results in feelings of anger, anxiety, stress, and in advanced cases depression. As a result,
weighing the negatives against the positives proposed by the supporters of social media and its
positivity such as Parker and Rose, the evidence presented against social media outweigh any
benefits that could be drawn from the technological use.
Checklist for Essays – Abbreviated
Use this version for pasting at the bottom of your essays.
My paper has 1” margins.
My paper is double-spaced throughout. (There are no extra line spaces
between paragraphs.)
My paper includes a correct MLA heading.
My paper is written in Times New Roman 12-point font.
Each page includes my last name a space and the page number in the header at
the upper right hand corner of each page.
When required, my paper includes a correctly formatted Works Cited page.
Authors are referred to by their full, correctly spelled names the first time.
Authors are referred to by their correctly spelled last names, thereafter.
If introduced, an author’s profession or area of expertise is stated.
Titles of authors’ works are stated and correctly punctuated/capitalized.
Unnecessary words are eliminated when introducing authors and their works.
The titles of shorter works (essays, short videos, poems, chapters in books) are
placed in quotation marks (i.e., “Plate Tectonics”). The first letter of each key
word in the title is capitalized.
The titles of longer works (books, journal titles, full-length films) are italicized
(i.e.., Anatomy). The first letter of each key word in the title is capitalized.
This text is written to an academic audience outside of this class. The text does
not assume that my audience has read the same things I have and essay fully
explains key concepts and provides context.
Throughout the essay, statements are made that reflect my judgment based on
my interpretation of evidence and my reasoning. They are not based on
personal belief and opinion.
My statements demonstrate that I have arrived at conclusions that I am
committed to, recognizing that my audience wants to read works by authors
who take clear stands and support them.
I use the present tense throughout the essay when referring to source texts,
unless the source refers to something that actually happened in history or is
expected to happen in the future.
I use rhetorically accurate verbs (e.g., argue, assert, claim, examine, explain,
identify) to characterize the statements I and other authors make.
I don’t use “says” or “mentions.”
I don’t use “I believe” or “In my opinion.” Instead, I refer to my “judgments”
based on evidence sound reasoning.
A citation follows every paraphrase, summary, or direct quotation.
Each citation is placed at the end of a sentence.
Each citation is placed in parentheses. EXAMPLE: (Chan 7).
Generally, in-text citations are formatted, as follows: (AuthorLastName Page#).
I’ve used the In-Text Citation Cheat Sheet or other authoritative source for
preparing my in-text citations.
Periods are placed AFTER the closing parenthesis of each citation, not after the
There are no commas or other punctuation between the author and the page
number in the basic (Author #) in-text citation.
Every direct quotation is surrounded by quotation marks and accurately/exactly
records the words from its source text.
Every quotation is introduced (or ends with) a signal phrase.
Every quotation is explained in my own words.
Quotations are not placed at the very beginning or end of a paragraph.
Quotations flow grammatically with the rest of the text.
Omitted words are shown using ellipses (but these are only used in the middle
of a quotation). I do not use ellipses at the beginnings or ends of quotation
when omitting words.
‘Single quotation marks’ are used when a title or quote is placed inside of
“double quotation marks.”
I have checked my work and corrected awkward phrasing, wordiness, grammar
errors, and incorrect words (often typos).
I have read my work aloud to catch addit …
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