Expert answer:Discussion of the Claims brought forward

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Essay Three (Revised):
The Narratives We’re Told and the Narratives We Tell
We create the world around us, in part, by telling stories about it. These narratives can be fictional,
like the Harry Potter series or non-fictional like the articles and videos you’ve read and viewed in
this class. Fictional works include novels, short stories, plays, and comic books. Non-fictional works
include essays, histories, memoirs, biographies, newspaper articles, scientific studies, and journal
articles. Fictional texts are invented by writers; non-fictional texts are factual.
While the sources for fictional and non-fictional works are distinct, both interpret aspects of human
life and experience. Harry Potter novels help readers to explore the nature of friendship by
immersing them in a world where friendship is important. Sociologists or psychologists study
aspects of friendship, for example, through academic studies rather than novels. If insightful and
accurate, both inform our knowledge and understanding and contribute to our understanding of our
The knowledge we gain, in part, from well written narratives help us to lead more informed lives. It’s
possible you’ve heard the expression, “knowledge is power.” Knowledge empowers us because it
helps us to understand more, to make sound decisions, and to be more effective. Education is valued
because we believe that the knowledge it provides empowers and improves our lives.
It’s also helpful to consider the inverse of this expression: “power is knowledge.” This means that
those in power have a tremendous ability to shape what we believe to be true, or what we consider to
be sound knowledge. Governments, businesses, the media, and institutions like schools have a great
deal of power to tell us what is “true” and they have the mechanisms to enforce this truth. In some
cases, this truth is insightful and accurate. In other cases, it serves ends like greed, benefiting only a
few through manipulation that takes advantage of our fears and short-term desires. In some cases,
it’s just poorly informed.
Careful and critical scholars and writers (like us) have the power to shape our worlds and help
readers think more clearly and form more accurate conclusions through the narratives we tell (like
the arguments we make). This means we play an important role in informing those around us. It
doesn’t necessarily mean that we’ll always arrive at the very best conclusion or that we’ll know more
than anyone in the world, but it does mean that if we strive to be ethical, remain open-minded, think
critically, research well, and work hard to be accurate, we will have done something important.
In our personal lives and in our academic and professional careers, when we make arguments –
when we explain our positions, back them up with evidence and reasoning, and consider
counterarguments – we’re telling narratives about ideas that help to shape what we (our readers and
ourselves) consider to be accurate and useful knowledge. These narratives take readers from a
starting place (the introduction of our essay where we provide some overarching context) and walk
them through our thinking and that of others, to arrive at thoughtful, non-obvious, and accurate
conclusions. After reading, our readers have hopefully learned something that contributes to their
knowledge, and we’ve learned something through thinking and writing.
For Essay Three, you’re going to consider the power of narratives (in this case, the arguments experts
make about addiction) to shape our world. You’ll consider common narratives about addiction,
question those narratives, and then work to arrive at truer and more accurate narrative that can
better help us address the problem of addiction in our society.
We’ll work through this process in four essay development stages, which are described beginning on
page three.
Essay Three Details
Essay Three is a 4-5 page MLA formatted essay. In Essay Three, you will accomplish the following, using
the essays and video provided and at least two sound outside sources.
Part One will provide very general context for your essay, drawing from Postman and Adichie. In Part
One, you will –
o Reflect on and explain the power of narratives (our words, our stories, and our arguments) to shape
our world.
o Explain the ethical responsibilities we have as writers and thinkers when creating narratives.
o Consider and explain why it is important for writers and thinkers to look below the surface – to look
carefully at the complexities of any problem to arrive at meaningful and useful conclusions.
o Explain the danger of a single story.
In Part One, you MUST use Postman and Adichie as sources and include at least ONE quote or
paraphrase from each source with a signal phrase, accurate in-text citation, and explanation. You may
also use other sources in this section.
Part Two will provide context for your argument. In Part Two, you will o Identify a common narrative we hear about addiction that you found in our readings (for example,
that addicts lack will power, that they should be jailed, that medical treatment provides the best
o Introduce and explain the positions of at least two authors on at least two different sides of the
o Explain how one or more of these positions or parts of these positions may be faulty.
o Recommend how our society should think differently and more accurately about addiction.
o Recommend the most important factors we should consider when addressing addiction (for example,
economics, race, will power, the law).
o Draw a conclusion (your main claim) either defending your new narrative for the addiction and
community you’re focusing on OR indicating what societal response is most likely to be effective. As a
model for your own claim, ask yourself how each of our authors and those they report on would
respond to this question.
NOTE: Your goal is NOT to recommend treatment plans to addicts (Twelve Step programs, for example).
Instead, think about the larger societal narratives about addiction and make recommendations about how
US institutions, corporations, and/or the US legal system should think differently about addiction to
arrive at large-scale change.
Part Three will form the remainder of the paper. In Part Three, you will o Fully defend your main claim, using evidence from the readings and at least two sound outside
o Include body paragraphs that lead with subclaims. These will support the main claim and be defended
by evidence and reasoning.
o Link each paragraph back to the main claim.
o Identify and explain specific factors from the readings (which may be medical, societal, racial,
economic) that we should consider when attempting to address addiction as a society.
o Identify facts, principles, circumstances, or reasoning should we take into account that we may
commonly fail to consider.
o Consider how a new narrative around addiction that is more accurate and insightful might improve
our outcomes.
o Include at least one counterargument from a specific, cited source and your rebuttal.
o Include a Works Cited list for outside sources.
Conclude the essay with a new insight for your reader to consider, rather than simply recapping
what’s already been stated.
To support this section, which will be multiple paragraphs in length, you MUST –
§ Use Ross AND Duhigg AND Slater as sources and include at least ONE quote or paraphrase from
each with signal phrases, accurate in-text citations, and explanations.
§ Include at least THREE citations (total) from TWO sound outside sources, using with signal
phrases, accurate in-text citations, and explanations.
Essay Development Process
Stage One: The Word Weavers/The World Makers
Week Nine
During Week Nine, we’ll reflect on how language shapes our worlds, consider our ethical obligations when
creating our narratives (our arguments), and evaluate the danger of looking at a subject with limited
information (through a “single story”).

How do humans “use language to create the world” (Postman 2)?
Why is there an “inescapable moral dimension to how we use language” (Postman 2)?
Postman cites the following as immoral uses of the language (2). Can you think of an example of
each that you’ve recently seen in the news or encountered through social media?
o Using language to defend the indefensible.
o Using language to transform certain human beings into nonpersons.
o Using language to lie and blur distinctions.
o Using language to say more than one knows or can know.
Given the role of scholars as truth-tellers, what are our ethical obligations when developing our
What is the “danger of a single story” (Adichie)?
Why should we look deeply at a subject and consider the complexities of an issue, rather than just
arriving at an easy conclusion?
o How do the discoveries of scientists and other experts help us form strong conclusions?
o How is our thinking enlarged and our judgments informed by learning about all sides of a
o What difference does the careful process of discovery make in the quality of our
narratives (our arguments) and to the world in which they are shared?

“The Word Weavers/The World Makers,” by Neil Postman
“The Danger of a Single Story,” by Chimamanda Adichie (18:46)

Reading and Analysis Exercise, including part one of Essay Two (20 points)
Stage Two: The Narrative of Addiction: Finding My Position
Week Ten
During Week Ten, we’ll consider one example of a narrative we often hear about: addiction. Think about
the position you currently hold about addiction. Are addicts merely those who lack will power or are there
other forces at work that contribute to their addiction? As a society, should we address addiction through
law enforcement primarily or are interventions like education or health care more likely to address the
significant problem of addiction in the US?

What are the primary causes of addiction?
What are some unexpected causes of addiction?
What societal, economic, and mental health factors contribute to addiction?
What is the appropriate role of law enforcement in dealing with the problem of addiction?

“Dr. Robert K. Ross at 2017 YMCA of San Diego MLK Breakfast” (36:22)
o Start this at the 1:53 minute mark to skip over the introductory remarks.
o When viewing, think about the common narratives (or ideas about) addiction that Ross
discusses, what he learned in his practice, the factors he thinks we should focus on in order to
address the addiction problem, the population he has served and describes and how factors
like poverty, the psychology of hopelessness, and institutional racism has contributed to the
problem he sees.
“The Neurology of Free Will,” by Charles Duhigg
o While reading Duhigg’s chapter, identify factors that contribute to addictive behavior,
consider who should be held accountable for the consequences of addictive behavior and
under what circumstances; and evaluate the role of free will.
“Rat Park,” Lauren Slater
o While reading Slater’s chapter, consider what environmental and physical factors contribute
addictive behaviors and, given these, what responsibilities individuals, governments,
companies, and economies bear in curbing addiction;
“Jeff Sessions ‘Appears Intent on Taking Us Back to the 1980s’ and the ‘War on Drugs’” by Jeremy
o While reading Berke’s article, consider the role of law enforcement in curbing addiction and
the position of Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Under what circumstances, if any, is law
enforcement the appropriate response to drug addiction? How might Ross respond to this

Reading and Analysis Exercise (20 points)

Essay Two: Finding My Position: Writing Parts One and Two (30 points)
Stage Three: The Narrative of Addiction: Outlining the Essay
Week Eleven
During Week Eleven, you’ll develop an outline for Essay Three, to include your main claim; the key
subclaims for your essay (a minimum of four subclaims); at least two key pieces of evidence for each
subclaim with correct in-text citations; a correctly cited counterargument; and your rebuttal.

Exercise (20 points)
Peer Review of Finding My Position (10 points)

Essay Three Outline (10 points)
Stage Four: The Narrative of Addiction: Drafting the Essay
Week Twelve
During Week Twelve, you’ll draft Essay Three, including the introduction, body, counterargument,
rebuttal, and conclusion.

Essay Three Draft with Completed Checklist (40 points)
Stage Five: Peer Review
Week Thirteen
During Week Thirteen, you’ll peer review the Essay Three Draft. You’ll also begin to work on Essay Four.

Peer Review of Essay Three Draft (10 points)
Stage Five: Comments Returned and Final Revision Due
Week Fourteen
During Week Fourteen, you’ll receive my comments on Essay Three and submit your final revision with
your completed checklist.

By Tuesday, November 23

Final Essay Three Due with Checklist (50 points)

Review the Essay Three assignment on the following page and the FAQs to produce a draft that
accomplishes the following:
Discusses the “danger of a single story” (Adichie) and the power of words to shape the world
(Postman) in-text citations.
Provides an introductory paragraph or section (this may be more than one paragraph, if
necessary) with context for the debate to include the “single story,” key opposing thinkers, a
logical lead-up to the main claim, and the arguable main claim.
Provides arguable subclaims that support the main claim.
Provides sound evidence and reasoning for each subclaim.
Provides a counterargument/rebuttal.
Provides a strong conclusion.
Uses our authors and other sources/citations as indicated, on the Essay Three Assignment Sheet
and on the Week Twelve Assignment Sheet.
Corrects all Essay Checklist items.
llll l,()wt t( ()t ilAHt
Washington, D.C., and thc halls of’Congrcss. Whor [)rcsidcrrt l-yrrdon |ohnson signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964-which outlawcd
all forms of segregation as well as discrimination against minorities
and women-he equated the civil rights activists to the nations
founders, a comparison that, a decade earlier, would have been political suicide. “One hundred and eighty-eight years ago this week, a
small band of valiant men began a long struggle for freedom,” he
told television cameras. “Now our generation of Americans has
been called on to continue the unending search for justice within
our own borders.”
Movements dont emerge because everyone suddenly decides to
face the same direction at once. They rely on social patterns that
begin as the habits of friendship, grow through the habits of communities, and are sustained by new habits that change participants’
Are We Responsible for Our Hobits?
sense ofself.
King saw the power of these habits as early as Montgomery. ,,I
cannot close without giving just a word of caution,” he told a packed
church on the night he called off the boycott. There was still almost
a decade of protest ahead of him, but the end was in sight. ‘As we go
back to the buses let us be loving enough to turn an enemy into a
friend. We must now move from protest to reconciliation. . . . . With
this dedication we will be able to emerge from the bleak and desolate midnight of mans inhumanity to man to the bright and glittering daybreak of freedom and justice.”
The morning the trouble began-years before she realized there
was even trouble in the first place-Angie Bachmann was sitting at bgl
home, staring at the television,
slp.ryas glviq,rg serious .’,1
thought_ to reorganizing the silverware drawer.
Her youngest daughter had started kindergarten a few weeks
earlier and her two older daughters were in middle school, their
lives filled with friends and activities and gossip their mother
couldnt possibly und91sla1d. Her husband, a land surveyor, often
left for work at eight and didnt get home until six. The house was
empty except for Bachmann. It was the first time in almost two
decades-since she had gotten married at nineteen and pregnant by
twenty, and her days had become crowded with packing school
lunches, playing princess, and running a family shuttle servicethat she felt genuinely alone. In high school, her friends told her she
should become a model-she had been that pretty-but when she
dropped out and then married a guitar player who eventually got a

ilil t'()WtR()l llAtlil
rcal job, sltc scttlt:d ott [x’ittg J nroln irrslt’:lcl. Now it was li’rr-tlrirty
in the morning, hcr three daughters werc gonc, and Bachmann lrad
resorted-again-to taping
rules for hers.elf. No more than one hour at the blackiack table per
trip, and she only gambled what was in her wallet. “I considered it
kind of like a job,” she told me. “l never left the house before noon,
and I was always home in time to pick rp my daughter. I was very
a piece of paper over the kitchen clock
to stop herself from looking at it every three minutes.
She had no idea what to do next.
That day, she made a deal with herself; If she could make it until
noon without going crazy or eating the cake in the fridge, she would
fun. She spent the next ninety
minutes trying to figure out what exactly that would be. When the
clock hit twelve o clock, she put on some makeup and a nice dress
and drove to a riverboat casino about twenty minutes away from her
house. Even at noon on a Thursday, the casino was filled with people
doing things besides watching soap operas and folding the laundry.
There was a band playing near the entrance. A woman was handing
out free cocktails. Bachmann ate shrimp from a buffet. The whole
leave the house and do something
Ilro Ntlutol()(ly ()[ Froo Will
experience felt luxurious, like playing hooky. She made her way to a
blackjack table where a dealer patiently explained the rules. When
her forry dollars of chips were gone, she glanced at her watch and
saw two hours had flown by and she needed to hurry home to pick
up her youngest daughter. That night at dinner, for the first time in
a month, she had something to talk about besides outguessing a
contestant on The Price Is Right.
Angie Bachmanns father was a truck driver who had remade
himself, midlife, into a semi-famous songwriter. Her brother had
become a songwriter, too, and had won awards. Bachmann, on the
other hand, was often introduced by her parents as “the one who
became a mom.”
t- “I always felt like the untalented one,” she told me. “l think I’m
i smart, and I know I was a good mom. But there wasnt a lot I could
i point to and say, that’s why I’m special.”
iAfter that first trip to the casino, Bachmann started going to the
riverboat once a week, on Friday afternoons. It was a reward for
it through cmpty days, keeping thc house clean, stayirrg
S-he klgy gambling could lead to trouble, so she set strict
And she got good. At first, she could hardly make her money last
an hour. Within six months, however, she had picked up enough
tricks that she adjusted her rules to allow for …
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