Expert answer:​Case Study Ethical Legal Dilemma Advanced Pract

Solved by verified expert:This needs to be 4-5 pages in APA format with 7 scholarly sources the outline and 3 of the sources are done already see attached Case Study Ethical Legal Dilemma Advanced Practice NursingCourse outcomes addressed in this Assignment:MN506-1: Apply theoretical frameworks and concepts to ethical dilemmas in the advanced practice role.PC 2.3: Demonstrate integrity through the application of relevant codes of conduct and social responsibility within one’s profession.Please take a moment to watch this Assignment Introduction, or read the presentation transcript.Instructions:Create an ethical legal decision-making dilemma involving an advanced practice nurse in the field of education, informatics, administration, or a nurse practitioner. Apply relevant codes of conduct that apply to the practice of nursing and your chosen field.Include one ethical principle and one law that could be violated and whether the violation would constitute a civil or criminal act based on facts.Construct a decision that demonstrates integrity and that would prevent violation of the ethical principle and prevent the law from being violated.Describe the legal principles and laws that apply to the ethical dilemma.Support the legal issues with prior legal cases or state or federal statutes.Analyze the differences between ethical and legal reasoning and apply an ethical-legal reasoning model in the case study to create a basis for a solution to the ethical-legal dilemma.List three recommendations that will resolve advanced practice nurses’ moral distress in the dilemma you have presented.Based on the issue you presented and the rules of the law, apply the laws to your case and come up with a conclusion.Note:This is a fact-based Assignment that will not include your opinion.This will require research and support for what is written.The Assignment should be in your words after reading the scholarly and fact-based publications and have proper citations. There should be no quotations. The professor wants to hear your voice as a masters trained nurse.DescriptionIn the Unit 2 topic 1 Discussion, you chose an ethical-legal dilemma that would cause the advanced practice nurse moral distress. You will write the introductory paragraphs for the Unit 4 Assignment.You will continue working on the topic you have chosen and submit the paper using the most recent version of APA format. A template is provided of the course room for the paper. The paper should have a minimum of seven citations and some of these should be case law or applicable statutes. The Library has Westlaw Campus Research database where you can find case laws that relate to your topic. The APA Manual and the textbook have instructions on legal formatting.Due: Day 7 by 11:59 p.m. (ET)To view the Grading Rubric for this Assignment, please visit the Grading Rubrics section of the Course Resources.Assignment Requirements:Before finalizing your work, you should:be sure to read the Assignment description carefully (as displayed above);consult the Grading Rubric (under the Course Resources) to make sure you have included everything necessary; andutilize spelling and grammar check to minimize errors.Your writing Assignment should:follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.);be well ordered , logical, and unified , as well as original and insightful;display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics; anduse APA 6th Edition format.



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Legal-Ethical Dilemma
Institutional Affiliation

Physician-attempted suicide is one of the ethical-legal dilemmas that would cause the
advanced practice nurse moral distress. Nurses in the current environment face ethical and legal
dilemmas that are puzzling, treacherous, and challenging than ever before. These dilemmas are
as a result of developments in medical technology that act to increase life and the legal
arguments regarding the quality of life, patient autonomy, and the aspect of death. No other
aspects lead to more practical, ethical, and legal dilemmas as the role of advanced nurse
practitioners in physician-assisted suicide (Lachs, 2013).
Physician-assisted suicide entails a healthcare professional giving a patient a means of
ending his/her own life. The legal and ethical dilemma raised by the issue of physician-assisted
suicide entails quality of life, patient autonomy, and what it entails to take an action that
considers the welfare and interests of the patient. The nurses’ level of involvement in the suicide
may vary. For instance, the advanced nurse practitioner may provide the patient with a
prescription of a deadly dosage of medication that the patient can take when he/she decides, or
the nurse may administer the dose to the patient. Either of these actions meets the criteria of
physician-assisted suicide (Westrick, 2013).
Typically, the aspect of patient autonomy serves as the basis for determining whether or
not the nurses’ contributions to physician-assisted suicide are warranted. Nurses, as well as other
healthcare professionals, are obliged to not only provide quality healthcare services to patients
but also enhance patient safety. As a result, they should ensure that all their activities and
operations are directed towards preserving the lives of the patients. However, patients also have
the right to autonomy. This means that they have the right to make decisions regarding their
medical care without influence and manipulation of healthcare providers. With the right of
patient autonomy, advanced nurse practitioners and other healthcare providers can only educate
and advise the patient but cannot make decisions on their behalf. Therefore, the ethical and legal
dilemma regarding physician-assisted suicide arises due to conflicting aspects of patient
autonomy and the nurses’ obligations. In other words, the nurses are torn between whether or not
to uphold their duties and obligation or to respect the rights of patient to autonomy (Salubre,
Outline for the Topics
Statistics of Physician-Assisted Suicide
The Role of Advanced Nurse Practitioners in Protecting the Safety of Patients
Patient Autonomy
Quality of Life
Pros and Cons of Physician-Assisted Suicide
The Code of Ethics for Nurses Regarding the Issue of Physician-Assisted Suicide
Lachs, J. (2013). Physician-assisted suicide. Contemporary Debates in Bioethics, 25, 203.
Salubre, J. A. T. (2015). Physician Assisted Suicide.
Westrick, S. J. (2013). Essentials of nursing law and ethics. Jones & Bartlett Publishers.
Assignment Rubric
MN506 Unit 4 assignment grading rubric.
Instructors: Enter values between 0 and 4 in the yellow cells in the Score column.
0 – 1.9
2 – 2.9
3 – 3.9
Missing most or all
information related to this
The assignment contains
some information on the
topic, but needs more
clarity. Topic needs to be
developed more thoroughly.
Entry well-constructed and
demonstrates connection to
the course materials, the
required topic, and/or upperlevel thinking (application or
Include one ethical
principle and one
law that would be
violated and whether Missing most or all
information related to this
the violation would variable.
constitute a civil or
criminal act based
on facts in the law.
The assignment contains
some information on the
topic, but needs more
clarity. Topic needs to be
developed more thoroughly.
Construct a decision
that would prevent
Missing most or all
violation of the
information related to this
ethical principle and variable.
prevent the law from
being violated.
Describe the legal
principles and laws
that apply to the
ethical dilemma.
Support the legal
issues with prior
legal cases or state
or federal statutes.
Content Rubric
Final Score
Demonstrates substantial
integration of course materials
and/or use of upper-level
thinking (ethical and legal
synthesis of dilemma).
Entry well-constructed and
demonstrates connection to
the course materials, the
required topic, and/or upperlevel thinking (application or
Demonstrates substantial
integration of course materials
and/or use of upper-level
thinking (ethical and legal
synthesis of dilemma).
The assignment contains
some of information on the
topic, but needs more
clarity. Topic needs to be
developed more thoroughly.
Entry well-constructed and
demonstrates connection to
the course materials, the
required topic and/or upperlevel thinking (application or
Demonstrates substantial
integration of course materials
and/or use of upper level
thinking (ethical and legal
synthesis of dilemma).
Missing most or all
information related to this
The assignment contains
some information on the
topic, but needs more
clarity. Topic needs to be
developed more thoroughly.
Entry well-constructed and
demonstrates connection to
the course materials, the
required topic, and/or upperlevel thinking (application or
Demonstrates substantial
integration of course materials
and/or use of upper-level
thinking (ethical and legal
synthesis of dilemma).
Missing most or all
information related to this
The assignment contains
some of information on the
topic, but needs more
clarity. Topic needs to be
developed more thoroughly.
Entry well-constructed and
demonstrates connection to
the course materials, the
required topic, and/or upperlevel thinking (application or
Demonstrates substantial
integration of course materials
and/or use of upper-level
thinking (ethical and legal
synthesis of dilemma).
Analyze the
differences between
ethical and legal
reasoning and apply
an ethical-legal
Missing most or all
reasoning model in information related to this
the case study to
create a basis for a
solution to the
The assignment contains
some information on the
topic, but needs more
clarity. Topic needs to be
developed more thoroughly.
Entry well-constructed and
demonstrates connection to
the course materials, the
required topic, and/or upperlevel thinking (application or
Demonstrates substantial
integration of course materials
and/or use of upper-level
thinking (ethical and legal
synthesis of dilemma).
List three
that will resolve the
advanced practice
nurse’s moral
distress in the
dilemma you have
The assignment contains
some information on the
topic, but needs more
clarity. Topic needs to be
developed more thoroughly.
Entry well-constructed and
demonstrates connection to
the course materials, the
required topic, and/or upperlevel thinking (application or
Demonstrates substantial
integration of course materials
and/or use of upper-level
thinking (ethical and legal
synthesis of dilemma).
Create an ethical
legal decisionmaking dilemma
involving an
advanced practice
nurse in the field of
administration, or a
nurse practitioner.
Missing most or all
information related to this
Assignment Rubric
Based on the issue
you presented and
the rules of the law, Missing most or all
information related to this
apply the laws to
your case and come variable.
up with a
The assignment contains
some information on the
topic, but needs more
clarity. Topic needs to be
developed more thoroughly.
Entry well-constructed and
demonstrates connection to
the course materials, the
required topic, and/or upperlevel thinking (application or
Demonstrates substantial
integration of course materials
and/or use of upper-level
thinking (ethical and legal
synthesis of dilemma).
Content Score
Writing Deduction
Grammar &
Several confusing
sentences or one to two
confusing paragraphs make
understanding parts of the
paper difficult, but the
overall paper meaning is
clear. Many subject verb
agreement errors, run-on
sentences, etc. cause
A few confusing sentences
make it difficult to
understand a small portion
of the paper. However, the
overall meaning of a
paragraph and the paper
are intact. There may be a
few subject verb agreement
errors or some missing
There are one or two confusing
sentences, but the overall
sentence and paragraph
meanings are clear. There are a
few minor punctuation errors
such as comma splices or runon sentences.
The overall meaning of the
paper is difficult to
understand. Sentence
structure, subject verb
agreement errors, missing
prepositions, and missing
punctuation make finding
meaning difficult.
Many typos, misspelled
The many misspelled words
words, or the use of
and incorrect words choices
incorrect words making
significantly interfere with the
understanding difficult in a
few places.
The order of information is
confusing in several places
Paper has some good
and this organization
information or research, but it interferes with the meaning
does not follow assignment
or intent of the paper.
Order of Ideas &
However, the paper has a
Length Requirement directions and is lacking in
overall organization and
generally discernible
purpose and follows
assignment directions
There is some attempt at
APA formatting and citing.
There are one or more
missing parts such as the
cover page or references list.
Citation information may be
missing. Citation mistakes
make authorship unclear.
Student does not provide
peer reviewed journal
This is an attempt use APA
formatting and citing. There
are both in-text citations and
reference listings. Citation
information may be missing
or incorrect (i.e., websites
listed as in-text or reference
citations). There is an
attempt to cite all outside
sources in at least one
place. Authorship is
generally clear. Student
uses less than 5 peer
reviewed journal articles, or
articles are not appropriate.
Final Score
A few misspelled words normally
Some misspelled words or
caught by spellcheckers are
the misuse of words such as
present but do not significantly
confusing then/than.
interfere with the overall
However, intent is still clear.
readability of the paper.
The overall order of the
information is clear and
The order of information is contributes to the meaning of
confusing in a few places
assignment. There is one
and the lack of organization paragraph or a sentence or two
interferes with the meaning that are out of place or other
or intent of the paper in a
minor organizational issues. A
minor way.
few sentences may be long and
hard to understand. Meets length
There is an overall attempt
at APA formatting and
citation style. All sources
appear to have some form
of citation both in the text
and on a reference list.
There are some formatting
and citation errors. Citations
generally make authorship
clear. Student uses 5-6 peer
reviewed journal articles.
There is a strong attempt to cite
all sources using APA style.
Minor paper formatting errors
such as a misplaced running
head or margins may occur.
Minor in-text citation errors such
as a missing page number or a
misplaced date may occur.
Quotation marks and citations
make authorship clear. Student
uses 7 or more peer reviewed
journal articles.
Final Score
Assignment Rubric
Assignment Rubric
Assignment Rubric
starts with
4’s for
University School of Nursing
MN 506
Unit 4 Assignment
Unit 4 Assignment Introduction
As an advanced practice nurse, you will face many dilemmas. It is important to have a clear set
of principles to deal with these issues. Knowing the difference among legal, ethical, and moral
precepts is a starting point to determine what the right thing to do is.
Ethical models help to delineate and sort through ethical issues. Understanding moral principles
such as patients’ right to autonomy, beneficence, nonmalfeasance, veracity, freedom, fidelity,
justice, and confidentiality provide guidelines to make decisions.
Many times, families want to make decisions for patients. Knowing when a health care proxy or
directive is in effect is important. Advance care directives have legal, health, and financial
implications. Many confuse the power of attorney as a health care directive. It is not; it is a legal
document that directs the finances of a client or patient. It does not give the power of attorney
the right to make end of life decisions.
Heath care directives usually come into effect when the person is incompetent and cannot make
decisions on their own. Many families try to make decisions for their loved ones before they are
rendered incompetent. As nurses, it important to respect the autonomy of our patients and
respect their dignity and ability to make their own decisions.

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