Expert answer:Bargaining book

Solved by verified expert:My role of the bargaining book is retirement. Please read through the bargaining book and complete/fill in the maximum settlement part for the retirement section please. Yo can use as a reference and also the documents attached.



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Assignment for Course:
Title of Assignment:
Bargaining Book
I certify that I am the author of this paper and that any assistance I
received in its preparation is fully acknowledge and disclosed in the paper. I have also cited any sources
from which I used data, ideas of words, whether quoted directly or paraphrased. I also certify that this
paper was prepared by me specifically for this course.
Student Signature:
Instructor’s Grade on Assignment:
Instructor’s Comments:
The Bargaining Book: Team 1
Union Team Members:
Management Team Members:
Table of Contents
Bargaining Agenda……………………………………………………………………………….4
Company Overview………………………………………………………………………………5
Financial Analysis…………………………………………………………………………………5
Wage Comparison…………………………………………………………………………………7
Initial Offer……………………………………………………………………………………….9
Initial Offer Worksheet…………………………………………………………………………..12
Minimum Settlement Worksheet…………………………………………………………………14
Target Settlement Worksheet…………………………………………………………………….16
Final Settlement Worksheet……………………………………………………………………………………………..26
Final Contract…………………………………………………………………………………….29
Final Costing Table………………………………………………………………………………63
Success Factor/Takeaway………………………………………………………………………..65
Bargaining Agenda
1. Wages
2. Insurance
3. Holidays/Vacation
4. Retirement
The Zinnia’s policy for paid holidays is offered to all regular full-time and part-time and banquet
staff. These days are: New Year’s, Memorial, Independence, Labor, Thanksgiving and Christmas. All
employees will receive pay, exclusive of probationary, and if the part-time employee regularly works on
the day in which the holiday falls. Two additional days will be added to the list: Veterans Day and Black
Date: 9/24/17
Team Member
Bargaining Responsibility
Team Member
Team Member
Team Member
Team Member
Contact Information
Year 1: 5% increase
Year 2: same as the year before
Year 3: same as the year before
Year 1: Single($4200) and Family ($11025) Covered at
100% include 5% increase
Year 2: Single($4200) and Family ($11025) Covered at
100% include 5% increase
Year 3: Single($4200) and Family ($11025) Covered at
100% include 5% increase
$1,274,700.00 per year (167
employees and 50% have
family coverage
Year 1:Remains the same as existing contract
$ 2,972,970.28
Year 2:Remains the same as existing contract
Year 3:Remains the same as existing contract
Year 1:Remains the same as existing contract
Year 2:Remains the same as existing contract
Year 3:Remains the same as existing contract
Year 1:
Proposal includes x vacation days after x years of
$168,890.27+ year 1
3 after 0, 5 after 1, 10 after 2, 13 after 5, 17 after 10, 20
after 15 and 25 after 20
Year 2:
Holidays: Day after Thanksgiving, Martin Luther King’s
Birthday, Lincoln’s Birthday, Eid al-Fitr, Eid al-Adha, Yom
Kippur, Rosh Hashanah, Diwali and Christmas Eve
Year 3:
Combination of year 1 and 2
Attach additional sheets as needed with proposed language changes.
Proposed Contract Duration: _3___ years
(add or delete years as needed)
Year 1:$4,481,266.51
Year 2:$4,650,156.99
Year 3:$4,650,156.99
Article 1. Purpose and Coverage
Article 2. Complete Agreement
Article 3. Union Rights
Article 4. Management Rights
Article 5. No Strike – No Lockout
Article 6. Pay, Gratuities and Job Classifications
Article 7. Meals
Article 8. Hours of Work, Overtime & Premium Pay
Article 9. Seniority
Article 10. Grievance And Arbitration Procedure
Article 11. Discipline and Discharge
Article 12. Leaves of Absence
Article 13. Holidays
Article 14. Vacations
Article 15. Banquet Department
Article 16. Housekeeping Department
Article 17. State and Federal Law
Article 18. Medical Examinations
Article 19. Health and Welfare
Article 20. Defined Contribution Retirement Plan
Article 21. Trust Agreements
Article 22. Savings Clause
Article 23. Term of Agreement
Appendix A: Minimum Wage Rates and Job Classifications
Appendix B: Seniority Classifications
Appendix C: Health and Welfare Schedule of Benefits
THIS AGREEMENT, entered into between the International Union of Service Workers and Allied
Employees, Local H-56, hereinafter referred to as the Union, and The Zinnia, hereinafter referred to as
the Employer, Company or Management.
In consideration of the mutual promises and covenants expressly stated herein, the Employer and the
Union agree as follows:
1.1 – Purpose – The purpose of this Agreement shall be to achieve mutual understanding, harmony and
cooperation among the Union, the Employer and its employees; to provide sound working conditions for
the employees; to secure a prompt and fair disposition of grievances; to eliminate all interruptions of
work and the interference with the efficient operation of the Employer’s Hotel; to obtain maximum
efficiency in the Hotel; to assure excellent customer relations and service; and to set forth the
Agreement covering rates of pay, hours of work and conditions of employment to be observed by the
Parties during the life of this Agreement.
1.2 – Coverage – For the purpose of this Agreement, the term “employees” shall cover all employees in
the food, steward, beverage, service, hotel maintenance and housekeeping departments specifically
listed in the Schedule of Wages, but excluding all secretaries, accounting, personnel, front office, sales
and catering department, clerical employees, telephone operators, professional employees and all
guards and supervisors as defined by Federal Statutory Labor Law.
2.1 – Complete Agreement – The express provisions of this Agreement constitute the complete collective
bargaining contract which shall prevail between the Employer and the Union with respect to wages,
hours of work, and other conditions of employment. This Agreement can be added to, detracted from,
altered, amended or modified only by a written document signed on behalf of the Parties by their duly
authorized agents and representatives.
2.2 – Union and Management Cooperation – The Union and the Employer agree to work together to
enhance the Employer’s business and to improve conditions under which employees work. The Union
agrees to cooperate with the Employer in maintaining and improving safe and sanitary conditions and
practices; and in maintaining, safeguarding and conserving the equipment, supplies, materials, vehicles,
machinery, buildings and other property used by employees in connection with their work assignments.
2.3 – Most Favored Nations – The Union agrees that if after the date of ratification of this Agreement, it
enters into a renewal agreement with any other hotel employer in the City of Minneapolis and
surrounding area, excluding St. Paul, who operates the same type of establishment as the Employer, and
if the Employer believes that said renewal agreement is more favorable in its provisions than the
provisions of this Agreement, then the Employer shall be entitled to have the full provisions of said
renewal agreement in its entirety upon providing written notice to the Union that the Employer wishes
to exercise this option. The Union agrees to notify the Employer’s representative of any negotiated
renewal agreements and furnish copies thereof upon request.
3.1 – Union Recognition and No Individual Agreements – The Employer recognizes the Union as the duly
certified bargaining agent of those employees covered by this Agreement. The Employer agrees not to
enter into any agreements or contracts with its employees, individually or collectively, which conflict
with the terms and provisions of this Agreement.
3.2 – Union Shop – It shall be a condition employment for all employees covered by this Agreement that
all employees who are members of the Union in good standing on the effective date of this Agreement
shall remain in good standing in the Union. Furthermore, any of these employees who are not members
of the Union on the effective date of this Agreement shall, on or after the thirty-first (31st) day of the
effective date of this Agreement, become and remain members in good standing of the Union. It shall
also be a condition of employment that all employees covered by this Agreement and hired on or after
its effective date shall, on or after the thirty-first (31st) day of their employment, become and remain
members in good standing of the Union.
3.3 – Checkoff – The Employer shall checkoff monthly Union dues and initiation fees in a manner
according to procedures agreed upon between the representatives of both Parties, upon receipt of the
written authorization form to deduct union dues signed by the employee. Deductions for checkoff shall
be submitted to the Union by the tenth (10th) of each month, but in no event, later than the fifteenth
(15th) of the month. New applications will be sent to the Union with the monthly billings.
3.4 – Bulletin Board and Newspaper Boxes – The Employer agrees to provide a space in which the Union
may place a bulletin board for the posting of all Union communications in a conspicuous area
frequented by employees, provided such material is not detrimental to the labor-management
relationship and management receives a copy of any material prior to posting. The Employer also agrees
to provide a space for the placement of Union newspaper distribution boxes in a conspicuous area
frequented by employees.
3.5 – Union Buttons – All employees shall be permitted to wear their official Union button and/or official
steward button, provided the button size is no larger than the present buttons.
3.6 – Union Stewards – The Employer recognizes the right of the Union to conduct an election or select
from among the employees who are members of the Union, a Chief Steward/Steward(s) to handle such
Union business at the Company where she/he is employed, as may from time to time be delegated to
her/him by the Union. The name of such Chief Steward/Steward(s) shall be reported to the Employer.
The Union shall designate the areas for which the Chief Steward/Steward(s) is responsible. Union Chief
Steward/Steward(s) employed by the Employer shall be required to fulfill their obligations to the
employer and to perform their job duties as any other employee covered by the Agreement and shall
not interrupt employees while working.
3.7 – Union Visitation – Union representatives and officers shall be privileged to visit the premises of the
Employer, generally non-working areas, at all reasonable hours for the transaction of official Union
business. Union Officers and Business Agents shall call ahead and shall notify the designated
management representative of their presence upon the premises and shall not interrupt employees
while working.
3.8 – Mailbox – A suitable locked mailbox will be provided by the Union as a receptacle for messages to
the Chief Steward/Steward(s), at a location to be designated by the Employer.
4.1 – The Employer and the Union specifically agree that management shall have the right to direct the
work force and to determine the policies and methods of operating its Hotel, except as expressly limited
by the specific provisions of this Agreement and longstanding custom and past practice. Such
management rights and responsibilities shall include, but not be limited to, the following: the right to
select the employees it will hire; the right to establish or revise work schedules; to determine the size
and composition of its working force; to determine the number and type of equipment, material,
products and supplies to be used or operated; to discipline or discharge employees for just cause; to
maintain efficiency of employees; to determine assignments of work; to discontinue all or any part of its
business operations; to expand, reduce, alter, combine or transfer, assign, or cease any job, department
or operation for business purposes; to introduce new, different or improved methods and procedures in
its operations, and to otherwise generally manage the Hotel, except as expressly restricted by the
provisions of this Agreement. Provided, however, the Union shall be notified of any new job
classification combination.
5.1 – No Strikes or Lockouts – The Union agrees that there shall not be any strike, sympathy strike,
stoppage of work, slow downs, boycotts, refusal to handle merchandise, or picketing of the Employer’s
establishment covered by this Agreement or other interruption of work or interference with the
Employer’s Hotel during the term of this agreement or any extension; and the Employer agrees that
there shall be no lockouts during the term of this Agreement or any extension. Participation by any
employee in any such practices prohibited by this Section shall be considered just and reasonable cause
for discharge or other disciplinary action by the Employer; and subject to the Grievance and Arbitration
Procedure in Article 10.
5.2 – Jurisdictional Dispute – It is agreed that any jurisdictional dispute between any union or unions
involved with this Agreement shall not result in or interfere with the business of the Employer in any
6.1 – Pay Rates.
a) General Increases – At the start of this Agreement, each employee covered by this Agreement shall
receive a three (3) percent increase in the employee’s straight time hourly wage rate, excepting tipped
employees. On the one year anniversary of this Agreement, each employee covered by this Agreement
shall receive a two and one-half (2.5) percent increase in the employee’s straight time hourly wage rate,
excepting tipped employees. On the two year anniversary of this Agreement, each employee covered by
this Agreement shall receive a two (2) percent increase in the employee’s straight time hourly wage
rate, excepting tipped employees. Tipped employees are in job classifications 210, 310, 320, 440, and
730. Tipped employees shall receive increases as needed to maintain compliance with federal and state
minimum wage regulations. The resulting Schedule of Wages is set forth in Appendix A.
b) Minimum Rates – The minimum rates of pay for the job classifications covered by this Agreement are
set forth in the Schedule of Wages which is attached and made part of this Agreement. There shall be no
lessening of wages or direct cost item fringe benefits now prevailing established by prior agreements
and by past practice. Direct cost fringe benefit items are defined as meals, uniforms, holidays, vacations,
parking and insured or funded fringe benefits.
6.2 – Merit Increases – The wage scale as set forth in the Schedule of Wages of this Agreement reflects
minimum rates and does not prohibit an employee from receiving a higher wage.
6.3 – New Classifications and Combinations – When the Employer establishes a new job classification or a
combination of two or more job classifications within the scope of this Agreement, the Union shall be
notified and the and the rate of pay for the new job classification or combination of job classifications
shall be subject to negotiation with the Union. If the parties fail to reach an agreement, the matter shall
be pursued through the Grievance and Arbitration Procedure in Article 10.
6.4 – Higher Rate – An employee shall be paid the higher rate of pay for all work performed in a higher
job classification, and shall be paid the lower rate for all work performed in a lower paid job
classification. This shall not apply where the change in job classification may be considered a minor
factor, or is unscheduled, infrequent, of short duration, or is due to an emergency.
6.5 – Full-Time Payroll Employees – Regular full-time payroll employees are employees who have
completed their probationary period and work a minimum of twenty (20) hours per week.
6.6 – Business Costs – In accordance with applicable laws, employees shall not have unauthorized
deductions made from their checks for such business costs as walkouts, bad checks, incorrect credit card
stamps, addition errors, overpouring, cash register shortages or breakages.
6.7 – Gratuities –
a) All gratuities shall be the sole property of the serving person or persons. The Employer shall not
require employees to divide tips nor shall an employee be required to pay the tipped service charge on
credit cards.
b) Where a service charge is placed on a guest’s bill, the bill will state that a gratuity is not included.
c) Employees shall reimburse the Employer tips paid on returned credit card charges provided proof of a
guest’s failure to pay Employer is shown to the employee.
d) Where a gratuity is not included in a “special package” price, the voucher for food or beverage will
state that “a gratuity is not included.”
6.8 – Ala Carte Compensation – If the Employer wishes to change the method of compensation for ala
carte service persons, the Employer agrees to negotiate with the Union and reach prior agreement
before any such change is put into effect. In the event the Parties bargain to an impasse, such
unresolved issue shall be arbitrated in accordance with the arbitration procedure in 10.3.
7.1 – Meals –
a) The Employer shall continue to provide employees meals free of charge consistent with past practice
and only while on duty or as otherwise provided.
b) Meal periods shall be an uninterrupted one-half (1/2) hour for which the employee is not to be
compensated. If employees are required to work any portion of the meal period, they shall receive the
regular hourly rate for the entire meal period. No present employee shall suffer a wage reduction or be
imposed with added hours through the effect of this Agreement. Present meal periods shall not be
increased in order to defeat the purpose of this section.
7.2 – Uniforms – The Employer shall provide uniforms and the laundering and upkeep for all employees
who are required to wear uniforms in accordance with the employer’s established policies.
7.3 – Regular Rate of Pay – It is specifically agreed by the Union and the Employer that any meals,
uniforms, rooms and/or laundering and maintenance of uniforms furnished by the Employer to an
employee shall not be considered as part of the employee’s regular rate of pay for overtime and wage
computation purposes within the meaning of the Wage and Hour Law, and that an employee’s regular
ra …
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