Expert answer:Assignment/Discussion

Solved by verified expert:Business StatisticsMAT 510Required ResourcesHoerl, R., & Snee, R. (2012). Statistical thinking: Improving business performance (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Homework Assignment 3Worth 30 pointsThe following data consists of the actual time used and potential (the best time possible for this review process) to complete each step in the review process. The actual times are based on the review of 30 projects. The potential times are subjective engineering judgment estimates.Table: Basic Data Review for Construction Project Equipment Arrangement Cycle Time (hours) Step Description Actual Potential Difference 1 Read basic data package 4 4 — 2 Write, type, proof, sign, copy, and distribute cover letter 21.9 0.5 21.4 3 Queue 40 0 40 4 Lead engineer calls key people to schedule meeting 4 0.25 3.75 5 Write, type, proof, sign, copy, and distribute confirmation letter 25.4 2.1 23.3 6 Hold meeting; develop path forward and concerns 4 4 — 7 Project leader and specialist develop missing information 12 12 — 8 Determine plant preferred vendors 12 12 — 9 Review notes from meeting 12 12 — 10 Resolve open issues 106 104 2 11 Write, type, proof, sign, copy, and distribute basic data acceptance letter 26.5 0.25 26.25 Totals 267.8 151.1 116.7 Use the data in the table above and answer the following questions in the space provided below:What are the sources of value-added and non-value-added work in this process?Where are the main opportunities to improve the cycle time of this process, with respect to both actual time used and the potential best times? What strategy would you use?Step 10: Resolve Open Issues required 104 hours (potential) versus 106 hours (actual). Is there an OFI here? Why or why not? If so, how would you attack it?What do you think are the most difficult critical issues to deal with when designing a sound cycle time study such as this one?Type your answers below and submit this file in Week 3 of the online course shell:DISCUSSION/SCOM 510Required ResourcesMunter, M. & Hamilton, L. (2014). Guide to Managerial Communication (10th ed.). Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall. Booher, D. (2003). Speak with Confidence! Powerful Presentations that Inform, Inspire and Persuade. New York, NY: McGraw Hill. Discussion 1″Impressive Writing” Please respond to the following:Share an example of a strategic, professionally written, strategic communication piece.Identify the key message.Detail how the organization and composition of the communication contribute to its effectiveness (4-8 sentences recommended).Note: Remove any personal identifying information and language from the communication prior to sharing, or if it is from the Internet, provide a link to the source.MKT 510Required ResourcesIacobucci, D. (2014). MM4: Marketing management (4th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning.Case Pack MKT500: Marketing Management. Ann Arbor, MI: XanEdu. Supplemental ResourcesHeilman, C. M., Bowman, D., & Wright, G. P.
(2000). The evolution of brand preferences and choice behaviors of consumers
new to a market. Journal of Marketing
Research, 37(2), 139-155.
doi:10.1509/jmkr.”Taking a Position that Works” Watch the video below and then respond to the questions that follow:[streamerType]=auto#Think about products you were enticed to purchase using social media (e.g., Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Vine, YouTube, etc.)Tell us your favorite product that you purchased using social media and what positioning statement the company used.Make sure you include the information from the fill-in-the-blank positioning statement.Also, state your opinion on how well social media clearly portrayed the positioning statement.Video Segment Reference:Newell, G. (2011, December 29). Building customer loyalty through strong emotional marketing [Video file]. Retrieved from

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