Expert answer:Argument Essay about Liberal – 1100 words MLA form

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Argument of Definition
1100 word minimum
MLA formatting both for the document and the in-text citations.
Engaging title
Two pieces of outside research from 2 different sources.
You are going to be choosing an abstract term to define. The abstract terms that work for
this type of writing are those that are open to interpretation. Consider the term cheating. If
you were to ask several people to define cheating, what it looks like, what it involves, you
would probably get several different interpretations. How about the term smart? Aren’t
there different types of smarts? I think you get the idea . . .
1. Think of a complex, abstract word that is often misused, misunderstood, or a word for
which you want to
challenge the conventional use. Listed below are some words that
you might consider.
2. To determine if a mixture of interpretations exist for the word you have chosen, complete
the following two sentences:
In my mind ______ (insert your word here) means
Many folks (or society) thinks _______ (insert word here) means
#1 and # 2 (I already did it as you can see below)
In my mind, liberal means someone with a free mind and is ready to accept new views and opinions
from other people so long as the opinions make sense to him despite being different from his.
Many folks (or the society) think that liberal is someone who is ready to accept change even if the
change is going to affect his way of living adversely.
Your claim for this essay is your definition (your interpretation), so it must have some
argument controversy) attached to it. What I mean here is that your definition is one with
which others would disagree. (At this very beginning stage, it is probably a good idea to run
your idea by other folks — see what they think of your definition. See if they hold a
different interpretation of the same term.) Once you are confident that you have a term that
fosters more than one interpretation, you are ready to move on. Do not give me a definition
from the dictionary.
3. Next consider the components your essay will include. I have listed them here some you
will recognize these as Toulmin components – some of the other components are specific to
writing definition.

Your introduction — see page 186 #s 1-3. In a sense, you should establish up front in the
essay that having multiple interpretations of your term leads to problems in society. As
stated in #2 — I DO NOT want to read a dictionary definition of any term. You will
provide your definition and what you believe to be an inaccurate definition or
application or many of the term.

Your grounds — here you will provide examples of your interpretation, and examples of
misinterpretations in use. Look for research that provides actual examples of either your
interpretation or
misinterpretations. An example to clarify might be with the term patriotism. Many folks
this term as nationalism — which is drastically different. You could provide instances
that have arisen
in the name of patriotism that are really nationalistic in nature and perhaps have caused
societal trouble.

The opposition or counterargument (definitnion different than your own)

Your conclusion — (see #6 on page 186) We have established that any good conclusion
paragraph addresses the larger picture — the broad implication/s of the claim — the “so
what.” What might be some future societal implications of your interpretation of the
term? What might be some future societal implications of the opposition’s
interpretations? Why should the reader care what anyone thinks about the term you
have chosen?
Pages 183-184 talk about development strategies — you might also think about contrasting
terms — or a term that is often mistaken for the term you are defining. (Think again about
my examples of patriotism vs nationalism.) Perhaps the term you are defining has changed
significantly from its original intended use — for the better — for the worse.
Is this term only applicable to a certain segment of the population? Does it need broad
application? Does it represent outdated thinking? Does it need clarification? Does it
demonstrate prejudices? Is it inclusive?
This essay is a little challenging as there are many directions you can go with the
development of your claim. You do need to provide research, but not as much as the essays
to come. The research should come in actual examples and/or studies . . . perhaps
commentaries by social psychologists, religious leaders, politicians, philosophers, etc. I
would like for you to include at minimum 2 pieces of research (from two different sources.)
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Definition Arguments
READ: How does the cat respond to the big dog’s questions?
REASON: Does the big dog expect the responses he gets to his questions?
How do you know?
REFLECT/ WRITE: What is a rhetorical question? What is the risk of using one?
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efine your terms!” someone yells in the middle of a heated debate.
Although yelling may not be the best strategy, the advice is sound for
writers of argument. People do disagree over the meaning of words. Although
we cannot let words mean whatever we want and still communicate, we do
recognize that many words have more than one meaning. In addition, some
words carry strong connotations, the emotional associations we attach to them.
For this reason, realtors never sell houses; they always sell homes. They want you
to believe that the house they are showing will become the home in which you
will feel happy and secure.
Many important arguments turn on the definition of key terms. If you can
convince others that you have the correct definition, then you are well on your
way to winning your argument. The civil rights movement, for example, really
turned on a definition of terms. Leaders argued that some laws are unjust, that
because it is the law does not necessarily mean it is right. Laws requiring separate schools and separate drinking fountains and seats at the back of the bus for
blacks were, in the view of civil rights activists, unjust laws, unjust because
they are immoral and as such diminish us as humans. If obeying unjust laws is
immoral, then it follows that we should not obey such laws. And when we recognize that obeying such laws hurts us, then we have an obligation to act to
remove unjust laws. Civil disobedience—illegal behavior to some—becomes,
by definition, the best moral behavior.
Attorney Andrew Vachss has argued that there are no child prostitutes,
only prostituted children. Yes, there are children who engage in sex for money.
But, Vachss argues, that is not the complete definition of a prostitute. A prostitute chooses to exchange sex for money. Children do not choose; they are
exploited by adults, beaten and in other ways abused if they do not work for
the adult controlling them. If we agree with his definition, Vachss expects that
we will also agree that the adults must be punished for their abuse of those
prostituted children.
There are two occasions for defining words as a part of your argument:
• You need to define any technical terms that may not be familiar to readers—
or that readers may not understand as fully as they think they do. David
Norman, early in his book on dinosaurs, writes:
Nearly everyone knows what some dinosaurs look like, such as Tyrannosaurus,
Triceratops, and Stegosaurus. But they may be much more vague about the
lesser known ones, and may have difficulty in distinguishing between
dinosaurs and other types of prehistoric creatures. It is not at all unusual to
overhear an adult, taking a group of children around a museum display, being
reprimanded sharply by the youngsters for failing to realize that a woolly
mammoth was not a dinosaur, or—more forgivably—that a giant flying reptile
such as Pteranodon, which lived at the time of the dinosaurs, was not a
dinosaur either.
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So what exactly is a dinosaur? And how do paleontologists decide on the
groups they belong to?
Norman answers his questions by explaining the four characteristics
that all dinosaurs have. He provides what is often referred to as a formal
definition. He places the dinosaur in a class, established by four criteria,
and then distinguishes this animal from other animals that lived a long
time ago. His definition is not open to debate. He is presenting the definition and classification system that paleontologists, the specialists, have
• You need to define any word you are using in a special way. If you were
to write: “We need to teach discrimination at an early age,” you should
add: “by discrimination I do not mean prejudice. I mean discernment, the
ability to see differences.” (Sesame Street has been teaching children this
good kind of discrimination for many years.) The word discrimination
used to have only a positive connotation; it referred to an important critical thinking skill. Today, however, the word has been linked to prejudice;
to discriminate is to act on one’s prejudice against some group. Writing
today, you need to clarify if you are using the word in its original, positive
We also turn to definition because we believe that a word is being used incorrectly or is not fully understood. Columnist George Will once argued that we
should forget values and use instead the word virtues—that we should seek and
admire virtues, not values. His point was that the term values, given to us by
today’s social scientists, is associated with situational ethics, or with an “if it
feels good do it” approach to action. He wants people to return to the more oldfashioned word virtues so that we are reminded that some behavior is right and
some is wrong, and that neither the situation nor how we might “feel” about it
alters those truths. In discussions such as Will’s the purpose shifts. Instead of
using definition as one step in an argument, definition becomes the central purpose of the argument. Will rejects the idea that values means the same thing as
virtues and asserts that it is virtue—as he defines it—that must guide our behavior. An extended definition is the argument.
Arguing for your meaning of a word provides your purpose in writing. But, it
may not immediately suggest ways to develop such an argument. Let’s think in
terms of what definitions essentially do: They establish criteria for a class or
category and then exclude other items from that category. (A pen is a writing
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Definition Arguments
instrument that uses ink.) Do you see your definition as drawing a line or as
setting up two entirely separate categories? For example:
When does interrogation
One might argue that some strategies for making the person questioned
uncomfortable are appropriate to interrogation (reduced sleep or comforts,
loud noise). But, at some point (stretching on a rack or waterboarding) one
crosses a line to torture. To define torture, you have to explain where that line
is—and how the actions on one side of the line are different from those on the
other side.
What are the characteristics of wisdom as opposed to knowledge?
Do we cross a line from knowledge to become wise? Many would argue that
wisdom requires traits or skills that are not found simply by increasing one’s
knowledge. The categories are separate. Others might argue that, while the categories are distinct, one does need knowledge to also be wise.
Envisioning these two approaches supports the abstract thinking that
defining requires. Then what? Use some of the basic strategies of good writing:
• Descriptive details. Illustrate with specifics. List the traits of a leader or a
courageous person. Explain the behaviors that we find in a wise person, or
the behaviors that should be called torture. Describe the situations in which
liberty can flourish, or the situations that result from unjust laws. Remember to use negative traits as well as positive ones. That is, show what is not
covered by the word you are defining.
• Examples. Develop your definition with actual or hypothetical examples.
Churchill, Lincoln, and FDR can all be used as examples of leaders. The
biblical Solomon is generally acknowledged as a good example of a wise
person. You can also create a hypothetical wise or courteous person, or a
person whose behavior you would consider virtuous.
• Comparison and/or contrast. Clarify and limit your definition by contrasting it
with words of similar—but not exactly the same—meanings. For example,
what are the differences between knowledge and wisdom or interrogation
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and torture? The goal of your essay is to establish subtle but important differences so that your readers understand precisely what you want a given
word to mean. In an essay at the end of this chapter, Robin Givhan distinguishes among glamour, charisma, and cool as a way to develop her definition of glamour.
• History of usage or word origin. The word’s original meanings can be instructive. If the word has changed meaning over time, explore these changes
as clues to how the word can (or should) be used. If you want readers to
reclaim discrimination as a positive trait, then show them how that was part
of the word’s original meaning before the word became tied to prejudice.
Word origin—etymology—can also give us insight into a word’s meaning. Many words in English come from another language, or they are a
combination of two words. The words liberty and freedom can usefully
be discussed by examining etymology. Most dictionaries provide some
word origin information, but the best source is, always, the Oxford English
• Use or function. A frequent strategy for defining is explaining an item’s use
or function: A pencil is a writing instrument. A similar approach can give
insight into more general or abstract words as well. For example, what do
we have—or gain—by emphasizing virtues instead of values? Or, what
does a wise person do that a non-wise person does not do?
• Metaphors. Consider using figurative comparisons. When fresh, not clichés,
they add vividness to your writing while offering insight into your understanding of the word.
In an essay titled “Why I Blog,” Andrew Sullivan, one of the Internet’s earliest bloggers, uses many of these strategies for developing a definition of the
term blog:
• Word origin. “The word blog is a conflation of two words: Web and log. . . .
In the monosyllabic vernacular of the Internet, Web log soon became the
word blog.”
• One-sentence definition. “It contains in its four letters a concise and accurate
self-description: it is a log of thoughts and writing posted publicly on the
World Wide Web.”
• Descriptive details. “This form of instant and global self-publishing . . . allows
for no retroactive editing. . . . [I]ts truth [is] inherently transitory.”
• Contrast. “The wise panic that can paralyze a writer . . . is not available to a
blogger. You can’t have blogger’s block.”
• Metaphors. “A blog . . . bobs on the surface of the ocean but has its anchorage in waters deeper than those print media is technologically able to
These snippets from Sullivan’s lengthy essay give us a good look at defining
strategies in action.
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Definition Arguments
When reading definition arguments, what should you look for? The basics
of good argument apply to all arguments: a clear statement of claim, qualified if appropriate, a clear explanation of reasons and evidence, and enough
relevant evidence to support the claim. How do we recognize these qualities
in a definition argument? Use the following points as guides to evaluating:
• Why is the word being defined? Has the writer convinced you of the
need to understand the word’s meaning or change the way the word is
commonly used?
• How is the word defined? Has the writer established his or her definition, clearly distinguishing it from what the writer perceives to be objectionable definitions? It is hard to judge the usefulness of the writer’s
position if the differences in meaning remain fuzzy. If George Will is going
to argue for using virtues instead of values, he needs to be sure that readers understand the differences he sees in the two words.
• What strategies are used to develop the definition? Can you recognize the different types of evidence presented and see what the writer is
doing in his or her argument? This kind of analysis can aid your evaluation
of a definition argument.
• What are the implications of accepting the author’s definition? Why
does George Will want readers to embrace virtues rather than values?
Will’s argument is not just about subtle points of language. His argument
is also about attitudes that affect public policy issues. Part of any evaluation of a definition argument must include our assessment of the author’s
• Is the definition argument convincing? Do the reasons and evidence
lead you to agree with the author, to accept the idea of the definition and
its implications as well?
In addition to the guidelines for writing arguments presented in Chapter 4, you
can use the following advice specific to writing definition arguments.
1. Think: Why do you want to define your term? To add to our understanding
of a complex term? To challenge the use of the word by others? If you don’t
have a good reason to write, find a different word to examine.
2. Think: How are you defining the word? What are the elements/parts/steps
in your definition? Some brainstorming notes are probably helpful to keep
your definition concrete and focused.
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Think: What strategies will you use to develop and support your definition? Consider using several of these possible strategies for development:
• Word origin or history of usage
• Descriptive details
• Comparison and/or contrast
• Examples
• Function or use
• Metaphors
1. Begin with an opening paragraph or two that introduces your subject in an
interesting way. Possibilities include the occasion that has led to your
writing—explain, for instance, a misunderstanding about your term’s
meaning that you want to correct.
2. Do not begin by quoting or paraphrasing a dictionary definition of the
term. “According to Webster . . .” is a tired approach lacking reader interest.
If the dictionary definition were sufficient, you would have no reason to
write an entire essay to define the term.
3. State your claim—your definition of the term—early in your essay, if you
can do so in a sentence or two. If you do not state a brief claim, then establish your purpose in writing early in your essay. (You may find that there are
too many parts to your definition to combine into one or two sentences.)
4. Use several specific strategies for developing your definition. Select strategies
from the list above and organize your approach around these strategies. That
is, you can develop one paragraph of descriptive details, another of examples,
another of contrast with words that are not exactly the same in meaning.
5. Consider specifically refuting the error in word use that led to your de …
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