Solved by verified expert:You read the Rynell, Terpstra, Carrow, &
Mobley (2011) article on how valuable and cost-effective human services are in
addressing a variety of social problems. The authors present several social
problems here and discuss how the provision of services actually saves our
society money in the long run. Choose one of the social problems presented in
the article and discuss what types of human services professionals might be
involved in addressing that problem. In addition, apply the model of service
delivery (refer to Unit 3 multimedia) that would be most effective in
addressing and finding solutions to this problem. Also, propose ways that
technology could be used in the service provision for this problem.I have attached what is needed, please original
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Models of Human Service Delivery
There are various models that will inform your work as a human service professional. It is important for you to
understand these models so that you are able to apply them to your daily work. Let’s take a look at five models
that can be used when working with individuals and families.
The Medical Model
The first model we will be discussing is The Medical Model. This model is one of the oldest models, and views a
patient’s problem as a disease or illness. This model focuses on the biological causes of the problem and views the
problems stemming from dysfunction within the individual.
The goal of The Medical Model is to cure the disease. In this model, symptoms are identified, a diagnosis is made,
appropriate treatment is given and the patient is cured. The most common treatment method is drug therapy.
There is a long list of medications that are used to treat problems such as anxiety, depression, schizophrenia,
alcoholism, problems with sleep, and many others.
Critics of The Medical Model complain that this model does not consider other potential causes of mental and
emotional issues such as childhood experiences, current problems in the patient’s environment, relationship
discord, and financial distress. Another challenge includes the side effects related to the use of psychotropic
The Public Health Model
The Public Health Model is similar to The Medical Model but includes a focus on human welfare. The public health
community is focused on preventing epidemics, illness, and injury while promoting healthy behaviors through
mental and physical health and healthy social connections. Examples of public health messages include childhood
immunizations, the food pyramid, prevention of STDs, and suicide prevention.
The Public Health Model is fluid and constantly changing based on what is happening in society. This model
considers not only biological problems but also social problems and environmental issues. The main emphasis is on
prevention and this is achieved partially through research conducted to determine the causes and origins of
The Human Services Model addresses problems inherent in living. This model was developed to provide assistance
to marginalized groups such as immigrants, minorities, and the poor. Positive social change and the well-being of
individuals, families, and special populations are integral parts of this model. In this model, it is believed that
problems arise when the basic needs of humans are not being met. Unlike The Medical Model, The Human Services
Model focuses on the whole person and assumes that individual problems arise from societal issues such as
poverty, racism, and social isolation. Thus, it is society’s responsibility to provide adequate services to individuals
including helping individuals learn how to use their strengths to solve their problems.
The interventions in this model are centered on three processes. The first is identifying the problem. Once the
client’s situation is evaluated, decisions are made about how best to meet the client’s needs. The final step is to
come to a resolution where the client’s needs are met. The focus is on the present and in the context of the
client’s environment (Woodside & McClam, 2011).
The Biopsychosocial Model
The Biopsychosocial Model focuses on three areas of human functioning including biology, psychology and social
issues. When looking at individual health, we must look at biological factors such as genetics, illness, immune
system functioning, and general physical health. In addition, it is important to consider an individual’s
psychological processes related to his or her health as well as the person’s social functioning. An understanding of
the connection and interaction of these three areas can help a provider to more successfully address the
individual’s problems. Healthy functioning is seen as successful integration of these three areas (Burger, 2011).
The Ecological Model
Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Model takes an even broader view of the individual and includes the examination of
many levels and factors that might impact an individual. The closer the sphere is to individual, the greater the
impact. The microsystem, which is the closest to the individual, includes family members and peers. The next
level is the exosystem, which includes extended family, government, and the individual’s neighborhood. The
outermost sphere includes the individual’s society, laws, culture and the economic system. This model encourages
providers to look at the variety of factors that impact the individual. We can understand a person better when we
also understand the connection between these systems and how they interact with one another.
As you can see, there are a variety of models that can be used in your work as a human service professional.
Using models will help you work successfully in a variety of settings and in multidisciplinary teams. Having these
tools will be important in developing different approaches to the diverse problems that you will encounter as a
human service professional.
Burger, W. R. (2011). Human services in contemporary America (8th ed.). Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning.
Martin, M. E. (2011). Introduction to human services through the eyes of practice settings (2nd ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Woodside, M. & McClam, T. (2011). An introduction to human services (7th ed.). Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning.
Social IMPACT Research Center
at Heartland Alliance
The Social IMPACT Research Center’s poverty and human services education and communications work is generously
supported by The Chicago Community Trust.
In addition, a special thanks goes to A Better Chicago, a venture philanthropy fund, who commissioned work that this report
builds on.
Paper Information
Authors: Amy Rynell, Amy Terpstra, Lindy Carrow, and Ian Mobley
The Social IMPACT Research Center (IMPACT) is a nonprofit organization that investigates today’s most pressing
social issues and solutions to inform and equip those working toward a just global society. IMPACT, a program of
Heartland Alliance for Human Needs & Human Rights, provides research, policy analysis, consulting, technical
assistance, communications, and coalition building to projects in Illinois, the Midwest, and nationally. Visit to learn more.
33 W. Grand Avenue, Suite 500 | Chicago, IL 60654 | 312.870.4949 |
Suggested Citation: Rynell, A., Terpstra, A., Carrow, L., & Mobley, I. (2011, May). The Social and Economic Value of Human
Services. Chicago: Social IMPACT Research Center.
Copyright © 2011 by Social IMPACT Research Center at Heartland Alliance.
All rights reserved
The Social and Economic Value of Human Services | Social IMPACT Research Center at Heartland Alliance
Table of Contents
Introduction: Human Services Address Social Problems
Graphic: Human Services are Vital to Our Communities
Human Services: Effective—And Cost Effective—Solutions
Homelessness and Housing Interventions
Community-Based Mental Health & Substance Use Treatment and Prevention
Income Support Programs
Job Training
Subsidized and Transitional Jobs
Adult Education for Work
Violence Prevention
After School Programs
Senior Services
Services for Persons with Disabilities
Early Childhood Education
School Health Centers
Asset Building
Conclusion: Human Services are a Wise Investment
The Social and Economic Value of Human Services | Social IMPACT Research Center at Heartland Alliance
Introduction: Human Services Address Social Issues
Human services are essential programs and supports that enhance the quality of life and well-being of people and
communities; they are a vital lifeblood to communities, supporting some of the most disadvantaged and vulnerable
people and families in Illinois while averting more costly approaches. Human services include programs and services
such as child care, mental health and substance use treatment, and job training as well as those targeting specific
populations such as immigrants, seniors, people with disabilities, or people experiencing homelessness.
In short, human services address both needs tied to our lifecycle and development as well as social problems and
the hardship that individuals and families suffer as a result of them. Social problems in the form of poverty, inequality,
homelessness, crime, educational failure, health inequities, and so on, carry a variety of social consequences to be
sure, but also have staggering economic implications:
Child poverty costs the U.S. economy a minimum of $500 billion per year—the equivalent of nearly 4
percent GDP—when considering lost earnings potential, crime, and health care costs.1
The costs of low educational attainment come primarily from lost productivity and earnings potential.
Someone with less than a high school diploma has median annual earnings 2.6 times lower than
someone with a bachelor’s degree ($18,432 compared to $47,510), which translates into billions of
dollars in lost purchasing power and taxable income.2
The cost of retaining students who do not meet standards for moving on to the next grade costs an
estimated $18 billion annually.3
Uncompensated (charity) care for those without health insurance coverage totaled $35 billion in 2004,
which is largely shouldered by taxpayers.4
The potential economic value to be gained in better health outcomes if all Americans had health coverage
is estimated to be between $65 and $130 billion each year.5
The annual net burden of crime—including costs of incarceration and the legal system, lost wages, costs
to victims, crime prevention organizations, lost opportunity costs, fear of being victimized, and cost of private
deterrence —is estimated at over $1 trillion.6
The monetary value of saving a single high-risk youth from turning to criminal activity is $1.7 to $2.3
Most human services are provided by public, quasi-public, and/or private agencies at the community level. This paper
examines publicly-funded services and highlights a body of evidence that speaks to both the social and economic
value for society when investments are made into human services. The story that emerges points to the advantages
of investments in human services in three distinct ways:
1. Human services provide a lifeline for many of the state’s most disadvantaged residents—seniors, people
with disabilities, people who are poor, those experiencing homelessness, children—thereby honoring
concepts of human rights, equality, and the inherent dignity and worth of each and every individual.
2. There are a variety of documented positive impacts of a variety of human services programs including
enhanced quality of life and stronger and more economically competitive individuals, families, and
3. Such programs are wise investments, staving off the much larger immediate and/or future costs that would
be incurred if the social problems they address were left unchecked.
Each of these types of effectiveness is valid in its own right, and a program that achieves even one of them serves a
tremendous societal function.
The Social and Economic Value of Human Services | Social IMPACT Research Center at Heartland Alliance
Graphic: Human Services are Vital to Our Communities 8
Human services are woven throughout the fabric of community life across the state and are a critical infrastructure of
economic well-being for Illinois. They are programs and services we encounter often, but might not even recognize
as human services: food pantries, early childhood learning, violence prevention, disability services, workforce
development, services for seniors, and much more.
The Social and Economic Value of Human Services | Social IMPACT Research Center at Heartland Alliance
Human Services: Effective—And Cost-Effective—Solutions
A myriad of solutions to addressing social problems, reducing hardship, and improving well-being have been tested
and proven effective. What follows are examples of specific strategies and programs—all of which fall under the
human services umbrella—that have proven to fight poverty and related issues. This compilation is by no means
comprehensive, but is intended to provide a sample of research on the topic.
Homelessness and Housing Interventions
The Homeless Prevention Program provides rental assistance, utility
assistance, and supportive services directly related to the prevention of
homelessness to eligible individuals and families who are in danger of
eviction, foreclosure, or homelessness or those are currently homeless.9
The program is designed to stabilize individuals and families in their
existing homes, shorten the amount of time that individuals and families
stay in shelters, and assist individuals and families with securing
affordable housing.
The return on
investment for homeless
prevention is as high as
a $4 return on every $1
of public investment.
Homelessness prevention is necessary to avoid the tremendous negative
● ● ●
life-disrupting impacts that the lack or loss of a home would have on
individuals and families. Homeless shelter stays are not only costly for
communities and the public, but take a toll on individuals experiencing homelessness. Housing-based and homeless
prevention expenditures are much more cost-effective than the expenses incurred on taxpayers when people
become homeless.10
Unstable housing and homelessness can be detrimental to children’s health and well-being, impacting their
academic achievement, which has long-term impacts on their future and development.11
Homeless prevention programs lead to reduced dependence on government income supports and doubled
the number of people in paid employment.12
The return on investment for homeless prevention is as high as a $4 return on every $1 of public
The average benefits paid by homeless prevention programs have been shown to be only one sixth of the
cost of shelter.14
When people experiencing homelessness become sick they spend an average of four days longer per
hospital visit than comparable non-homeless people. This extra cost, approximately $2,414 per
hospitalization, is attributable to homelessness.15
Supportive housing is a solution to homelessness that combines affordable housing with supportive services that
enables residents to achieve long-term housing stability. Supportive housing is designed to serve people with long
histories of homelessness who face persistent obstacles to maintaining housing, such as a serious mental illness, a
substance use disorder, or a chronic medical problem. A study of supportive housing in Illinois found that:16
Supportive housing residents experienced an overall 39 percent cost reduction in the use of public services,
such as inpatient mental health care, nursing homes, and criminal justice, over a two-year period after
moving into supportive housing.
The decreased need for public services yielded a total overall cost savings of more than $850,000 – an
average savings per resident of $2,400 per year.
The Social and Economic Value of Human Services | Social IMPACT Research Center at Heartland Alliance
The number of people using state mental health hospitals
dropped 90 percent from pre- to post-supportive housing.
The number of overnight stays in mental health hospitals
went down by almost 100 percent. The sample of 177
residents used more than $400,000 worth of state mental
health hospital services before entry into supportive
housing; this declined to $873 after they entered supportive
Overnight stays in state prison dropped to zero during the
post-housing time period with a 100 percent cost savings of
over $215,000. County jails saw an 86 percent decrease in
overnight stays post-supportive housing.
Medicaid services saw a major shift from a high-reliance on
expensive inpatient/acute services before supportive
housing to less expensive outpatient/preventative services after.
Nursing home stays decreased by 97 percent, saving over $230,000.
Community-Based Mental Health & Substance Use Treatment
and Prevention
The way mental health services are provided has transformed in the
last 30 years from a focus on treatment in institutional settings to a
community-based service approach where agencies offer core
mental health services such as counseling, individual and group
therapy, medication, and medication monitoring.17 They also offer
support in getting and holding a job, finding a place to live, staying in
school, improving social relationships, and gaining access to benefit
Substance use treatment is comprised of a range of services that
provide evaluation, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation for people
who abuse alcohol or other drugs.
Supportive housing
residents experienced an
overall 39 percent cost
reduction in the use of
public services over a
twoyear period after
moving in to supportive
substance use and mental
health treatment can
generate an estimated
cost savings of $3.77 for
every dollar invested.
Often mental health problems and substance use issues coexist, so best practices encourage that programs be
designed to address both. Both treatment and prevention services focused on substance use and mental health
show promise for generating solid returns on investments:
Evidence-based substance use and mental health treatment can generate an estimated cost savings $3.77
for every dollar invested.18
School-based substance use prevention programs for children and teens are particularly effective; it is
estimated that if effective school-based prevention programs were implemented nationwide, the programs
could save $18 for every $1 invested.19
Investing in mental health and substance use treatment has been shown to save money down the road
through giving people in recovery the tools needed to work, thus stimulating local economies, as well as
cutting criminal and court costs. It is estimated that California gained $7 to $9 for every dollar invested in
addiction treatment20 and that substance abuse treatment in Washington on average paid for itself within
one year after treatment.21
The Social and Economic Value of Human Services | Social IMPACT Research Center at Heartland Alliance
One study found that an addiction treatment group was less likely than a control group to have emergency
room visits. Inpatient, emergency room, and total medical costs declined by 35 percent, 39 percent, and 26
percent, respectively.22
A study on a Community Engagement Program for dually diagnosed homeless adults found large savings
for individual clients, around 35.7 percent in annual cost savings for the first year of the program, which
researchers and practitioners have found to be the most expensive period of time of treatment.23
Income Support Programs
Programs such as Temporary Assistance to Needy Families,
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (Food Stamps), and the
Earned Income Tax Credit have been proven to play a vital role in
reducing poverty, particularly for families with working members who
struggle to escape poverty due to low wages. Income supports, also
called safety net programs, are designed to help bridge the gap
between wages and the cost of meeting basic needs.
The USDA estimates that
every dollar spent on
SNAP generates a $1.84
increase in GDP.
Research shows that low-income individuals generally must
use all of their limited resources to meet daily needs such
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