Expert answer:Apply Your Knowledge Project 18 – Formatting Grade

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Complete the missing informationYou MUST use Excel functions to complete the spreadsheet (HINT: SUM, AVERAGE, and VLOOKUP functions will help solve this problem)You may also use Pivot Tables to compute the missing valuesNo credit will be given for spreadsheets that do not show the use of Excel functions to compute values Professor Streterstein Course Student name Exam 1 Exam 2 Quizz 1 Quiz 2 Quiz 3 Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Total Points Earned Final Grade Pass/Fail Acosta, Angelica 74 77 49 48 38.5 100 100 97 66.22 649.72 Alnusf, Ali 72 78 38.5 37.5 39 100 100 93.12 67.08 625.2 AlSabt, Sadon A KH A 74 99 44 43.5 49.5 100 98 72.75 85.14 665.89 Anderson, Chester 75 98 23 48 49 100 78 84.39 84.28 639.67 Ballantine, David 89 92 39 22.5 46 100 96 93.12 79.12 656.74 Behbehani, Mohammad 78 93 49.5 39 46.5 100 97 43.65 79.98 626.63 Beier, Susanna 65 8 38 33 4 100 94 75.66 6.88 424.54 Blackett, Christopher 76 4 39 49 2 100 95 64.02 3.44 432.46 Cabander, Frida 87 83 28 38.5 41.5 100 95.06 95.06 71.38 639.5 Cooper, Alexander 98 85 21.5 44 42.5 100 74.69 74.69 73.1 613.48 Corson, Bailey 64 74 49.5 23 37 100 85.36 85.36 63.64 581.86 Cunningham, Brett 53 72 43.5 39 36 100 44.62 44.62 61.92 494.66 Elenbaas, Andrew 67 74 33.5 49.5 37 100 75.66 75.66 63.64 575.96 Friend, Jason 89 75 44.5 38 37.5 100 96.03 96.03 64.5 640.56 Grzanowski, Michael 56 89 50 39 44.5 100 73.72 73.72 76.54 602.48 Harkavy, Alexander 43 78 50 28 39 100 75.66 75.66 67.08 556.4 Hartman, Brian 56 65 50 21.5 32.5 100 54.32 86.33 55.9 521.55 High, Alexander 78 76 27 49.5 38 99 41.71 84.39 65.36 558.96 Holobinko, Brittney 90 87 32.5 43.5 43.5 99 96.03 53.35 74.82 619.7 Kuo, Cheng-Jung 23 98 33.5 33.5 49 99 84.39 97 84.28 601.67 Markham, Julie 45 64 44.5 44.5 32 99 64.99 95.06 55.04 544.09 Martinez, Javier 67 53 43.5 50 26.5 98 86.33 96.03 45.58 565.94 McCauslin, Megan 89 67 27.5 50 33.5 98 97 74.69 57.62 594.31 Miller, Sara 98 89 50 50 44.5 98 97 54.32 76.54 657.36 O’Donnell, Devon 82 56 49 27 28 98 97 84.39 48.16 569.55 Olwig, Thomas 83 43 49.5 32.5 21.5 98 52.38 74.69 36.98 491.55 Parra, Matthew 74 56 38.5 33.5 28 96 63.05 75.66 48.16 512.87 Phan, Thao 74 78 28 44.5 39 96 64.99 96.03 67.08 587.6 Pitto, James 94 90 43.5 43.5 45 94 86.33 95.06 77.4 668.79 Roberts, Jase 8 23 38.5 27.5 11.5 93 84.39 89.24 19.78 394.91 Rosenthaler, Andrew 48 45 39 50 22.5 92 53.35 90.21 38.7 478.76 Rudebusch, Justin 74 67 49.5 49 33.5 90 97 7.76 57.62 525.38 Saario, Courtney 88 89 49 49.5 44.5 89 95.06 3.88 76.54 584.48 Silerio, Edgar 87 98 46 38.5 49 89 96.03 96.03 84.28 683.84 Simmer, Lindsey 100 82 43.5 28 41 89 74.69 74.69 70.52 603.4 Sims, Andrew 100 83 43.5 43.5 41.5 89 54.32 54.32 71.38 580.52 Smaiely, Mohammed 100 74 43.5 38.5 37 89 84.39 84.39 63.64 614.42 Sun, Anna 100 74 43.5 39 37 88 74.69 74.69 63.64 594.52 Tiedtke, Victor 100 94 43.5 49.5 47 88 75.66 75.66 80.84 654.16 Wei, Yu-Chen 100 8 42.5 49 4 87 96.03 96.03 6.88 489.44 Wilson, Christina 74 48 49 46 24 87 95.06 95.06 41.28 559.4 Wurzer, Michael 72 74 38.5 46.5 37 87 89.24 89.24 63.64 597.12 Yu, Won Sun 74 88 44 4 44 87 90.21 90.21 75.68 597.1 Alkelabi, Khalid 75 87 23 2 43.5 87 7.76 7.76 74.82 407.84 Berg, Yashika 89 100 39 41.5 50 87 3.88 3.88 86 500.26 Chen, Yu-Chi 78 100 49.5 42.5 50 85 80.51 80.51 86 652.02 Kowalski, Kyle 65 100 38 38.5 38.5 83 97 97 86 643 Mellen, Jonathan 76 100 39 39 39 83 93.12 93.12 86 648.24 O’Connor, Justin 87 100 28 49.5 49.5 82 72.75 72.75 86 627.5 Pologar, Trenton 98 100 21.5 49 49 78 84.39 84.39 86 650.28 Spencer, William 64 100 49.5 46 46 78 93.12 93.12 86.33 656.07 Talbot, Kevin 53 100 43.5 46.5 46.5 78 43.65 43.65 84.39 539.19 Urfalioglu, Cem 67 100 33.5 4 4 78 75.66 75.66 53.35 491.17 Williams, Maria 89 100 44.5 2 2 78 64.02 64.02 97 540.54 Achey, Sarah 56 100 50 41.5 41.5 78 95.06 95.06 95.06 652.18 Albannay, Bader 43 100 50 42.5 42.5 77 74.69 74.69 96.03 600.41 Alo, Juanita 56 100 50 37 37 77 85.36 85.36 74.69 602.41 Barr, Sandor 78 96 27 36 36 77 44.62 44.62 54.32 493.56 Barrett, Sarah 90 75 32.5 37 37 76 75.66 75.66 84.39 583.21 Callaghan, Carolyn 23 87 33.5 37.5 37.5 76 96.03 96.03 74.69 561.25 Ceballos, Manuel 45 96 44.5 44.5 44.5 75 73.72 73.72 75.66 572.6 Colombin, Meghan 67 45 43.5 39 39 75 75.66 75.66 96.03 555.85 Connelly, Brianna 89 78 27.5 32.5 32.5 74 54.32 54.32 95.06 537.2 Dietz, Alex 98 66 50 38 38 74 86.33 41.71 89.24 581.28 Dubose, Fallon 82 98 49 43.5 43.5 74 84.39 96.03 90.21 660.63 Feuer, Jacob 83 77 49.5 49 49 74 53.35 84.39 7.76 527 Flaks, Molly 74 88 38.5 32 32 74 97 64.99 3.88 504.37 Harris, MacGregor 74 46 28 26.5 26.5 72 95.06 86.33 39.56 493.95 Hobbs, Zachary 94 78 43.5 33.5 33.5 67 96.03 97 67.08 609.61 Keely, Sara 8 99 38.5 44.5 44.5 67 74.69 97 85.14 558.33 Kendall, Richard 48 76 39 28 28 67 54.32 97 65.36 502.68 Lenox, Matthew 74 78 49.5 21.5 21.5 67 84.39 52.38 67.08 515.35 Martin, Elizabeth 88 56 49 28 28 66 74.69 63.05 48.16 500.9 Mashburn, Amy 87 43 46 39 39 65 75.66 64.99 36.98 496.63 McCain, Donovan 100 99 28 45 45 65 96.03 86.33 85.14 649.5 McCormick, Evan 100 87 28 11.5 11.5 64 95.06 84.39 74.82 556.27 McLaughlin, Dorsey 100 67 28 22.5 22.5 56 89.24 53.35 57.62 496.21 Nestor, Brian 100 89 28 33.5 33.5 56 90.21 97 76.54 603.75 Oliveria, Kyle 100 100 27.5 44.5 44.5 56 7.76 95.06 86 561.32 Ollom, Ross 100 100 27 49 49 56 3.88 96.03 86 566.91 Popalisky, Leslie 100 100 26.5 41 41 55 74.69 74.69 86 598.88 Reinhard, Kyomi 100 54 24 41.5 41.5 54 54.32 54.32 46.44 470.08 Runes, Corri 100 65 23 37 37 53 84.39 84.39 55.9 539.68 Sabloff, Claire 100 67 22.5 37 37 48 74.69 74.69 57.62 518.5 Shiff, Sari 100 89 22.5 47 47 46 75.66 75.66 76.54 579.36 Sides, Stacy 100 87 21.5 4 4 45 96.03 96.03 74.82 528.38 Smith, Ryan 100 55 21.5 24 24 45 95.06 95.06 47.3 506.92 Snead, Megan 96 100 11.5 37 37 43 89.24 89.24 86 588.98 Talley, Katrina 100 98 4 44 44 43 90.21 90.21 84.28 597.7 Toomey, Terrance 100 99 4 43.5 43.5 23 7.76 7.76 85.14 413.66 Vallina, Roberta 100 77 4 50 50 8 3.88 3.88 66.22 362.98 Wang, Barry 100 56 2 50 50 8 80.51 80.51 48.16 475.18 Wieland, Christopher 100 87 2 50 43.5 4 97 97 74.82 555.32

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