Solved by verified expert:I have a course called Advanced Tech in Journalism. I have two discussions that need to be done. This assignment is very important to me, you must be completed independently, cannot from any place copy the views of others. I will check it, otherwise i will fail.Each discussion is 300 to 400 words.All the details and requirements in the file, please download and read it carefully.Please use two different documents to discuss two topics separately.
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Discussion #1 Internet Becomes a Reporting Tool
For years, journalists have used the internet for different reasons. In 300 – 400
words, explain your understanding of journalists using the internet. Include the
following in your discussion:
The Telegraph and Telephone
The Growing Internet
Future of journalism
300 – 400 words
Well-written sentences
Proper grammar, spelling and punctuation
I strongly recommend that you read another document
that can help you to finish the discussion better, which
my professor sent to me. Be sure to read it.
Discussion #2: Web (Internet) Browsers
In 2017, there are popular and more commonly used internet browsers, including
Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. For this discussion, all students should
discuss the following:
Differentiate between your two favorites web (internet) browsers
Which of the two browsers is your favorite news website? Why?
Explain the difference between extranet, intranet and e-commerce website.
Provide an example of each.
300 – 400 words
Well-written sentences
Proper grammar, spelling and punctuation
I strongly recommend that you read another document
that can help you to finish the discussion better, which
my professor sent to me. Be sure to read it.
The Internet Becomes a
Reporting Tool
The Internet is unique. In the history of civilization, there has never been
anything quite like the Internet. In a relatively short period of time, the Net has
become a global phenomenon as the Internet is on every continent, including
Antarctica. An Internet host at the South Pole passes scientific data to researchers
around the world. In this lecture, you will trace the history of the Net and some
other “famous” networks.
According to Vinton Cerf, one of the original architects of Internet, no
communications system in the world has ever grown as fast as Internet. The talk
in Washington focused on creating a “global electronic highway” has increased the
attention on Internet’s ability to serve as an information system for the public.
Millions and millions of computers around the world are connected to the
Internet system. An additional 10,000 computers per day are being added to the
network. More than 972 million people from around the world use Internet!
The resources of this electronic city called the Internet include some of the
world’s fastest super-computers, some of the world’s most sophisticated public
domain computer software (which is shared through the network), specialized
databases for numerous disciplines, library card catalogues of many major
universities around the globe including the Library of Congress, thousands of
researchers and scholars from all disciplines, and often intelligent discussions with
experts (accredited and self-proclaimed) on every subject under the sun. Many
journalists use Internet to communicate daily with thousands of their peers
around the world!
This vast interconnection of computers called Internet provides an unparalleled
infrastructure for sharing resources. An Internet user can connect to a computer
on the other side of the world as quickly and easily as if it was in the next room.
Mail messages can be delivered to any of hundreds of thousands of individual mail
boxes in dozens of countries or in a office across campus. Large computer files can
be transferred quickly with a few brief commands. These capabilities are just a few
of the reasons that Internet continues to grow and reporters continue to request
their newspapers and broadcast stations join the Internet system.
One of the ideas behind the Internet is to provide a vehicle that allows people to
share ideas. This is not a unique idea as several networks from the past fostered
this concept. These led up to the Internet of today.
The Telegraph
One of the first electronic networks was the telegraph system created by Samuel F.
B. Morse in 1837. The telegraph used electromagnets and wires to send and
receive clicks from one telegraph operator to another. Later, the clicks were
replaced by audio tones. The two telegraph operators could be separated by many
miles, as long as the telegraph units were connected by wires.
In addition to creating the electronics associated with his system, Morse had to
develop a “code” to represent letters, numbers and punctuation marks so that
information could be sent and received through the telegraph. The duration of the
tones is important in understanding Morse Code. Tones with a short duration are
called “dits” while tones with longer durations are called “dahs.” (Most people who
know and use Morse Code describe the characters as “dits” and “dahs” since it is
closer to the sounds used with the code than “dots” and “dashes.” A telegraph user
can tell a person knows little about Morse Code if he or she starts talking about
“dots” and “dashes.”
Morse Code is still used today. A short tour of the international shortwave
frequencies will confirm that hundreds of Morse Code (called CW by radio
amateurs) signals are on the air. One of the reasons that Morse Code survives is
that it is the easiest and least expensive form of radio signal to generate and
transfer information. It does not take lots of expensive equipment to create a
Morse Code signal. A radio amateur operator can invest less than $50 in a Morse
Code transmitter and receiver and talk to other amateur operators around the
Another reason is that Morse Code messages are easier to reliably copy when the
radio bands are poor. If you cannot copy an important message by voice because of
static or other noises, chances are good that you can get the message across using
Morse Code.
The Telephone
Alexander Graham Bell will always be remembered as the inventor of the
telephone. On March 10, 1876, Bell had the first telephone conversation with his
assistant Mr. Watson, by saying the now famous words, “Mr. Watson, come here, I
want you.”
The telephone network covers almost all of the globe. The worldwide telephone
network, like the Internet, is a network of networks working together. These
telephone networks are able to work together because telephone companies
around the world were able to agree on a simple set of standards for telephone
communications. The use of standards allows global communications through
phone networks owned by different companies and nations.
For example, a person can use a BellSouth pay telephone on Troy University’s
campus, call long distance using MCI’s access code, end up using AT&T lines for
part of the transmission and Sprint’s lines for another, and talk with a friend in
Frankfurt, Germany, over the Deutsche Bundespost phone network. Many
different telephone networks typically work together to allow one conversation.
The worldwide telephone system has a major impact on the Internet as it is the
communications backbone of the Net. The fact that the Internet can use the
existing phone system to communicate means the Internet has extensive global
coverage and tremendous growth potential.
Both telephones and telegraphs laid the foundation for today’s Internet. The
lessons learned from creating the telegraph system made it easier to build a
functional telephone network. Problems discovered in international telephone
connections were applied to the creation of the Internet.
There were other networks besides telegraph and telephones before Internet.
ARPAnet and Bitnet demonstrated the potential for the Internet and led to the
Network’s development.
A major shift in the way scholars thought of computer files happened in the early
1960s. MIT and Stanford jointly created something called packets.
Up until that time, a file was one contiguous item. Files had a starting point, an
ending and everything between the start and end. Files were one grouping of
computer information.
MIT and Stanford demonstrated that it would be easier and faster to transmit a
computer file over a wire if that file was broken up into lots of little segments of
the file, the smaller segements sent over the wire, then the segments reassembled
on the other end after the transmission is completed.
While this may sound to you like a computer disaster about to happen, this idea
really worked and it make it easier to move information over wires. This idea
would become a building block of computer networks.
Before we talk about Internet, we must first discuss something called ARPAnet
because what we define as Internet today, started as ARPAnet. In the late 1960s,
the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) of the Department of Defense
realized that major military computer systems needed to be linked or connected
together so that they could share information. This idea of sharing resources was
born out of both scientific and military needs. Scientists and military experts
needed to share information and research data even if nuclear war or a natural
disaster, like an earthquake, destroyed large sections of their communications
At this time, the concept of computer networking was very novel and many
problems had to be overcome. The major problem of the day was that mainframe
computers spoke proprietary languages and could not talk to computers made by
other companies and sometimes could not talk to computers made by the same
company. For example, VM, CICS, VMS and CMS, to name a few were operating
systems on most mainframes and these systems were incompatible with each
other. To make matters worse, IBM mainframes used something called EBCDCT to
transmit characters while most other computer manufacturers used ASCII to
identify characters. The first problem that had to be addressed was to get the
Defense Department’s computers talking and sharing information with each other.
DOD researchers developed something called IP (Internet Protocol). This was a
computer addressing system that made sure that information was successfully
transmitted or received and every computer on the network would be able to
communicate with every other computer on the network. This created something
called peer-to-peer networking.
Another condition established by DOD for their computer network was more
difficult to achieve. The computer network had to be able to survive a direct
conventional bomb. In theory, if any computer or part of the ARPAnet ever went
down from an enemy attack or natural disaster, the ARPAnet had the ability to
reroute computer data and information down different network paths, ensuring
that at least part of the computer network would remain alive.
In 1969, DOD’s ARPAnet was opened to research universities linking together the
mainframe computers at four schools. They were:
University of California at Santa Barbara
University of Utah
By 1970, IP was modified to include something called TCP (Transmission Control
Protocol). By 1980, DOD standardized something called TCP/IP, the network
protocol that would be used later by Bitnet and is still used today by Internet.
As satellites and other forms of communications became available to DOD,
ARPAnet took a back seat. DOD opened the system to many U.S. universities and
research institution across the nation. Eventually, DOD backed out of ARPAnet
leaving the system to the academic community.
The old ARPAnet and the early Internet systems were primarily text-based. All
you could get from these networks were files containing words, not pictures,
graphics, video or sound. These items came later with the World Wide Web.
You may find it interesting that Iraq set up a computer network similar to the
ARPAnet during the Gulf War. Their network survived aerial bombing attacks by
American and Coalition forces in the Desert Storm conflict in 1991-92. This event
helped prove the value of the ARPAnet system. The Internet inherited many of
the technologies developed for ARPAnet.
BITNET was one of the largest general purpose academic computing networks in
the world. Bitnet took its name from “Because Its Time NETwork.” It was founded
in 1981 by City University of New York (CUNY) and Yale University. IBM
heavily contributed to the development of Bitnet. It is no surprise that Bitnet was
composed of IBM machines and IBM protocols. Bitnet functioned by sending
packets of information along set routes. This is similar to how trains ride on set
tracks. The speed that your message traveled depended on how overloaded a route
was or whether a machine was up and working or down and not working along
the way.
One of the problems with Bitnet was that the system figured on only one route for
your message. This meant that if a machine along the path was down, your
message stopped and waited until that computer was back on-line and the circuit
was completed. This linear-sequential logic used on Bitnet frequently resulted in
messages being delayed because host machines were down.
Another problem was the speed on Bitnet. Bitnet’s data links were a slow 9,600
baud, a speed most computer modems easily exceed. For network traffic, 9,600
baud is unacceptable by today’s standards.
Bitnet had three main capabilities. These were e-mail, sending files from user to
user, and an interactive message service.
Bitnet addresses were easy to recognize since they contained a user ID followed by
an “at” symbol (@) and the node ID. Both the user ID and the node ID for Bitnet
accounts were single groups of text with no punctuation marks. An example of a
Bitnet address was:
Troy University does not have a direct connection to Bitnet. Since many
universities are upgrading their network connections from Bitnet to Internet, it is
unlikely that Troy University will invest in a Bitnet connection. This does not
mean that we are unable to access the few remaining resources on Bitnet and to
send e-mail to Bitnet addresses. There are ways to send messages from your TROY
account into the Bitnet system.
Internet is a newer, faster network that uses ARPAnet’s TCP/IP protocol to
connect all different kinds of machines. Internet was formed when ARPAnet
merged into several regional, research and academic networks. For many years,
the National Science Foundation (NSF) paid the major portion of Internet’s
interconnection bills because in the mid 1980s, the NSF funded six supercomputers for scientific research. These advanced computers were located in
Princeton, New Jersey; San Diego, California; Champaign, Illinois; Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania; Ithaca, New York; and Boulder, Colorado and they were linked
together by a network.
In 1986, the NSF expanded its network by funding the NSFNET. Since there were
only a few super-computers across the nation, the scientific community decided to
share these valuable resources by expanding NSF’s networking so that researchers
could remotely login to the super-computer centers from the nations’s major
universities. To accomplish this remote access, a communications backbone was
The backbone is simply a system of high-speed special phone lines carrying
computer data. These phone lines may be wires, cables, fiber optics, microwaves
or RF. The backbone first connected the super-computer sites to each other. Later,
the ARPAnet was connected to and absorbed by the new system.
The NSFNET established a backbone that anyone with the necessary equipment
and software could connect. Soon, colleges and universities from all over the
country connected to this computer network backbone. The National Aeronautics
and Space Administration (NASA), the Department of Energy (DOE), and other
government agencies soon hooked up as well along with most other government
agencies. As the backbone went international, schools and government agencies
from other countries were added to the network. The modern Internet was born.
The NSF is backing out of the Internet picture leaving the costs associated with
the network to the academic community and to private companies.
Internet is experiencing phenomenal growth as many universities are abandoning
Bitnet and switching over to Internet. Figures from Internet indicate that the
network is growing at a rate of 12 percent per month. These facts lead some to
believe that the information revolution has already happened in this country
leaving us in an information age. It is probable that we have passed through the
“information age” and are now in an “information search and retrieval age.”
Whatever the age we happen to be going through, the Internet is contributing to
the public’s ability to store, search and retrieve information.
Internet is a three-level network with a backbone that uses routers to connect
thousands of local machines (hosts). These routers decide which path Internet
traffic will follow. Packets are addressed according to a domain-naming
convention that, like regular mail, goes from most specific to most general. Thus,
an Internet address is longer than a Bitnet address. An example of an Internet
address is:
The last characters in an Internet address indicate the “domain” of that address.
Our domain at Troy University is “EDU.” This informs others that we belong to an
educational institution for our link to Internet. Some other Internet domains are:
edu = educational institutions
com = commercial operations
gov = government agency
mil = military sites
net = network providers
info = commercial and noncommercial sites
biz = businesses
tv = mostly commercial sites
org = organizations that fall between the cracks
These are not all the domains use in Internet addresses.
Internet does not suffer from the speed limitations of Bitnet. Most Internet
connections zip along at 1 million 544 thousand baud (T1). Many organizations
are updating their Internet connections to T3 status, capable of moving
information at a baud rate of 45 million per second. ATM technology moves
Internet speed to more that 130 million baud. Again, Internet is not limited to
Bitnet’s slow speed of only 9,600 baud.
The Internet reaches more than 140 countries around the world. On the Internet
you can reach schools, government agencies, chambers of commerce, libraries,
colleges, universities, travel agencies, banks, military bases, research labs, and
friends you meet in Cyberspace.
Internet supports six basic applications: electronic mail (E-MAIL), file transfer
(FTP), remote login (TELNET), Gopher, Network News and World Wide Web.
Since Internet is the system used at Troy University, a brief description of these
applications is in order and will be given in later chapters.
The Growing Internet
It does not take a rocket scientist to determine that the Internet is growing at a
rapid rate. The appearance of Internet addresses in commercial advertising points
to the acceptance of the network with both the public and advertisers.
Counting the number of hosts is one way to see the rapid growth of the Internet
in the last few years. It is also an inefficient way to come up with a host count.
There is an old unverified story that a computer major wrote a little program for
the Internet that required every computer on the Net to send a message back to
the student giving the computer’s name and Internet address. The program created
so much traffic on the Network that it practically brought the Net to a stand-still.
Internet users know that rapid growth can be difficult to deal with and manage.
When the Net was small, the communications links were like the roads in a small
town. With just a few people traveling around the town, the small, narrow streets
could easily handle the traffic.
Rapid growth soon made the narrow roads obsolete. New communications
highways had to be built to handle the electronic traffic. In a situation similar to
Atlanta, too much traffic was trying to get through the congested roads of the city.
Businesses have also jumped in to help people reach the Net and use its resources.
However, even with this …
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