Solved by verified expert:Hello I have a sociology midterm and the midterm should be submitted online. The midterm has been posted on Canvas and it has 5 questions. I have attachment the instruction of the midterm and the questions in one file and the other file is the discussion we had in class about the course ( it is posted every class on Canvas as well by the professor )PLEASE take this assignment seriously because I am planning to get A in this class to raise my GPA and I won’t forget you at the end.
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Social Interaction pt.1
Agents of socialization.
1. The family
2. Schools and the education system
3. Peers and friends
4. The mass media
5. Work and occupational environments
the Roles we play
Social roles can be thought of as socially and culturally defined expectations of people
who are acting or engaging in a particular social position and a particular social context.
Socialization and Identity
Learning Gender>>>> becoming…
a boy or a girl
a man or a woman
Gender roles can refer to be socially assigned tasks or positions that are labeled as
masculine or feminine.
understanding the agents of gender socialization
Social Interaction is every moment of social engagement we encounter in our
daily lives.
The importance of social interaction and life and human societies.
Social interaction – can be thought of as the process by which individuals and society
act and react to those around them.
Civil inattention describes the process by which individuals who are occupying the
same physical space demonstrate that the are aware of one of this presence, at the
same time trying to avoid gestures that may seem too intrusive.
Unfocused interaction – unfocused interaction occurs when individuals typically those
in a group exhibit awareness of the others around them without actually engaging them
Focused interaction– this is an interaction occurs between individuals who are directly
engaged in common activity with one another.
Encounters– an instance of focused interaction with family friends colleagues even
The idea of impression management, and the difference between expressions that want
we give and those actually expressions that we give off.
The rules of engagement
Understanding ethnomethodology.
The study of how people make sense of what others say and interactions on a day-today basis the idea of examining the methods or techniques people used to engage in
meaningful exchanges with one another.
Interactional vandalism– an attempt to purposely subvert or disrupt the rules of typical
conversation or social engagement.
Response cries –
The rules around personal space.
The role of social interaction and the creation of social structure.
Social structure=> the framework of society composed of people in different positions
and the relationships between these people. Helps with making society predicable.
Statuses- a social (relational) position a person occupies in society, (a basic component
of social structure).
Important to know that with Statuses, social context matters.
Status as ascribed
Status as achieve
Master status – the dominate status a person can hold, determines a persons general
position in society.
Social role- a set of (normative) expectations associated with a particular status
Role Set
Role expectations and Role performances
Groups and organizations
Understanding groups, understanding organizations. Building to social institutions.
Social group – a collection of people who have a common identity all regularly interact
with one another based on some set of shared expectations.
Primary groups and secondary groups
In-groups and out-groups
Social aggregate – a collection of people who happened to be together in a particular
place but new that significantly interact or identified.
Social category – a collection of people who share a common characteristic such as
racial gender but don’t necessarily interact or identify with one another.
Reference group – group that provides a standard for assessing judging one’s behavior
or attitudes beliefs.
Organizations or large groups of individuals with a definite said relations based on
hierarchy and authority. Organizations are driven by a common purpose and through
collective action.
Formal organization needs by which a group is rationally designed to achieve its
objectives often by means of explicit rules regulations and procedures think of a
Sociology: An Introduction
The significance of the current moment:
economic strife set against increasing prosperity
environmental calamity set against technological advance
local priorities set against increasing global integration
The need for an expanded prospective
A global point of view?
What Is Sociology?
the study of everyday life?
the study social problems?
the study of culture====>understanding human systems
Concerned with the fundamentals of social life:
the bonds and connections between individuals
the social construction of reality
the nature of inequality
the meaning of work and social reproduction
The importance of the Social!!
idea of the social construction
significance of social context
impacts of social problems
social relation and everyday life
The law of culture and the study of human systems
Social relations, bonds, norms, values, beliefs, mores
The need for evidence.
The social sciences and the quest for certainty.
Poli Sci, Economics, Anthropology, History
The Sociological Mind
From Comte to Du Bois
the sociological imagination, the big idea C. Wright Mills left us.
> a quality of mind that allows for an understanding of the connections between broad
social forces and individual experiences.
Comte= father of the the discipline; the physics of social life
Durkheim = the birth of the social fact; social cohesion (organic solidarity vs mechancial)
Marx = father of political-economy (?); not a communist; capital vs. labor
Weber = rationalization; complex structure of social class
Addams = mother of the social work; advocate for immigrant rights
Du Bois = the idea of double consciousness, social and economic link to social
The Science of Sociology
We should think about science and the use of systematic methods of empirical
the analysis of data
theoretical thinking
the logical assessment of arguments to develop a body of knowledge about a
particular subject matter.
Sociology engages and empirical investigations of and for social facts
The scientific steps
Define the problem, in this instance you want to select a topic for your research
Review literature, look at the work that has been done before you on that topic Mark
from use it.
Formulate a research hypothesis, make the problem more precise constructs the
relationship between important variables.
Select a research design or methodology your several to choose from.
Conduct the research or collect your data.
Interpret and analyze the data that you have collected.
Report and discuss your research findings.
Can regular engagement with robots make people more empathetic
with other people?
Understanding the difference between a hypothesis and a theory.
A hypothesis is often referred to as an educated guess about the nature of a particular
social phenomena or the nature between particular variables of interest.
Variables can be thought of as dimensions or characteristics that can be associated
with individuals groups or particular social phenomena. The variable can be seen as a
way of describing something or someone.
A discussion of the difference between causation and correlation.
Causation can be thought of as the direct influence of one variable another or one
variable causing direct changes and another variable.
Correlation refers to how changes in one variable can be associated with changes in
another. Correlations can be positive and negative.
A discussion of freakonomics.
The nature of the dependent and independent variables.
The Importance of science
Research methods
The application of the scientific method
The differences between: facts and truth
Understanding reliability and validity
the application of research methods
the two general approaches:
These approaches tend to be more statistical and nature, and have a greater sense of
scientific rigor.
These approaches tend to focus more on particular social contexts, the different ways in
which culture and language influence social behavior, and they tend to be more
conducted in their assessment social reality.
Surveys and experiments can be considered forms of quantitative methodologies.
Ethnography and historical comparative analysis can be considered forms of qualitative
statistical analysis and survey research
Survey research is one of the most prolific forms of sociological research used
today. Surveys involve asking questions of a subset of a population that you was to
study. This subset is known as a sample.
Surveys are useful because they are efficient and they allow for more comparisons to
be me I’m on the different responses given my respondents. Surveys may also be
someone in accurate, they are also very standardized and rigid, so these can be some
Life histories can be seen as a qualitative methodology which in this case would be the
study of the overall lives of individuals or small groups based on self-report, historical
documents, and other artifacts.
Comparative research is vitally important in sociology and social research, because it
allows for comparison between respondents individuals over time. This approach
involves both qualitative elements and quantitative elements.
The idea of reflexivity.
A new type of trinity
the Trinity of Social Reality====> understanding the elements of our ‘waking’ life
the power of the social:
the element of Culture===> material and non-material
the element of Socialization ====> lifelong learning
the element of Social Interaction ====> engagement, social bonds, gives rise to social
The significant place of Culture
Culture with a big ‘C’ (meaning those common cultural features found in every society
around the world) ======> Small ‘c’ ( meaning those cultural features that are
associated with a particular society, like the US).
Understanding that which is Universal.
Cultural universals====> a common practice, belief that is share by all societies
What are some cultural universals? What do Americans have in common with People
from Afganistan?
The construction of meaning and nonmaterial culture.
The significance of language: understanding the Sapir-Whorf hypothesism (linguistic
relativity hypothesis)
The relationship between language and the ways in which we perceive and
subsequently described the world around us.
The historical and contemporary significance of writing.
The origins of writing, the utility of the written word.
Writing as art===> the cultural role the writer plays in our society
the contemporary power of words
Contemporary forms of literary culture.
The meaning of the text message.
Describing your world and 140 characters, The Twitter effect.
Culture, language, and nonverbal forms of communication.
Shared understanding ==> the importance of values [a collective idea of what society
sees as good or bad, proper or improper
elements of Culture
Normative culture
Norms- established rules standards of behavior, associated with expectations
– folkways: rules for governing everyday behavior. Minor sanctions if violated
– mores: very important norms necessary for the welfare of society. Serious if violated
– formal norms: a norm that has been codified, specifies sanctions if violated
– laws: formal norms enforced by the state
– informal norm: a generally understood rule that has not been codified
Culture and everyday life
understanding the depths of culture as learned behavior
The idea of social emotions and feeling rules
learning grief and love, and how to express them emotions
How did you learn what guilt is and how to express it? what does guilt look like?
Responses to culture
Cultural disffusion
Culture Shock
Cultural Genocide
Cultural relativism
Socialization Pt1
The significance of socialization.
The process of becoming self-aware, becoming knowledgeable people, acquiring the
skills and the elements and ways of a particular culture.
Socialization contributes to the process of social reproduction which leads to the
structural continuity of a society or culture overtime.
Nature vs. Nurture
Which is the most influential?
The power of socialization and the major fix and personality and cultural absorption
that can happen in the absence of socialization.
The so-called wild children.
The wild boy from the forests of France.
No socialization no parents no absorption of culture. Is this boy actually him?
The Idea of Collective Memory
Socialization of the fight over memories
Situation of Jeannie, who was locked in a room to the age of 13. She was subject to
physical and psychological abuse, and was never properly parented more socialized as
a normal typical human being with.
Socialization and the importance of cognition, or the human thought process
perception reasoning and remember.
Socialization and development of the social self, the basis of self-consciousness in
human individuals as supported by the theory of GH Mead.
Mead and the stages of human social development
Preparatory Stage (0-2)
Play stage (2-6)
play and make-up the rule
Game stage (7- and up)
Play, rules established
the ‘I’==== the unsocialized self==== fixed on wants and desires
The social self is developed through interaction with others and is related to an
achievement of self-consciousness a social identity. GH Mead referred to this
component of the self as the ‘Me’.
the Generalized Other
The generalized other within you, what is the significance of this?
Cooley and the Mirror inside
The concept of the Looking Glass self
Erving Goffman=> the dramaturgical approach to the “presentation” of the self
All the worlds of our lives are stages!
The idea of the front stage and the back stage= we performance, society judges, our
sense of self is maintained or it collapses.
Agents of socialization.
1. The family
2. Schools and the education system
3. Peers and friends
4. The mass media
5. Work and occupational environments
the Roles we play
Social roles can be thought of as socially and culturally defined expectations of people
who are acting or engaging in a particular social position and a particular social context.
Socialization and Identity
Learning Gender>>>> becoming…
a boy or a girl
a man or a woman
Gender roles can refer to be socially assigned tasks or positions that are labeled as
masculine or feminine.
understanding the agents of gender socialization
More than Freud and Penis envy
Learning Race…
Social Organizations and Social Structure
Embracing the Trinity of Social Reality
Culture (the main ingredient).
Can be though of as everything that we have (material) and everything that we know
elements of (nonmaterial) culture:
the centrality of Language
the lifelong process of learning, the means by which we absorb culture
the link between socialization and brain development
the development of the self
Social interaction –
a reciprocal exchange between 2 or more people read, react, and respond to each
Construct culture
Construct the self
Construct society
Statuses and roles
Ascribed and achieved
Groups and organizations
Understanding groups, understanding organizations. Building to social institutions.
Social group – a collection of people who have a common identity all regularly interact
with one another based on some set of shared expectations.
Primary groups and secondary groups
Think about the differences:
social groups and societal organization- 15,000 years ago; 10,000 years ago; 2000
years ago
In-groups and out-groups
Social aggregate – a collection of people who happened to be together in a particular
place but new that significantly interact or identified.
Social category – a collection of people who share a common characteristic such as
racial gender but don’t necessarily interact or identify with one another.
Reference group – group that provides a standard for assessing judging one’s
behavior or attitudes beliefs.
Formal organization – coordination of people, resources and technology to meet some
basic need. This type pf group is rationally designed to achieve its objectives often by
means of explicit rules regulations and procedures think of a bureaucracy.
Voluntary and Coercive organizations
Formal Organiztions and the modern world
The role of bureaucracy: formal organization=> the goal of efficiency
Division of labor
Hierarchy of authority
Written rules and regulations [defining position (statues) and their roles
Employment based on technical qualifications
Authority and responsibility associated with the position, not the person
The downside of organizations and bureaucracy.
McDonaldization- a focus on efficiency, calculability, predictability, and control
Formal versus informal relations.
the by which the achieving of a designated goal is guided by ‘instrumental’ rational
instrumental as a means of relating to resources or even people as tools or as a means
to an end with respect to achieving a particular goal.
The Iron Cage of Rationality
a structure of irrational practices or effects that are born out of rational systems
from chicken farms to fracking operation => the Iron Cage of profit!!
Can you smell the antibiotics!!
the idea of trained incapacity
Organizations and the Pursuit of Profit
the rational practice of:
lower production cost
create new products/ services
new products and planned obsolesence
encourage greater amounts of consumption
create new markets
The structure of the world
social institutions- social connection (networks) that are long-lasting in society and are
geared toward meeting social needs
Social structure and human relations
Tönnies ====> Gemeinschaft Gesellschaft
Durkheim====> mechanical and organically solidarity.
from hunting and gathering to postindustrial
To be or not to be…… Deviant!
Deviance and Crime
Deviance act that do not conform with established norms or values held by most
members of a group or society.
Deviance is about more than law and order====> understanding social control==
=> violating the established rules of conduct ===> Norms? Whose norms?
the issue of stigma – a social weird type of social interaction?
Deviants as:
Pure- rule breakers, caught and sanctioned by the group
Secret- rule breakers, not caught, or caught but subject to civil inattention
Social control- strategies for preventing deviant behavior
formal social control- carried out by authorized agents
informal social control- casually imposed by ordinary people
The Weinstein Conspiracy?
Harvey Weinstein and his secret life as a sexual predator
Secret deviance===> yes, is he also a Primary Deviants ==> transitioned to a
secondary deviant
conformity- going along peers
obedience- compliance with authority
The meaning of sanctions.
What is the difference between a law and a norm.
Social control both formal and informal.
Surviellance and Censorship===> familiar forms of social control
Deviance as a state of being. Deviance Identity!!??!
More than deviance====> crime in society
Culture and the Making of Law (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Violations of law====> the how and the why of crime and law
UCR crime data====> most crime is against property, murder least frequent crime.
Crime under-reporting
Homicide Rate, 1950–2016
Find the rate for murder and nonnegligent manslaughter per 100,000
people in the United States.
9. …
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