Expert answer:U1 500 word essays

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U1 – (Chapters 1 and 3)
This question involves leader paradigm shifts and how change affects
both leaders and followers. Write a brief essay on a recent event or
societal change that might have contributed to a paradigm (leadership)
Your response should be at least 500 words in length.
Do you think one’s leadership style is fixed and remains the same
throughout the lifespan of a career, or is a leader’s style adaptable and
contingent upon the situation? Support your opinion by using the
contingency models covered in this unit.
Your response should be at least 500 words in length.
© Stuart Black/Robert Harding World Imagery/Getty Images
Chapter 1: What Does It Mean to Be a Leader?
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After studying this chapter, you should be able to:
• Understand the full meaning of leadership and see the leadership potential in yourself and others.
• Recognize and facilitate the six fundamental transformations in today’s organizations and leaders.
• Identify the primary reasons for leadership derailment and the new paradigm skills that can help
you avoid it.
• Recognize the traditional functions of management and the fundamental differences between
leadership and management.
• Appreciate the crucial importance of providing direction, alignment, relationships, personal qualities,
and outcomes.
• Explain how leadership has evolved and how historical approaches apply to the practice of
leadership today.
The Need for Leadership
In the Lead
The New Reality for Leaders
13 How Leadership Differs from
17 Evolving Theories of
20 Leadership Can Be Learned
23 Mastering the Art and Science
of Leadership
25 Organization of This Book
Vineet Nayar, HCL
22 Google
Leader’s Self-Insight
12 Your Learning Style: Using
Multiple Intelligences
16 Your Leadership Potential
22 Are You on a Fast Track to
Leader’s Bookshelf
11 Great by Choice: Uncertainty,
Chaos, and Luck—Why Some
Thrive Despite Them All
Leadership at Work
27 Leadership Right–Wrong
Leadership Development: Cases for
28 Sales Engineering Division
29 The Marshall Plan
s a young politician, Abraham Lincoln once provoked an opponent to tears by
using his expert communication skills to mimic and ridicule his rival. Soon
afterward, the man who would later become the 16th president of the United
States felt disappointed and ashamed of his own behavior and sought out his opponent
to offer an apology. Lincoln took this as a valuable lesson about channeling his
emotions, practicing empathy, and using his abilities to promote good. From then on,
Lincoln applied his superb leadership and communication skills to serve the higher
interests of the American people rather than his own goals and ego.
Interest in Abraham Lincoln’s leadership swelled with the release of Steven
Spielberg’s 2012 historical film Lincoln, which was a huge critical and commercial
success, grossing more than $250 million at the box office and garnering 12
Academy Award nominations. “Lincoln’s presidency is a big, well-lit classroom for
business leaders seeking to build successful, enduring organizations,” said Howard
Schultz, CEO of Starbucks. In this era of disconnected and morally bankrupt
leaders, it is no wonder the skills, strengths, and character of Lincoln have struck a
chord. His ability to control his emotions and stay committed to a vision even under
intense hardship, his commitment to go into the field and establish connections with
soldiers and the general public, and his willingness to listen to different points of view
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and to share credit for successes and take blame for failures all tap into a deep
longing within people for genuine leadership.1
The public trust in leaders may be at an all-time low. Referring to the dire
economic situation that followed the ethical and financial problems in the mortgage
and finance industries, David Rothkopf wrote in the Washington Post, “This is not
just a global economic crisis. It is a global leadership crisis.”2
Many of us think of leadership in a way similar to what U.S. Supreme Court Justice
Potter Stewart said about obscenity in reviewing a 1964 pornography case: we may
not be able to define it but “we know it when we see it.”3 People can clearly see
leadership in Abraham Lincoln, but many are having a hard time seeing it in
current political, business, military, and even religious leaders. General David
Petraeus, one of the most decorated military leaders of his generation, stepped down
as director of the Central Intelligence Agency after the FBI inadvertently discovered
he had an extramarital affair with his biographer and began investigating for
potential leaks of classified information. The British Broadcasting Corporation
(BBC) was tarnished by allegations that managers covered up years of sexual abuse
by a well-known reporter.4 Senator Chuck Grassley recently probed the financial
records of six well-known televangelists, including Creflo Dollar and Kenneth
Copeland, after reports that tax-exempt donations were financing lavish lifestyles for
the religious leaders, including mansions, Rolls Royce cars, and private jets.5 Nearly
every month brings a new report of a business leader somewhere lying to, misleading,
or cheating employees, customers, or the government. No wonder survey after survey
shows that confidence in leaders is sinking and suspicion and distrust are rising.6
Yet there are good leaders working in every organization, large and small. In
fact, quality leadership is all around us every day, in all facets of our lives—our
families, schools, communities, social clubs, and volunteer organizations, as well
as in the world of business, sports, religion, government, and the military. Without
good leadership, our institutions and society would fall apart.
Before we can examine what makes an effective leader, we need to know what
leadership means. Scholars and other writers have offered hundreds of definitions
of the term leadership, prompting James McGregor Burns to conclude that leadership “is one of the most observed and least understood phenomena on earth.”7
Defining leadership has been a complex and elusive problem largely because the
nature of leadership itself is complex. Some have even suggested that leadership is
nothing more than a romantic myth, perhaps based on the false hope that someone
will come along and solve our problems by sheer force of will.8
There is some evidence that people do pin their hopes on leaders in ways that
are not always realistic. Think about how some struggling companies recruit wellknown, charismatic CEOs and invest tremendous hopes in them, only to find that
their problems actually get worse.9 For example, Yahoo hired former Autodesk
CEO Carol Bartz in 2009 with high hopes that the star leader could turn the struggling company around, only to ask her to leave a couple of years later as Yahoo’s
fortunes continued to slide. In mid-2012, Yahoo hired former Google executive
Marissa Mayer as the fifth CEO in five years.
Particularly when times are tough, people often look to a grand, charismatic
type of leader to alleviate fear and uncertainty. Think of how Barack Obama sailed
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to the U.S. presidency in 2008 based largely on his charisma and the ability to make
people feel hopeful in a time of uncertainty. In recent years, the romantic or heroic
view of leadership has been challenged.10 Much progress has been made in understanding the essential nature of leadership as a real and powerful influence in organizations and societies.
Leadership Defined
Leadership studies are an evolving discipline, and the concept of leadership will
continue to develop. For the purpose of this book, we will focus on a single definition that delineates the essential elements of the leadership process: Leadership is an
influence relationship among leaders and followers who intend real changes and
outcomes that reflect their shared purposes.11
Exhibit 1.1 summarizes the key elements in this definition. Leadership involves
influence; it occurs among people; those people intentionally desire significant
changes; and the changes reflect purposes shared by leaders and followers. Influence means that the relationship among people is not passive; however, also inherent in this definition is the concept that influence is multidirectional and
noncoercive. The basic cultural values in North America make it easiest to think
of leadership as something a leader does to a follower.12 However, leadership is
reciprocal. In most organizations, superiors influence subordinates, but subordinates
also influence superiors. The people involved in the relationship want substantive
changes—leadership involves creating change, not maintaining the status quo. In addition, the changes sought are not dictated by leaders but reflect purposes that leaders
and followers share. Moreover, change is toward an outcome that both the leader
and the followers want, a desired future or shared purpose that motivates them toward
this more preferable outcome. An important aspect of leadership is influencing others
to come together around a common vision. Thus, leadership involves the influence of
people to bring about change toward a desirable future.
Also, leadership is a people activity and is distinct from administrative paperwork or planning activities. Leadership occurs among people; it is not something
an influence relationship
among leaders and followers
who intend real changes and
outcomes that reflect their
shared purposes
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EXHIBIT 1.1 What Leadership Involves
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done to people. Since leadership involves people, there must be followers. An individual performer who achieves excellence as a scientist, musician, athlete, or woodcarver
may be a leader in her field of expertise but is not a leader as defined in this book
unless followers are involved. Followers are an important part of the leadership
process, and all leaders are sometimes followers as well. Good leaders know how to
follow, and they set an example for others. The issue of intention or will means that
people—leader and followers—are actively involved in the pursuit of change. Each
person takes personal responsibility to achieve the desired future.
One stereotype is that leaders are somehow different, that they are above others;
however, in reality, the qualities needed for effective leadership are the same as those
needed to be an effective follower.13 Effective followers think for themselves and
carry out assignments with energy and enthusiasm. They are committed to something
outside their own self-interest, and they have the courage to stand up for what they
believe. Good followers are not “yes people” who blindly follow a leader. Effective
leaders and effective followers may sometimes be the same people, playing different
roles at different times. At its best, leadership is shared among leaders and followers,
with everyone fully engaged and accepting higher levels of responsibility.
Everyday Leadership
Using this definition of leadership makes clear that leadership can come from
anyone. When we stop equating leadership with greatness and public visibility,
it becomes easier to see our own opportunities for leadership and recognize the
leadership of people we interact with every day. Leaders come in all shapes and
sizes, and many true leaders are working behind the scenes. Leadership that has
big outcomes often starts small.

Clinical psychologist Barbara Van Dahlen was working primarily with children
in the Washington, D.C., area when she became concerned about the effects
of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan on the mental health of U.S. soldiers, veterans, and their families. Van Dahlen founded Give an Hour in 2005 to provide
free services that give help and hope to returning service members. The organization now has a national network of more than 6,100 mental health professionals
who volunteer their time. Give an Hour also works with other organizations,
such as Bare the Burden, a nonprofit organization that creates an online community for veterans to heal by connecting with others.14
During his five years working as a car salesman, Robert Chambers was
disgusted by how some dealers and finance institutions preyed on low-income
customers. After he retired from a varied career, the 62-year-old electrical engineer decided to do something about it. He founded More Than Wheels, which
helps low-income people buy new, base-model cars at low prices and on good
loan terms. With branches in New Hampshire, Vermont, and Maine, More
Than Wheels has negotiated price and extended warranty deals with a dozen
or so auto dealers and worked with banks to provide low interest rates. More
Than Wheels guarantees the loan and then works with clients to help them
manage their finances, improve their credit score, and improve their future.15
Wendy Kopp was a senior at Princeton University when she first came up with
the idea of a sort of “Peace Corps for teachers,” a national organization that
would recruit recent college graduates to commit to teach for two years at some
of America’s toughest public schools. One of her Princeton professors admits he
called her “deranged” when she proposed the idea to him. Yet Teach for
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America, the organization Kopp started, became one of the most respected
educational initiatives in the United States. As the organization has grown larger,
it has come under attack, but most observers agree it has changed education for
the better and it continues to harness the idealism of young college graduates as a
force for good.16
There are opportunities for leadership all around us that involve influence and
change toward a desired goal or outcome. The leaders of tomorrow’s organizations
will come from anywhere and everywhere, just as they always have. Do you have
the capacity and commitment required for taking a leadership role in your school,
community, or workplace? You can start now, wherever you are, to practice leadership in your own life. Leadership is an everyday way of acting and thinking that
has little to do with a title or formal position in an organization. As we will discuss
in the following section, business leaders need to understand this tenet more than
ever in the world of the twenty-first century.
As a leader, you can recognize
opportunities for leadership
and act to influence others and
bring about changes for a
better future.
Social media. Globalization. Mobile commerce. Geopolitical wars. Renewable technologies and smart machines. Outsourcing. Climate change and resource scarcity.
Telecommuting and virtual teams. Cybercrime. Redistribution of economic power.
Massive changes in the world mean today’s leaders are facing challenges they couldn’t
even imagine just a few years ago.17 In a survey by the Center for Creative Leadership,
84 percent of leaders surveyed say the definition of effective leadership changed
significantly within the first few years of the twenty-first century.18 And that was
even before social and mobile technologies began reshaping everyday life and work.
Social connectedness and mobility are becoming central aspects of every leader’s job.
Some historians and other scholars believe our world is undergoing a transformation more profound and far-reaching than any experienced since the dawn of the
modern age and the Industrial Revolution more than 500 years ago. Today’s leaders operate in a world where little is certain, the pace is relentless, and everything
is more complex. This transformation requires a transition from a traditional to a
new leadership paradigm, as outlined in Exhibit 1.2.19 A paradigm is a shared
mindset that represents a fundamental way of thinking about, perceiving, and
understanding the world.
Although many leaders are still operating from an old-paradigm mindset, as outlined in the first column of Exhibit 1.2, they are increasingly ineffective. Successful
leaders will respond to the new reality outlined in the second column of the exhibit.
Go to
to complete the
“Intolerance of
Ambiguity” and
see how comfortable you
would be dealing with the
uncertainty facing today’s
From Stabilizer to Change Manager
In the past, many leaders assumed that if they could just keep things running on a
steady, even keel, the organization would be successful. Yet today’s world is in
constant motion, and nothing seems certain anymore. If leaders still had an illusion
of stability at the dawn of the twenty-first century, it is surely shattered by now.
Consider the following recent events:

A powerful earthquake in Japan in 2011 triggered massive tsunami waves that
damaged the nuclear reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi power plant and led to
the shutdown of numerous companies, creating supply chain disruptions for
manufacturers around the world. In the wake of the disaster, managers at
a shared mindset that
represents a fundamental
way of thinking about, perceiving, and understanding
the world
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