Expert answer:The Power of Language in Kenya

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15th November 2017
The Power of Language in Kenya
Kenya is a country whose differences in the language spoken have sparked major events
in the country that have captured the attention of international media. One of this events is the
2007 post-election violence that resulted from disputes in election results with two of the major
tribes in the country, Kikuyu and Kalenjin being in the forefront to attack each other. The choice
of this country was inspired by the need to understand the demographic patterns in the country,
how language influences interactions in the country and the national politics.
The name Kenya originated from a mountain situated in the country which is the second
largest mountain in Africa. This mountain is called Mount Kenya which is a Kikuyu name. The
British colonized Kenya. The Kikuyu called this mountain Kerenyaga but since the British could
not pronounce it in this manner they called it Kenya. The first settlers in this country include
various African communities which originated from different parts of the African continent.
Traders and explorers also visited the country from various parts of the world such as Portugal,
Arabia and Greece. The visitors who did not return to their countries settled down in Kenya and
intermarried with the local people. This led to the rise of the Swahili language in the country.
European countries scrambled for colonies in Africa. This led to the Berlin conference in
1884 during which Africa was partitioned among the European countries. This led to Kenya
being a British colony with the trading company Imperial British East Africa being given the
responsibility of administering Kenya. This was done under the name British East Africa
Protectorate. However, Kenyans were hostile to this company and thus the British made Kenya
their colony and protectorate in 1st July 1895. The first governor posted to this colony was Sir,
Arthur Handige. He established the first formal British administration in Kenya as a British
colony and protectorate. In this British administration, the political participation of Kenyans and
African sin general was restricted to the local government. However, from the early 1920’s,
Kenyans organized protest movements on the pathway to independence. In 1952, the Mau Mau
rebellion protested strongly against the colonial rule and this led to declaration of a state of
emergency in Kenya by the then governor Sir Everlyn Baring. The Mau Mau cited
dissatisfaction in continued alienation of the land, heavy taxation imposed on the Kenyans, racial
discrimination and political stagnation. Kenya gained its independence form the British on 12th
December 1963.
The geography of Kenya is as unique as its history. The country boasts of a coastline on
the Indian Ocean. This coastline has East African mangroves. Inland, the country has several
hills and broad plains. The highest mountain in Kenya is Mount Kenya which is in central Kenya
Mount Elgon is on the border between Kenya and Uganda. Forests are also a unique feature
found in this country. There is the Kakamega forest in Western Kenya. The largest forest
coverage in the country is Mau forest complex.
The population growth rate in Kenya is rapid. The country has observed a triple in the
population from 10.9million people in 1969 to 38.6 million people in 2009. The projected
population from the country by the year 2030 is 65.9million. The younger population is larger
than the older population in the country for both genders. In Kenya, about 70% of the entire
population in the country lives in the rural areas. In a data presentation done by (KDHS 2008),
women who are more educated have fewer children compared to those who are note educated.
The official language used in the country is English. English resulted from Kenya being a
British colony as previously mentioned in this paper. As a result, British English is the official
language of communication in this country. English is used in social set-ups, learning institutions
and when conduction business in the country. Swahili is also an official language spoken in the
country. It is also called lingua franca The national language however is Swahili which resulted
from intermarriage between Bantu communities and Arab immigrants in the country. This
Swahili language is the unifying factor in the country since it is spoken by almost 100% of the
entire population in the country. Ethic languages in the country are used mostly in the rural and
home settings.
The most used ethnic languages in the country are Kikuyu, Luhya and Dholuo since these
three are the most dominant ethnic groups in the country. Kikuyu is mostly spoken by an ethnic
community from the central part of the country called Agikuyu. However, this ethnic group is
distributed in all parts of the country. The Kikuyu language is a Bantu language which forms a
group of ethnic groups which speak in an almost alike dialect.
The luhya dialect is a collection of several dialects that are mutually understood by the
people of the luhya ethnic community in Kenya. It is used by the luhya community in Western
Kenya. This is the second largest ethnic community in the country. The ethnic has two major
sub-groups namely: Maragoli and Bukusu. Dholuo is spoken by the Luo ethnic group. This is the
third largest ethnic group in the country. It is mostly concentrated in the Western parts of the
Sheng is also among dialect spoken in the country. This is a language that is mostly b
used by the youth in the country. Sheng is a blend of Swahili and English which are the official
languages spoken in the country as previously mentioned in this paper. It also includes a blend of
other ethnic languages in the country. Among the less well-off people in Kenya, the youth speak
sheng more compared to the affluent youths in the country.
Kenya being an African country uphold respect for the elders in the society. When
speaking to elders in the society, the youth have to use a more formal language and tone when
speaking to them. They also display a lot of respect to their parents. For example, when speaking
to their parents, the youth who use sheng in their day to day interactions usually switch to the
official languages of English or Swahili since the elderly in the society mostly do not understand
the sheng language.
Nonverbal communication mostly involves not pocketing when talking to the older
people in the society such as parents. However, when it is the parents doing the talking, they
adapt a more serious tone with their children. In Kenya, verbal and nonverbal communication in
the country are used in conjunction with each other.
As shown in this country, the power of language cannot be ignored. In the year 2007, the
ethnic communities divided by the language they speak committed crimes of war against each
other. This was due to the influenced of the political leaders from the various communities.
Language as mentioned also influences various aspects of the economy such as business and
politics. As a result, it quite important for any given people in any country to ensure that the
unique dialects spoken in the country are not used a s s diving factor but rather as a tool of
togetherness. This can be done by people coming together to appreciate the various diversity
displayed in the languages they speak.
KDHS: Kenya. Retrieved from
L.C Greene Crustal Structure and tectonic evolution of the Anza rift, northern Kenya.
Retrieved from www.doi:10:1016/0040-1951(91)90041-P( 1991)
Chanan Singh. The international and comparative law quarterly. Vol.14, No.3 (1965) pp.
Surname 1
Student’s Name
Internet Sources
Bunyi, Grace. “The place of African indigenous knowledge and languages in education for
development: The case of Kenya.” New directions in African education: Challenges and
possibilities (2008): 15-39.
The article is current and it was created in the year 2003. It is a very reliable source with
a lot of information relating to the topic at hand. This article is very useful and can be
recommended for this research topic. It contains most of the needed information for the research.
The article is objective and explains all cultures equally without biases. The article aims at
educating the community about issues associated with cultures. This article fits in this research
as it contains a lot of research information concerning power of language in Kenya. This article
fits the best tor this research compared with other sources. It aims at enlightening the young
people on the issues concerned with dating. This article fits for this research as it will provide an
overview of the expected answers to the research question. The article has changed some the
ideas I had in mind and it will guide me in providing more reliable and thoughtful ideas.
Surname 2
Mchombo, Sam. “Politics of Language Choice in African Education: The Case of Kenya and
Malawi.” International Relations 5.4 (2017): 181-204.
The internet source is current and provides the latest information about the Power of
Language in Kenya. It provides the most recent inventions for the research topic. The source was
created in the year 2016. It is very reliable as it contains a lot of information on the topic at hand.
The source contains a lot of analysis about the research, it has questions and answers for the
research topic. It explains what is already known, and questions the unknown and this makes it
very reliable. The writer of the article is very rich of ideas and qualifies to write about my
research topic. The information provided in this source is very fair and fits the topic well without

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