Expert answer:Students Responses

Expert answer:I need someone to respond to all three
questions below and should be around 300 words. In your response, be
sure to include reference to specific moments, language, and details
from the essay. 1. What do you notice about the student’s
selection, incorporation, and/or explanation of textual evidence that
relates to her key words and thesis?2. What writing moves that the student writer makes do you admire? 3. What do you notice about the relationship between the student’s analysis of how the poem is written and the student’s thesis?Moreover, I want you to respond meaningfully to TWO of my classmates’ posts, and those responses should be at least 100 words.I can send you my classmate’s posts,after I submitted these 2 questions.ANDEssay about “Harlem” by Langston Hughes I
already have my essay plan, which include the thesis statements, Ideas
of each paragraph and the conclusion. You just need to complete the
ideas. Format: 3 typed, double-spaced pages with 1-inch margins and 12-point fontDo
a close-reading of Langston Hughes’ “Harlem.” Your essay should have a
thesis at the end of the first paragraph. Your thesis must logically
result from a careful consideration of the poem. Your thesis should tell
us something complex that you realize about the poem based upon your
analysis. The body of your essay should explain and develop your
thesis through analysis of how the poem works. Each paragraph of your
essay should direct our attention not only to what the poet says, but
also to the way in which he says it. As you draw our attention to
specific literary elements—including such elements as imagery,
metaphors, similes, rhyme, sounds, allusions, punctuation, etc.—make
sure to explain how those elements connect to your thesis. In other
words, tell us how an analysis of those elements provides you with
deeper insight into your idea.Finally, your essay should have a conclusion that both ties together your analysis and gives us something new to think about. Throughout
your essay, when you include references from the poem, include the line
numbers in parentheses. When you include a quotation that includes two
or more lines, use a slash to demonstrate line breaks. Your essay should
also have a works cited in MLA style.“Harlem” by Langston HughesWhat happens to a dream deferred?Does it dry uplike a raisin in the sun?Or fester like a sore –And then run?Does it stink like rotten meat?Or crust and sugar over –like a syrupy sweet?Maybe it just sagslike a heavy load.Or does it explode?


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What  We  Can’t  Have  
Many  people  seem  to  believe  that  planet  Earth  is  owned  by  humans.    But  the  reality  
is  that,  while  the  planet  is  millions  of  years  old,  humans  tend  not  to  live  over  100  years.    So,  
in  essence,  we  are  only  borrowing,  or  “renting,”  the  planet  from  future  generations.    
Humans’  disregard  for  nature  goes  against  the  “rental  agreement”  because  a  consequence  
of  our  dismissive  behavior  is  that  generations  are  handing  the  planet  off  to  their  children  in  
a  more  debilitated  state  than  it  was  originally.    In  the  poem  “The  World  is  Too  Much  With  
Us,”  William  Wordsworth  captures  the  implications  of  humans’  disregard  for  nature.    
Wordsworth  illustrates  that  if  humans  don’t  realize  their  problematic  relationship  with  
nature,  the  destruction  of  nature—and  of  ourselves—is  inevitable.  
Throughout  “The  World  is  Too  Much  With  Us,”  the  lack  of  harmony  between  
humans  and  nature  is  prevalent.    In  the  opening  lines,  Wordsworth  writes,  “The  world  is  
too  much  with  us;  late  and  soon,  /  Getting  and  spending,  we  lay  waste  our  powers;  /  Little  
we  see  in  Nature  that  is  ours”  (lines  1-­‐3).    By  starting  the  poem  by  writing  that  “the  world  is  
too  much  with  us,”  the  speaker  implies  that  without  the  human  species,  the  world  would  
have  been  what  it  was  intended  to  be.  Wordsworth  further  makes  this  idea  apparent  by  
writing,  “little  we  see  in  Nature  that  is  ours”  (3).    This  line  implies  that  people  don’t  see  
nature  to  be  useful;  that  is,  in  contrast  to  the  “getting  and  spending”  of  humans,  this  line  
illustrates  how  commercialism  supersedes  the  importance  humans  find  in  nature.  When  
we  are  “getting  and  spending,”  we  not  only  disregard  nature  but  we  also  hurt  ourselves  in  
the  process.    In  other  words,  “we  lay  waste  our  powers.”        
The  speaker  reflects  on  the  extent  to  which  humans  aren’t  able  to  experience  the  
happiness  that  experiences  in  nature  offer.    Wordsworth  writes,  “The  winds  that  will  be  
howling  at  all  hours,  /  And  are  up-­‐gathered  like  sleeping  flowers;  /  For  this,  for  everything,  
we  are  out  of  tune;  /  It  moves  us  not”  (6-­‐9).    The  reader  is  given  powerful  imagery  of  once-­‐
loud  winds  settling  into  a  state  of  lethargy.    The  metaphor  “out  of  tune”  shows  that  the  
speaker  sees  and  understands  that  he  should  be  in  awe  of  nature  but  cannot.    Out  of  
harmony  with  nature,  the  speaker’s  inability  to  appreciate  what  is  in  front  of  him  brings  
him  to  an  even  lower  emotional  state.  
The  frustration  the  speaker  feels  toward  humans’  relationship  with  nature  is  further  
established  in  the  form  of  the  poem.    “The  World  is  Too  Much  With  Us”  is  an  Italian  sonnet,  
composed  of  14  lines:    an  octet  and  a  sestet.    While  the  first  eight  lines  all  refer  to  how  
humans’  disregard  for  nature  is  damaging,  there  is  a  turn  in  the  last  six  lines.    Instead  of  the  
whole  poem  being  a  criticism,  the  speaker  reaches  into  his  imagination  to  convey  his  wish  
for  change.    This  transition  is  made  clear  when  Wordsworth  writes,  “It  moves  us  not.—
Great  God!  I’d  rather  be  /  A  Pagan  …”  (9-­‐10).    The  dash  in  line  nine  is  the  clear  point  at  
which  the  speaker  turns  from  his  exasperated  observations  to  his  expression  of  hope.    The  
sestet  illustrates  the  speaker’s  urgent  desire  to  get  away  from  humanity’s  dismissive  
mindset  regarding  nature  and  be  engulfed  by  nature’s  beauty.    This  idea  is  stressed  through  
the  speaker’s  desire  to  be  a  Pagan  in  the  presence  of  Proteus  and  Triton  if  it  means  he  
might  “have  glimpses  that  would  make  [him]  less  forlorn”  (12).    
As  a  whole,  “The  World  Is  Too  Much  with  Us”  is  a  powerful  poem  that  elucidates  
humans’  disregard  for  nature  and  expresses  hope  that  an  appreciation  of  nature  will  
improve  our  spirits.      This  poem  serves  as  a  powerful  reminder  that  it  is  important  to  
appreciate  what  we  have,  and  treat  it  with  respect,  even  when  we  may  feel  lost  or  
disconnected.  Although  we  as  humans  are  only  living  on  the  planet  for  a  finite  time,  we  
should  strive  to  hand  the  planet  off  to  subsequent  generations  in  a  better  condition  than  we  
received  it.    In  appreciating  our  natural  surroundings,  we  will  boost  our  spirits  and  
improve  the  human  condition.  
Works  Cited  
Wordsworth,  William.    “The  World  is  Too  Much  with  Us.”  The  Compact  Bedford  
Introduction  to  Literature.    Ed.  Michael  Meyer.  9th  ed.  Boston:    Bedford/St.  
Martin’s,  2012.  761.  Print.  
Essay 4 Plan
The hook
Have you ever questioned what would happen if a person chose to follow a certain path that they
always dreamt of?
Thesis statement
Either one chooses to follow their passion in life or chooses to follow the path that the world
brings is always a secret to the foregone choice just as the poem points out.
Paragraph 1
Main idea
There is a situation where whether a person chooses to follow their dreams or fail to choose the
path, there will be no impact.
Supporting evidence
Hughes start by asking, “What happens to a dream differed?” he continues to make a point by
claiming, “Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun?”
Connection to thesis
Therefore, a dream, as illustrated by Hughes can disappear without any questions like the raisin
dry up in the sun and become something that one never dreamt about.
Paragraph 2
Main idea
There are situations where people fail to follow their dream and the path they choose to become
worse as days go bad to the point where they regret not choosing their paths.
Supporting Evidence
“Does it stink like rotten meat?” Hughes asks and also adds the regrettable action by saying, “Or
fester like a sore.”
He also states, “Maybe it just sags like a heavy load” illustrating how dreams can be carried in
the outcome of individuals.
Connection to thesis
It might be very risky, and a person might leave a life full of regrets wishing that they had
followed their passions in life because of what has become of them in some situations.
Paragraph 3
Main idea
On the positive side, a person might choose not to follow their dreams, and they live happy lives
than they would have if they decided to pursue their passions.
Supporting Evidence
Hughes shows the good side of ignoring the passion of a person by saying dreams can “…crust
ad sugar over-like a syrupy sweet.”
Connection to thesis
It is very challenging and confusing because as seen, the path that leads away from a person
dreams might be truely what they need.
Additional evidence
There are always other factors that are out of control of the individual. The poem ends by asking
“or does it explode” to show the extremes where a person’s destiny is sealed.
Reminder of thesis
It is clear that there are always different sides of choosing to follow or not following the passions
or dreams of a person is a mystery.
Conclusive statement
Therefore, before a person decides to follow or not follow their passions, it is necessary to do
calculations of different possibilities of the future considering if they will be happy and satisfied.

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