Expert answer:Strategic Plan: Implementation Plan, Strategic Con

Expert answer:This assignment is final assignment of the last 3 week’s papers. please read the following requirements and see attached papers which are the needed materials for this week’s assignment. make sure you mention the following in the paper 1. What is the purpose of New Division (or new product / service)? 2. Will there be a new product or service? 3. How did you assess the need for your proposed new division?Purpose of Assignment The purpose of The Final Strategic Plan is to allow the student to develop a comprehensive strategy for a new division of an existing company. This analysis will be the culmination of all the previous week’s coursework as well as e objectives covered during their entire degree work. Assignment Steps Resources: Strategic Planning Outline and Week 5 textbook readings Develop a minimum of 700-word section for your business model and strategic plan in which you add your strategies and tactics to implement and realize your objectives, measures, and targets.Identify marketing and information technology as part of the strategies and tactics section of the business plan.Develop at least three methods to monitor and control your proposed strategic plan, being sure to analyze how the measures will advance organizational goals financially and operationally.Determine the best possible options for evaluating the strategic plan. Explain the ethical issues faced by the organization, summarize the legal and regulatory issues faced by the organization, and then summarize the organization’s corporate social responsibility.Show, in this section, the possible implications of the triple bottom line (people, planet, profit) on the strategic plan and its implementation.Prepare a minimum 350-word executive summary defining the new division of existing business. Share your Vision, Mission, final business model, and value proposition, and list your key assumptions, risks, and change management issues. Quantify the growth and profit opportunity and planned impact on various stakeholders.Note: Any investor should be eager to meet with you after reading your executive summary.Use the Strategic Planning Outline as a guide, and combine Parts 1, 2, and 3 of your completed business model strategic plan with your Final Business Plan Model assignment and Executive Summary. This includes the Business Model, Vision, Mission, Values, SWOTT Analysis, Supply Chain Analysis, and Balanced Scorecard and Communication Plan from prior weeks. Your consolidated final strategic plan should be a minimum of 4,200 words in length.Format the paper consistent with APA guidelines.




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Strategic Planning Outline: Proposal
Part 1
Strategic Planning Outline: Proposal
Microsoft Corporation is an old organization that came into existence back in 1975. This
is an American company whose headquarters is in Redmond, Washington. This company was
founded by Bill Gates and Paul Allen. This company majors on manufacturing computers and
computer soft wares and licensing them. They also produce other electronics such as televisions,
mobile phones, printers and laptops. The most common software on sale include; Microsoft Office
suite, Internet Explorer and Edge Web Browser. This company offers service to its customers
where they are able to access the windows and store; they can update their windows anytime there
is a new update confirmed and access games from Xbox Live. Microsoft Corporation is recognized
as the largest company producing software worldwide due to the high revenue the company was
able to record in 2016 (Kaplan & Norton, 2011). Products and services from Microsoft Corporation
are widely used all over the world. Most companies depend on Microsoft software to run their
operations. Due to changes in consumers tastes and preferences Microsoft windows needs to be
updated and the operating systems redesigned so as to meet and satisfy all consumer needs
Microsoft Corporation Company plans to form a new division by restructuring the existing
platforms and services division so as to improve the existing software to meet consumer needs.
Microsoft Corporation purposes to ensure that the organization is able to deliver fully equipped
software services to their customers; individuals and companies all over the world. This is a
strategic plan aimed at highlighting how this new division will meet the consumer needs which
are always changing every day, and the advantages that come with the invention of this new
division. The division will have a clear business model to ensure that the invented brand grows in
future. The world today encourages innovation and invention because of the availability of
advanced technology which a vital requirement. Online marketing is the newest trend in the market
where most retailers are selling their goods online. Most retailers nowadays do not even have
physical shops; they allow their customers to order online and the goods or services are delivered
at their door step.
New division to be introduced
The new division aims at providing new software that will be able to promote online
marketing business worldwide in the fashion and design line of business. Fashion market has really
grown and the organization aims at improving online marketing in that line. Microsoft Corporation
has noted this new trend and has decided to design software that would link up the customers and
the seller. The software should be able to provide an online platform where the consumer can
directly communicate to the seller and express their tastes and preferences and place an order.
Microsoft Corporation should ensure that the designed product satisfies all consumer needs
according to their tastes and preferences. Microsoft Corporation should be able to convince all
customers and prospective customers that they are offering the best. If they delay in convincing
the customers they will go for alternative options. The company will decide whether to prepare a
written value proposition. This document will clearly outline hoe the service will solve their
problems and the benefits they should expect from it. Already there are so many other soft wares
offering online marketing services but this new one will be more advanced in terms of speed and
it shall be cost effective. The company shall be offering training on installation by sending
representatives to different countries to offer the training.
Vision and mission of the new division
The new division is aims at maintains Microsoft’s large market share worldwide and enable it
remain to be the company number one in software production in the whole world. This service
will maintain a healthy completion with the company’s competitors in the market (Kapferer, 2012).
The service provided by the software will ensure that all the consumer needs, tastes and preference
are catered for and business will be able to realize their full potential in the market
How the division addresses customer needs and achieves competitive advantage
The service will be made a bit cheaper compared to a similar service offered by competitors
as so many online marketing platforms are known to exploit user by the high charges. Customers
will be able to save up some more money to use it for other activities. The services being easily
accessible to all people despite of their location will also make a very strong first impression to
attract more customers (Kapferer, 2012). This service will provide a web browser which will
ensure quick access to online shopping sites and online advertising sites. All these services will be
very cheap and hence affordable by most people. The sellers will be able to create websites to
advertise their products through this software. They will also have opportunity to have live
platforms where they can interact at a personal level with their customers.
Business model for the new division
For new division in an organization to be successful there has to be a well-defined business
model that complies with the vision and mission of the organization concerning the new division.
Microsoft Corporation will act as the manufacturer of the products and sell the products directly
to the consumers or sell the service to middle men who would then sell it finally to the consumer.
This new service must have an impact within the business and also outside the business in the
market (David, 2011). The new service will ensure delivering of software services that promote
online business a new updated window will ensure easy access to marketing sites. The company
aims at targeting the new growth opportunities in the market. This will be able to bring solutions
to the emerging markets. The only weakness is that the cost might not be affordable for all people
willing to use the service hence not be able to cover the whole target population (Kaplan & Norton,
2011). In the market today in the whole world there are new form factors and new emerging trends.
Possible threat is possibility of steep or unhealthy competition between Microsoft Corporation and
other companies offering substitute goods. In every new day the technology is evolving creating
new opportunities in the market. So far people can place orders and purchase items from all over
the world. New discoveries are made to ensure that the ordered goods are delivered to their
destinations as fast as possible. This new software will provide a base for more research to be
conducted and ensure the software is updated to cater for the changing needs of consumers
(Kapferer, 2012).
Guiding principles and values for the new division
This product is expected to aid in raising the company’s revenue and ensuring that the
expectations of the stakeholders are met. Good leadership of the new division is very important to
ensure its success in the market. Experienced staff should be put in place to coordinate the software
development, marketing and distribution worldwide. All employees should be well taken care by
providing them with favorable working conditions (David, 2011). They should be equipped with
the necessary gadgets they require while on duty to ensure efficient software development.
Frequent motivations for the employees are also important to keep up a good their good work. Sale
targets should be set and a balanced scorecard to be used to analyze if the targets have been
achieved as required. An excellent customer service should be set up to ensure that the customers
are able to communicate the feedback after using the product and give suggestions on any
improvement that should be implemented if any. The organization aims at narrowing the target
market and to major mostly in the fashion and design line of business. This will help in building
strong customer relationships and maximize the organization’s revenue.
Microsoft Corporation is a very popular organization which has been offering very reliable
services to its customers. Most people who have dealt with their services have given a positive
feedback and therefore his new division is also expected to come in and bring solutions to the
online marketing business. Fashion market is so developed and each new day different designs are
invented and are desired by people across the world. This software will be able to connect fashion
entrepreneurs from all over the world. They will be updated on the new fashion trends in the market
and they will also be able to interact with their clients directly.
David, F. R. (2011). Strategic management: Concepts and cases. Peaeson/Prentice Hall.
Kaplan, R. S., & Norton, D. P. (2011). The strategy-focused organization: How balanced
scorecard companies thrive in the new business environment. Harvard Business Press.
Kapferer, J. N. (2012). The new strategic brand management: Advanced insights and strategic
thinking. Kogan page publishers.
Strategic Planning – SWOTT Analysis
Part 2
This is a very crucial part of the process of strategic planning. This is whereby the
company analyses the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threat, and trends of the internal and
external environment. To ensure the success of any organization there are several factors such as
employees, competition, customers and legal rules that affect the operations of an organization.
These are the internal and external factors. They have their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities,
threats, and trends. The internal factors affecting any business are those factors that the company
has control over. External environment factors affecting a business are factors that the
organization has no control over.
In this case, Microsoft Corporation is introducing a new division that comes in to
improve and upgrade the software that already existed to cater for online market needs. The new
software will concentrate on the fashion and design line of business and will have objectives
such as reducing the number of abandoned carts. Most online fashion stores have complained
about missing so many potential orders. The customer places several items on the shopping cart
but abandons the cart during checkout just before they make their payment. The new software
aims at solving this issue and ensuring that all customers complete their purchases.
The Strengths of internal and external environment
It is important that the managers of a business are able to master all the forces that affect
the business. This is to enable the organizer to be able to control those forces. The organizers
have the ability to change how the internal factors affect a business. Businesses’ ability to control
internal factors determines the success of a business. The company should control the formation
of a strategic plan (Phase IV et al., 2008). A nice strategic plan will help the organization to
organize all its resources and set all priorities right. A nice strategic plan will ensure that all
employees are working toward achieving the set goals of the organization. The strategic plan
touches on several factors such as finance, internal operations, customers, and employees.
The financial resources are organized to meet all needs of the Microsoft organization.
Enough finances are required to ensure smooth flow of the organization. The organizers should
ensure that there is enough money to coordinate the production of new software that is required
in the market to solve the consumer needs. The software should also be tested internally to
ensure that it is able to solve the issue of the abandoned cart. The software can have a provision
whereby an email is delivered to the customer to convince them to complete the purchase or they
pay a fee so as to be allowed to place an order which will act as a discount at the end of the
transaction. The smooth flow of internal operations is very crucial in the organization. This will
also help in promoting effective communication by all employees in the organization. The
company should ensure that all required resources for the new division are put in place to
facilitate the provision of this new service to its customers after the testing of the software has
been completed and it has been proven to be functional.
Structures are also important as an in the internal environment to facilitate the growth of
the business. When the structures are well put up they will encourage the employees to work
hard to support the new division being put up. When the structures are so attractive they will be
able to attract many customers. So many people would be so happy to be associated with such a
company. Customers would be so curious to find out what new products are being offered and
this will end up earning Microsoft Company more customers (Phase IV et al., 2008). The
strength of an effective team of employees is very much essential as an internal factor affecting a
business. Employees should forever remain talented, motivated and hard working. The
organization can ensure they are always motivated by recognizing their good performance in any
area of expertise. The employees should also be made comfortable by being offered incentives
and good working conditions.
Good performance by employees should always be rewarded and all other employees will
stay motivated to perform better in their duties. The relationship between the company and its
customers should be made stronger by offering excellent customer service. The rate of
production should be maintained at levels which are able to satisfy the levels of demand in the
market. Use of new technology should be embraced and modern machines to be used to speed up
production. There are so many business models available but an organization should be keen on
the business model it decides to settle on depending on the type of their products (Bryson, 2011).
The advertising model will be very efficient for the new division product.
Products from the Microsoft Corporation are widely used in every part of the world by
both individuals and companies. The organization can decide to use the television and other
social media platforms to advertise for the new software and its advantage to both sellers and
buyers of fashion products. Since a large number of people use the television and social media at
large as a source of entertainment the company will achieve its target of penetrating the market
and reaching out to a large number of people. The internet can also be a very efficient method of
communicating to the world about this new provision. Market penetration is easy for the
organization because it is a market the organization is already used to and customer’s tastes and
preference is already known.
These new division units for the provision of software that can be used to provide online
platforms for interactions between the seller and the customers must have been developed to fill
a market gap where there was a demand for reaching a wider market worldwide by the Microsoft
corporation company (Phase IV et al., 2008). The organization must find strategies to ensure that
the stakeholders are satisfied by ensuring profitability of an organization. There are so many
business models available but an organization should be keen on the business model it decides to
settle on depending on the type of their products. The advertising model will be very efficient for
the new division product developed. The organization can decide to use the television and other
social media platforms to advertise for their new service to be expected in the market..
Since a large number of people use the television and social media at large as a source of
entertainment the company will achieve its target of penetrating the market and reaching out to a
large number of people. There are several ethical issues faced by the organization. As much as
businesses are obliged to satisfy the available demand in the market, employees should not be
overworked. Transparency, honesty, and accountability are very crucial attributes in any
organization to ensure no unnecessary collisions between workmates (Phase IV et al., 2008).
Employees should be given fair pay and the work environment should be kept safe for them.
They should be offered with necessary protective gadgets to enhance their safety while on duty.
There are also legal and regulatory issues faced by organizations. Firing an employee and let
them go before signing job termination forms will make managers face legal actions (Bryson,
2011). Any form of harassment by an employer to an employee can lead to legal actions.
Employers should respect employees and treat them equally despite their sex, race, ethnic
background, religious background or social class. Microsoft Corporation is trying to put up with
the new trend in the market for online marketing where the will provide sites for business people
to interact directly with their customers (Phase IV et al. 2008). The company is also trying to
come up with a software that will be able to sort out issues raised by the sellers whereby there
are a lot of abandoned carts that are believed to be potential sales.
Below is a SWOTT table analyzing internal and external forces in the organization;
Opportunities Threats
growth of an
of new
threatens the
once the
industry the
every new
business is
day due to
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factors such
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Legal and
Ensures that all Some rules
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Can create
Offers skills
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the positive
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important for
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New machines Brings with it More ideas
Each new
invented can
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enabling new
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new ideas to
growth of the
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Well defined
Helps in
In case of a
strategies helps
limitation may
change after
are to be
in organization
cause these
foll …
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