Expert answer:Standard Cost Method Summary

Expert answer:Review the attached article-Advantages of using standard cost method in managerial accounting. Provide a summary and a reaction to the article-350-500 words. The summary should describe the major points of the article, and the reaction should demonstrate your interpretation of the article and how you can apply that knowledge. Written per APA Guidelines.

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Economy Transdisciplinarity Cognition
Vol. 15,
Issue 1/2012
Advantages of Using Standard Cost Method in Managerial Accounting
Lucian OCNEANU, Radu Cristian BUCŞĂ
George Bacovia University in Bacău, ROMANIA
Abstract: The main purpose of this paper is to emphasize the benefits that the standard cost
method may have in the decision process. Managerial accounting provides cost information
needed for decision making. Standard cost method is a system of cost accounting which is
designed to find out how much should be the cost of a product under the existing conditions.
The actual cost can be ascertained only when production is undertaken. The standard cost is
compared to the actual cost and a variance between the two enables the management to take
necessary corrective measures.
Standard costing is a management control technique for every activity. It is not only useful
for cost control purposes but is also helpful in production planning and policy formulation. It
allows management by exception. In the light of various objectives of this system, some of the
advantages of this tool are: efficiency measurement; finding of variance; management by
exception; cost control; right decisions and eliminating inefficiencies.
The application of this method increases the value of accounting information and improve
business organization. These features of the standard cost method allows the preparation of
cost budgets and setting benchmarks to better express the normal conditions of business
Keywords: cost information, standard cost, cost control, decision.
Enterprise economic development involves finding ways to improve management accounting and cost
calculation, so that all resources of economic entity can be identified and mobilized. Improving the
organization of management accounting refers mainly to improving the methods used.
The improvement of accounting methods applied in business management is necessary, because
information on production efficiency are particularly important in decision making.
In a competitive economy, norm of measuring production efficiency can be considered standard cost.
Standard cost method takes into account future business activity, for which standards are used as
measuring instruments, control and management activity.
In the concept of standard cost method, standard costs are considered the real costs of production.
Normally costing calculation is reduced to a single calculation, standard costs, which are the
foundation of the sale pricing.
Deviations from standard costs are an important part of the standard method – cost. Basically, they
provide information on the degree of organization of work and employment level programmed into the
production, supply and sales. Based on these considerations, knowing deviations is important in the
information management.
For the correct production cost in the standard-cost method it is necessary that the organization of
managerial accounting takes into account a number of assumptions. These assumptions are set
according to technical, organizational etc. features of each enterprise. The most important of these
assumptions are:
• organizing the flow of primary documents as primary carriers of information on
production costs and production;

organizing preventive control and current control of production costs.
Applying the standard – cost method requires the following steps:
• develop standard calculations for products
• calculating, tracking, recording, analysis and reporting deviations from standard
• controlling costs in terms of indicators. This step is performed simultaneously with
tracking deviations and considers providing information on deviations from standard
costs calculation on each item to make decisions on compliance standard costs.
For seeing the advantages of applying standard cost method we present how to organize the
accounting costs for raw materials and direct materials in the context of this method.
1. Development of Standard Calculations for Materials
Improving accounting organization for raw materials and direct materials, the standard-cost method,
concerns the calculation of these costs in advance.
Standard costs of raw material and materials are determined by reference to quantitative standards for
each type of raw materials and direct materials and standard prices. “[1]
The calculation is as follows:
C sm = ∑ q sj * pa sj
j =1
Csm – standard cost of raw materials and direct materials;
qsj – quantitative standards for raw materials and direct materials;
pasj – supply standard prices;
j – kind of quantitative consumption.
“The determination of quantitative standards for raw materials takes place in an analytic and technical
examination of various types of materials to be used in the tehnological process, taking into account:
quantity, quality, standard dimensions, the possibilities of purchasing, processing operations etc. “[3]
Material standards are developed by technical staff and recorded in the technical documentation,
where quantitative standards are extracted in the list of materials which facilitate cost calculations.
Standards of materials is calculated for each kind of material on specific consumption presented in
technological documents.
The calculation of standard costs for materials involves multiplying the standard quantities with
standard prices.
”Standard prices must be a norm too.” For this reason, they are established using the historical
statistic method in one of the following variants:
• average price variation based on data from a longer period of time (5-10 years);
• trend’s variant taking into account the price movements in the period considered;
• variant using data from the previous year phase for which standards are developed.
In a market economy in which prices are formed by confronting supply and demand, pricing and tariff
changes are frequent, which gives lower stability for standard value over the time.
To exemplify the standard cost calculation method, we consider a finished product manufactured by a
particular firm, called “Product A”.
For the manufacture of Product A there were established standards for raw materials and direct
materials, standards that have been listed in “List of quantitative standards”.
List of quantitative standards for raw materials and direct materials
Raw materials and direct materials
Raw material 1
Raw material 2
Raw material 3
Table 1.
Qunatitative standard
Standard prices for raw materials and direct materials used in the production of “Product A” is entered
in the “standard price list” and are as follows:
Standard price list
Raw materials and direct materials
Raw material 1
Raw material 2
Raw material 3
Table 2.
Unit standard price
600,00 lei
5,70 lei
116,74 lei
As stated previously, to determine standard costs for raw materials and direct materials, it is necessary
to multiply the standard quantities with the standard price.
Standard costs for raw materials and direct materials
Table 3.
Raw materials and direct materials
Raw material 1
Raw material 2
Raw material 3
Unit standard
price (lei)
Value standard
2. Calculating, Recording, Analysis and Reporting Deviations of Material Costs
Starting from the basic function of the standard costs, namely the standard of measurement and
comparison of actual expenditures, using standard costing method involves:
• “comparing standard costs and actual costs to establish the deviations;
• analysis of deviations considering their size and causes;
• establish measures to eliminate negative deviations.”
“Deviations are exceeded or savings compared with standard costs.”[1] These deviations are due to
application of rationalizations or deficiencies arising in the manufacturing process, or in other
compartments of activity in the company.
For each place of expenditure, calculation and analysis deviation is performed on specific calculation
articles for the standard cost method.
After calculating the standard costs for raw materials and direct materials, managerial accounting
records must provide an operational organization for tracking, recording, analysis and reporting
deviations of actual expenses compared to the standard.
The organization of this method, ensure the establishment deviations operatively, during the process of
production, the ways, places and causes generating. Deviations from the standard costs of materials
and direct materials considering both quantity and value, so it can capture deviations from the standard
quantities or deviations from standard prices.
“Deviations from standard consumption for raw materials and direct materials, is determined for each
area of expenditure, for types or groups of raw materials by:
• release documentation, documentation for the return of materials;
• establishing of the beginning of all of the raw materials used to manufacture;
• inventory of raw materials and direct materials remaining unused.”[2]
Deviations are directly reflected in the release documents for replacing other materials and request for
additional quantities. Unused raw materials and direct materials is reflected also in separate
documents. Deviations from standard consumption is calculated centralizing additional consumption
and unused quantities for every kinds of raw materials recorded in documents.
“The value of deviations is determined by collecting these quantities in a single operation:”[4]
Acm = ∆cm * Ps
Avm – value deviation from consumption of raw materials and direct materials;
Acm – quantitative deviation from the standard consumption of material;
Ps – standard price.
The process of establishing in advance the necessary quantities for manufacturing is used when the
raw materials are processed in batches and technology process requires establishing them from the
start, after a certain size.
Relationship calculation is as follows:
Avm = (ce − c s ) * Q * Ps
Avm –value deviantion for raw materials consumption;
ce – effective consumption per unit of product;
cs – standard consumption per unit of product;
Q – quantity of products manufactured;
Ps – standard price.
For the studied company, the order No. 100 of March 12, 2012, “Product A”, 8.250 pieces, consumer
documents revealed the following information:
Quantitative deviations from raw materials and direct materials
Table 4.
Raw materials and direct materials
Raw material 1
Raw material 2
Raw material 3
Based on the previous table can make a series of interpretations, calculations and analysis:
• for raw material 1, there has been recorded a decrease in effective consumption
compared to the standard consumption, therefore deviation value for this raw material
is calculated as follows:
Avm = (0,015 – 0,016)*8.250*600 = – 4.950 lei (saving for this raw material)
• for raw material 2, it appears that there is no deviation from the standard consumption
and effective consumption;
• for raw material 3, there has been recorded an increase in effective consumption
compared to the standard consumption, therefore the deviation value for this material
is calculated as follows:
Avm = (0,025 – 0,024)*8.250*116,74 = 963,1 lei (exceeding for this raw material)
Inventory process is to daily or shorter intervals inventory of unused materials. Quantities from
inventory lists are deducted from the quantities released for production in this period and thereby
determine effective consumption of every kind of materials. Effective quantiy is compared with
standard quantity and deviation resulting is multiplying with standard price to determine the value
The deviation caused by differences in the price of materials can be calculated by two methods:
• depending on the incoming material (in storage);
• depending on the materials consumed.
The first method is used usually when the materials are recorded in the accounting at standard price.
Relationship calculation for this process is:
APm = ( P e −Ps ) * M
APm – deviation caused by difference in the price of materials;
Pe – effective price;
Ps – effective price;
Mj – quantity of material in storage.
The second method is used if the material is accounted at the effective price. Relationship calculation
for this process is:
APm = ( Pe − Ps ) * ce * Q
APm – deviation caused by difference in the price of materials;
Pe – effective price;
Ps – effective price;
ce – effective consumption per unit;
Q – manufactured output.
Deviations from price differences are caused by reasons such as: changing sources of supply to those
considered in developing standards, changing supply prices, changing conditions of transport, etc..
Starting from the same order of 8250 pieces of “Product A”, effective supply prices were as follows:
Price suplly deviations from raw materials
Raw materials and direct materials
Raw material 1
Raw material 2
Raw material 3
Standard suplly price
Table 5.
Effective suplly price
Based on the previous table there can be made a series of interpretations, calculations and analysis:
• for raw material 1 it can be observed that there is any deviation from standard supply
price and the effective suply price;
• for raw material 2, there is a increase of effective supply price compared with
standard price, therefore deviation value will be calculated as:
Apm = (6,00 – 5,70)*0,016*8.250 = 39,6 lei (exceeding for this raw material)
• for raw material 3, there is also a increase of effective supply price compared to
standard price, therefore deviation value will be calculated as:
Apm = (120 – 116,74)*0,025*8.250 = 672,4 lei (exceeding for this raw material)
Deviations from standard costs for raw materials and direct materials can be calculated and global as
the difference between effective costs and their standard level, using the following mathematical
ATm = (ce * Pe * Q ) − (c s * Ps * Q )
ATm – total deviation for raw materials and direct materials;
ce – effective consumption for raw materials and direct materials;
cs – standard consumption for raw materials and direct materials;
Q – manufactured output;
Pe – effective supply price;
Ps – standard supply price.
Exemplifying, for studied company, raw materials global deviations for order no.100/12.03.2012,
including 8,250 pieces of “Product A” are:
Global deviantions for raw materials and direct materials
Raw materials and
direct materials
Raw material 1
Raw material 2
Raw material 3
Table 6.
– 4.950
– 3.272,9
Basically, there is a saving of 3272.9 lei for all raw materials and direct materials.
Calculation and analysis of deviations can be made both during the production process and at the end
of period, when it can control how production costs stay within budget. In the first case, the analysis
aims at discovering the causes of the deviations so that management can take corrective measures. In
the second case, the management seeks adopting decisions based on future projections which are made
on the cost of production.
“The organization and analysis of deviations from standard costs, taking into account the following
principles:” [4]
• the principle of permanent and full prosecution of deviations – under this principle, the
stock records and accounts must be organized so that deviations are reflected
separately from identification and until their shift due to financial results, revealing
their value for every causes.
• principle of information by exception – requires reporting to manangement only those
costs not covered in the standard, that means exceptions from the standards; it must be
revealed the exceeds of cost which affect the economic and financial results of
company; purpose is to eliminate the causes which generate them.
• the principle of operational information – involve transmission of information to
management, daily or at short intervals, for taking decisions that lead to rapid
elimination of the causes of deviations. Operative reporting assumes deviations
calculation for the main productive consumptions.
• the principle of selection and rational transmission of information – according to this
principle information system must rational select and guide informations based on the
responsibility of each department of activity.
The main objective of the improvement and diversification of costing methods is to make them more
operational and efficient in supplying the information required in decision making. The calculation
methods generally used by companies in the industry, the global method and orders method do not
provide sufficient management information.
This is mainly due to the fact that such methods do not allow operational determination of effective
cost deviations from the standards, so that timely decisions can be taken to improve operations.
Improvement and diversification of cost calculation methods must consider, in addition to efficiency,
foresight and responsibility, and reducing the workload necessary to obtain information on production
costs, as well as the possibility to use these informations.
For these reasons, we considered that one of the methods of calculation that generates complex and
useful information for management, is the standard method – cost.
The standard – cost method is included in the category of forecast and production operational
monitoring calculation methods process which allow to determine cost before production proces
begins. Also, the standard-cost method allows budgetary control by calculating the deviations of
effective costs from standard costs depending of types of deviations and causes.
[1] Cojocaru Constantin, Fotache Gabriela, Fotache Marian, (2010), Contabilitate de gestiune, George Bacovia
University Publishing House, Bacău
[2] Bucşă Radu Cristian, (2009), Dimensiunea strategică a informaţiei costurilor în contabilitatea managerială,
Tehnopress Publishing House, Iaşi
[3] Oprea Călin, Gheorghe Cârstea, (2002), Contabilitatea de gestiune şi calculaţia costurilor, Genicod
Publishing House, Bucharest
[4] Ocneanu Lucian, (2009), Perfecţionarea organizării contabilităţii manageriale în industria prelucrării
lemnului, Tehnopress Publishing House, Iaşi
Supplementary recommended readings:
Dubrullle L., (2002 ), Contabilitate de gestiune, Economic Publishing House, Bucharest
Dumitru C.G. Ioanăş C., (2005), Contabilitatea de gestiune şi evaluarea performanţelor, Universitary Publishing
House, Bucharest
Fotache G., (2009), Valenţe cognitive ale contabilităţii manageriale în procesul decizional, Tehnopress
Publishing House, Iasi
Copyright of Economy Transdisciplinarity Cognition is the property of George Bacovia
University Printing House and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or
posted to a listserv without the copyright holder’s express written permission. However, users
may print, download, or email articles for individual use.

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