Expert answer:Please help me with revising my movie analyses and one-two pages per one topic
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Required Text: Santrock, J. (2012). Adolescence, 16th ed.
Each student will select and watch a movie that addresses adolescence. Approved
movies are listed below. Several of these movies are available through the
Gallaudet library. More than one student may select the same movie, so make sure
you have access to the movie that you select. Students wishing to select a movie
not on the approved list may propose the movie to the instructor. Approved movies
should include characters showcasing different aspects of adolescence. Students
will complete Wikis on the course Blackboard site in which they analyze the movie’s
content as it pertains to course material. Each module, students will be asked to
update their movie analysis. Assignment details for each update will be include in
the Weekly Modules. For example, when we cover Gender and Sexuality, students
will be asked to return to their analysis of the movie, looking now for content that
reflects how gender roles change during adolescence and how the characters do
or do not illustrate the principles from those chapters. All students must complete
the first movie analysis, and then must complete at least 4 more of the remaining 6
updates. This means, if your movie doesn’t really address topics related to a
particular module, you may skip that analysis. If you complete all 7 analyses, your
lowest two grades will be dropped. (There are lots of creative ways to use the
course material. So even if your movie doesn’t show a lot about a character’s
family life, you can still write an interesting analysis about family by imagining what
that character’s back story might be.) Wikis are public so that students have the
opportunity to learn from each other and read each other’s wikis. Please do not
edit another student’s wiki. This is easy to detect and will be treated as academic
dishonesty. Students are welcomed to comment on each other’s movie analyses,
and may be asked to do so. Full details for the movie analysis will be provided on an
ongoing basis. Grading will be based on the completion of the assignment, clarity
of writing, and the extent to which the author applies appropriate course material.
Course Description: A study of developmental processes in adolescence. Included
is the study of puberty and the intellectual, social, moral, emotional, religious,
sexual, personality, and family transitions occurring during this period. Emphasis is
given to the influence of the above changes on personal identity and current
problems of the adolescent in American society. Also included is a discussion of
levels of aspiration and vocational choice.
Greetings movie critics! Remember, your lowest two grades will be dropped. That means, if a movie really
doesn’t touch on a certain topic, you can skip that week. But remember, there are lots of ways to show
you’ve learned the course material. For example, if your character doesn’t encounter a specific moral
dilemma in the movie and you’re asked to analyze moral development, you can make make up a back
story or try to imagine a dilemma this character would be likely to experience in the future. Be creative!
Surname: 1 watch and then answer each topic – one-two pages
per one topic
Now that you have selected your movie, I want you to watch it with your attention focused on how adolescence is
presented. To find your Wiki, go to the Blackboard course page and click on the orange button “Movie Analysis.” Then
click on the first link “Movie Analysis.” This will take you to the collection of Wikis. On the right side of the page, you will
see a list of Wikis. Each one has a movie title, followed by a student’s name. Click on the one with your name, and enter
your first analysis there. You may want to write your analysis in Word (so you can spell and grammar check it there)
before copying and pasting it into the Wiki.
For the first analysis, write a brief response (equivalent to 1-2 pages typed). Your analysis should show me that you are
comfortable applying course material, so use terms and concepts from the book and from class. Your response should
address the following:
Provide a brief description of the movie. This should be a few sentences and no more than one paragraph. You do not
need to provide a full summary of the entire plot. Instead provide a quick introduction to some of the characters and
the basic premise.
What are your initial reactions to the movie and its representations of adolescence? Do you see any negative
stereotypes about adolescents (pg 6-7) or does it present a more positive view (pg 7-9)? What contexts of
development are illustrated (pg 10-14)
Consider the various scholars discussed in Chapter 1 (e.g. Erikson, Piaget, etc). Pick one theorist and apply that person’s
theory to the main character(s) in your movie. How does these characters illustrate the theory?
Where else do you see material that relates to concepts from the first module (e.g. developmental periods and
transitions, “millennials”, storm and stress, etc.)?
This should be completed and entered into your Wiki by 11:59pm on Sunday. Don’t wait until the last minute to try
entering text into your Wiki! Practice using the Wiki early, so if you have any questions you can get them answered
before the weekend.
Mean Girls
Initial Movie Analysis
Surname: 2
Cady Heron was an African young girl whose parents were zoologists. Her family moved
to the United States when she was 15 years. As usual to any human being, she had to make
friends with the first people she interacts with before selecting who to retain as long-term friends.
The group that Cady joined was referred as “The Plastics.” The girls were known to be criminals
and of bad influence especially to new comers in school. They had bad experiences with
substance abuse and engaging in early sexual relationships. It is seen that Regina already as an
ex-boyfriend at her age and they are trying to work things out after separating.
For the analysis, write a brief response (equivalent to 1-2 pages typed). Your response should address the following:
How did the characters illustrate the developmental changes described in Chapter 2? What did you observe about
puberty or pubertal timing? Based on what you know about puberty and pubertal timing, which characters do you
expect did or will have an easy pubertal transition, and which do you expect would face some struggles?
How did the characters’ health, sleep, exercise or risk taking behavior match with what the text says? Different movies
will focus on different topics, so be creative, but show the depth and breadth of your knowledge from Ch. 2.
The relationship between Cady and the parents could not allow her to engage in such a
behavior with the new friends she met in Chicago public high school. As time passed, changes
were detected in her character and the need for counseling was called by parents. Despite school
friends warning her of the group she had engaged with, the parents too could not admit to
tolerate the trend their daughter was taking. The biology between the move and real life story is
that the character of a person determined by genes and then adopted by the environment. For
example, Cady had not known about how to deal with boyfriends and issues such as sabotaging
Surname: 3
people. Hence, she was dragged into ensuring that Regina do not make it with her boyfriend by
misleading the diet to take in keeping the body slim.
For the analysis, write a brief response (equivalent to 1-2 pages typed). Your response should address the following:
How did the characters illustrate the cognitive skills described in Chapter 3? First, evaluate the character’s executive
function? Specifically, pick some of the specific executive function skills identified on pages 105-115 (e.g. cognitive
control, decision making, etc) and discuss the extent to which the adolescent characters demonstrated these skills.
Second, identify some examples of social cognition (e.g. imaginary audience, personal fable).
How did the characters illustrate concepts about socioemotional development from Chapter 4. How would evaluate
the adolescent character’s sense of self and identity? How would you characterize the character’s emotional
competence and personality? What other material from Chapter 4 can you apply to the movie?
Cognitive and Socio-emotional Development
The change of environment and meeting new friends at Chicago changed the socio
character of Cady. She met new friends and engaged in the activities that they were doing yet she
forgot that her past matter a lot in her life. The plastic group changed her socio way of conduct
and the desire to have all the best moments than the rest of the students led the group astray.
Surname: 4
For the analysis, write a brief response (equivalent to 1-2 pages typed). Your response should address the following:
How did the characters illustrate the concepts from Chapter 5? First, evaluate the character’s masculinity, femininity, and
androgyny? Based on reading from chapter 5, how might the characters’ gender roles influence their education and/or
problem behaviors. Drawing from the text (165-169), what might have influenced the adolescents in developing their
gender roles and gendered behaviors? What other material from Chapter 5 can you apply to the movie?
How did the characters illustrate concepts about sexuality from Chapter 6? What risk factors might affect the
characters sexual behaviors? What other material from Chapter 6 can you apply to the movie? Different movies will
cover different topics, so feel free to be creative and imagine what might be going on in the characters’ lives “behind the
scenes,” even if it’s not shown explicitly in the movie.
Gender & Sexuality
Some of the activities in life and body changes take place within the process of growing.
The nature of creating sexual feelings was not in the minds of the students. However, with the
influence of the plastic group character, Cady came to learn of boyfriend tings and started to
sabotage so that they can all stay single. The biological changes that take place and the
development of feelings affect the manner students can behave for example, Cady’s age is when
girls start experiencing menstrual periods hence a sign that they are mature. The fact of
becoming mature creates the thought of engaging in maturity activities such as getting into
Now analyze your movie again, looking for examples of the characters’ moral development. Use your analysis as an
opportunity to show depth and breadth of knowledge. You can show depth by including specific details and explaining
the subtleties of the concepts you apply. You can show breadth by applying multiple concepts and terms from the chapter.
For the analysis, write a brief response (equivalent to 1-2 pages typed). Your response should address the following:
Surname: 5
How did the characters illustrate the moral development described in Chapter 7? Does the character have to confront
any ethical dilemmas? How would you evaluate the characters using Kohlberg’s stages? What from the characters’
environments might contribute to their moral development? What other material from Chapter 7 can you apply to the movie?
Moral Development
The moral lessons from the movie Mean Girls is that people should not love to oppress
the silent or minority with the intention of enjoying themselves. The plastic group never saw the
other obedient students in school as good to engage with but after becoming victims of failure in
school and the rest of the life they tried, it was a lesson that never despise no matter the
opportunity one gets to enjoy life. Everything comes and has an end. Learning through
experience is the bad way but examples set a good way. The consequences of failing an exam is
an indication that time will be wasted to repeating on the same unit for a period that could have
been used to proceed with other valuable things in life.
Now analyze your movie again, looking for examples of the characters’ relationships. Use your analysis
as an opportunity to show depth and breadth of knowledge. You can show depth by including specific
details and explaining the subtleties of the concepts you apply. You can show breadth by applying
multiple concepts and terms from the chapter.
For the analysis, write a brief response (equivalent to 1-2 pages typed). Your response should address
the following:
What is shown of the characters’ relationships with their parents? How does it match the information
described in Chapter 8? Are there any examples of parent-adolescent conflict and how did parents and
adolescents negotiate increased autonomy? If the parents aren’t overtly shown, what can you infer about
their relationships from the adolescents’ behavior? What other material from Chapter 8 can you apply to
the movie?
Surname: 6
What is shown of the characters’ relationships with friends? How does it match the information described
in Chapter 9? How do the friends establish intimacy, similarity, or other characteristics of close
friendships? What other material from Chapter 9 can you apply to the movie?
Families, Friends, & Relationships
Families, friends, and relationships have their time and nothing should be hurried. The
behavior of the girls in school wasting time with boyfriends and other things that do not add
value or help in excelling in education ruined their life. Family should be the basic start in every
activity then followed with the rest. However, the young girls were mean with life and decided to
enjoy relationships while at their tender ages forgetting that every action has an opposite and
equal reaction. Hence, the result of Regina’s relationship made her live in despair and lose
concentration in school.
For the analysis, write a brief response (equivalent to 1-2 pages typed). Your response should address the following:
Describe the characters’ achievement and achievement motivation. Is the character intrinsically or extrinsically
motivated? Does the character show a mastery or performance orientation? How did relationships and contexts
contribute to achievement (page 380-382)? Were there any barriers to achievement such as procrastination, anxiety, or
What other content do you see from Chapters 10 and 11? Content is likely to vary greatly from movie to movie, but
you may want to draw connections to school transitions, relationships with teachers, bullying, exceptional adolescents,
or work experiences,
Schools & Work
School always comes first before work. It is through school that professionals are trained
for future tasks and responsibilities ahead. Hence, the process of life is that one has to go through
school and gain knowledge that will help in solving life issues in the right manner. Hence, the
Surname: 7
mean girls movie has taught a lesson that trying out some things while in the adolescent stage
can lead to lifetime regrets like for the students who fail in their final exams.
Please write in my English American level: I went to the Deaf school and then I learnt what Deaf
world was like, which fits my life well. Today I’m still learning the deepest of Deaf culture. Being Deaf
can’t be the main barrier to lead to the failure of the big life dreams that I have. My life has been
affected in various ways because of my status but that doesn’t make me fail in making my own
decisions on my life. Learning about the Deaf characters and culture has made me view my status in
a positive manner making me think on the privileges that the society has offered to me by giving me
a chance to utilize the important privileges delegated to me. Though the society has offered several
positive privileges to the Deaf, some of the people focus much on empowering the underprivileged
hence hindering the Deaf from making special developments in their lives.When I was in a hearing
school, I often felt overwhelmed and wanted to avoid studying and never wanted to go to college. My
parents tried to convince me that school was extremely important, but I did not listen to them. One
day, I told my mother that I wanted to receive a better education in a deaf school, and my mother did
not want me to go to a deaf school because she believed that I did not care about education for my
life. A few days later, I felt so disappointed that I was forced to learn unwanted lessons. I decided to
keep telling my mother my goal was to go to a deaf school and my mother finally accepted it. I
started to be joyful at that news and readied for a better education. As a college student, I applied for
City college of San Francisco to learn more English and general studies and then transferred to the
University. I am majoring in communication and public relations and minor in digital media. I
personally love working with people, I feel very happy seeing them satisfied with their present and
looking forward to their future, and I love learning different cultures, backgrounds, beliefs, traditions,
and many things that I have never learnt before, although what i really would be glad to add to my
personal experience is developing a new project, to develop a new website to make the hearing and
Deaf worlds one unit so they will be able to communicate with each other to learn about their
different worlds.My major is Communication and my minors are Digital Media and Family studies
part of my passion is to do my research and analysis on negative things and change them in a
positive way. I went there for class and felt “wow” about the building and respect different religions. I
love learning different things. I am majoring in communication and minoring in public relations and
family studies, I personally love working with people, I feel very happy seeing them satisfied with
their present and looking forward to their future, I love learning different cultures, backgrounds,
beliefs, traditions, and many things that I have never learnt before. My goal to make the hearing and
Deaf worlds one unit so they will be able to communicate with each other to learn about their
different worlds and so that we can get more opportunities. I am wondering if I can volunteer for one
week-on August 18 until 25 and then after, I will take my time to socialize with different people. It
would be a great experience for me. Thank you. Hope to hear from you soon. I would like to make a
new website which looks somewhat like Facebook and Couchsurfing which serves both the Deaf
and Hearing people whatever race and religion they are, everybody can join the social media and
make new friends all over the world which will allow the possibility of making new friends, having a
familiar face to visit outside your country, have a person guide you around a new city to learn new
things like Deaf and Hearing cultures, countries’ history, cultures, foods and etc.
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