Expert answer:Results and Discussion section of Paper

Expert answer:For this assignment, you are required to complete the following tasks:Results:Present the results of the data analysis that you have chosen to use.Provide a visual chart or table of SPSS output displaying the results inserted into the text of your paper in proper APA format.Provide a technical explanation of the results of your analyses.Discussion:Explain the results in layman’s terms for the reader to understand.IMPORTANT: quantitative — not qualitativeThis paper is soley in regards to these variables that the professor provided me with:Dependent Variable – Emotional intelligence Independent Variables – Independence & Problem Solving Attached are the assignments leading up to this –Thank you in advanced!



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Running head: METHOD SECTION
Crafting Methodology Section
November 5, 2017
Orange computers is an established computer company which intends to work on a
project designed to ascertain how the various factors of emotional intelligence impacted factors
assessed by proprietary metrics such as employee performance, employee engagement, and
employee satisfaction. The demographic data was also collected to aid in the analysis.
Dependent Variable – Emotional intelligence
Independent Variables – Independence & Problem Solving
Methods Section
Data Analysis
The research seeks to determine how the various facets and subscales of emotional
intelligence, assessed through the use of Bar-On eqii assessment, impacted factors assessed by
proprietary metrics such as employee engagement, employee satisfaction, and employee
performance. The dependent variable of the research project is emotional intelligence whereas
the independent variables include independence and problem solving. The research project will
take the quantitative research methods approach in the collection and analysis of data. Some of
the tools to be used in the quantitative research methodology of this project include observations,
attitude scales, questionnaires, interviews, physiological tests and physiological measures.
Quantitative research is an empirical study of the research question that employs the use
of methods that are scientific. The gathered results can be statistically analyzed to prove or
disprove the hypothesis being tested. Through quantitative research methods, large amounts of
data can be gathered. In this case, demographic information such as age, race, sex, ethnicity, and
length of employment can be gathered and statistically analyzed. This will allow for a very small
degree of bias. For instance if several other researchers analyze the same data, they will
certainly end up arriving at the same conclusion. The other reason for employing quantitative
data is because the researcher is in a position to control the process of data collection and he or
she is usually distant from the experiment. In addition quantitative research method more
suitable in answering the research question on how emotional intelligence impacts employee
engagement, employee satisfaction and employee performance (Creswell, 2013)).
With regards to the instruments of collecting data, questionnaires are the most
appropriate tools that can be used in the gathering of the demographic data of the population
under investigation. This is because the instrument can be easily administered and the population
is mentally and physically able to complete the questionnaires. Data collection through
questionnaires can economical and saves on time. Interviews will also be used since the rate of
response is high, verbal and non-verbal cues can be noted, answers can be acquired from a vast
range of contexts and finally, with interviews, there are explanation and clarification of
Observation is the systematic viewing of a particular phenomenon in an appropriate
setting for the sole reason of collecting data. Observation as a method of collecting data
encompasses hearing and seeing. Observation is important in this research project is important
because it avails information or data that is first-hand, verifies information from other source and
is important in psycho-motor and manual activities.
Psychological measure involves gathering physical data from the population or subjects.
The method of data collection is accurate and very objective. It is hard for the participants or
subjects to give information that is biased information. Attitude scales are self-reporting
instruments of collecting data which ask the subjects to report how they feel or their attitudes on
a continuum. This will give information on how satisfied or dissatisfied the individuals are with
the activities they undertake. Finally, physiological tests are designed to evaluate the personality
traits of the individuals. In the case of orange computer research project, personality inventories
will be used to analyze personality characteristics by asking or requesting answers to queries that
are presented (, 2017).
Sample Population
The accessible sample population of the research project will involve all employees at the
Orange Computer company. The sample population will be used to determine how emotional
intelligence impacts on independence and problem solving. The findings will be a representation
of not only the impacts of facets and subscales of emotional intelligence on the three proprietary
metrics at Orange Computer Company but in anyother organizational setting. The demographics
of the sample population will investigate the age of the participants in years, sex whether male,
female or transgender, race (White, Black, Asian, Native American/Alaska Native, Native
Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, Other), ethnicity (Hispanic or non-Hispanic), and length of
employment (in months).The facets and subsets of emotional intelligence can be varying across
demographics and as such, various demographic information needs to be collected to increase the
precision of the research findings.
Sampling Techniques
Quantitative researcheers have interests in being in a position to make generalizations
regarding groups which are bigger than their samples. In the case of Orange Computer research
project, probability sampling method will be used. Probability sampling is where the likelihood
of a subject being picked in the sample is known. With respect to probability sampling, stratified
sampling will be used in the study. With stratified sampling, the population will be categorized
into strata with regards to the independent and dependent variables. The stratification will take
the proportional approach where the sizes of the sample groups are equal to the proportions of
the strata in the population. With a sample that is proportional, the sample possesses the same
proportions identical to the population (Creswell, 2013).
Stratified random sampling is most suitable in the collection of data from the sample
population because different employees within Orange Computer Company are designated to
perform certain job activities at their various levels or departments. This will characterize the
sample population in job activities as the identical characteristic. Random samples from every
stratum will be taken in a number that is proportional to the size of the stratum when equated to
the population. The random sample is then formed from pooling the subsets of every stratum.
The reason for adopting stratified sampling is because it captures the characteristics of a key
population in the samples. Stratified sampling gives traits in the sample which are proportional to
the whole population. The sampling method is also appropriate for a population such as the one
at Orange Computer Company which has diverse attributes ranging from demographics to the
nature of work done by employees from various levels in the organization (Creswell, 2013). To
precisely narrow down on the type of stratified random sampling, the company will employ
proportionate stratified random sampling. This implies that every stratum will have an equal
fraction of sampling.
Additionally, given that the study will investigate the demographic aspects of the
population, categorizing the aspects in strata is very convenient in analyzing the data that is
collected. Therefore, this method of sampling is the most appropriate for this kind of study
where, relationships and effects are being studied-determining how the different facets and
subsets of emotional intelligence impact independence and problem solving. With the technique
of stratified sampling, the smallest subgroups in the population can be representatively sampled
enabling the researcher to test the population’s rare extremes. The technique gives a high
statistical precision as opposed to other random sampling techniques since the variability in
subgroups is low as opposed to variations exhibited when tackling the whole population. Finally,
as a result of a higher statistical precision demonstrated by the stratified random sampling
techniques, it also implies that the sample size required is small and will save so much on time,
efforts and resources such as money to both the researcher as well as Orange Computer
Company (Creswell, 2013).
References (2017). Sampling Methods. Center for Innovation in Research and Teaching.
[online] Retrieved from
Creswell, J. W. (2013). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods
approaches. Sage Publications, Incorporated.
Annotated Bibliography
November 12, 2007
Annotated Bibliography
Adil, A., & Kamal, A. (2016). Workplace Affect as Mediator Between Emotional Intelligence
and Job Satisfaction Among Customer Service Representatives. Journal of Behavioral
Sciences, 26(2), 79-94.
The study investigates the interceding role of organizational affects between job
satisfaction and emotional intelligence. The research reveals that emotional
intelligence as well as a positive effect is capable of positively predicting satisfaction
on the job. Mediation between job satisfaction and emotional intelligence has been
fully mediated by a positive affect implying that individuals who are emotionally
intelligent have a high probability of experiencing a positive effect, which may
consequently improve their satisfaction on the job. The study is important in my
research because it analyses the relationship between job satisfaction and emotional
Akhtar, R., Boustani, L., Tsivrikos, D., & Chamorro-Premuzic, T. (2015). The engageable
personality: Personality and trait EI as predictors of work engagement. Personality and
Individual Differences, 73, 44-49.
This article discusse the possible effects existing between the personality traits and
work- specific personality as well as the emotional intelligence experienced during
the engagement of work. The work engagement is one of the critical antecedents of
different organizational outcome which includes the productivity of employees and
their behavior. The article is useful since it assists in evaluating impacted factors
assessed by proprietary metrics by exploring much of the content on use of
hierarchical regression analyses to identify the trait of emotional intelligence for
interpersonal sensitivity. Further, the study predicts the work engagement that is
above and over the personality which is discussed in theoretical and practical
Amdurer, E., Boyatzis, R. E., Saatcioglu, A., Smith, M. L., & Taylor, S. N. (2014). The longterm impact of emotional, social and cognitive intelligence competencies and GMAT on
career and life satisfaction and career success. Frontiers in psychology, 5.
The article explains the long-term effects and the relationship between emotional
intelligence and competencies in organizations in achieving the careers because small
studies are exploring its antecedents. Besides, it also assesses the impact emotional
demonstration, cognitive skills in intelligence through the assertion of career and job
satisfaction. I find the article useful in predicting and demonstrating the achievement
and career success which is vital in measuring the emotional intelligence and
problem-solving. Additionally, it provides an environment of positivity and showing
creative thinking that is significant to achieving organizational success.
Bakhshi Soreshjani, L. (2010). Relationship between emotional intelligence and mental health
among teachers, nurses, and employees. New Find Psychol, 5, 23-33.
The article investigates the relationship between emotional intelligence and
personality traits with nurse’s ability to retain services in one placement. The article
included studies using neo-personality, emotional intelligence and inventory. The
results showed a correlation between emotional intelligence and the elements
associated with emotional intelligence namely self-regard, impulse control, social
responsibility, and optimism. Conscientiousness and extroversion were observed to
be positively related to organizational productivity. Other components such as
emotional intelligence and stress tolerance were notes to influence employee
commitment to organizational productivity. Overall, personality traits are noted for
their effect on organizational relationships.
Bande, B., Fernández-Ferrín, P., Varela, J. A., & Jaramillo, F. (2015). Emotions and salesperson
propensity to leave: The effects of emotional intelligence and resilience. Industrial
Marketing Management, 44, 142-153.
The article explains the effects of emotional intelligence and the significant influence
on the performance and behavior of the employees. Emotions in the place of work are
considered less studied since it entails several variables which determine it to achieve
success in the facets of emotional intelligence. The research is useful in determining
and emphasizing the emotional skills which include the resilience and the intelligence
of the employees in the organization. These are directly proportionate to the
perception of leadership in upholding the emotional intelligence through addressing
the intention of the ways to achieve it.
Bande, B., & Fernández-Ferrín, P. (2015). How and When Does Emotional Intelligence
Influence Salesperson Adaptive and Proactive Performance?. European Management
Review, 12(4), 261-274. doi:10.1111/emre.12062
The study seeks to explore the underlying mechanisms which link emotional
intelligence to proactive and adaptive performance. Emotional intelligence is
regarded as an important aspect of customer relations. The results of the findings
reveal that emotional intelligence positively influences a sales person’s proactivity
and adaptivity through its impact on the salesperson’s intrinsic motivation and
perceived self-efficacy. Also, the indirect impact of self-efficacy on proactive and
adaptive performance is dependent the individual’s capability of bouncing back and
organizational support. The study is important to my research because it emphasizes
on the strong relationship that exists between EI and proactive and adaptive
Bao, X., Xue, S., & Kong, F. (2015). Dispositional mindfulness and perceived stress: The role of
emotional intelligence. Personality and Individual Differences, 78, 48-52.
The purpose of this journal is to determine the roles played by the emotional
intelligence by disposing of perception and mindfulness of stress through the use of a
measure known as a self-report. An administration of mindful awareness attention
scale, perceptive scale stress are applied during the study to determine the existing
relationship between mindfulness of stress and disposing of perception. The article is
essential in identifying the real mindfulness which is associated relevance to
emotional intelligence facets such as the satisfaction and engagement to achieve the
elements of problem-solving in a company. The prediction of the directions in the
measurements of the mindfulness of stress and disposing of perception are correlated
significantly to the variables available in the study.
Batool, B. F. (2013) Emotional intelligence and effective leadership. Journal of Business Studies
Quarterly, 4(3), 84.
This article discusses how effective leadership and emotional intelligence relate with
each otherin evaluating the psychological control tendencies in private and public
sectors in managerial level. The popularity of the emotional intelligence has
increased through the measure in identifying potential leaders as well as a tool used in
developing their skills. The article is essential in highlighting the emotional
intelligence influence as an attractive measure of attention in leadership. The
understanding of interpersonal behavior describes the dynamic adaptability to
strengthen the general intelligence within a company. As a result, emotional
intelligence consist of perceived ability to express emotions, appraise and capacity for
regulating and promoting intelligence growth.
Carson, K. D., Carson, P. P., & Birkenmeier, B. J. (2016). Measuring emotional intelligence:
Development and validation of an instrument. Journal of Behavioral and Applied
Management, 2(1).
The purpose this article is to discuss the ways of measuring emotional intelligence
management in assisting the organization to reduce the turnover and identify the
transformational leaders to improve organizational culture for sufficient performance.
The relevance of this article to my study is that it illustrates the real experiences
which are increasing the acceptance of businesss practitioners to benefit better in
understanding the emotional intelligence. Further, the assertion on the need to train
everyone to become intelligence emotionally has emerged as an encouragement in
positioning the success of the companies through the employee satisfaction and
engagement in the operation of the organization. Therefore, promoting greater
awareness of the emotional intelligence efficacy is imperative.
Caruso, D. R., Fleming, K., & Spector, E. D. (2014). Emotional intelligence and leadership.
In Conceptions of Leadership (pp. 93-110). Palgrave Macmillan US.
The chapter of concepts of leadership describes the critical components and the
relationship of emotional intelligence as well as its effects on leadership perception.
Several emotional intelligence is determined to predict the performance of the
workplace in the employees of the company. The chapter is useful in determining the
set of personality traits in regards to the understanding of emotional intelligence and
the approaches of measuring them. Similarly, an evaluation of the cognitive ability of
the model of emotional intelligence is viewed learned in a combination of deliberate
corrective practice and feedback. A conceptual framework which is linked to the
measurement approaches is also established through the operational assessment of
Chughtai, M. W., & Lateef, K. (2015). Role of emotional intelligence on employee’s
performance in customer services: A case study of telecom sector of Pakistan.
International Journal of Advance Research in Computer Science and Management
Studies, 3(2), 101-108.
This article covers the effectiveness of emotional intelligence as a tool for
organizational success. It analyzes the influence on employee engagement in the
workplace. It is observed in the article that emotional intelligence plays a significant
role in helping managers stay optimistic in the face of challenging situations. It is also
helpful in keeping the managers enthusiastic and encouraging employees to pursue a
higher level of organizational career opportunity. It concludes that organizational and
individual employee performance is greatly influenced by emotional intelligence. An
organization that is equipped with emotionally intelligent persons stands a better
chance of success than that lacking the all-important quality.
Côté, S. (2014). Emotional intelligence in organizations. Annu. Rev. Organ. Psychol. Organ.
Behav., 1(1), 459-488.
The purpose of the article is to illuminate the roles of emotional intelligence in ane
organization, describe and evaluate abilities and approaches constituting it. The first
fundamental criteria discussed include the self-report and performance-based
approaches since the fixed set of skills consist of emotional info …
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