Expert answer:research methods

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Application Assignment 4:
Turn to pages 65 and 66 in your textbook (Chapter 3). Complete the practical
application exercise by reading the article (Presented this week on Moodle):
Parental Involvement and Its Influence on the Reading Achievement of 6th Grade
Students by Hawes and Plourde (2005).
Then answer the 9 questions on the Checklist on page 65-66 for evaluating an
article; Explain clearly how the descriptive research design was used by answering
these questions in details. Use
Read and follow the instructions given below.
1. Follow the grading rubric presented below but do not include it in the submitted
. 2. Write your last name and first name as first line in the document
Upload answers to all questions in a single MS Word document. Then upload the
single file. Upload the file with your class number followed by your last name and first
initial followed by Application_Assignment_4. Example
Project Assignment 4: Section III of the Research Proposal Project
This is the fourth research project assignment for this course (NOTE: The research
project builds on itself each week and will culminate with your final research proposal
submission during Week 7). Remember that the cumulative project assignments
constitutes a research proposal for your selected research problem, and therefore, you
should abide by the guidelines given on page 118-120 of your textbook regarding the
organizing and writing your research proposal.
In Week 2, you submitted project assignment 2 , in which you included a description of
your selected quantitative research problem. I responded to most of you regarding your
submission. Keep your modified presentation of the your research problem following the
directions given in project assignment 2 till you include it as section I in the cumulative
research proposal submission in week 7.
In Week 3, you wrote a literature review for your research proposal project in which you
included an annotated bibliography for your study using scholarly sources. That project
assignment (assignment 3) will serve as your section II of the cumulative research
proposal project.
This week you will work on section III of the cumulative research proposal project: For
your selected quantitative research problem, you need to include the quantitative
approach comprising of : The data and the treatment of the data.
This week we study chapters 6 and 7 in which we learn two groups of Quantitative
designs. In chapter 6 we covered Descriptive Research, this category of research
designs involves either identifying the characteristics of an observed phenomenon or
possible associations among two or more phenomena. In Chapter 7, we covered
another category of designs called experimental designs that are used for identifying
cause-effect relationships. Next week we study Chapter 9: Strategies for analyzing
Quantitative data.
This week, use your understanding of the quantitative designs given in chapters 6 and 7
to identify the appropriate design for your own research problem. Next week, you use
your understanding of the statistical techniques discussed in chapter 8 regarding the
analysis of quantitative data and complete Project assignment 5.
In Week 7, you will modify all your project assignments and put them together in the
comprehensive Research Proposal Project.
Week 5 (Project Assignment 4) includes
1. Your justification for selecting a Quantitative research approach. Discusses which
quantitative design method will be used and why it is suitable. If you have selected
one of the descriptive research designs discussed in chapter 6, you need to justify
your selection, answer four questions related to your data including the methods of
collecting them and the sampling technique to be used. If your research problem
involves a cause and effect relationship, you need to identify what experimental
research design to be used to study the relation.
2. For each subproblem: the data needed, the means for obtaining the data and the
sampling procedure to be used.
3. Data collection strategies.
Note: The presentations that you have in sections III and IV are part of the course
research proposal project. Therefore, no actual data are collected and hence no
actual analysis of the data is performed and no results are to be presented. If you copy
and paste any data, analysis, and results from another study, this will imply your
complete misunderstanding of the research requirements and hence no credit will be
given for both sections III and IV.

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