Expert answer:Research –

Expert answer:The ability to read, understand, critique, and integrate research studies and to design a study to address a gap in the research literature is a vital tool. As you write your, you may be reading hundreds of studies, many of which you will evaluate as part of a coherent literature review.Select 5 empirical articles from peer-reviewed journals that: you consider critical to your understanding of your area of your research (ethics and absenteeism) all address a particular phenomenon and attempt to contribute to theory about itPart 11. Describe each study, including: the research problem, questions, or hypotheses the research purpose type of design and elements of the design (e.g., sample, data analysis,operationalization of constructs) threats to validity and if and how they were addressed the findings and their implications2. Critically evaluate each study: Does the author make a compelling case for the meaning and significance of the findings?Part 2Write a literature review that explains what is known and not known about the phenomenon based on a critical evaluation of the five studies.Part 3Develop a research question that addresses one of the unknowns you identified in Part 2 and sketch a qualitative study that can answer the question about what is unknown and contribute to theory (in some sense of theory you discuss in Question 1).Address: the research purpose type of design and elements of the design (e.g., sample, the type of data you needto collect and how you will collect it, data analysis) the strengths and weaknesses of your envisioned design and methods quantitative: threats to validity and how your design will address them quantitative: the constructs you will measure and what you will do in order todetermine how to operationalize them (you need not identify specific measures) qualitative: your means of ensuring the quality of your findings justification for why your chosen design and methods are more appropriate for yourresearch question than alternatives you have considered your methods of data analysis how the data you collect will enable you to answer your research question andcontribute to theory(e.g., internal validity, threats to validity, and operationalization) needed to address thisquestion.The structure of your paper should be as follows:Body (15 pages, no more; APA Style; use appropriate headings for organization of the paper)References (APA Style)

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This is what I have been working on. Thought it
would help as a reference.
In many areas across the globe, the issue of employee satisfaction has been neglected.
This neglecting of the affairs of the employees in the respective areas of application follow the
possible ignorance from the top management of the respective workplaces. In most cases. The
top management may feel like the employees are supposed to work towards achieving the set
organizational goals and objectives under the provided working conditions where the
management may assume that since the employees are being remunerated, they are satisfied
with their work. However, this is a notion that is not based on any facts or strong basis and thus
has been argued otherwise. Following the recent evidence that has been brought out by various
research teams that in most organizations where possible little output from the employees is
experienced may be because of the employees were not satisfied with their jobs (Cullen,
Edwards, Casper, & Gue, 2014).
In some research studies on the rate of work output measures in various organizations
which may include the turnover rates and the overall attendance of the employees has been
associated highly with the issue of job satisfaction among employees. While in the past the
issue of job satisfaction was not highly recognized as a huge contributing factor, today, it has
been established that the more the employees are satisfied with their jobs, the more they are
likely to yield high results in terms of returns. The theory of quality satisfaction among
employees has been directly associated with the overall duties that are linked to the various
jobs that each employee may be assigned. The other theory that has been involved in the study
is the discrepancies theory which claims that when employees are satisfied with their jobs that
they have been assigned, there are likely to be fewer or no discrepancies as far as the work is
concerned (Khan & Aleem, 2014).
Although the various available resources that have provided information on employees
satisfaction and the job outputs are numerous, there has been a challenge in the available
credible information that could be used to act as supporting evidence on the subject matter.
With this respect, the credibility of the information provided in the journals may be challenged
without the relevant backing up data. However, the available information has been presented in
such a way that there has been no contradictions or inconsistencies in the respective
information. Instead, the given information on the relationship between employees satisfaction
on their respective jobs and their assigned duties on their jobs has been upheld.
With this respect, it, therefore, becomes a prominent issue of concern to outline the
various pieces of information that may act as supporting evidence on the subject matter in the
attempt to provide the relevant solution to the stated issue. In addressing the mentioned issue of
concern, this paper is going to look at the problem statement revolving the mentioned issue of
concern that forms the basis of this paper, the purpose of the paper, the driving research
questions, the hypothesis, the literature review and the possible research method that could be
used to facilitate the completion of this research successfully.
Job dissatisfaction has been associated with a lot of problems in the various workplaces
across the globe. As a result, many organizations have been reported to have recorded reduced
yields in terms of annual returns. What could be the primary cause of this huge job
dissatisfaction among employees in the various areas of work? While various organizations
have been known to invest in job satisfaction for their respective employees, the issue of job
dissatisfaction among employees in different workplaces has been reported to be a problem up
to date. It has been reported that at least in each organization across the globe, a good
proportion of employees have been reported to either miss a single day at work or a few days
in each month (Howarth, Quesada, & Mills, 2017). Various studies have been undertaken in
the attempt to come up with the most supporting evidence that could be used as an overall
explanation to the continued problem of job dissatisfaction amongst various employees.
Statement of the Problem
Employers experience difficulty with poor attendance, high turnover rates, and low morale
among their employees. In a study of three large health insurance companies, researchers
found that from 11% to 24% of employees missed one to two days of work in the last 28 days;
from 5% to 9% of employees missed more than two days in a 28-day period (Bankert,
Coberley, Pope, & Wells, 2015). Job satisfaction for employees or employee engagement is a
high priority of organizations. According to Forbes magazine, about 78% of management rate
employee retention as a major problem (Bersin, 2014).
The problem to be addressed is a decline in employee satisfaction. Why are employees
dissatisfied with their jobs? There seems to be a consensus of employees being confused about
their job duties as well as their employers not providing a better understanding of job duties
specific to their positions (Powell, 2015). Employers care about the satisfaction of their
employees due to it helping the organization have less turnover (Chinnis, Summers, Doerr,
Paulson, & Davis, 2001). Dissatisfaction with job duties can result in poor attendance and lack
of interest in the job (Johnson, 2016). Deming’s Theory of quality employee satisfaction is
related to job duties (Álvarez-García, Del Río-Rama, Saraiva, & Ramos-Pires, 2016).
According to Discrepancy Theory, there are fewer discrepancies when employees are satisfied
with their desired job duties (Lee, Wang, & Weststar, 2015). Although there are plenty of
online papers and e-journals that talk about employee engagement or satisfaction as they relate
to job duties, there is little research to be found on the relationship between job duties and
employee satisfaction in peer reviewed academic journals
Purpose of the Study
The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between employee job duties and
employee satisfaction. Rehabilitation employees in state psychiatric facilities have three major
job duties: working with the patients, completing paperwork, and attending job-related
training. It has been noted that employee satisfaction can help boost the success of an
organization, lower its costs, and help grow revenue (Ērgle, 2016). Typically, a psychiatric
rehabilitation employer conducts an annual review with employees, telling them how well they
interacted with patients, completed their paperwork, and attended both required and optional
job-related training. If employees are not satisfied with their ratings, it can cause cynicism
toward the organization causing strain within the organization. The challenge of changing
how employees feel about their job and the organization depends on the leadership of the
organization (Witt, 2014). Specifically, this study will assess the extent to which to the
independent variables, portion of time spent working with patients, the amount of time spent in
training, and the portion of time spent on paperwork are related to the dependent variable,
employee satisfaction among the rehabilitation employees of one campus in a state psychiatric
facility. Employee satisfaction will be measured with the Andrew and Withey Job Satisfaction
Questionnaire. Job duties will be operationalized as the portion of time spent with patients, the
portion of time spent on paper work, and the amount of time spent in training. Single items
will be used to measure time spent on paperwork and time spent with patients. The amount of
time spent in training will be obtained from employee records. Pearson product moment
correlations will be computed between the independent variables and the dependent variable.
Research Questions
Following the selected topic in the desired area that relates to the issues revolving
around the patients` affairs, while the employees in the respective workplaces may be qualified
enough to handle the various issues of concern that may arise in the respective fields, the issue
of job dissatisfaction is witnessed. In the attempt to come up with the most effective results
which may act as the supporting pieces of evidence as far as the overall research is concerned,
the most appropriate research questions should be drafted to act as the overall guiding lines for
the entire research as far as employee job satisfaction is concerned. These questions may be
issued as follows:
RQ1: To what extent is portion of time working with patients related to employee
H10: The portion of time spent working with patients is not related to employee satisfaction.
H1A: The portion of time spent working with patients is related to employee satisfaction.
RQ2: To what extent is the amount of time spent in training related to employee
H20 The amount of time spent in training is not related to employee satisfaction.
H2A: The amount of time spent in training is related to employee satisfaction.
RQ3: To what extent is the portion of time spent on paperwork related to employee
H30: The portion of time spent on paperwork is not related to employee satisfaction.
H3A: The portion of time spent on paperwork is related to employee satisfaction.
It is important to note that the research question that acts as the primary driving and
guiding factor towards the attainment of the desired results of the research is related to the
amount of time that the employees may use while performing their respective duties and the
overall rate of satisfaction that may be witnessed.
How long in terms of the overall working time does an employee realize the overall job
While considering the presented question, issues like the notion that the overall
employee satisfaction as far as job satisfaction is concerned are not related in any way to the
total time spent while working may be realized. The other issue that may be realized is the
possibility that it is possible for time that an employee may take while undertaking the various
duties be related to job satisfaction. Time and job satisfaction have been brought together to
facilitate the overall research. Another area where time has been considered as a huge driving
factor is in training, and on undertaking the various tasks revolving around the respective
records in terms of paperwork. Although time has been associated with job satisfaction, there
are various other factors that have been huge driving forces that may affect job satisfaction
among employees.
Brief Review of the Literature
The literature on the topic of ethics is abundant. When it is narrowed down to ethics in
healthcare, the sources become a bit sparser. When digging into the literature we find that the
topics of ethical leadership, the understanding the culture of an organization, how the
government plays a role in healthcare ethics and sustainably become major themes (Cohen,
Foglia, Kivong, Pearlman, & Fox, 2015; Courtwright, 2011; Mantel, 2015; Matsudaira, 2014;
Molina-Mula & De Pedro-Gómez, 2013; Sandström, Willman, Svensson, & Borglin, 2014;
Schnoor, Heyde, & Ghanem, 2015; Xu, Yu, & Shi, 2011). The questions of research are how
ethics relate to the employees and consumers that the origination and is it ethically sound, how
the managers make their decisions and if they are hired in ethical ways, and how politics plays
a role with ethical healthcare. There is, however, a gap in the literature for employee
absenteeism and satisfaction.
Time management plan and employee satisfaction
Elsabahy, (2015) has shown there exists a relationship between time management and
satisfaction regarding jobs by various employees in the different workplaces. The research
shows that while in most cases the issue of time management may be underestimated. While
the research was undertaken in one kind of workplace, it has been established that the results
obtained from the research apply to all the other workplaces across the globe. The study was
with a group of head nurses who were issued with questionnaires that were shaped towards
ensuring that the possible significance of time management plan within a given organization
and its overall link to job satisfaction had been outlined. The results of the study indicated that
there existed a relationship between time management and job satisfaction existed. On the
recommendation the respective time management plans and programs ought to be introduced
in the various workplaces to ensure that job satisfaction among employees was achieved and
guaranteed (Elsabahy, Sleem, & El Atroush, 2015).
Absenteeism as a factor of employee satisfaction
As has been mentioned earlier, some factors have been associated with job satisfaction
or dissatisfaction. While addressing the issue of job satisfaction and absenteeism, Bankert,
(2015) claims that an organization may suffer huge losses due to the failure of a proportion of
the respective employees turning up or attending their respective workplaces by the set
agreement on a monthly basis. Absenteeism of employees in various organizations may lead to
huge loses as far as the overall annual returns are concerned. As a result that the primary cause
of such vast levels of absenteeism among various employees in the different workplaces is the
possible notion of job satisfaction (Bankert et al., 2015)
Employee empowerment and Total Quality Management (TQM)
On another instance, Kabak, Şen, Göçer, Küçüksöylemez, and Tuncer (2014) undertook
a study where they used surveys in the attempt to come up with the relationship between total
quality management and job satisfaction. The survey questions were sent to a population of
130 employees where just half of the surveys were completed and sent back. From the
research, it can be deduced that the dependent variable is job satisfaction. On the other hand,
the independent variables in the research are the five components of total quality management.
From the research, it was established that the overall relationship that existed between the
employees who had worked for less than five years and those who had worked for more than
five years had similar characteristics in the manner that both groups felt in terms of being
motivated towards work (Wong & Laschinger, 2013) (Kabak, Şen, Göçer, Küçüksöylemez, &
Tuncer, 2014).
Ethics are the moral principles, a philosophy of an organization (Newton, 2017). This
is the way for healthcare organizations help themselves become better organizations. With this
the culture of the organization may be looked at in a way of better productivity, less turnover
and patient satisfaction would increase. It has been shown that when the organization has a
lower turnover of staff it creates better productivity and better compliances to the national
safety guidelines. When having staff that has more longevity in an organization it in turns
creates a higher quality of care and better patient satisfaction. A culture of ethical behavior is
what drives a healthcare organization to become more productive and strive for better
achievements. It is unknown at this time how ethics are rated by employees and consumers of
an organization. It is only stated that it is their perceptions of what ethics are. Therefore, it is
something that is difficult to isolate on how people think of what ethics mean to them. (Cohen
et al., 2015).
Ethics are in everyone’s life from the smallest decision that is made to how policies and
procedures are created. These policies are sometimes controversial. An example would be the
Affordable Care Act. Many people did not think that this law was ethically correct and thought
that it should be overturned. The US Supreme Court decided in 2012 that there were no
problems with this law and was found to be ethical; despite the issues that some still have with
it (Blacksher et al., 2015). Politics will remain in healthcare. It has to proove that something is
right and ethically sound rather than it is right because it saves money. One example of this
would be when the Government Accounting Office showed that 29% of the US long-term
facilities were cited for safety violations. It was found that the ratio of patient to nurse was
very minimal. They called for these ratios to be turned to higher nurse to patient. This, in turn,
helped significantly change the quality of care and patient satisfaction showing a more
ethically shaped culture (Matsudaira, 2014).
Thinking regarding Management
Turn your attention to ethical management. How does a manager think? Typically, it
is within the boundaries of skills, competencies, and how to keep their employees and
consumers satisfied. Education is essential to an ethical manager. They want to make sure
their employees have the critical thinking skills that are needed, especially in healthcare. The
thought of doing drills to keep skills up is one that every employee and employer knows.
These team-based preparation models help keep employees ready for any emergency.
Typically, organizations will receive a benefit from doing these types of drill such as reduced
insurance premiums (Collins & Draycott, 2015). Thinking in this manner helps the manager
stay within budget and help the bottom line of the organization. All managers and department
heads must stay on top of the market and how it fluctuates. This helps them make ethical
clinical decisions and helps the manager keep the program they are running financially viable.
Whether it is in private practice or a large organization, if it cannot be financially viable, the
private practice or large organization will fail (Farthing, 2015). More research has been
found that states that the manager faces more challengers financial than others. The
expectations are to be ethical, professional, follow the code of conduct and standards for the
organization and have the ability to lead ethically as well as stay in the black (Armit &
Oldham, 2015).
Managerial decisions in health care vary on the type of backgrounds and approaches
that are made. All management levels have to defend the decisions they make. There must be
a reason for the decision and a good one. No proven value in a manager is clinical trained vs. a
non-clinically trained manager. The difference is their decision-making abilities and how they
think. Both can be an asset to an organization due to the different types of views they may
have (Casali & Day, 2015).
Management is always faced with challenges. One of those challenges is to maintain
the national safety guidelines that are given out annually. These guidelines are evidenced
based and are produced by the government. The managers are to use these guidelines to
change the culture of healthcare (Sandström et al., 2014). Other challenges that managers face
are the financing needs of the services offered. As we live longer the demographics of our
ever-changing world also change. This causes a reduction of services due to the sustainability
of the service. There is evidence that shows a middle manager in healthcare should have the
ability to work between the economic challenges as well as reaming person-centered in their
care (Schnoor et al., 2015).
Behavior of Management
Unethical behavior in management could mean detrimental outcomes for the
organization. This could mean that a patient is not in a safe environment. Fundamental human
rights is ethical behavior. There have been many instances that originations and companies
disagreed on what was considered a fundamental human right. Perception of the patient can
also let management understand what their beliefs of fundamental human rights are. One such
thing would be to not treat someone with dignity and respect. This mistre …
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