Expert answer:PSY 121 FINAL PAPER GUIDELINES Final paper

Expert answer:PSY 121 FINAL PAPER GUIDELINES Final paper is due Monday, December 11. Grade will be S (Satisfactory; +1% added to your final grade average) or U (Unsatisfactory; -3% subtracted from your final grade average). Paper must be about 2 complete double spaced pages in length and no longer than 2 ¼ pages in length. Below are the directions. Each student will be required to choose a psychological concept or topic from what we have covered in class (either from chapter assignments or from class discussions). First, you must provide a clear summary of the topic, including a brief description (in your OWN words) of what psychologists and researchers have learned relevant to the topic. You must think critically about what we do and do not know about the topic based on the research found in the text or reviewed in class. You may choose to have additional references for this portion of your paper, but they are not required. Then, discuss how it relates to a real-world topic of your choosing. NOTE: the real-world topic and psychological concept you choose must relate directly to the course. If the connection to the course seems unclear, make it clear in your paper. That is, you must write about something in the news or something you or a friend have experienced that directly relates to something in class. You must describe HOW it relates. Give many clear examples illustrating the connection. Basically, and most importantly, show me that you have thought critically about it. Don’t just summarize the issue. Tell me how it is related to something you find interesting. To summarize, here are the instructions on writing a satisfactory final paper: 1. Choose a psychological concept or topic (e.g., depression, short-term memory, classical conditioning, sleep, introversion/extraversion, psychotherapy) from what we have covered in class either from chapter assignments, Taking Sides articles, or class discussions. Explain why it interests you. 2. The topic you choose must relate directly to the course. If the connection to the course seems unclear, make it clear in your paper. 3. Clearly describe the psychological topic you are addressing and provide a brief description of what psychologists have learned about this topic. 4. Relate the topic to a few examples in your own life, the lives of others, and/or an issue that relates to society in general (e.g., something in the news).



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PSY 121
University of Evansville
Fall 2017
This course meets the criteria for general education Outcome 9:
Understanding of Core Concepts of Society, Human Behavior and Civic
Knowledge. This does not apply to Psychology majors who must take 2
courses outside of Psychology to satisfy the requirement.
This course meets the federal requirements of 15 in-class hours
plus an expected 30 hours of out-of-class work per credit hour.
Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to competently describe
and explain facts, principles, and processes related to the various
areas of psychology.
Psychology 121, Introduction to Psychology.
Time and Place: 2:00-2:50 MWF (HH 226).
Dr. S. Mark Kopta; HH 210; 488-2533, mk35.
Instructor’s Website:
Texts: Davis, J. & Palladino, J. (2007). Psychology
Edition). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.
Slife, B. (2012). Taking sides: Clashing views on controversial
psychological issues. (Seventeenth Edition). Guilford, CT: Dushkin.
Do not purchase. Copies of articles will be distributed through
Blackboard to you.
Course Description: Surveys the major areas of psychology
including research methods, human development, consciousness,
learning, memory, personality, abnormal behavior, and health.
There is a focus upon historical development, research findings,
clinical applications, and contemporary issues. The course
delineates the value of the different areas of psychology to
other professions (e.g., medicine, law, business, education).
Also, psychological theory and findings are at times placed into
a more personal perspective that may relate to the student’s own
Method of Instruction:
Lecture and group discussion.
PSY 121
Course Objectives: After completing the course, you should:
Have a general knowledge concerning the various areas of
psychology (e.g., human development, learning, psychotherapy)
in terms of historical development, research findings,
clinical applications, and contemporary issues;
Understand how knowledge in specific areas of psychology can
be of value in the practice of other professions (e.g., law,
medicine, business):
Understand the various career opportunities associated with
the different psychological specialties (e.g., clinical
psychology, industrial psychology, etc.);
Have improved personal development in several areas. For
a) Increased understanding of your own behavior and
emotions as well as those of others;
b) Increased ability to think critically and logically with
intellectual curiosity about human behavior;
c) More effective study and exam-taking skills which are an
essential means to success in college.
d) Communicate more effectively in both speaking and writing.
Course Evaluation:
Course evaluation consists of three components:
a. There are 8 tests (approximately 50-60 items) consisting of
multiple choice, true-false, and matching questions which
includes a final comprehensive exam. The tests inquire about
material from the text chapters and class lectures (See Lecture
Notes Packet.). A final test average is calculated by dividing
the total number of correct items for the 8 tests by the total
number of items on the 8 tests.
b. The class features group discussions based on articles
presented in Taking Sides.
These issues are relevant for
understanding and perhaps influencing many of the challenges
facing our society today.
The issues are covered in the
following order:
-Was Stanley Milgram’s Study of Obedience Unethical? (Group
-Does an Elective Abortion Lead to Negative Psychological
Effects? (Group 2)
-Is Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder a Real
Disorder? (Group 3)
-Does the Divorce of Parents Harm Their Children? (Group 4)
PSY 121
One reaction paper is required based on the Taking Sides
readings that are covered in our discussion groups. It will
be due the day of the group discussion and graded as
“Satisfactory”(S) or “Unsatisfactory” (U). See page 8
of this syllabus for writing requirements and grading criteria.
A Satisfactory grade adds +1.5% to your final grade average.
An Unsatisfactory grade subtracts -1.0% from your final grade
average. A U grade is correctable by rewriting the paper.
Any absence from a group discussion must be accounted
for by documentation; otherwise, I will not accept your
reaction paper for that discussion and it will receive a grade
of U that cannot be corrected. You must make up the missed
discussion by participating in another group discussion.
Final Written Paper.
See page 9 for requirements.
Extra Credit. There may be an extra credit opportunity to
earn up to +2.5% added to your final grade average by
participating as a subject in psychological research. Your
proof of participation is a ticket that you will receive from
the researcher after you finish serving as a research subject
or you may print out another document (e.g., survey website).
Keep this proof. You may not receive extra credit if you do
not have this proof of participation.
PSY 121
2) Course grading scale to compute your final grade is as
92 – 100% A
77 – 79% C+
90 – 91% A70 – 76% C
87 – 89% B+
68 – 69% C82 – 86% B
60 – 67% D
80 – 81% B0 – 59% F
3) Your course grade will be calculated using the following
As an example (number of items are not representative of
number of items on the tests):
40 correct/50 items Test 6
= 36/50
Test 7
= 38/50
Final Exam =38/50
84.6% + 2.5% + 1.0% = 88.1% = B+
DO NOT MISS EXAMS! If you do, contact the instructor
preferably before or, if unavoidable, as soon as possible
after the exam. Make-up exams are given at the discretion
of the instructor and may not be of the same format as the
original exam (i.e., may include essay questions).
If a
student does not notify the professor before he misses an
exam, he may not be allowed to make it up. If a student fails
(or is not permitted) to make up an exam, the grade will be a
zero (0) for that exam and computed as such (i.e., 0% correct)
in the calculation of the final grade.
All exams/tests are subjected to statistical analysis to
identify “unfair” items. Unfair items are those where 10% or
fewer students get them correct. In such cases, all students
will receive credit for items determined as unfair.
HONOR CODE, IMPORTANT: For all course examinations, projects,
and papers, you are expected to adhere to the University’s
honor code. “I understand that any work which I submit for
course credit will imply that I have adhered to the Academic
Honor Code: I will neither give nor receive unauthorized aid
nor will I tolerate an environment which condones the use of
unauthorized aid.” Failure to adhere to the code will likely
result in receiving an “F” for the course.
PSY 121
Withdrawal Policies. A course may be dropped without a
designated grade during the first two weeks of a term of the
regular academic year. From the third to the eleventh weeks, a
grade of W is assigned. Discontinuance of attendance does not
automatically constitute a withdrawal.
Students failing to
file a proper drop/add form by the appropriate deadline must
complete classes for which they are registered or receive a
grade of F.
Withdrawal from a course after the deadline
requires petition to and approval of the Admissions and
Standards Committee and/or Vice President of Academic Affairs.
Last day to drop the course without a W grade for Fall 2017 is
Tuesday, August 29. Last day to drop the course with a W grade
for Fall 2017 is Friday, November 10.
11) Incomplete Grade. An Incomplete grade is given only when the
student and professor agree to the conditions under which the
Incomplete is allowed; this discussion should occur before the
final exam for the course. Additionally, a date will be set as
to when the required work must be submitted to the professor.
If this procedure is not followed, then the student may receive
an F for course. If an Incomplete grade remains on the record
for more than 2 months, it will automatically be changed to an
8) Incomplete Grade. An Incomplete grade is given only when the
student and professor agree to the conditions under which the
Incomplete is allowed; this discussion should occur before the
final exam for the course. Additionally, a date will be set as
to when the required work must be submitted to the professor.
If this procedure is not followed, then the student may receive
an F for the uncompleted work. If an Incomplete grade remains
on the record for 2 months, it will automatically be changed to
an F.
Class Meetings: DO NOT MISS CLASS!
Attendance is required and
taken at each class meeting. You can miss 2 class periods for
whatever reason without penalty; more than two absences results in
a reduction of –2.00% from your final grade average for each
additional period missed. Excused absences will be considered only
in verified, documented circumstances. Each absence period must
have separate documentation. This policy excludes tests and
discussion group meetings where no absences are expected; any
missed, unexcused discussion group is –2.00% from your final grade
Class Participation: ASK QUESTIONS!
Questions and comments
from students are expected. If you don’t know, are confused,
feel lost in the material — let me know please. I intend to
PSY 121
help you get through the course in good shape, but I need your
help in giving me feedback about where you’re having problems.
Good participation in the group discussions and other classes
may help your grade for the course.
Outside Class Effort: According to the US Department of
Education, students should spend (on average) a minimum of three
hours per week per credit for a college level course.
This means that, as this is a 3-credit course, you should
spend roughly 9 hours per week on this course.
Therefore, you should be willing to put in a minimum of 6
hours of out-of-class time each week on this class.
Some of you may succeed and complete the work in less time. If
that works for you – more power to you. However, if you are not
succeeding as well as desired, you may want to study more.
Remember, if you’ve read the assignment once, you’ve read it, but
if you’ve read it three times, then you’ve studied it.
Office Hours: HELP IS AVAILABLE! Drop by my office or phone me.
Formal office hours to counsel students about class work are as
follows: MW 4:00-5:00; MWF 1:00-2:00; Tu 12:00-5:00.
Course Etiquette: Please do not do the following in class—eat food;
use your laptop; use your cell phone, have it on, or have it on
your desk. Thank you.
Accomodations For Students With Disabilities. It is the policy of
the University of Evansville to make reasonable accommodations
for students with properly documented disabilities. Written
notification to faculty from the Office of Counseling and Health
Education is required for any academic accommodations. If you
are eligible to receive and accommodation and would like to
request it for this course, please discuss it with me and allow
two weeks notice. Otherwise, it is not guaranteed that the
accommodation can be received on a timely basis. If you have
questions about services for students with disabilities or
procedures for requesting services, you may contact the Office of
Counseling and Health Education at 488-2663.
PSY 121
Class Calendar:
Topic and (Chapter)
Introduction; Psychology, Research, and
TS Issue; paper due (grp 1).
Test 1 (1).
Development Across the Lifespan (9).
Test 2 (9).
States of Consciousness (4)
Test 3 (4)
Memory (7)
TS Issue; paper due (grp 2).
Test 4 (7).
Learning (5).
TS Issue; paper due (grp 3).
Test 5 (5).
Personality (11).
TS Issue; paper due (grp 4).
Test 6 (11).
Psychological Disorders (12); Therapy
(13, Textbook Study Points Only).
Test 7 and Final Exam—For 2:00 class
Monday, December 11th at 2:00pm. For
3:00 class Wednesday, December 13th at
PSY 121
1. Each student is required to do one reaction papers for the
2. The paper will be graded as “S” Satisfactory or “U”
3. To achieve an “S”, spelling, grammar, and organization must be
good. In addition, the content of the paper should follow
these guidelines.
a. The paper must be at least 3 complete, double-spaced
pages and stapled at the top. A cover sheet should be
attached that includes reaction paper title, your name,
name of course, and time of course. Pages of the paper
should be numbered.
b. The first page should review the Yes side of the issue as
presented by the author. The second page should review
the No side as presented by the other author. The third
page (and fourth if you choose) is your response to the
topic–”Yes” or “No”–including how your response was
influenced by the two authors’ arguments.
4. If you receive two S’s, it will add +2% to your final grade
average; one S and one U adds +.5%; no S’s subtracts –5% from
your average. Additionally, you may correct and resubmit one U
paper in order to raise the grade to an S. When you submit the
corrected paper, the original must be attached to it and your
corrections underlined/highlighted on your revised paper.
Corrections are due the next class after you received the
original graded paper. Failure to not follow these guidelines
will result in a U on the corrected paper.
5. You are required to attend two of the group discussions
associated with the reaction papers. An unexcused absence
from a group discussion subtracts –4.00% from your final grade
average; in addition, your reaction paper for that group will
not be accepted and therefore graded as a U.
a. One incomplete sentence. Example: Which Tom decided
not to buy.
PSY 121
b. One run-on sentence (two sentences punctuated as one).
Example: Sheila tried to win the race however she fell
during the last lap.
c. Two misspelled words.
d. A significant error in understanding the reading
e. Inadequate coverage of the topic.
f. Less than the required length of the paper.
g. No cover page.
h. Omission of any of the criteria in #3.
Final paper is due Thursday, April 27. Grade will be S (Satisfactory; +1% added to
your final grade average) or U (Unsatisfactory; -3% subtracted from your final
grade average). Paper must be about 2 complete double spaced pages in length and
no longer than 2 ¼ pages in length. Below are the directions.
Each student will be required to choose a psychological concept or topic from what
we have covered in class (either from chapter assignments or from class discussions).
First, you must provide a clear summary of the topic, including a brief description
(in your OWN words) of what psychologists and researchers have learned relevant to
the topic. You must think critically about what we do and do not know about the
topic based on the research found in the text or reviewed in class. You may choose to
have additional references for this portion of your paper, but they are not required.
Then, discuss how it relates to a real-world topic of your choosing. NOTE: the realworld topic and psychological concept you choose must relate directly to the course.
If the connection to the course seems unclear, make it clear in your paper. That is,
you must write about something in the news or something you or a friend have
experienced that directly relates to something in class. You must describe HOW it
relates. Give many clear examples illustrating the connection. Basically, and most
importantly, show me that you have thought critically about it. Don’t just summarize
the issue. Tell me how it is related to something you find interesting.
To summarize, here are the instructions on writing a satisfactory final paper:
1. Choose a psychological concept or topic (e.g., depression, short-term memory,
classical conditioning, sleep, introversion/extraversion, psychotherapy) from what we
have covered in class either from chapter assignments, Taking Sides articles, or class
discussions. Explain why it interests you.
2. The topic you choose must relate directly to the course. If the connection to the
course seems unclear, make it clear in your paper.
3. Clearly describe the psychological topic you are addressing and provide a brief
description of what psychologists have learned about this topic.
PSY 121
4. Relate the topic to a few examples in your own life, the lives of others, and/or an
issue that relates to society in general (e.g., something in the news).
PSY 121 Lecture Notes
Important: All information points in this packet-along with my comments about them in class–will be
covered on the chapter tests.
PSY 121 Lecture Notes
–Review of course syllabus.
–What is psychology?
Psychology is the scientific study of human behavior and the use of knowledge from this study to
modify behavior.
–Psychology as a major with examples of career choices.
Career choices include psychologist (e.g., clinical, industrial/organizational, research/academic),
law, business, criminal justice, social work, public relations, and medicine (psychology or
neuroscience major required).
–Psychology as it influences other professional areas.
Other professional areas that use psychologists include health (health psychologist), law
(forensic psychologist), and business/industry (industrial/organizational psychologist).
–What three types of causal events do psychologists study?
Psychologists study physiological, mental, and environmental events.
PSY 121 Lecture Notes
–What types of causal events (physiological, mental, environmental) are depicted in the
following examples?
Professor Lukins administered a questionnaire assessing anxiety to a group of subjects; he then compared
the behavior of those demonstrating high and low anxiety scores in a mock interview situation.
Professor Chen explained that differences in child rearing practices accounted for the 10-point difference
in the average IQ scores of infants raised in two distinct orphanages.
Marcia, a graduate student, was able to predict how much food a rat would eat by analyzing certain
nutrients in the animal’s blood just before it started its meal.
PSY 121 Lecture Notes
–Why is research in psychology important?
It discovers the causes of behavior and then modifies behavior in the desired direction.
Example: Advertising.
–What are the two dimensions of psychology?
Example–Preventing Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol
1. Research Dimension. Research is performed in a laboratory and/or field setting. For example,
an experiment is conducted to discover which of three different public service announcements
(PSA)—fear, guilt, positive role model–are most effective in preventing driving while under the
influence of alcohol; the results are then published in a professional journal.
2. Applied Dimension. The results of the research are then applied to benefit the general
public; for example, the most effective PSA is used by states to reduce drunken driving incidents.
PSY 121 Lecture Notes
–What are the five research designs that psychologists use?
1. Case Study. It is a thorough investigation of one person; it usually
includes information about the person’s past and is often used by clinical
psychologists in studying patients in psychotherapy; it do …
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