Expert answer:project management

Expert answer:3.3 MS Project 2013: Gantt chart3.4 MS Project 2013: Project Network
3.5 Allocation of resources using MS Project 2013
3.6 Top

down and

up Cost Estimations.
3.7 Analysis of the cost estimations.
3.8 Reducing Environmental Impact & Ethical considerations.
Project Evaluation and Conclusion.



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Abdullah alsaleh2105
Ayman abu khousa 21807
Student Name
Hamad bin belal 21753
Fawaz almohammad 20153
Abdulrahman Al-Ali 20638
Group Title
Group c
Course title
Instructor name
Project Management – MGT 400
Fawaz almohammad 20153
Dr. Atik Kulakli
Section #
Assignment #
Term Group Project Deliverable 1
Fall 2017
Submission Deadline
October 21, 2016
Table of Contents
Case Study:
Mission and Vision Statement:
Planning and Description of Pre-Project Phase (Problem Statement)
Work Breakdown Structure:
Responsibility Matrix:
Gantt Chart:
Kuwait Finance House campaign is related to beach cleaning:
The solar panel is related to Kuwait finance house:
Kuwait Finance House
Kuwait Finance House is one of the Top most financial investment sectors. It was
established in January 2002; industry experience is more than 30 years specialized in various
innovative and specialized in the conceptual procedure. It is supported through Islamic
banking sector. It is one of the relationships between the customers and to markets. (Kuwait
Finance House, 2017).KFH provides a range of banking system is follows the various
complaints in products and services, Services based on it is covered with real estate service,
Financial trade, Investment portfolios and Commercial applications, the real and corporate
banking system is available in Kuwait. Kuwait Financial House is also called as Islamic
finance or Saria Compliant Banking. (The History & The Beginning, 2016).
Case Study:
Kuwait Finance House case study is consisting of various issues, and Financial
statements are related through Islamic Banks. It is an analysis of the financial statement and
communicated through liquidity, Efficiency ratio, profitability, all values are compared to
Kuwait Finance House. Gulf Financial House is related to the economic health of Kuwait. It
consists of various accounting procedure of financial statement and analysis the terms of
financial reporting practices. Kuwait Finance House is composed of three major categories
includes treasury, banking, and investment. It consists of 54 branches and it as mentioned as
Islamic banks in world format. Ratio analysis is done by current area format of Kuwait
Finance House. The ratio is calculated as 1:1 and does not indicate the financial disaster; it is
working as negative impacts of KFH. Accounting Factors are must be affected by economic
requirements. In general format, unique information follows the advisory boards based on
policies among profit change and concentration of various investment accounts. Accounting
information is marked as Excel format; all data sheets are describing as balance sheet and
income sheets. Accounting practices are based on investment accounts. It is classified into
off-balance Sheet and on balance Sheet. KFH is one of the Islamic banks and introduces the
various systems in guarantee format. All deposits information’s are stored in Kuwait financial
house. (Camilesillapaidi, 2013)
To Calculating the KFH accounting is based on various practices in suitable for an
Islamic bank. In this different service in Remuneration practices, Corporate and private
government basis, and denoted the financial impacts. It is discussed with risk identification
and capital structure. KFH plan provides Snapshot is indicated the financial and non-financial
health information of a potential investor. It is one of the Islamic finance reporting. (Kuwait
Finance House, 2017).
Mission and Vision Statement:
KFH Vision Statement is the international development of Islamic financial service
for believe the sustainable technology in most profitable and identify the complaint status
reported to the bank at world level.
KFH Mission Statement is delivered the messages to the Innovative procedure of
excellent customer in excellent services, it is used for protecting, and all interests are
communicated to stakeholders. (The First Islamic Bank Since 1977, 2017)
Planning and Description of Pre-Project Phase (Problem Statement)
The Project Management Plan consists of six phases of initiation phase, Development
phase, Definition phase, Follow up phase, Development phase, and Implementation phase.
Initiation Phase is describing the what kind of ideas are used. Definition phase is identifying
the What purpose; Design phase is analysis the How will be worked. Development Phases is
describing the implementation process. Implementation Phases is executed the
implementation skills. Follow up steps in determining the maintenance procedure.
Kuwait Finance House
Problem Statement of Kuwait Finance House:
Kuwait Finance House is classified into three major segments. It is describing as treasury,
Investment and treasury.
Work Breakdown Structure:
Work Break down Structure helps to identify the deliverables in initial stages. It is
one of the starting stages of organization management. It is a step by step procedure of which
time handle what kind of work incorrect time interval. Consider the Kuwait finance House
applied work break structure means to identify the initial stage and marked customer details.
It is used for security to communicate client and Finance department. Next step is fixed the
time basis; it helps for save the time of task or steps. Work break down structure consists of
different levels of methods and subtask format. It includes 20 subtask formats. It helps for
80% of employment is implemented incorrect time. (Introduction, 2017).
Responsibility Matrix:
It is a combination of Work breakdown structure and Organizational breakdown
structure. KFH Responsibility Matrix is used to analyze the term level process and measure
the various investment procedures. The rating agency is based on Standard & Poor’s, Fitch,
Capital intelligence. It is defined the process term is measured by Long time and short-term;
the result will have reported through Outlook format. As a matrix result, the responsibility of
Kuwait Finance House is stable. (Omar, 2011).
Gantt Chart:
Gantt Chart is one of the bar chart formats. It is maintaining the project schedule in
date and time format. It is covered with the work break down structure and summary
elements. It is project management tool; It is consisting of following tasks are identify the
Essential functions related to project phase and WBS. The second step is Identify the
Relationship between the various services. Next step is explained and plot the values time
interval. Final stages are mentioned the chart progress. It consists of a complete range of
features. (Mind Tools Content Team, 1996-2017).
Kuwait Finance House
Kuwait Finance House campaign is related to beach cleaning:
Environment directly supports it based on social responsibility at the request of
health, green and clean. Kuwait Finance House is helping the environment followed by
various concepts of volunteerism. In this team participated in different youngsters in Kuwait.
All are used t clean the beach for sea goers and residential area. In this group is achieved by
various principles for cleanliness and participated through different youngsters. In this all of
them one community and serve the people. KFH is attached the various environmental issues
and encouraged with multiple techniques for Kuwait City clean. (KFH Participates in Beach
Cleaning campaign, 2017).
The solar panel is related to Kuwait finance house:
Kuwait Finance House is about SSH design and Constructions. It gives the service for
Kuwait Finance House in the Residential complex. It is a new complex and has excellent
facilities and surprise to the various development areas. In this project is designed by SSH.
Kuwait style develops SSH landmark.
KFH information and account details are based on Kuwait government stock
structure. In this follows various rules and regulations. It is one of the first Banking sectors in
Islamic industry. In this done by Gant chart, WBS and Responsibility matrix. WBS is used to
identify the work in a step by step procedure. Gantt chart is denoted the task details and
finished incorrect time. Responsibility matrix is used for the systematic approach is stable or
1. Camilesillapaidi. (2013, Nov 14). Slide Share. Retrieved Oct 20, 2017, from
2. Camillesillapaldi. (2013, Nov 14). Slidesshare. Retrieved Oct 20, 2017, from Kuwait Finance
House: A Case-Study of Issues and Concerns in the Financial Reporting of the Islamic
Financial Industry:
3. Introduction. (2017). Tutorials Point. Retrieved Oct 20, 2017, from work breakdown
4. Kuwait Finance House. (2017). On line Banking. Retrieved Oct 20, 2017, from Kuwait Finance
5. Mind Tools Content Team. (1996-2017). Mind tools. Retrieved Oct 20, 2017, from Gantt
Charts Planning and Scheduling Team Projects:
6. Omar, M. S. (2011). Corporate Sustainability Report. Retrieved Oct 20, 2017, from
7. The First Islamic Bank Since 1977. (2017). Vision & Mission Statements. Retrieved Oct 20,
2017, from The First Islamic Bank Since 1977:
8. The History & The Beginning. (2016). About Kuwait Finance House. Retrieved October 20,
2017, from
9. KFH Participates in Beach Cleaning campaign. (2017). KFH Participates in Beach Cleaning
campaign. Retrieved from KFH Participates in Beach Cleaning campaign:
Deliverable 2
Student Name:
Student id:
Instructor Name:
Table of Contents
2.1 Company Mission & Company Strategy:
2.2 Organizational Management Structure:
Functional Structure:
Dedicated Structure:
Matrix Structure:
2.3 Project Organization Structure with justifications:
2.4 Resource Analysis:
Project Bar chart:
2.5 Communication Plan:
Kuwait Finance House is one of the companies of the Kuwait Stock exchange. Market
Capitalization is mentioned by &8.2 billion in May 2016.In Top 100 Arabian banks have placed
the top in Kuwait Finance House. KFH capital Investment Company is formed in 1999 to public
related. It is mentioned the public equity, private equity, and real estate market basis based on the
world. KFH capital principal investment is a bank and official sites of Safat, Kuwait and Oman.
KFH provides the products and services cover the real estate and give the product services in
trade investment, portfolios related to other products and services. (1,010 Kuwait Finance House,
2017)In this report describes the company Mission statement and company Strategy, Project
Organization structure related through KFH. Resource Analysis and Communication Plan.
2.1 Company Mission & Company Strategy:
Kuwait Finance House Mission statement is to deliver the innovative ideas and customer
services in an excellent format. In this used to protecting the various connecting interests to all
kinds of stakeholders. Company Strategy is based on Sustainable strategy. Universal meaning
directly supports KFH Vision statement for a material relationship through different corporate
structures. It is based on business strategy. KFH executive management system it gives the
relationship between customer satisfaction and followed by the multiple principles derived from
Islamic sharia. The employee development directly focuses it and impressed by employee
talents. (Corporate Sustainability Report 2014, 2014).
Kuwait Finance House board of directors give the approved by five-year strategy its
designed by transformation program and communicated through the bank performance of the
next level. In this approach is developed by conjunctions of the national and international
company. The first strategic pillars are used to improve the banking performance in Kuwait. The
group investment portfolio is to increase the coordination between the various global banking
sectors. Kuwait Finance house introduces the new strategy KFH is implemented through a new
customer of centric organizations is used to reduce the complexity and checks the duplication
and maintains the accountability through the bank. Mr. Nafisi is adding that Kuwait Finance
House is a rich heritage and mentioned the powerful brand and committed through the various
shares complaint related to financial service in Kuwait. It is worked as an Islamic banking
market and more competitive. The New Strategy is connecting through the weakness and
strength of our relationship between the various customers. It is delivering the values to
shareholders and continues with one step of competitions. Additional detail transformations are
designed to implement the different strategy is supported by Booz and company. (House, 2017).
2.2 Organizational Management Structure:
Kuwait Finance House organization is consists of three segment of Business ideas
includes investment, treasury, and banking. The organizational structure determines the various
operations are performed. The Management organizational structure consists of the flat approach
between the functional products. It is analysis by the geographical structure organizations.
(Suttle, 2017).
Functional Structure:
Functional Structure is also called as a standard format of organizational structure. In
these groups is classified into small units. Such as IT, Marketing and Finance. A project operates
with people for process and identifies the technology of agencies. It gives the aspects of culture,
policy, and execution of the projects. All plan works take the responsibility for all department
work. Functional Organization is accomplished in small organizations in a different format of
geographical methods. It provides the only small number of goods and services. The Financial
Structure is an organization specifically divided the short sections. In this mentioned one
controller and advisor control the areas and functions. The project manager is giving the
execution of the process and projects. The functional manager has most potent and specify the
final decisions. KFH is ensuring the functional capacities connected through the functional
capacity of manage. It is comparing both existing business of strategic level. The management
objectives identify the KFH is check the profiles and give planning ideas related to various
growth plan and supported through efficient risk infrastructure. To manage the risk profile of
business group is adverse the multiple results through banking ideas. (Corporate Sustainability
Report, 2011)
Dedicated Structure:
Dedicated efforts to the staff members and check the confidence level of customer and
shareholder relationship. It is mentioned the various opportunity for the ongoing process. In this
extension graduate method for supervision. The Board member of KFH group is admirable effort
to the multiple businesses deserves. In this implement, plans are executed in the disciplined
manner of long term process. It provides the different sustainable returns to shareholders and the
depositors. (Kuwait Finance House, 2014).
Matrix Structure:
The Matrix Organization is the team members reported through two controllers of project
managers. The communication is taken from one team member to other team members. The
matrix organization is creating the potential functions of project types of institutions. Team
members have to control the project work. It depends upon the Matrix of the agencies. The
power of the authority varies from project manager to functional manager. It is healthy matrix
representation of organizations. The ability directly represents the project manager. Balanced
matrix is given the balanced between the project managers to the functional manager. (project
management Professional, 2007).
2.3 Project Organization Structure with justifications:
A project Organization is a structure; it is coordinated and implemented through project
activities. Every project is having own characteristics and designed through the organizational
structure. It is operated and give the authority to the project manager. A project structure is
having own advantages and disadvantages. As a project manager takes the responsibility of
power and carrying a body. Advantageous of Project organization structure is includes the
opportunity for managers in career progressions. Addition process is communications skills are
used in project work.
2.4 Resource Analysis:
Resource Analysis is a Strategic Planning Tool. It is consists of requires particular
strategies support the various resources. It is an analysis of the competitive advantage process.
Resource analysis is one of the functional analytical activities. It is dependent based on
experiences, good Judgement and Hard work.
Project Bar chart:
Project Planning is consists of various steps. Such as Initiation, Execution, Controls and
Planning, closeout.
2.5 Communication Plan:
KFH management team is implemented by the CSR initiative of creating Footsteps. In
this includes some activities based on Natural victims and communicate through universities. In
this mentioned the income groups are followed by the tree planning and staff interested in local
community. Banks commitments are communication through both small and giant relationship
for a better society. It relatively concentrates on the various environmental attributes and
ambitions of the country. According to the project communication is meets project owner
discussed the status of project status. In this analysis and decide between taking the
responsibility of CSR. In this study, the decision-making skills are applied to project owner
meeting. In this accept progress report. Month specifications do the analysis. Project Controlling
Meeting is analysis comparison between the target and actual values. The environmental status
does all analysis process. The proposal is taken by the decision making process. The meeting is
conducted by the sub Team meeting and project end meeting. Sub meeting method is analysis the
information related to exchange the data in the various environment. Project end meeting is
analysis by the feedback from of multiple participants. Collects the improvements are described
to future values. Participants are mentioned the project Owner, Project team and project
Project Communication
Project Owner
Sub –Term
Project end
objectives, contents Participants
● Discuss the
● Bank Manager
rules and
and Sales
● Project
● Project Owners
● Discuss
● Explain
● Project Manager
● Loan manager
● Financial
● Tasks and
● Project Team
● Prepare
● Discuss
● Team leader of
project team.
● Sub team
● Identify and
● Analysis
● Project Owner
project work.
● Team Leader
● Customer
● Bank Managers
● Shareholders
● Distributed loan
● Future
Required 2
month once
Two weeks
End of the
D …
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