Expert answer:Prepare a Literature Review

Expert answer:The literature review will begin with the introduction that you prepared in Week 5. Your literature review may incorporate references from other courses, but must include the 15 references gathered in the current course. Your introduction is a logical argument for the importance of the topic that you plan to investigate. Conclude your literature review with a summary that synthesizes the research and points to gaps in the literature and to directions that further research might take.Length: 12-15 pages, not including title and reference pagesReferences: Minimum of fifteen scholarly resources.




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Student: Kelly T Garcia
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EDU 8001
Dr. Kelsey
Advanced Scholarly Writing
Develop an Effective Topic Introduction
Assignment 5

Faculty Use Only

Develop an Effective Topic Introduction
Kelly T Garcia
Northcentral University
The key to the success of higher education institutions is effective leadership. Despite
this significance, however, in-depth research on the challenges faced by academic leaders is
limited. Senior faculty members that excel in their roles are promoted into leadership positions,
resulting in many inadequately prepared academic leaders. Subsequently, “new leaders often lose
their enthusiasm and aspiration after confronting the reality of being a leader,” (Tonini &
Gunsalus, 2016). Leaders are always faced with a wide array of issues that must be solved to
pave the way for progress in the institutions. The fundamental and emerging challenges facing
academic leaders must be explored before plausible interventions within the socioeconomic and
political constraints of the educational system can be pursued.
The challenges are not confined to one area in the institutions of higher learning; rather,
they occur in various areas like change management, maintenance of quality in academics,
resources, and response to tensions among others. Change management has become a critical
issue both in academia and the corporate world as the world is constantly being exposed to new
ways of doing things every day (Madsen, 2012). It requires the leaders to think about change
management theories and embrace befitting patterns of operating. According to Hilton &
Jacobson (2012), change management not only requires flexibility but also demands a lot of
creativity. Second, maintenance of quality in academics is another issue in which even the most
qualified leaders cannot sail through without facing major impediments. Institutional quality is
highly dependent on the quality of academics and thus should be a key area of concern for any
leader who wishes to be hailed as a winner (Mitic, 2015). The issue of managing resources also
faces most institutions as they have limited funds to run their activities. Consequently, they have
to think about alternative ways of looking for income to further their development agenda (Price,
Schneider, & Quick, 2016). One more challenge is the response to tensions. Tensions can have
serious ramifications in institutions of higher learning, including things like serious crises in the
academic landscape. Learning to deal with them effectively is an important tool in the workshop
of the leader.
Overall, an extensive inquiry into the topic would be needed to establish the current
realities and the concepts that can be embraced to pursue efficient ways of dealing with the
challenges. Leaders of higher learning institutions often ignore that they are not different from
their corporate counterparts. The present paper delves deeper into the topic and discusses the
challenges of change management, maintenance of quality in academics, resources, and response
to tensions among others.
Hilton, M., & Jacobson, R. (2012). A Lesson of Lost Political Capital in Public Higher
Education: Leadership Challenges in a Time of Needed Organizational
Change. Contemporary Issues in Education Research, 5(3), 227-232.
Madsen, S. R. (2012). Women and leadership in higher education: Current realities, challenges,
and future directions. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 14(2), 131-139.
Mitic, R. R. (2015). Challenges to Positive Leadership in US Higher Education: Lessons from
US Political Economy. Perspectives on Global Development & Technology, 14(1/2),
278-286. doi:10.1163/15691497-12341345
Price, P. D., Schneider, D. K., & Quick, L. A. (2016). Financial Challenges in Higher Education:
Community College Leadership Style and Ranking. Community College Journal of
Research And Practice, 40(6), 508-522.
Tonini, D. C., Burbules, N. C., & Gunsalus, C. K. (2016). New Models of Hybrid Leadership in
Global Higher Education. Educational Considerations, 43(3), 37.
Student: Kelly T Garcia
Follow these procedures: If requested by your instructor, please include an assignment cover
sheet. This will become the first page of your assignment. In addition, your assignment header
should include your last name, first initial, course code, dash, and assignment number. This
should be left justified, with the page number right justified. For example:
Garcia, KEDU8001-7
Save a copy of your assignments: You may need to re-submit an assignment at your
instructor’s request. Make sure you save your files in accessible location.
Academic integrity: All work submitted in each course must be your own original work. This
includes all assignments, exams, term papers, and other projects required by your instructor.
Knowingly submitting another person’s work as your own, without properly citing the source of
the work, is considered plagiarism. This will result in an unsatisfactory grade for the work
submitted or for the entire course. It may also result in academic dismissal from the University.
EDU 8001
Dr. Kelsey
Advanced Scholarly Writing
Prepare an Alpha-Numeric Outline
Assignment 7

Faculty Use Only

Challenges Facing Higher Education Leadership: Alpha-Numeric Outline
Kelly T Garcia
Northcentral University
Challenges Facing Higher Education Leadership: Outline
A. Higher education leadership holds the key to the success and progress of
institutions of higher learning
B. Leaders in every landscape always face a broad gamut of challenges in the
execution of their duties and responsibilities
i. “New leaders often lose their enthusiasm and aspiration after confronting
the reality of being a leader,” (Tonini & Gunsalus, 2016).
C. In the corporate sphere, the effectiveness of a leader is gauged by his ability to
elevate the company to a level of profitability and maximize the returns. In the
educational dimension, the emphasis is placed on the development of a perfect
environment for the furtherance of the learner’s knowledge and skills, as well as
the propulsion of the institution to a higher level in the global standards of higher
education (Ong, 2012).
D. A review aimed at establishing the primary and emerging challenges that these
leaders face would be pivotal in the evaluation of the most befitting interventions
to help eliminate the hindrances to efficient accomplishment of the institution’s
overall goals and objectives
E. Thesis: The paper highlights the various problems that those at the position of
leadership in higher education face, such as handling issues related to the
management in the external and internal environments, maintenance of
performance in every dimension, effective utilization of the available resources,
the need for adjustment in both the strategic and management landscapes, and the
response to tensions among others.
Current Higher Education Landscape
A. General challenges facing higher education
i. Low level of public support
1. Contemporary institutions of higher learning have been facing
decreasing levels of public support and goodwill (Gigliotti &
Ruben, 2017).
ii. Conflicting opinions on the importance and purpose of the HE institutions
1. Institutions under the social perspective
a. The role of the society is slowly fading away from the
higher education spectrum.
i. Higher education in the United States is facing a
severe problem when viewed through the lens of
social responsibility since there has been a
substantial loss in confidence and backlash in the
overall sociopolitical system of the country due to
the tough economic challenges and botched
attempts to maintain geopolitical hegemony (Mitic,
ii. The academy is expected to maintain high standards
of quality while at the same enhancing its relevance
on the cultural and social grounds (Ramsey &
Wesley, 2015).
2. Institutions as capitalist businesses
a. The recent conversion of most learning institutions into
what seems to be strategic business models has far-reaching
implications on the way things are conducted.
3. Higher education presidents have lost the political capital that was
once the foundation of development and expansion in the
institutions (Hilton & Jacobson, 2012).
4. The rapid expansion of free-market capitalism in the modern world
has triggered severe problems in the higher education landscape
(Smith, & Hughey, A. W. (2007).
iii. Challenges and opportunities brought about by the new technologies and
models of teaching and learning.
B. Challenges faced by Higher Education Leaders
i. Change management
1. Both the corporate and academia settings are faced serious issues
of managing change as the world embraces dynamic patterns of
operation (Madsen, 2012).
2. Both flexibility and creativity are needed for the management of
changes as they emerge (Hilton & Jacobson, 2012).
ii. Maintenance of quality in academics
1. There is a substantial relationship between institutional quality and
the quality of academics, and thus many leaders face the challenge
of maintaining quality at the face of unprecedented dynamics in the
models and approaches of learning and teaching (Mitic, 2015).
iii. Management of people and fiscal resources
1. Since most of the political actors that made it possible for higher
education learning institutions to access sufficient funds have
continued shying away from the programs, leaders are faced with
the task of looking for novel approaches of searching for income.
2. Some of the most severe financial challenges that higher education
leaders face include the maintenance of students at the face of
skyrocketing educational costs, reduction of the expenses without
compromising academic quality, and the management of school
enrollment even with the dwindling funding from the state (Price,
Schneider, & Quick, 2016).
iv. Response to competing tensions among others.
1. The interaction between intercultural tensions and campus cultures
can have serious problems (Ong, 2012).
v. The need for strategic leadership
1. While many scholars believe that establishing a common sense of
vision can be effective in enhancing leadership competence in
academic landscapes, it is worth noting that an environment with
an agenda as differentiated as that of higher learning cannot solely
rely on the sufficiency of skill and knowledge for the enhancement
of strategic engagement (Drew, 2010).
Approaches to improving leadership competencies and Dealing with the Challenges
i. Sound interpersonal engagement
ii. Merging knowledge and skill
1. As is the case in several environments, hardiness training may help
many types of leaders in the management of high-stress levels and
the reduction of turnover in the institutions (Mintz-Binder, 2014).
iii. Blending vertical and horizontal competencies
1. Problem-based learning interventions are important as they make it
possible to deal with the specific issues ailing the system
(Thompson & Couto, 2016).
iv. Establishing ways of merging the roles of the faculty to those of the
1. Heterogeneity in top-management teams is also an important
approach toward blending the different levels of knowledge, skills,
and competences to fit perfectly in the specific contexts where the
institutions are facing serious challenges (Rutherford, 2016).
2. In future, there should be sufficient programs in which learners can
start arming themselves with tools of leadership during their
baccalaureate degrees to ensure that most of the skills and
competencies are already acquired before they start climbing the
ladder of leadership (Kalnins, Barkauskas, & S̆ess̆kevic̆ius, 2001).
v. Enhancement of collaborative engagement and sponsorship
1. Diversity issues such as the inclusion of women into full leadership
positions need to be embraced in the furtherance of performance in
institutions of higher education (Madsen, 2012).
2. Universities should be fixed to incorporate an environmental setup
that befits the prosperity of women leadership (Burkinshaw &
White, 2017).
A. The primary challenges that leaders face include change management,
maintenance of quality in academics, resources, the need for strategic leadership,
and response to tensions among others.
i. Some of the most befitting interventions are using sound interpersonal
engagement, merging knowledge and skill, blending vertical and
horizontal competencies, enhancing collaborative engagement and
sponsorship, and establishing ways of merging the roles of the faculty to
those of the leaders
Burkinshaw, P., & White, K. (2017). Fixing the women or fixing universities: Women in HE
leadership. Administrative Sciences (2076-3387), 7(3), 1-14. doi:10.3390/admsci7030030
Drew, G. (2010). Issues and challenges in higher education leadership: Engaging for change.
Australian Educational Researcher (Australian Association for Research In Education),
37(3), 57-76.
Gigliotti, R. A., & Ruben, B. D. (2017). Preparing higher education leaders: A conceptual,
strategic, and operational approach. Journal of Leadership Education, 16(1).
Hilton, M., & Jacobson, R. (2012). A lesson of lost political capital in public higher education:
Leadership challenges in a time of needed organizational change. Contemporary Issues in
Education Research, 5(3), 227-232.
Kalnins, I., Barkauskas, V. H., & S̆ess̆kevic̆ius, A. (2001). Baccalaureate nursing education
development in 2 Baltic countries: Outcomes 10 years after initiation. Nursing
Outlook, 49(3), 142-147.
Madsen, S. R. (2012). Women and leadership in higher education: Current realities, challenges,
and future directions. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 14(2), 131-139.
Mintz-Binder, R. D. (2014). Would hardiness training be beneficial to current associate degree
nursing program directors? Part I. Teaching and Learning in Nursing, 9(1), 4-8.
Mitic, R. R. (2015). Challenges to positive leadership in US higher education: Lessons from US
political economy. Perspectives on Global Development & Technology, 14(1/2), 278286. doi:10.1163/15691497-12341345
Ong, V. S. (2012). Complexities of multiple paradigms in higher education leadership today.
Journal of Global Management, 4(1), 91-100.
Price, P. D., Schneider, D. K., & Quick, L. A. (2016). Financial challenges in higher education:
community college leadership style and ranking. Community College Journal of
Research and Practice, 40(6), 508-522.
Ramsey, J. R., & Wesley, M. (2015). Leadership challenges for the university of the 21st
century. International Journal of Leadership and Change, 3(1), 1.
Rutherford, A. (2017). The effect of top-management team heterogeneity on performance in
institutions of higher education. Public Performance & Management Review, 40(1), 119144. doi:10.1080/15309576.2016.1177559
Smith, B. L., & Hughey, A. W. (2007). Leadership in higher education—its evolution and
potential: A unique role facing critical challenges. Industry and Higher Education, 20(3),
Thompson, S. E., & Couto, R. A. (2016). Creating problem-based leadership learning across the
curriculum. New Directions for Higher Education, 2016(174), 35-44.
Tonini, D. C., Burbules, N. C., & Gunsalus, C. K. (2016). New models of hybrid leadership in
global higher education. Educational Considerations, 43(3), 37.
Student: Kelly T Garcia
Follow these procedures: If requested by your instructor, please include an assignment cover
sheet. This will become the first page of your assignment. In addition, your assignment header
should include your last name, first initial, course code, dash, and assignment number. This
should be left justified, with the page number right justified. For example:
Garcia, KEDU8001-6
Save a copy of your assignments: You may need to re-submit an assignment at your
instructor’s request. Make sure you save your files in accessible location.
Academic integrity: All work submitted in each course must be your own original work. This
includes all assignments, exams, term papers, and other projects required by your instructor.
Knowingly submitting another person’s work as your own, without properly citing the source of
the work, is considered plagiarism. This will result in an unsatisfactory grade for the work
submitted or for the entire course. It may also result in academic dismissal from the University.
EDU 8001
Dr. Kelsey
Advanced Scholarly Writing
Develop an Annotated Bibliography
Assignment 6

Faculty Use Only

Challenges Facing Higher Education Leadership: Annotated Bibliography
Kelly T Garcia
Northcentral University
Challenges Facing Higher Education Leadership: Annotated Bibliography
Introduction Summary
Leaders are the weapons of winning the war of performance in every organization. In
higher education, leaders are expected to execute their tasks efficiently to ensure that all areas of
the institutions are moving toward the achievement of the overall goals and objectives and
furthering the agenda of excellence. Despite the importance of effective leadership in these
institutions, there exists limited research on the challenges faced by academic leaders. Since the
senior faculty members often get promoted to higher levels of leadership in the firms, they leave a
gap in the academic leadership positions and the ones chosen to replace them face severe
challenges when trying to cope with the underlying issues.
The purpose of the current research is to uncover some of the most debilitating problems
that higher education leaders face and come up with plausible interventions within the
socioeconomic and political constraints of the educational system. It is …
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