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Community Policing In the Fight against Terrorism
The relevance of community policing in the fight against terrorism
One of the most disturbing security threats in the world at the moment is terrorism.
Before delving into the details, it is necessary to understand the meaning and context of the term
definition. Terrorism is defined as an act of violence or intimidation that is subjected to civilians
by individuals or groups of people, especially where there is no political relationship. While it is
notable that terrorism is a global security concern, America has been hard hit by the activities of
these organizations. One of the most significant and most horrifying terrorist attacks on the US
soils occurred in 2001 when the twin towers were bombed by suspected al-Qaeda terrorists.
Later on, al-Qaeda leader, the late Osama Bin Laden publicly admitted that his organization was
responsible for the attacks. Around the same time, American embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, and
Dar-es-salaam, Tanzania were also targeted. These attacks demonstrated that America is a
primary target by most terrorist organizations. Recently, the country has experienced other smallscale attacks that have threatened to tear the country apart. Admittedly, the law enforcement
agencies have made efforts to curb the problem. However, it appears that the efforts have not
borne fruits. That calls for the adoption of other strategies to combat the situation. The adoption
of community policing is one of the suggestions that have been suggested as a means to ending
the problem. Community policing has a positive contribution in the fight against terror.
On the other hand, terrorism is groomed and developed by the nations themselves.
When there are some week policies on policing and security matters, the small illegal
groups will be a target for other major groups to execute their activities in the country.
With better security arrangement in the United States and other target countries, it will be
impossible for the illegal group to organize and radicalize the youths into crime and
criminal activities. Extensive security policies that require the development of special police
force to deal with crime as well as having a robust and strong immigration policies will
ensure that the illegal personnel and teaching on terrorist activities enter into a country. In
most cases, nations have failed to identify the terrorist elements in citizenry. Of late, there
are cases of attacks of people linked to top terrorist groups who have been ignored over the
years by the authorities.
Community policing as an approach to managing terrorism
The history of community policing in America
The term community policing refers to the combination of the efforts of members of
communities with the efforts of community members in a process that is aimed at developing
strategies that can be applied in the fight against crime. In this process, the police officers
develop close relations with the communities to enhance the identification of criminal elements
within the communities and devising the most appropriate approaches in the fight against
terrorism. For a long time, the police have been viewed in a bad light by the members of the
public. In most situations, the officers have been viewed to be brutal and inhumane. Due to these
differences, it became difficult to get intelligence regarding crime in the communities (Picard &
Calif, 2004). However, this trend started shifting with the realization that the wedge between the
police and the public was affecting the war against crime in the communities.
In the 1980s, the police officers started improving their effort towards collaboration with
the public in the fight against crime. During this period, the public had started losing confidence
in the police, and it became critical for the police to improve their efforts in collaboration with
the members of the society in the war against crime. In 1829, Sir Robert Peel developed what
became to be known as the Peelian Principles. In these principles, Robert noted that it was not a
must for the law enforcement agencies to use force in the course of executing their duties. Robert
said that for the police to be efficient, there is a need for them to make sure that they win the
cooperation of the members of the public. Using force would bring resentment, and that may, in
the long run, achieve little or no results. From this time onwards, multiple studies attempted to
describe the efficiency of community policing. Universities and other research institutions have
since published research results which indicate that the involvement of the community in the
maintenance of law and order is likely to be much more successful than in circumstances where
there is disorganization among the members of the communities (Wirth, 1994).
Terrorism is one of the crimes that are currently troubling the world. While some studies
reveal that terrorism is a global affair and transcends the villages, it is also true that the villages
are the locus of crimes. Gangs and extremist groups usually start by pushing the communities to
accept certain ideas. They cause fear and hatred among people by inciting individual against
each other by race, religion or defiance to the authorities. Communities that experience these
challenges usually end up finding it extremely difficult to achieve peace. As a result, to fight
global terrorism, it is necessary to incorporate some elements of community policing.
Global terrorism
Global terrorism is a form of terrorism that exists on a worldwide scale. In global
terrorism, there are no regions that are spared by the terrorist organizations. One of the most
fundamental features of global terrorism is that the events take place sporadically and it becomes
difficult to determine the pattern of attacks. At one time Europe may be attacked while at another
time America may be the target of terrorist activities. In Global terrorism, some groups have
branches across the world. For example, Isis is one of the most dreaded terrorist groups in the
world. While the group has its base in the Middle East, it also has branches or affiliated groups
across the world such as Al-Shabaab in parts of Africa.
The history of terrorism
The term ‘terrorism’ is tough to define. In fact, a lot of scholars usually have different
definitions that they attach to the term. Broadly, terrorism has been referred to as those acts that
are designed to include the use of force or threats to use force to push an agenda or to compel
social change. The first time when the words ‘terrorism’ and terrorist were used was in 1795
when the French government had stated becoming brutal against its citizens. However, that
period might have led to the generation of the term but not the actions that can be classified in
the same group.
Throughout the history of human beings, there have been incidents when neighboring
groups raised each other to compel them to accept a position on some issues or position.
Presently, military organizations have been accused of forcefully recruiting non-military
organizations to do their ‘dirty’ work. For example, when the military wants to do some things
that are against the rules but still keep their hands clean, they would opt to recruit military-like
institutions to do these things on their behalf (Haziz, 2012). However, due to the evolutions and
trend s in this field, it is necessary to look at terrorism in light of the present situations. In the
present context, terrorists exist in groups that ascribe to certain positions. The United States State
Department indicates that there are over forty-five terrorist organizations outside of the United
States and seven states that are described as ‘rogue states.’
What could be some the reasons for the rise of terrorism?
For a long time, terrorism has been rising exponentially across the world. Actually,
terrorists live among the civilian and people expect them to attack at any time. The groups have
given themselves names and have openly proclaimed the things that they want to be done. The
groups have in most cases used violence, force or threats of violence to force governments and
non-governmental organizations into submission. In the face of these scary realities, it is
incredibly important to examine some of the reasons that could be contributing to the growth and
development across the world.
Religion has been accused of being responsible for the rise and development of terrorism
across the world. In a lot of terrorism-related incidences, there has been some level of religious
undertones that are involved. Islam has been at the center of a lot of terrorism-related events in
the world (Beckel et al, 2001). The extremist Muslim groups view all other groups of people who
do not live in a manner that agrees with the teachings of Islam as infidels who need to be wiped
away from the surface of the earth. Additionally, some of them feel that there is a need to
overturn the present world religious order and introduce Islam as the single religious practice in
the world. In many cases, a lot of people have attempted to associate Islam with terrorism. In that
regard, the individuals who practice this religion have been termed as ‘terrorist.’ However, it is
not true that Islam supports violence (Siddiqui, 1988). There are positive teachings in Islam
religion, and it is only a small group of people that spoiling the name of the religion.
Economic practices have been cited as some of the reasons for the rise of terrorism across
the world. For instance, some commentators indicate that the reason for the existence of a lot of
terrorist organizations in the Middle East is due to the economic exploitation of the region. The
Middle East is a region that is endowed with massive oil wells. However, there are allegations
that these riches are exploited and exported to another region across the world. Ordinarily, when
these things happen, it is possible for the rebellion to start in protest to the economic exploitation
that they are witnessing (Ann, 2014). There is a genuine feeling that what is belonging to them is
being taken away from them.
Finally, weak political systems have been to blame for the rise of terrorist organizations
across the world. Countries, where lawlessness thrives, are fertile breeding grounds for these
groups to flourish, For example, in Somalia, after the collapse of the government of Siad Barre
in1991, the country never recovered. Since that time, rival groups have been rising from every
corner seeking to control the massive resources in the country. In these circumstances where
there are systemic weaknesses, it is difficult to stop terrorism from rising.
The role of community policing in the war against terrorism
Community policing plays some vital role in the maintenance of the peace and security
across the globe. Among the strategies used in the fight against terrorism is to preempt their
activities and make take necessary actions. However, it is worrying that the modern crimefighting g strategies are focused on reactions. Today, it has become difficult for the government
to have information with regards to the activities of terrorists in the societies. While some
reasons such as the improvement of technology have contributed to the escalation of this
problem, it is also necessary to point out that the lack of coordination among the law
enforcement agencies and the local communities has contributed significantly to this problem
(Nicholas, 2011). About this reality, it is important to note that the community policing would be
relevant in promoting information-sharing with the members of the communities.
The primary hindrance with the fight against crime in the world is the inability of the law
police to get the correct information in time. Partially, this has been contributed to by the fact
that the police have kept a distance from the public and seek to run affairs without involving the
public. One thing that the organizations do not realize is that there is a lot of information within
the communities. When terrorism occurs, there are usually local individuals involved. For
instance, for Isis to come and attack an area in New York, they might have representatives within
the country whose work is to lay the foundation for them (Scarcella et al, 2016). With
collaboration with the local communities, it is possible for the anti-terrorism agencies to arrest
the plot before they explode.
The police officers have been inefficient in their fight against terrorism. In these
strategies, there have been a lot of blunders, some of which have been very damaging in the
battle against these organizations. To improve the efficiency of the fight against terror, the
communities would play an essential role in contributing to the strategies that these institutions
put in place in the battle against these groups. When the police combine efforts with the local
communities, it is possible that they may obtain some ideas from the public which may be
helpful in the war against the problem in the country.
Community policing is also crucial in the aftermath of terrorist attacks. When terrorism
has occurred, it is usually necessary to adopt some strategies to mitigate the effects of the events.
Community policing is an essential way of educating the members of the communities regarding
the most appropriate actions to take when terrorism occurs in the villages (Julian & Noemmie,
2017). Additionally, the platforms created by community policing are incredibly crucial in
informing the public about the current trends in terrorism. The knowledge of these trends would
be important for the community members to see any unusual activities of the individuals and
report to the police. As a result of these adjustments, it would be possible to curb terrorism in the
Terrorism is one of the leading security challenges with which the world is struggling. In
the recent years, there has been an incredible increase in the instances in the country and the
global stage at large. Notably, the government has come up with a lot of policies that it intends to
use to scale up the war against terror and other social crimes. However, due to the increasing
cases of terrorism in the country, it is apparent that the approaches have not been successful and
that calls for the creation of other strategies to counter the problem. From the discussion, it has
emerged that community policing is one of the policies that may be implemented successfully in
the fight against terror.
Ann, M. (2014). Social Media in time of terrorism. Wall Street Journal, Europe; Brussels.
Beckett, P., Mollenkamp, C., & Phillips, M. (2001). Withdrawals Pain: In the financial fight
against terrorism, leads are hard won… small sums and few triggers hamper banks’
ability to flag a money trail…why clues unheeded. Wall Street Journal, Eastern Edition.
New York.
Haziz, H. (2012) Page almost certainly mistook Sikhs for Muslims. Wall Street Journal. New
Julian, B., & Noemmie, B., (2017). Terrorism enters new phase, recent European incidents show
danger stems from less sophisticated assaults. Wall Street Journal, Brussels Europe.
Nicholas, K., (2011). Tenuous links to terrorism trip up refugees. Toronto Star.
Scarcell, A., Page, R., & Furtado V., (2016). Terrorism, Radicalization, Extremism,
Authoritarianism and Fundamentalism: A systematic review of quality and psychometric
properties of assessments. PLOS.
Scarcella, A., Page, R., & Furtado, V. (2016). Terrorism, radicalisation, extremism,
authoritarianism and fundamentalism: a systematic review of the quality and
psychometric properties of assessments. PloS one, 11(12), e0166947.
Siddiqui, J. (1988). Letters to the Editor: Don’t condemn Islam over fanatics. Wall street
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Wirth, T. (1994). Letters to The Editor: U.S remains vigilant against terrorism. Wall Street
Journal, Eastern edition.

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