Expert answer:Previous assignments and grading attached to this question. See “New APA Sample Paper” before starting at the following link this course you have been developing programs to learn about different features of the VB.NET language. For the final Portfolio Project assignment you are to submit two separate Word or PDF files, zipped together, with the information specified below. Both files must follow all APA citation and formatting requirements in the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA ( your first Word or PDF file submit completed solutions for all Critical Thinking assignments and programs for modules 1 through 7. If any fixes to your solution were noted by the instructor, they should be incorporated into your final submitted solution, and the fixes that were made should be clearly indicated. If no fixes were necessary, then simply include your original solution. For all VB.NET programs include any source code you needed to develop or modify and screen snapshots of all your program outputs. Make sure that your 7 assignment or program solutions are in the correct module order in your file, and clearly numbered and labeled. For each assignment or program write a short summary of the assignment noting where applicable any program features that were highlighted, e.g. object-oriented program design, processing user inputs, inheritance, constructor modification, GUI features, handling user events, etc. Your short summaries for each assignment or program should follow directly after each corresponding module’s solution.In your second Word or PDF file write a short summary of at least 2 double-spaced pages of your experience with VB.NET in this course and how you feel you’ve progressed with your ability to write programs using this programming language. Include any lessons learned.Ensure that both of your project deliverables are included before submitting your assignment. Then zip everything together in a single file and submit it.
Unformatted Attachment Preview
Week 1 – Assignment
Complete the assignment below. Ensure that all of your assignment deliverables are attached before submitting your
Execute a Visual Basic .NET Application
For this first Critical Thinking assignment you will be locate and execute a Visual Basic .NET application. You will need
to download the data files for the course text. The data files can be downloaded from
Each chapter in this book has its own set of data files, which are stored in a separate folder within the VB2015 folder.
The files for Chapter 1 are stored in the VB2015Chap01 folder. Similarly, the files for Chapter 2 are stored in the
VB2015Chap02 folder. Throughout the course textbook, you will be instructed to open files from or save files to
these folders.
Below are the steps for completing this assignment:
First you will need to install Visual Studio on your computer if you don’t
have it already installed. Follow the instructions on Page xxii: Read This
Before You Begin in the course text.
Launch Visual Studio 2015. When the application is opened, take a screen
shot, showing your computer desktop on the background to ensure that
you completed this activity in your computer.
Use Windows to locate and then open the VB2015Overview folder on
your computer’s hard disk or on the device designated by your instructor.
Right-click Monthly Payment Calculator (Monthly Payment
Calculator.exe) in the list of filenames and then click the Open button (Zak,
2016, p. 4). Take a screen shot of the application, showing your computer
desktop on the background to ensure that you completed this activity in
your computer.
Assignment Deliverables (all in a single Word or PDF file, with steps numbered, and steps in order):
A Screenshot of Visual Studio showing it was successfully installed on your
A Screenshot of the Monthly Payment Calculator program.
Week 1 – instructor Comments
Thanks for your Module 1 Critical Thinking assignment submission.
Good start submitting everything in a single Word or PDF file, with the steps numbered, and in order,
but you didn’t number your steps.
Good job including a screen snapshot of Visual Studio 2015 (or 2017) Community Edition as it first opens
with your desktop in the background to prove that you’ve successfully installed this essential software
program for the class.
Good job including a screen snapshot of the Monthly Payment Calculator program as it first opens with
your desktop in the background to prove that you’ve downloaded and can access the data files for the
course text.
Week 2 – Assignment
Option #1: Create a Visual Basic .NET Application – User Interface Design Diagram (Lesson A
Exercise 1, Zak, 2016, p. 70)
The annual property tax in Richardson County is $1.50 for each $100 of a property’s assessed value. The county clerk
wants you to create an application that will display the property tax after he enters the property’s assessed value.
Prepare a TOE chart ordered by task, and then rearrange the TOE chart so that it is ordered by object. Be sure to
include buttons that allow the user to both clear and print the screen. Draw a sketch of the user interface. (Note: If
you select this option, you must complete Option 1 for the Critical Thinking assignment in Modules 3 when you will
create the interface.)
Assignment Deliverables (all in a single Word or PDF file, with steps numbered, and steps in order):
TOE chart ordered by task and TOE chart ordered by object.
The diagram of the User Interface design.
Week 2 – Instructor Comments
Thanks for your Module 2 Option 1 Critical Thinking assignment submission for a Visual Basic .NET
program to calculate the Richardson County property taxes.
Good job submitting everything in a single Word or PDF file, with the steps numbered, and in order.
Good job including a TOE chart ordered by task for your application as required but you’re missing a
label to display the calculated tax.
You did not include a second TOE chart ordered by object for your application as was also required.
Good job including a diagram of your proposed user interface with all the necessary form control items
but all your buttons should be in the same vertical line.
Week 3 – Assignment
Option #1: Create a Visual Basic .NET Application – User Interface Elements (Lesson B Exercise 1,
Zak, 2016, p. 83)
In this exercise, you will continue creating the Richardson County application from Module 2 Critical Thinking
assignment Option 1. Open the VB2015Chap02Richardson SolutionRichardson Solution (Richardson Solution.sln)
file. If necessary, open the designer window. Figure 2-18 (Zak, 2016) shows the completed interface.
Add the missing txtAssessed and lblTax controls to the form.
Set the lblTax control’s TextAlign property to MiddleCenter. Lock the
controls on the form. Assign the access keys (shown in the figure) to the
text box and buttons.
Set the TabIndex values appropriately. Save the solution and then start the
application. Verify that the tab order is correct. Also verify that the access
keys work appropriately. Use the Exit button to end the application.
The zip file containing the Visual Studio solution and project files.
Assignment Deliverables:
Week 3 – Instructor Comments
Thanks for your Module 3 Option 1 Critical Thinking assignment submission for a Visual Basic .NET .sln
file with other required files to complete a number of controls for the Richardson County property taxes
form application.
Good job submitting the required .sln and other required files in a correctly set up .zip file.
Good job adding the txtAssessed and lblTax controls to the form.
Good job center aligning the text for lblTax control and locking the control.
Good job assigning the access keys to the Assessed value text box and the Calculate, Print, Clear Screen,
and Exit buttons.
Good job setting the tab order for the form’s controls correctly.
Good job having your Exit button close the form application properly.
Week 4 – Assignment
Option #1: Visual Basic .NET Application – Coding Exercise 1 (Exercise 13, Zak, 2016, p. 347)
For this coding exercise, write the Visual Basic code for a pretest loop that uses an Integer variable named intEven to
display the even integers from 2 through 20 in the lblEven control.
Use the For…Next statement.
Display each number on a separate line in the control.
Then create an application to test your code using the following names for
the solution and project, respectively: Even Solution and Even Project.
Save the application in the VB2015 Chap06 folder.
Add a button and a label to the interface. Enter your code in the button’s
Click event procedure, and then test the application appropriately.
Assignment Deliverables;
The zip file containing the Visual Studio solution and project files.
Week 4 – Instructor Comments
Thanks for your Module 4 Option 1 Critical Thinking assignment submission for a Visual Basic .NET form
that displays the even numbers from 2 through 20.
Good job submitting a .zip file containing your .sln file and other required VB.NET files where the
solution can be opened.
Good job naming your solution Even Solution.
Good job naming your project Even Project.
Good job including a button and a label to your form.
Good job adding your calculation code to your button’s click event.
Good job using a For…Next loop as required.
Good job using an integer variable named intEven as required.
Good job displaying your even numbers from 2 to 20, one per line, in your label control.
Week 5 – Assignment
Option #2: Visual Basic .NET Application – Coding Exercise 2 (Exercise 5, Zak, 2016, p. 575)
An application contains the Structure statement shown here.
Structure Computer
Public strModel As String
Public decCost As Decimal
End Structure
Create a VB.Net Windows Form application named
ComputerProject_YourName. Change the name property of your form to
Add the Computer Structure to the public class frmMain.
Add 2 text box controls and a command button to your form. Change the
name properties of the controls to txtModel, txtCost, and btnExecute
respectively. Change the Text property of the button to “Execute”.
In the btnExecute click event, write a Dim statement that declares a 10element one-dimensional array of Computer variables. Name the array
Then write an assignment statement that assigns the value of txtModel to
the strModel member contained in the first array element.
Write an assignment statement that assigns the number the value of
txtCost to the decCost member contained in the first array element.
Output the values from the first array elements to a message box in the
format “ Your computer model is Model and the cost is Cost.” Model and
Cost should be replaced with the values from your array.
Set a breakpoint next to you’re the Dim statement of your business array.
See page 829 in your text for how to set breakpoints in VB.Net or search
Run the form. Populate txtModel with “AR456”, and txtCost with 699.99.
Click the Execute button. If set correctly execution should stop at the
Use the Debug menu or shortcut keys to step through the code. All code
should execute without error.
Assignment Deliverables:
The zip file containing the Visual Studio solution and project files.
Week 5 – Instructor Comments
Thanks for your Module 5 Option 2 Critical Thinking assignment submission for Visual Basic .NET form
application using a structure.
Good job submitting a .zip file containing a Visual Studio solution and all necessary project files so that
your solution can be brought up by double-clicking on your .sln file.
Good job naming your application ComputerProject_YourName.
Good job changing the name property of your form to frmMain.
Good job adding the Computer structure with a String variable named strModel and a Decimal variable
named decCost to public class frmMain.
Good job creating text boxes txtModel and txtCost to your form.
Good job creating button btnExecute with the text property of “Execute”.
Good start adding code to your button click event to create a 10-element array of Computer structure
instances named business but you actually declared an 11-element array based on the VB.NET syntax for
declaring arrays.
Good job assigning the value in the txtModel textbox to business(0).strModel.
Good job assigning the value in the decCost textbox to business(0).decCost.
Good job displaying the user’s input data for the model and cost in a message box “Your computer
model is Model and the cost is Cost” where Model and Cost contain the actual input values as retrieved
from the business(0) array element.
Week 6 – Assignment
Complete the assignment below. Ensure that all of your assignment deliverables are attached before submitting your
Visual Basic .NET Application – Coding Exercise 3 (Exercise 13, Zack, 2016, p. 642)
For this coding exercise:
Create an application that can be used to calculate the cost of installing a
fence around a rectangular area.
Create the application, using the following names for the solution and
project, respectively: Fence Solution and Fence Project. Save the
application in the VB2015Chap11 folder.
Use Windows to copy the Rectangle.vb file from the VB2015Chap11
folder to the Fence SolutionFence Project folder.
Use the Project menu to add the Rectangle.vb class file to the project.
Modify the class to use Double (rather than Integer) variables and
Add a method named GetPerimeter to the Rectangle class. The method
should calculate and return the perimeter of a rectangle. To calculate the
perimeter, the method will need to add together the length and width
measurements, and then multiply the sum by 2.
Create the interface shown in Figure 11-30 (zak, 2016). The image for the
picture box is stored in the VB2015Chap11Fence.png file. Code the
application and then test it appropriately. (Hint: Using 120 feet as the
length, 75 feet as the width, and 10 as the cost per linear foot of fencing,
the installation cost is $3,900.00.)
Assignment Deliverables:
The zip file containing the Visual Studio solution and project files.
Week 6 – Instructor Comments
Thanks for your Module 6 Critical Thinking assignment submission for a VB.NET form application to
calculate the total cost of a rectangular fence based on its length, width, and cost per foot.
Good job submitting a .zip file containing your solution and project files where the solution could be
opened successfully with Visual Basic.
Good job using the name Fence Solution for your solution and Fence Project as your project as required.
Good job adding the Rectangle.vb class to your project as required.
Good job changing the Integer variables to Double as required.
Good job adding a GetParameter method to the class to calculate and return the fence perimeter based
on the length and width as required.
Good job adding the Fence.png image to your form application.
Good job getting the correct installation cost of $3,900.00 for a 120 foot by 75 foot fence with a cost of
$10 per foot.
Week 7 – Assignment
Complete the assignment below. Ensure that all of your assignment deliverables are attached before submitting your
Visual Basic .NET Application – Coding Exercise 4 (Exercise 2, Zak, 2016, p. 692)
In this exercise,
Create an empty website application named Carnival and save it in the
VB2015 Chap12 folder.
Add a new webpage named Default.aspx to the application. Change the
DOCUMENT object’s Title property to Brookfield.
Create a webpage similar to the one shown in Figure 12-25. The image on
the webpage is stored in the VB2015 Chap12Carnival.png file. (Hint: To
position the image as shown in the figure, click the image, click Format on
the menu bar, click Position, and then click the Left button in the
Wrapping style section of the Position dialog box.)
Save and then start the application. Close the browser window and then
close the application.
Assignment Deliverables (The solution folder and project files should be in included in a zip [archive] file):
The zip file containing the Visual Studio solution and project files.
Week 7 – Instructor Comments
Comment: David, Thanks for your Module 7 Critical Thinking assignment submission for a Visual Basic Web Site
application. Good job resubmitting a .zip file containing an .aspx or .sln file for your solution and the necessary project
files so your solution could now be opened successfully with Visual Studio. Good job creating a Web Site application
called “Carnival”. Good job creating a Default.aspx page that matches that of textbook Figure 12-25 with the
“Carnival.png” image and the text shown in the figure. You did not change the DOCUMENT object’s Title property to
“Brookfield”. Reggie
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