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Explore a state or global issue in your area, at least one of its causes, and a potential solution.
For your topic, the social issue should be a problem that can be proven to exist and has potential
to be solved.
Begin by stating a thesis that defines the problem, identifies and evaluates at least one aspect of
the cause, and offers one potential solution. These three points—problem, cause, and solution—
will be used as level I headings for the major parts of the body content.
• The paper should be 6-8 pages in length (double-spaced), plus a reference
page/title page, and should use a minimum of eight credible sources. The CSUGlobal Library is an excellent place to search for credible, scholarly sources.
• Document and citation formatting should be in conformity with CSU-Global
Guide to Writing and APA. At the top of your outline, include an openended research question that defines the problem and asks how the problem can
be solved.
Example/research question: What would it take to reduce obesity in United States/Ohio?
The research question should be followed by a thesis, which answers the research question by
stating a problem, cause, and solution. The thesis can be two sentences long if necessary.
Example/thesis: [Problem] Obesity across the United States is on the rise [Cause] partly due to
the amount of trans fats contained in restaurant food. [Solution] One solution would be to
regulate the amount of trans fats restaurants are permitted to include in the food they serve and to
require restaurants to clearly indicate the level of trans fats contained within each menu item.
NOTE: The sample topic above cannot be used for your project. Topics that should be avoided
are those currently being widely debated among media sources. Some topics to avoid include
abortion, sex trafficking, gun control, and immigration, among others.
Sustainable Energy for Vehicle to Reduce Global Warming (Draft)
Rahim Maknojia
Course Number (ENG-102) – Composition II
Colorado State University – Global Campus
Dr. Steve Wonka
November 19, 2017
Using Sustainable Energy in Vehicle to Reduce Global Warming
There is a need for sustainable energy to power transportation and electricity generation.
Globally there have been reports of increased environmental degradation, climatic changes as
well as global warming. Global warming has had adverse effects on the environment and world
economics. There are reports of reduced glacier cover, rising sea levels, increased flooding, and
unstable weather patterns. This trends if kept unchecked would have an immense effect on the
environment and world economics. Fossil fuels that have been in use for long times have proven
to be costly, polluting, and are getting depleted. Fossil fuels (Diesel & Gasoline) have been
attributed to causing emission of greenhouse gases that affect the environment negatively. The
greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrous oxide, methane) tend to deplete the
ozone layer that protects the earth from ultraviolet rays from the sun (Abu-Rub, Malinowski, &
Al-Haddad, 2014). With the thinning of the ozone layer, the ultraviolet rays penetrate to the earth
causing rising global temperatures. To mitigate the rising global temperatures a shift towards the
use of renewable energies especially to power cars will contribute towards reducing global
The use of biofuels that are environmentally friendly, emit fewer greenhouse gases
compared to the fossil fuels, they are a safe alternative to fossil fuels. Experiences with the use of
biofuels in Brazil and North America in the world to power machines and produce electricity
will mitigate the adverse effect of fossil fuels in the world and also save the dwindling reserves
of fossil fuels. The unstable oil prices and dependence on fossil fuels creates energy insecurity.
Using Lifecycle Analysis of fossil fuels versus biofuels, emissions per vehicle is reduced in the
use of biofuels to 63% reduction compared to fossil fuels 16% (Larson, 2006). The benefits of
biofuels are they are ecological stable and sustainable; they are easily converted to biomass
efficiently thereby no pollution. Japan is leading in research and development regarding looking
for sustainable energy sources. There are reports of the possible use of human waste to generate
energy. It serves two purposes, first it eliminates an environmental and social problem and
secondly it is being put to productive use rather than just dump it. This waste can be sustainably
used to generate power for use in the homes in lighting, household use, and also power electric
cars (Mikhail et al., 2006).
Greenhouse emissions gases (GHG) have been shown to contribute to environmental
degradation and global warming. Studies on rising sea levels have been attributed to rising global
temperatures. It has melted glaciers increased the amount of water heading towards the seas. The
rising seas are a threat to low lying coastal establishments like Venice (Italy) and Rotterdam
(The Netherlands). Venice has reported increased floods from few incidents in a year for most of
the year. Venice was known to be a tourist town where people would go skiing. The glacier
cover has disappeared due to increased global temperatures. This threat has increased
investments in flood water prevention using electronic sensors for early warning systems,
floodgates construction, use of dikes and large sandy banks to control flood. Houses in Venice
people have been forced to inhabit floors above ground floor due to rising flood waters levels
(Ahem, 2010; Day et al., 1998).
Eco-innovations have made it possible to bring about energy sustainability. The use of
electric vehicles and hybrid vehicles tend to reduce reliance on fossil fuels. This transformation
contributes to less use of fossil fuels hence less pollution. Part of this eco-innovation is the
improvement of battery capacities to power electric cars and their ability to hold power over a
more extended range regarding distance covered. It will help in reducing the need to have a large
number of charging centers along the highways. The increased use of electric vehicles and
hybrid vehicles the capacity to tame the rising fossil fuels environmental pollution and reduce
global warming. Eco-innovations are defined as any form of innovation aimed at significantly
demonstrating progress towards sustainable development through reduction of adverse
environmental impact in the use of natural resources including energy (European Commission,
2007). Hybrid Vehicles were introduced in Japan in 2007 with cars using both petrol and electric
motor. The vehicle saved combustion energy to switch to the battery-driven engine when the car
was stagnant; in motion, the battery got charged. By 2010 Japan had over 1 million hybrid cars
from 281,215 in 2007 a significant contribution to reducing fossil fuels emissions (Janvier et al.,
A study to compare the gaseous emissions between electric vehicles, costs, and energy
use pointed out that increased electric vehicles will increase the demand for electricity,
infrastructure and distribution system to match new usage in powering electric cars. For this to
be realized, there is need to shift to sustainable electricity generation using wind power, solar
energy, and gas turbines. In the past batteries to hold power was a challenge. Inability to
maintain power meant having numerous recharge locations. The improvement of lithium-ion
batteries has reduced the cost of the batteries from 960 Euro to less than 400 Euro. With mass
production and use the prices would make electric vehicles viable for large-scale use. The
innovation of higher capacity batteries has had a demand for car designs to be boasted to enable
them to hold the extra battery weight. A shift of 30% to electric vehicles usage will increase
global electricity demand by 3 % (Vliet, 2011 p 2300). It will create opportunities to expand
household electricity infrastructure to support electric cars.
The drive towards the use of electric cars demands adjustments in the electricity
generation and distribution. Electric Vehicles are defined as a vehicle whose driving is powered
partially or wholly through electric energy from a battery according to Richardson (2010).
Richardson examined the usage of electric vehicles and the supporting infrastructure and
reported that electric cars reduce carbon dioxide emissions in the environment making them a
sustainable choice away from fossil fuels use. Richardson found out that Electric Vehicles (EV)
were more efficient than internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEV). Regarding energy
efficiency EV had 60-70% efficiency compared to ICEV at 15-16 Efficiency regarding energy
use. He noted that globally 60% of the energy is used in transportation and electricity generation.
Electricity supply is varied due to variations in demand. Electricity is priced cheaply at night in
many countries due to low demand at night. It is an opportunity to charge cars during the
evening. It also creates an opportunity to use wind and solar energy during the day and when
most convenient.
The question of electric cars being environmentally and economically beneficial can be
addressed by examining the cost of the car, fuel costs and lifetime usage of the car estimated at
ten years. A study was conducted to compare the conventional car using gasoline (Toyota
Corolla), Hybrid vehicle (Toyota Prius), Electric Vehicle (Rav 4) and a Hydrogen powered car
(Honda). Car usage took at the ratio of 45:55, Highway and city driving. The results of this study
indicated that the hybrid car and the electric vehicles were superior to conventional cars as well
as the hydrogen-powered cars. Honda was, in fact, a costly choice prized at 100,000$ down from
2 million $ per unit. The hybrid cars are preferred where 50% of energy is non-renewable. It
implies in cases where electricity is generated by fossil fuels; the Hybrid vehicle will help reduce
GHG and thus reduce global warming. In the cases where power is generated using renewable
sources of energy then the Electric vehicle is a better choice (Mikhail et al., 2006).
The global energy consumption in public transport has been studied. Passenger cars are a
source of pollution according to Holmberg and colleagues. In a study to find out the contribution
of friction in wasting energy, Holmberg et al. (2012) found out that a third of all fossil fuels are
used to overcome resistance in the engine, brakes, and tires. Taking into consideration as at
2009, there were 208,000 million liters of fossil fuel used to overcome friction driven by
individual driving habits namely; acceleration, unnecessary braking, over speeding, and idle
vehicle running. A shift toward the use of renewable energy would in effect reduce this wastage
and global warming. The world over people moves in public vehicles and personal cars. Majority
of this cars use fossil fuels. The ability of the world governments to drive innovation and shift
towards renewable sources of energy will help the world manage global warming challenge.
There is a need for more significant investments in research and development to develop
renewable sources of energy to replace fossil fuels. For a long time, electricity has been
generated using coal, hydro, diesel generators, and steam. The future demands more investment
in green energy not limited to wind and solar energy. A significant challenge has been storage of
wind power and solar energy this is a ripe area for research and action since its result would
contribute significantly to sustainable renewable electricity production. It is a panacea to the
problem of fossil fuels, and its continued greenhouse gases emissions that negatively impact the
environment. With evidence of increased usage of electric cars will increase total electricity
demand. Investments in sustainable electricity sources will help reduce the demand gaps that will
in future be created by a drastic shift to electric vehicles use (Khan, & Arsalan, 2016).
We have seen the causes of global warming as a direct cause of the use of fossil fuels.
The ability to have either a gradual shift regarding incremental change towards the use of hybrid
cars that use renewable energy will significantly reduce global warming as a first step. The
purpose of biofuels to generate electricity and power homes is an initiative that needs to be taken
up with countries with capacity and opportunities to use biological wastes like molasses, corn to
produce electricity instead of over-reliance on fossil fuels that are getting depleted exposing the
world to energy insecurity. Another option is to consider a drastic, radical transformation of the
use of electric vehicles that run on 100% electricity. This demand that the governments and the
private sector make investments in mass production and consumption of electric cars as well as
investment in electricity production using sustainable sources of energy. The world has vast
reserves of natural gas; this is a safe and environmentally friendly place to invest for the benefit
of reducing global warming and making the world a secure energy place. The fossil fuels are
getting depleted without being replaced. A quick decision towards the use of renewable green
energy is a positive move for the good of all. The shift to renewable energy will bring about
other economic opportunities to potential investors and governments.
Abu-Rub, H., Malinowski, M., & Al-Haddad, K. (2014). Power electronics for renewable
energy systems, transportation and industrial applications. John Wiley & Sons.
Day, J.W Jr., Rismondo, A., Scranton, F., Are, D., and Cecconi, G. Relative sea level rise, and
Venice Lagoon Wetlands. Journal of coastal conservation, Opulus Press, Uppsala,
Sweden. 1998, 4: pp. 27-34
Jack Ahem. “Venice: Rising Water, sinking land.” 2010.
Khan, J., & Arsalan, M. H. (2016). Solar power technologies for sustainable electricity
generation–A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 55, 414-425.
Larson. D. Eric. (2006). A review of Life-Cycle Analysis Studies on Liquid Biofuels Systems for
Transport Sector. Energy for Sustainable Development, Vol 10 (2).
Mikhail, Granovskii. , Ibrahim Dincer, Marc, A. Rosen. (2006). Economic and Environmental
Comparison of Conventional, Hybrid, electric and Hydrogen fuel cells vehicles. Journal
of Power Sources 159, p 1186-1193.
Richardson, B. D. (2013). Electric Vehicles and Electric Grid: A Review of Modelling
Approaches, Impacts, and Renewable Energy Integration. Renewable and Sustainable
Energy Reviews, 19, 247-254.
Vliet, Van Oscar. , Anne, Sjoerd. Brouwer. , Takeshi, Kuramoshi. , Machleld, Van den Brock. ,
and Andre Faaij (2011). Journal of Power Sources, 196, pp. 2298-2310
Sustainable Energy for Vehicle to Reduce Global Warming
Rahim Maknojia
Course Number (ENG-102) – Composition II
Colorado State University – Global Campus
Dr. Steve Wonka
November 30, 2017
There is a need for sustainable energy to power transportation and electricity generation.
Globally there have been reports of increased environmental degradation, climatic changes as
well as global warming. Global warming has had adverse effects on the environment and world
economics. There are reports of reduced glacier cover, rising sea levels, increased flooding, and
unstable weather patterns. This trends if kept unchecked would have an immense effect on the
environment and world economics. Fossil fuels that have been in use for long times have proven
to be costly, polluting, and are getting depleted. Fossil fuels (Diesel & Gasoline) have been
attributed to causing emission of greenhouse gases that affect the environment negatively. The
greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrous oxide, methane) tend to deplete the
ozone layer that protects the earth from ultraviolet rays from the sun. With the thinning of the
ozone layer, the ultraviolet rays penetrate to the earth causing rising global temperatures. To
mitigate the rising global temperatures a shift towards the use of renewable energies especially to
power cars will contribute towards reducing global warming.
The use of biofuels that are environmentally friendly, emit fewer greenhouse gases compared to
the fossil fuels, they are a safe alternative to fossil fuels. Experiences with the use of biofuels in
Brazil and North America in the world to power machines and produce electricity will mitigate
the adverse effect of fossil fuels in the world and also save the dwindling reserves of fossil fuels.
The unstable oil prices and dependence on fossil fuels creates energy insecurity. Using Lifecycle
Analysis of fossil fuels versus biofuels, emissions per vehicle is reduced in the use of biofuels to
63% reduction compared to fossil fuels 16% (Larson, 2006). The benefits of biofuels are they are
ecological stable and sustainable; they are easily converted to biomass efficiently thereby no
pollution. Japan is leading in research and development regarding looking for sustainable energy
sources. There are reports of the possible use of human waste to generate energy. This serves two
purposes, first it eliminates an environmental and social problem and secondly it is being put to
productive use rather than just dump it. This waste can be sustainably used to generate power for
use in the homes in lighting, household use, and also power electric cars (Mikhail et al., 2006).
Greenhouse emissions gases (GHG) have been shown to contribute to environmental degradation
and global warming. Studies on rising sea levels have been attributed to rising global
temperatures. This has melted glaciers increased the amount of water heading towards the seas.
The rising seas is a threat to low lying coastal establishments like Venice (Italy) and Rotterdam
(The Netherlands). Venice has reported increased floods from few incidents in a year for most of
the year. Venice was known to be a tourist town where people would go skiing. The glacier
cover has disappeared due to increased global temperatures. This threat has increased
investments in flood water prevention using electronic sensors for early warning systems,
floodgates construction, use of dikes and large sandy banks to control flood. Houses in Venice
people have been forced to inhabit floors above ground floor due to rising flood waters levels
(Ahem, 2010; Day et al., 1998).
Eco-innovations have made it possible to bring about energy sustainability. The use of electric
vehicles and hybrid vehicles tend to reduce reliance on fossil fuels. This transformation
contributes to less use of fossil fuels hence less pollution. Part of this eco-innovation is the
improvement of battery capacities t …
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