Expert answer:please answear below

Expert answer:For the forum this week, you will articulate, supporting your position through documented research, whether Miranda rights should be required in cases involving private security personnel. You will ensure all syllabus requirements are met.You must ensure the syllabus requirements for assignments are met. Reminder: 400 words minimum (450 max) for initial post


Unformatted Attachment Preview

Writing Expectations
All written submissions must be submitted in a font and page set-up that is readable and
neat. It is recommended that students try to adhere to a consistent format, which is
described below:

Typewritten in double-spaced format with a readable style and font and
submitted inside the electronic classroom (unless classroom access is not
possible and other arrangements have been approved by the professor.)
Arial 11 or 12-point font or Times New Roman 11 or 12-point font styles.
Citation and Reference Style
Attention Please: Students will follow the APA Version 6 as the sole citation and reference
style used in written work submitted as part of coursework to the University. Assignments
completed in a narrative essay or composition format must follow the citation style cited
in the APA Version 6 manual. is a web-based plagiarism prevention application licensed, for campus use,
through the APUS Online Library. The quick submit option lets faculty upload and
check suspicious papers, without requiring student to create their own
profiles. analyzes electronic submissions of student writing, compares them to the
contents of a huge online database, and generates a customized Originality Report. The
database used to produce this analysis contains a massive collection of documents
available on the Internet from both free and commercial sources, as well as the full texts
of all other papers that have been previously submitted to
Similarity index is based on the amount of matching text to a submitted paper:
No matching text
one word to 24% matching
25-49% matching text
50-74% matching text
75-100% matching text
As of: 12/15/16
School of Security & Global Studies
Name of Program: Security Management
Course Number: SCMT371
Course Name: Legal and Ethical Issues in Security Management
Credit Hours: 3
Length of Course: 8 Weeks
Prerequisite: All Degree Requirements
Table of Contents
Instructor Information
Evaluation Procedures
Course Description
Grading Scale
Course Scope
Course Outline
Course Objectives
Course Delivery Method
Academic Services
Course Resources
Selected Bibliography
Instructor Information
Professor Ken Emberton
Please use internal classroom messaging system
Table of Contents
Course Description (Catalog)
This course assesses legal and ethical issues that inevitably affect security managers, It
examines dimensions of security management including pertinent points of civil and
criminal law, personnel law and obligations, negotiations, contract management,
constitutional rights of individuals, legal compliance, liability, ethical standards and
dilemmas, and decision-making.
Table of Contents
As of: 12/15/16
Course Scope
The course provides students with a solid working knowledge of legal and ethical issues
affecting security managers. Topics examined include the legal system specific to
security issues, pertinent points of civil and criminal law, legal liability, ethical issues and
how ethical violations and penalties affect organizations.
Table of Contents
Course Objectives
After successfully completing this course, you will be able to:

Demonstrate a working knowledge of case law as it applies to security
Identify the similarities and differences between public law enforcement and
private security forces as they pertain to search and seizure, the exclusionary
rule and the concept of being “on” and “off-duty”;
Specify the role the federal government plays in regulating the private security
Explain the issues of state of mind and competency as they pertain to criminal
Interpret legal and ethical issues and participate in discussions with your
classmates on these issues and studies.
Table of Contents
Course Delivery Method
This course delivered via distance learning will enable students to complete academic
work in a flexible manner, completely online. Course materials and access to an online
learning management system will be made available to each student. To facilitate class
interaction, forum discussion assignments are due by Friday evenings of the week as
noted. All other course work is due by Sunday evenings of the week as noted and
includes forum classmate responses, papers, projects, and quizzes/examinations
submitted for review by the professor. Assigned faculty will support the students
throughout this eight-week course.
Table of Contents
Course Resources
Required Course Textbooks
As of: 12/15/16
Nemeth, C. Private Security and The Law-4th Edition, copyright Elsevier ButterworthHeinemann 2011ISBN 10: 0123869226 / 0-12-386922-6
ISBN 13: 9780123869227
Encyclopedia of Ethics Failures, DOD Office of General Counsel Standards of Conduct
Office (Located in Resources area under Course Tools)
Required Readings:
Additional Resources:
Listed in each class assignment.
Table of Contents
Evaluation Procedures
Grading is subjective and the Grading Rubric will be used to guide the professor.
Reading Assignments:
Knowledge of reading assignments will be assessed as part of the forum and
assignment grades.
Supplemental Readings:
Forum Assignments:
Seven forum assignments (Total 700 points): Forum question assignments allow
students maximum flexibility for interaction and exchange with fellow students and the
instructor. The forum questions are related to the reading assignments and class
discussions. The student must post a response to the discussion question in the forum
and also reply to at least two other student’s posting. Responses to other students must
be no less than 200 words in length. Original forum input (at least 300 words with at
least three cited sources) must show the student’s understanding of the terms,
concepts, and theories from the assigned readings. Postings for forum questions must
be accomplished no later than 11:59 PM (EST) of Friday night of the week of the
assignment. Students’ responses to one another are to be accomplished by 11:59 PM
(EST) Sunday night of the assignment. Note: Remember each of the forum responses
must include at least two citations from different but credible sources (e.g., peerreviewed journals, trade journals, technical documents). In that regards, students will
As of: 12/15/16
ensure references, paraphrases, and quotes from sources other than themselves are
properly credited and identified in accordance with APA writing standards. Wikipedia is
not considered a reliable source of information.
Homework Assignments:
There are five weekly assignments required for this course; Weeks 1, 2, 3, 5, & 6 (for a
total of 500 points). Each assignment should reflect the student’s critical thinking skills
and his/her understanding of the terms, concepts, and theories from the assigned
readings. Each response will utilize APA writing standards and should include examples
and at least three references from different but credible sources (e.g., peer-reviewed
journals, case law, technical documents). Course text and readings provided by the
instructor do not count towards the three references. In that regard, students will ensure
references, paraphrases, and quotes from sources other than themselves are properly
credited and identified in accordance with APA writing standards. Assignments must be
posted by Sunday at 11:59 PM (EST) each week. Wikipedia is not considered a reliable
source of information.
Final Examination: (100 points). Final exam will consist of multiple-choice, true and
false, and essay questions each regarding information from the textbook, class
discussions and external research. Detailed and descriptive answers supported through
research and clear articulated writing is expected.
Field Experience Assignments:
Grade Instruments
Homework Assignment 1
Homework Assignment 2
Homework Assignment 3
Homework Assignment 5
Homework Assignment 6
Forum Assignment 1
Forum Assignment 2
Forum Assignment 3
Forum Assignment 4
Forum Assignment 5
Forum Assignment 7
Forum Assignment 8
As of: 12/15/16
Final Exam
Table of Contents
8 – Week Course Outline
Please see the Student Handbook to reference the University’s grading scale.
Table of Contents
Examine the
foundations of
private security.
History of
Private Security
Private Security
Compare and
private security
with its beginnings.
Chapter 1
G4S Securicor
Securitas Magazine
Assignment #1 – Your first
assignment is to discuss all
the factors that contributed
to the growth of the private
security industry,
especially the commercial
sector. Be specific and use
examples to support your
answer. You willalso be
required to discuss and
predict what you believe
the impetus will be for the
growth of private security
the next 10 years.
Assignment #2 – Your
second assignment
requires you to conduct an
internet search to locate a
successful contract
security company in your
region or your hometown.
Give at least four reasons
for the secret to their
success. If you were going
to start your own contract
security company, what
As of: 12/15/16
would your mission and
company values be? Your
answer should be detailed
and specific.
Education and
Path to
of the Security
Law of Arrest
Law of Search
and Seizure.
Analyze the
impetus for
regulation of the
security industry.
Chapter 2
Examine Federal
regulations of the
private security
Debate the
implications of the
Freedom of
Information Act
between the search
and seizure
procedures in
Public and Private
Chapter 3
Understand the
Nature of Civil
Civil Liability of
Examine the three
classifications of
Chapter 4
between the causes
of Civil Action
Criminal Liability
of Security
1 ) Explain the role the
federal government has in
regulating security. What
additional areas would you
like to see the government
involved in? What areas
should the government not
regulate regarding private
Chapter 5
1) Describe at least two
situations where a private
security person could be
impacted by the
exclusionary rule. Use a
case examples if possible.
1) Chapter 4 covers the
civil liability of security
personnel. Research two
cases NOT covered in the
textbook which in your
opinion represents the
most serious form of civil
liability. Explain the cases
in detail and give your
opinion of what the
remedy should have been
in each case. Fully support
your position. Post to
1) Pick two of the types of
criminal acts discussed in
the chapter, and do an
internet search for cases
As of: 12/15/16
where a security person
was charged with those
particular offenses.
Explain the facts of the
cases, why you selected
them and the outcome of
the cases. Post to
Analyze the
problem of criminal
liability of security
Examine the
criminal codes that
could possibly be
violated by
organizations and
Explore the issue
and guidelines of
use of force.
The Enforcement
of Laws and the
Interpretation of
Public and Private
Enforcement: A
Blueprint for
Selected Case
Ethics Violations
Penalties in the
1)Understand the
difference between
actusreus and
2)Describe the
process for
classifying crimes
Chapters 6 and 7
3)Compare and
contrast the
required for lay and
expert witnesses
Analyze the facts
and outcome of a
case and discuss
how the case
findings impact
private security.
Understand the
importance of
ethics in the work
1) Research the
manslaughter or first
degree murder statute for
the state you were born in.
What language is used to
describe the person’s state
of mind? If you could rewrite the statute, how
would you change it and
why? Be specific.
Assignment should be at
least one and a half pages.
Chapter 8
Encyclopedia of
Ethical Failure
(located in Course
Materials Folder)
1) Read the Encyclopedia
of Ethical Failure. Select
three of the violations
discussed in the document.
As of: 12/15/16
Explain the violation,
including its US Code, use
examples from your own
career or the document,
and discuss the possible
fines / imprisonment for
the violation.
2) You are the new “ethics
coordinator” for your
organization. Today is
your first day of presenting
the ethics training.
Seventy-five really bored
and angry people are
sitting in front of you.
What will you say to this
group of reluctant trainees
about the importance of
Final Exam Due
Table of Contents
Please see theStudent Handbook to reference all University policies. Quick links to
frequently asked question about policies are listed below.
Drop/Withdrawal Policy
Plagiarism Policy
Extension Process and Policy
Disability Accommodations
Writing Expectations
All written submissions must be submitted in a font and page set-up that is readable and
neat. It is recommended that students try to adhere to a consistent format, which is
described below:

Typewritten in double-spaced format with a readable style and font and
submitted inside the electronic classroom (unless classroom access is not
possible and other arrangements have been approved by the professor.)
Arial 11 or 12-point font or Times New Roman 11 or 12-point font styles.
As of: 12/15/16
Citation and Reference Style
Attention Please: Students will follow the APA Version 6 as the sole citation and
reference style used in written work submitted as part of coursework to the University.
Assignments completed in a narrative essay or composition format must follow the
citation style cited in the APA Version 6 manual.
Late Assignments
Students are expected to submit classroom assignments by the posted due date and to
complete the course according to the published class schedule. As adults, students,
and working professionals, I understand you must manage competing demands on your
time. Should you need additional time to complete an assignment, please contact me
before the due date so we can discuss the situation and determine an acceptable
resolution. Routine submission of late assignments is unacceptable and will result in 10
points deducted per day from course grade.
Online universities promote the advancement of knowledge through positive and
constructive debate – both inside and outside the classroom. Forums on the Internet,
however, can occasionally degenerate into needless insults and “flaming.” Such activity
and the loss of good manners are not acceptable in a university setting – basic
academic rules of good behavior and proper “Netiquette” must persist. Remember that
you are in a place for the rewards and excitement of learning which does not include
descent to personal attacks or student attempts to stifle the Forum of others.

Technology Limitations: While you should feel free to explore the full-range of
creative composition in your formal papers, keep e-mail layouts simple. The
Sakai classroom may not fully support MIME or HTML encoded messages, which
means that bold face, italics, underlining, and a variety of color-coding or other
visual effects will not translate in your e-mail messages.
Humor Note: Despite the best of intentions, jokes andespeciallysatire can easily
get lost or taken seriously. If you feel the need for humor, you may wish to add
“emoticons” to help alert your readers: ;-), : ), ☺
Disclaimer Statement
Course content may vary from the outline to meet the needs of this particular group.
Table of Contents
Online Library
As of: 12/15/16
The Online Library is available to enrolled students and faculty from inside the electronic
campus. This is your starting point for access to online books, subscription periodicals,
and Web resources that are designed to support your classes and generally not
available through search engines on the open Web. In addition, the Online Library
provides access to special learning resources, which the University has contracted to
assist with your studies. Questions can be directed to

Charles Town Library and Inter Library Loan: The University maintains a
special library with a limited number of supporting volumes, collection of our
professors’ publication, and services to search and borrow research books and
articles from other libraries.
Electronic Books: You can use the online library to uncover and download over
50,000 titles, which have been scanned and made available in electronic format.
Electronic Journals: The University provides access to over 12,000 journals,
which are available in electronic form and only through limited subscription
services. AMU and APU Civilian & Coast Guard students are eligible for 10
free hours of tutoring provided by APUS. connects you with a
professional tutor online 24/7 to provide help with assignments, studying, test
prep, resume writing, and is tutoring the way it was meant to be.
You get expert tutoring whenever you need help, and you work one-to-one with
your tutor in your online classroom on your specific problem until it is done.
Request a Library Guide for your course (
The AMU/APU Library Guides provide access to collections of trusted sites on the
Open Web and licensed resources on the Deep Web. The following are specially
tailored for academic research at APUS:

Program Portals contain topical and methodological resources to help launch
general research in the degree program. To locate, search by department
name, or navigate by school.
Course Lib-Guides narrow the focus to relevant resources for the
corresponding course. To locate, search by class code (e.g., SOCI111), or
class name.
If a guide you need isnot available yet, please email the APUS Library:
Table of Contents
As of: 12/15/16 is a web-based plagiarism prevention application licensed, for campus use,
through the APUS Online Library. The quick submit option lets faculty upload and
check suspicious papers, without requiring student to create their own
profiles. analyzes electronic submissions of student writing, compares them to the
contents of a huge online database, and generates a customized Originality Report. The
database used to produce this analysis contains a massive collection of documents
available on the Internet from both free and commercial sources, as well as the full texts
of all other papers that have been previously submitted to
Similarity index is based on the amount of matching text to a submitted paper:
No matching text
one word to 24% matching
25-49% matching text
50-74% matching text
75-100% matching text
Selected Bibliography
In addition to the required course texts, the following public domain web sites are useful.
Please abide by the university’s academic honesty policy when using Internet sources as
well. Note web site addresses are subject to change.
Site Name
ASIS International
Security Management
Web Site URL/Address
Table of Contents

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