Expert answer:peer review

Expert answer:There are two papers in the PDF so go through them first then you need to analyze it. IN THE screenshots there are the sections where you can comment about for example: organization … : its good but theres ……. and you comment. its same goes for all the section. PLUS make some compliments for example. your paper looks organized ….. etc . I uploaded an exapmle





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Surname 1
Student name:
Review article 1
Format for this article is good, however there are few improvements to be made.
For instance referencing style is not consistent to the norm since all the citations are missing
their page numbers.
Style; the writing style for this article is okay. There a few improvements to be
made especially for grammar omissions in all the paragraphs but mostly the first paragraph.
You also need to cross check within the first paragraph since there is bracket misplaced
probably due to mistype.
Analysis; analysis used here is commendable and it gives a feel of the message
that the writer wants to pass across.
Evidence; most of the statements made in this article are evidence referenced
from literature. Any statement articulated to be causing a non-trivial effect has been backed
up by citations. Further, the author uses quotations just to depict the impact of the statements
made in relation to the subject.
Surname 2
Organization; a lot of effort has to be done in terms of organization in this
article. First and foremost we are having the same thoughts in different paragraphs and this
should not be the norm. Usually same thoughts need to be summarised in one paragraph.
Additionally the author gives a lot of information but in a scattered manner. Thoughts need to
be well formatted so that the article has a clear flow. For instance, the author can have at least
each influence from fossils on global warming per paragraph instead of having different
causes in the same paragraph. Further, the author should take the reasons as to why he thinks
Middle East is more susceptible to global warming in the first paragraph and not having it
nearly at the close paragraph. Doing this prepares the reader for a clear flow.
Review article 2 Pettiford
Format for this article is good, however there are few improvements to be made.
For instance referencing style is not consistent to the norm since all the citations are missing
their page numbers. Additionally the bibliography page should start in a new page. Pay close
attention to how you evidence statement your linkage of statements is poor.
Style; the writing style for this article is okay. There a few improvements to be
made especially for grammar omissions in all the paragraphs but mostly the first and last
paragraph. Tenses are misplaced and words omitted which leads to misinterpretation of
statements. Make sure you have used the correct tenses in the message being passed across
since in some paragraphs you are in past tense but using present tense.
Analysis; analysis used here is commendable and it gives a feel of the message
that the writer wants to pass across. Most statement reflect the topic in question
Surname 3
Evidence; most of the statements made in this article are evidence referenced
from literature. Any statement articulated to be causing a non-trivial effect has been backed
up by citations. However, the author should learn how to link statements to articles, the way
it is summarised here is poorly done. For instance when talking about the work by German
professor Claudia, the author poorly joins this article to his tetx
Organization; a lot of effort has to be done in terms of organization in this article.
First and foremost we are having the same thoughts in different paragraphs and this should
not be the norm. This formats disrupts the flow of the general document. The author also has
very long paragraphs see for instance the paragraph that begins with the word ‘lastly’ it’s too
long, consider reducing this. The author also need to reorganize general presentation of the
article which can focus on why it is important to talk about RFID, evolution of RFID,
impacts, challenges and finally what is the future of RFID in companies.
Middle Eastern Dependence on Fossil Fuels
Mohamed Bienein
ENC 1101 F2F
Professor Anastasia J. Khawaja
12 November 2017
The Middle Eastern part of the world has been a large contributor to global energy needs
through fossil fuels. The major components of fossil fuels are coal, oil and natural gas. Fossil fuel
reserves are declining (Bauer 69). Environmental concerns regarding climatic change and
increased greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions do not make matters any better (Bauer 74). Although
fossil fuels contribute significantly to global warming, Middle Eastern countries mainly depend
on them to raise their economy rather than trying to find a more efficient energy source.
Economic development is experienced through the use of resources one has for personal,
societal and national development (Bauer 75). The countries in the Middle East have mined and
sold fossil fuels which have been used to serve the world’s energy needs in transportation and
electricity generation (Bauer 79). In their local economies, countries like Saudi Arabia, Iran,
Jordan, United Arab Emirates and Iraq have used fossil fuels revenue to develop local industries,
generate electricity, and subsidize the locals’ social needs by providing cheaper fuels, electricity
and food needs (EL-Katiri 6). According to Coady, reports that the world’s total energy subsidy
was $5.3 trillion in 2015 accounting for about 6.5% of the worlds Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
(15). This implies that the fossil fuel revenues were being used to cushion the poor economy
against economic hardships (Coady 15).
Reports on coals reserves all over the world indicate massive amounts (Bauer 79). Why it
is not being mined has not been satisfactorily addressed. Coal as a source of electricity generation
produces less GHG emission recording a reduction of between 55% and 85% (Bauer 80).
Continued subsidization of energy using fossil fuel revenues will affect fossil fuels markets (ELKatiri 6). Oil is scarce and non-substitutable compared to coal that is plentiful and readily
substitutable (EL-Katiri 6). There are growing concerns over air quality due to environmental
pollution of GHG especially nitrogen oxides (Lelieveld 1). Nitrogen Oxides affect air quality and
contribute to climate change especially in the Middle East, where there has been an increase in
extreme temperatures during the day and night (Lelieveld 2).
Fossil fuels (Gasoline, Diesel and Natural gas) have created dependency on energy
subsidies among citizens and are becoming a burden to the government (EL-Katiri 3). In the past,
countries like Jordan, Yemen, and Iran were reluctant on reducing subsidies for fear of the “Arab
spring” spread (EL-Katiri 3). The energy subsidies were expensive and inefficient in creating a
welfare system. The energy subsidies were considered a necessary cost for political stability,
sharing fossil fuels benefits with the citizens and putting down social, economic grievances (ElKatiri 1). Energy subsidies defined the citizen-state relationship (EL-Katiri 6).
Some countries in the Middle East that relied on energy subsidies have been unable to find
resources to build reliable energy infrastructure (“The Economic”). According to the World Bank,
countries like Jordan, Yemen, and Iraq were unable to have reliable electricity owing to the citizen
not used to paying for utilities. It was a government’s problem. In Iraq, for example, cheap fuel
was a source of the black-market economy (Smuggling). With growing population and
urbanization over-reliance on fossil fuels, energy is not sustainable (“The Economic”).
There is a need for not simply energy source diversification, but also having a diversified
economy away from the fossil fuels. This would ease pressure on fossil fuels and reduce
overdependence on fossil fuels for economic development (Zaidan 290). The United Arabs
Emirates (UAE), have managed to show that it is indeed possible to use fossil fuels to build a
vibrant, diversified economy (Zaidan 291). They have the most efficient electricity generation
using modern technology (Zaidan 291). Dubai has invested in a modern mass transport system
running on electricity (Zaidan 292). UAE has the most remarkable tourism development
infrastructure encompassing luxurious hotels, desert safaris, sports, urban infrastructure, tall
buildings, massive shopping malls, artificial Islands, and creative parks (Zaidan 292). These have
attracted an estimated 12.6 million tourists in 2015 and Dubai is number 5 tourist destination in
the world. Tourism contributes 30% of the UAE economy (Zaidan 293). Economic diversification
stabilizes the economy (Zaidan 293).
Experiences in the United States in America show that local households consume one third
of total energy (Stern 1). Assuming this is the case, Middle Eastern countries need to invest in
sustainable energy sources, consider biofuels, adapt to new technologies that reduce GHG
emissions to enable reduced effects of climate change and rising global temperatures. The new
technologies are especially useful in mass transportation where cars are the biggest polluter due to
carbon dioxide emissions (Stern 2). Use of electric cars and hybrid cars would ease the burden of
fossil fuels GHG emissions (Stern 2).
Larger populations in the Middle Eastern countries use fossil fuels to drive their businesses
(Coady 22). They also use fuel for their household consumptions. Limiting or doing away with the
use of fossil fuel will negatively impact their lives (Coady 22). However, there is a need to invest
in sustainable energy sources, such as biofuels, to adapt to new technologies that reduce GHG
emissions to enable reduced effects of climate change and rising global temperatures. These will
sustain both the environment and the energy consumption (Bauer 82).
Yemen and some countries have failed to use fossil fuels for economic development in
spite of the dwindling fossil fuel reserves (El-Katiri 10). Other countries have significantly reduced
energy subsidies to release resources for economic development (El-Katiri 10). Instead of the
subsidies that are unsustainable being enjoyed by all citizensespecially the middle class that can
afford to pay it. It makes economic sense to change the model of sharing fossil fuel benefits by
charging near market rates, then giving a stipend directly to citizens in the low-income brackets
(El-Katiri 11). By using this strategy, fossil fuels would be able to generate resources for providing
social goods like infrastructure, hospitals, schools, reliable electricity, diversification in mass
transportation as well as other sources of sustainable energy like biofuels, solar and wind energy
(Damerau 4391).
The need for alternative sources of sustainable energy has never been dire. Considering the
falling prices of fossil fuels, global warming, and competition for fresh water, extracting fossil
fuels has necessitated the use of complicated methods using water for both extraction and cooling.
Water is scarce among the Middle Eastern countries (Damerau 4391). Use of desalinated water to
bridge the demand gap calls for technologies that would preserve water for agriculture and
household use instead of fossil fuels extraction (El-Katiri 6). Considerations and investments in
solar energy, biofuels, and wind energy will not only reverse over-reliance on fossil fuels, but also
create a platform for economic diversification that does not threaten energy, food, or water security
(El-Katiri 6).
In conclusion, fossil fuels are an important source of energy used in transportation and
electricity generation (EL-Katiri 1). It is an economic resource that is used for acquiring revenue
from energy markets (Bauer 65). Governments in the Middle East have used fossil fuels to improve
the living standards of the poor, build infrastructure and diversify economies thereby creating jobs
and other industries like tourism (Zaidan 291). As much as fossil fuels negatively affect the
environment in terms of climatic change and global warming, these negative effects can be
mitigated through use of technology. This includes electric and hybrid cars, mass transportation
using electricity, diversifying energy source investments in solar energy, biofuels and wind power,
increased use of coal and natural gas, and diversifying the economies in the Middle East (Bauer
67). In the face of dwindling fossil fuel volumes, diversifying the economies of the Middle East
will give them a lifeline in economic development. Fossil fuels remain the backbone of Middle
Eastern countries, providing them with their energy needs (transportation and electricity),
exporting as a commodity, giving energy subsidies to the citizens, and catering for household
energy needs.
Works Cited
Bauer, N., Mouratiadou, I., Inderer, G., Baumstark, L., Bacha, R., Ednehofer, O., and Kriegler, E.
(2013). “Global Fossil Energy Markets and Climate Change Mitigation: An Analysis with
REMIND” Physics Faculty Publication 15
Coady, D. et al, (2016). How large are Global Fossil Fuels Subsidies? World Development 2016,
Damerau, K., Vliet, P.R.O., and Patt, A G. (2015). Direct Impacts of Alternative Energy Scenarios
on Water Demand in the Middle East and North Africa, Climatic Change, May. 2015
EL-Katiri, L., and Fattouh, B. (2017). “A Brief Political Economy of Energy Subsidies in the
Middle East and North Africa,” International Development Policy (Online) 7,
2017Available Feb. 13, 2017, Accessed Nov. 10, 2017
Lelieveld, J., Beirle, S., Hormann, C., Stenchikor, G and Warner, T. (2015). Abrupt Recent Trend
changes in Atmospheric Nitrogen Dioxide over the Middle East, Sci.Adv. 2015, e1500498
Stern, P.C., Janda, K.B., Brown, M.A., Steg, H., Vine, E.L., and Lutzenhiser. (2016).
Opportunities and Insights for Reducing Fossil Fuel consumption by Households and
Organizations, Nature and Energy, May. 2016
“The Economic Outlook for the Middle East and North Africa – October 2015.” World Bank.
Zaidan, E, and Kovacs, J.F. (2017). Residents Attitudes Towards Tourists and Tourism Growth: A
Case Study from the Middle East, Dubai in the United Arab Emirates, European
Journal of Sustainable Development 6 (1), p 291-307
Pettiford 1
Jared Pettiford
Professor Anastasia J. Khawaja
ENC 1101
13 November 2017
RFID’s Supremacy
Companies deal with many struggles daily, but none are more important than money. The
main goal of any corporation is to improve their overall net earnings and cash flow. Among the
strategies employed, those that improve efficiency lead to the most raw revenue stream. With no
loss and endless gain possibilities, logistical development through RFID (Radio Frequency
Identification) can save a company large amounts of money. Supply chain productivity is one of
the largest contributors to cost of production, which in turn raises the cost to the consumer,
decreasing this cost would not only increase profit for the business but reduce production time.
Proposing RFID can help with various hurdles in the delivery and processing of a product,
showing many benefits and increasing the ability to streamline a process, save money, and time.
The supply chain has been looked at as far back as the first business producing a product.
Although it is now more of a science analysed by the likes of industrial engineers and business
efficiency experts, it was always an important place to look for saving time and money. There
has been a need for tracking and processing data in this supply chain since computers were able
to log data starting in the early 80’s. RFID was not the first way to track and catalog data, before
RFID the main way of tracking and reading data was through a barcode. This was tedious
however as there was only one barcode that could be scanned and it had to be cataloged
individually. This has been changed by the introduction of RFID chipsets as detecting tags can
be fully automated and requires no human interaction, allowing for a lower cost of employment,
Pettiford 2
eliminating human error, and increasing efficiency. It transmits a unique serial number of an
object wirelessly through radio waves. Because of these reasons, RFID is far superior to the
previously used barcode. There are two main types of RFID, passive and active systems. The
active system is powered, and can be automated, but requires maintenance and a constant power
source. Passive systems are self sufficient, require no power, and consist of a semiconductor chip
attached to an antenna, and an encasing. Then there is the receiver which has an antenna that
emits radio waves and receives digital information from the tag’s unique chip. Tags can also be
read simultaneously, reducing inventory control and organizational costs (Kaur 151). Its ability
to do these puts it miles ahead of barcode technology.
With RFID comes the ability to vastly improve and innovate efficiencies in the supply
chain. However there are some arguments against RFID, questioning the security and
implementation costs, and oversight of efficient operation with the technology. Security has been
shown to be a concern for businesses, as they are cautious about their product’s safety through
the supply chain. However, this has been disproven through finding that RFID actually improves
security with a developed infrastructure. Organization, is greatly improved as long as it is
implemented correctly and over an immediate time period (Niederman 93). Implementation costs
are another concern that is express by companies that show interest in RFID, through the
thinking that it will be too much of an initial investment and take too long to pay itself off. This
is disproven by Kärkkäinen, who states, “ The initial cost of implementing RFID would be
nothing compared to what money could be saved using the technology” (Kärkkäinen 530).
Another possible drawback could be the complexity of overseeing the efficient operation of these
new chipsets, however looking at the way it is run is very similar to any tracking devices. These
Pettiford 3
are all valid concerns and the hesitation to start something new is understandable, however the
mass benefits from RFID very much outweigh these issues that are all solvable with time.
RFID continues to be implemented as supply chains became more advanced and show
improvements and efficiencies in the supply chain, as shown in the article by Kärkkäinen about
short shelf products in a supermarket’s supply chain. It is hard to predict consumption and
quantity that the consumer is looking for in that specific time period. RFID helps with the
logistical issues associated with transporting these short lived products. By using RFID trackable
data on the amount and time periods of these products can be processed and analyzed to reduce
waste and increase efficiency. This is only one of the ways that RFID can innovate
simultaneously to the supply chains needs. In 2004, Wal-Mart spent over 500 million dollars on
initial RFID development (AB&R). Through retail advancements, come more hurdles, like
returns. Frew looks at the effect RFID can have on the return process in an article published by
The RFID Journal. It refers to this as their reverse supply chain and how the length of time it
takes for the returned product to reach the original retailer is far too long. By the time it is
processed and ready for sale again it is usually out of season or no longer being sold in stores.
This leaves the retailer with the only option to sell it at a discounted rate or back to the original
supplier (Frew 1). RFID comes into play here on this reverse supply chain, improving efficiency
and accuracy of tracking and availability of products. Efficiency through RFID will reduce the
time employees take to process the return and in turn get it back to their respected market.
Improving efficiency and lowering costs has been the age old question, a …
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