Expert answer:Peer Review

Expert answer:Peer review of another student’s personal research narrative. In this assignment, you will answer a list of questions about the student’s paper.There is no word count minimum or maximum for your peer review. Please answer the questions from the attachment and be as thorough as you feel is necessary. I’ll attach both the assignment and the paper needing review (boomers and millennials), thank you.


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Writing Assignment #4: Peer Review
Writing Assignment #4 will be a peer review of another student’s personal research narrative.
In this assignment, you will answer a list of questions about the student’s paper.
You will include two documents when you submit the assignment. You will submit both the
essay that you reviewed as well as your peer review of the essay when you submit the
Questions to Answer When Writing Your Peer Review
In writing the peer review, please read the paper carefully and answer the following questions.
1. Is the student’s research journey apparent when reading the personal research narrative?
2. Does the student describe steps he or she took while researching? Note how the essay
from Bergmann does this on page 162. Does the student do this?
3. Is the reader clear about what he or she already knew about the subject before
4. Is the reader clear about what he or she learned about the subject while researching?
5. Bergmann says, “Although the personal research narrative does not take the form of an
argument, often an argument underlies it or emerges from it” (p. 160). Can you see the
underlying argument the writer is making in the paper?
6. Bergmann says on page 161 that “transitions and cues to your purpose and to your
response to sources are particularly important for your readers…” (p. 161). Does the
writer incorporate transitions and cues in this manner?
7. Does the essay have a strong introductory paragraph and a clear thesis statement?
8. Does the writer use the personal pronoun “I”? Remember this is a personal research
narrative, so the writer should use the pronoun “I.”
9. Does each paragraph begin a new topic, perhaps a new topic in the research journey?
10. Are there a sufficient number of sources integrated into the essay to make the personal
research narrative rich and robust? The instructions ask for at least 10 sources.
11. Are at least six of the sources scholarly sources? The instructions ask that at least six be
scholarly sources.
12. Are any terms in need of clarification or definition? In other words, as a reader, did you
need clarification or definition of any terms or concepts in the essay?
13. Can you identify some concepts or strategies in They Say/I Say that were incorporated
into this personal research narrative?
There is no word count minimum or maximum for your peer review. Please answer the
questions from the previous page and be as thorough as you feel is necessary.
Running Head: Baby Boomers And Millennials
Baby Boomers and Millennials in The Workplace
Tyler Peters
Running Head: Baby Boomers And Millennials
Walk into any factory, corporation, or place of business today and you’ll hear words and
phrases such as lazy, stubborn, narrow minded, uneducated, unwilling, and ignorant. On any
given day a person would think this might pertain to an individual employee and a bad one at
that. However, these words in today’s workforce are used commonly to describe a division in the
Baby Boomer and Millennial generations in the workplace. These perceptions and judgments
from one generation towards the other is common and prevailing. To judge a book by its cover
is taboo and frowned upon. Baby Boomers and Millennials alike seemingly seek out
opportunities to judge a peer based on their date of birth. Fortunately for us, there have been
more studies and more research done on Baby Boomers and Millennials than any other
generation in history. (Gold, 2015, p.8)
This research does not divide the generations. The studies paint a clear coat of
transparency into each generation’s why to work, how to work, and ways to inspire each
generation. Understanding these differences and using the applications found will provide the
tools to create a cohesive unit that can be productive and synergistic.
One of the causes that creates a rift in the workplace between the generations is
technology. Knowing how each generation has witnessed and used technology specifically in
their youth helps us understand the perspectives they have in today’s workforce. “The World
War II generation watched television rise out of radio; baby boomers welcomed calculators; Gen
Xers mastered the World Wide Web; and millennials are shaping their lives via cell phones.
Each generation has its own view and use for each succeeding generation of technology.”
(Slowik, 2010, p. 3)
Running Head: Baby Boomers And Millennials
When an entire generations experience is displayed simply like Slowik has done for us, it allows
for a simpler strategy design. By utilizing a generation’s experience, we can begin to design means to
improve productivity, knowledge, and drive to succeed. Understanding is a common theme that must
occur to improve workplace cohesiveness. Part of understanding is realizing the regular perceptions
that can hinder teamwork in the workforce. “It’s a common misconception that the younger
generations are going to be the most tech-driven employees over seasoned professionals,” said Dave
Elkington, CEO of (, 2017) Elkington came to this conclusion from a
study conducted by that found “62 percent of Baby Boomers recommend contacting
them by text message 33 percent higher than Millennials (47 percent)” (2017) These findings should be
bestowed on any manager or employee struggling to communicate in the workplace.
Continuing the theme of technology, we must look at social media and the differences between
the generations in the workforce. In most work settings the older and more senior personnel teach the
new and inexperienced employees. Contradicting this idea are corporations like Target and United
Health who have implemented a practice called “reverse mentoring.” (Alcorn, 2016, para. 3) They use
Millennials to teach Baby Boomers about implementing social media and new business concepts. This
strategy to improve business is a perfect example of debunking a common idea or conception. Alcorn
(2016) actually goes on to explain “Experts indicate the mentoring process negates many negative
stereotypes associated with millennial workers.”
A significant problem that is at the root of the debates is a great deal of exaggeration by both
generations. IBM Institute for Business Value published results that negated many misconceptions and
exaggerations about Millennials and Baby Boomers in April, 2015. (Baird, 2015, para. 3) The study
addressed perceptions such as “Millennials want constant acclaim and think everyone on the team
should get a trophy
Running Head: Baby Boomers And Millennials
Millennials are digital addicts who want to do — and share — everything online, without regard for
personal or professional boundaries; Millennials are more likely to jump ship if a job doesn’t fulfill their
passions; and Millennials’ career goals and expectations are different from those of older generations.”
(Baird, 2015) The findings from the research turned these perceptions upside down. Everyone deserves
a trophy was found to be a falsehood due to the fact that Millennials want a boss that rewards behavior
least compared to fair and ethical. Describing a Millennial as digital addicts doesn’t add up either. It
was found that Baby Boomers were less professional when it came to boundaries regarding social
media. Additionally, Millennials were found to request more one on one time over communication
using technology. As far as their career goals differing from their Baby Boomer peers, those passing
judgement are mistaken. Job goals that all generations hope for were found in Millennials. Financial
comfort, a career that motivates them, and even more than any other generation. Millennials want to
work in a diverse setting. This is the first generation as a whole to desire a diverse workforce. (Baird,
2015) Conclusively, IBM’s research exposed these daily misconceptions casted onto Millennials.
The research and studies conducted are for not if the workforce does not use them to develop
strategies promoting teamwork and united productivity. In How to Bridge the Generation Gap, Burke
(2017) and Generational Divide (Thompson, 2017) understanding is the key moving any business and
workforce in the right direction. By utilizing the information available and taking the time to consider
the differences as well as the commonalities, we can benefit from both generations and their
experiences. Learning what drives an entire generation to succeed, perform, communicate to the affect
that it benefits an organization is critical. Many false perceptions and judgements are passed along onto
the Baby Boomer and Millennial generations. Theses divided ideas keep many workforces from
achieving their true potential. The continuation of research and personnel studies will only continue to
aid businesses, management, and employees work towards a common goal of success. Baby Boomers
Running Head: Baby Boomers And Millennials
and Millennials are not meant to pitted against one another. They are meant to learn from another and
in the end, realize their differences aren’t so different at all.
Running Head: Baby Boomers And Millennials

Alcorn, C. L. (2016). How Millennials in the Workplace Are Turning Peer Mentoring on Its Head.
Fortune.Com, 1.

Arellano, K. (2015). 4/7 – The Generational Shift in the Workplace: Are WE Ready?. Integral
Leadership Review, 144-153

Baird, C. H. (2015). 5 myths about millennials in the workplace. Fortune.Com, N.PAG.

Thompson, J., & Thompson, J. (2017). Generational Divide Father, daughter debate millennials’
impact on workplace. Fort Worth Business Press, (8), 28.

Burke, K. (2015). How to Bridge the Generation Gap. Government Executive, 1.

Slowik, E. (2009). Technology is a major delineator in the workplace. Grand Rapids Business
Journal, 27(3), 4 releases new study on evolution of workplace communications. (2017).
Wireless News, Retrieved from
Litchfield, J. )., & Matteis, M. ). (2016). Faculty experiences with technology, millennials versus
baby boomers. Online Journal Of Nursing Informatics, 20(1), 1.
Gold, S. (2015). Boomers and Millennials: Make Way for the Exponentials. Industry Week/IW,
264(7), 8.

Running Head: Baby Boomers And Millennials

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