Expert answer:Project F: Mini Dissertation Proposal Submit a proposal of at least 6 pages (no more than 8 pages). The proposal must include the problem, purpose, significance, conceptual/theoretical framework, brief literature review, biblical worldview, research questions, and proposed qualitative research method. Annotations and references must also be included.
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Cybersecurity theft theoretical framework
Frances Hall
Liberty University
November 18, 2017
Cybersecurity theft theoretical framework
Annotated bibliography
Durkheim, E. (2014). The division of labor in society. Simon and Schuster.
There are numerous theories that may and have been used in the past to explain the ideas
behind cybersecurity theft. Durkheim (2014) has been an expert who portrays cybersecurity and
cybercrime as a notion in the society that is not different from any other crimes. He further
claims that any given society due to the specialization of jobs may develop a group of people
who may act against the norms. These people may be referred to as criminals. It is in an
analogous manner that cybercrimes happen and can be described in the various classical
sociological theories.
Gane, N. (2002). Max Weber and postmodern theory: Rationalization versus re-enchantment.
Weber is another classical sociological theorist who tried to explain the concepts of
cybercrime in terms of rationalization. He claims that various societies have adopted the rational
manner of thinking which is primarily based on the notion of identifying the best and the easiest
way of achieving the best goals such as the best ways and strategies that one could use to
accumulate as much wealth as possible through online theft. Cybersecurity is undertaken by
people who have high-level knowledge of analyzing the chances of getting caught when they
undertake fraud on the physical aspect and when they undertake or commit fraud over the web
.(Gane, 2002).
Acevedo, G. A. (2005). Turning anomie on its head: fatalism as Durkheim’s concealed and
multidimensional alienation theory. Sociological Theory, 23(1), 75-85.
Marx another classical sociological theorist has claimed that the current society can be
understood by looking at the alienation concept. He claims further that the society today is
characterized by the people who created the being used technology having little control over the
technology that they created. The crimes committed using the technology have become hard to
deal with because of the rise of elite groups of people with knowledge on how to commit online
crimes while the respective counters have little or no knowledge at all. most people have been
portrayed to have just the knowledge to use technology but not to counter cybercrime (Acevedo,
Zafirovski, M. (2003). Human rational behavior and economic rationality. Electronic Journal of
Sociology, 7(2), 1-34.
Pareto argues that people in the society are driven by the notion of either being logical or
illogical. People may understand that a certain action is illogical but may try to argue otherwise.
The people involved in cybercrime may understand well that cybercrime is a bad practice.
However, they may argue otherwise claiming that cybercrime and the associated crimes
committed over the internet are logical and good citing how profitable they might be. Having a
group that seems to always negate the opposite side may make it difficult to deal with
cybercrimes (Zafirovski, 2003).
Bowles, S., & Park, Y. (2005). Emulation, inequality, and work hours: Was Thorsten Veblen
right. The Economic Journal, 115(507).
Veblen claims that the current situation in the world is characterized by the existence of
technologies that have been attributed to social change. He claims that the current technology has
helped create another society over the web that seems real due to such aspects as instant
messaging. People may commit crimes in the virtual world just as they do in the real world. this
is how cybercrime grows. With little or no knowledge on how to deal with the issues related to
cybercrime, it becomes difficult to tame cybercriminals as opposed to taming the normal
criminals in the physical world (Bowles & Park, 2005).
Theoretic framework
Cyber theft theoretical framework (theorists and theories)
Post modern
Acevedo, G. A. (2005). Turning anomie on its head: fatalism as Durkheim’s concealed and
multidimensional alienation theory. Sociological Theory, 23(1), 75-85.
Bowles, S., & Park, Y. (2005). Emulation, inequality, and work hours: Was Thorsten Veblen
right? The Economic Journal, 115(507).
Durkheim, E. (2014). The division of labor in society. Simon and Schuster.
Gane, N. (2002). Max Weber and postmodern theory: Rationalization versus re-enchantment.
Zafirovski, M. (2003). Human rational behavior and economic rationality. Electronic Journal of
Sociology, 7(2), 1-34.
Frances Hall
Liberty University
December 9, 2017
Cybersecurity Theft Outline
Problem statement
There are several issues that have been witnessed today. The aspects of cybersecurity
theft are one of them. While numerous organizations have been set up to handle cases of
cybersecurity, there seems to have lack of the relevant knowledge that would be used to combat
such crimes. The need to understand the issues that revolve around cybersecurity theft and the
practical solutions, therefore arise, which form the basis for this paper.
Purpose statement
The purpose of this project is to outline the issues that revolve around cybersecurity theft.
Identifying the effects that cybersecurity theft has had on the various organizations today and the
viable solutions that could be implemented.
Significance of study
Following the fact that today technology has grown beyond the expectations of the
humans, it has seemed as if the humans have been overpowered by the technology that they are
developing. Handling issues of cybersecurity theft have been a problem. The purpose of this
project should help the reader to understand the extent to which cybersecurity theft has affected
the daily operations of various organizations today.
Theoretical framework
The identification of numerous theories that could be used to explain the aspects of
cybersecurity theft is essential. In this section, the theories of scholars, as well as other research
teams, should be outlined in the attempt to compare and come up with a comprehensive
conclusion with respect to cybersecurity theft.
Brief literature
Considering the growing need to find a long-lasting solution to cybersecurity theft, this
section should provide an overview of the previously conducted pieces of work as far as
cybersecurity theft is concerned and the implications of the research. A conclusion should also
be drawn from the previous research to offer a solution that could be implemented to solve the
issues of cybersecurity theft.
Proposed research questions
Some of the research questions that could be used in this project may include:
What are the various strategies that could be used to ensure that cybersecurity theft issues
have been solved?
Are the organizations today prepared to handle and combat cybersecurity theft?
What are the future implications of cybersecurity theft on the future organizations?
Methodology to be used
In this section, the author should be able to list and make use of an effective research
methodology or methodologies that could be used in finalizing this project. The use of either
qualitative or quantitative research methods should be based on the kind of data that is to be
collected. A comprehensive conclusion to support the issues at hand and the thesis should be
This section contains the various sources of information that could be used in writing the
literature review section. This section also can be seen to contain the major themes that could be
used in writing the literature review section of the project.
Shackelford, S. J., Proia, A. A., Martell, B., & Craig, A. N. (2015). Toward a Global
Cybersecurity Standard of Care: Exploring the Implications of the 2014 NIST Cybersecurity
Framework on Shaping Reasonable National and International Cybersecurity Practices. Tex. Int’l
LJ, 50, 305.
Cybersecurity in the various workplaces should be the responsibility of every party
involved. This is a theme that could be brought out while considering that the various parties
involved in each organization may play a huge role in combating cybersecurity theft
(Shackelford, Proia, Martell & Craig, 2015).
Conteh, N. Y., & Schmick, P. J. (2016). Cybersecurity: risks, vulnerabilities, and
countermeasures to prevent social engineering attacks. International Journal of Advanced
Computer Research, 6(23), 31.
While it all comes down to the kind of protection that a given organization may subject
its corporate systems in securing the various data avenues, it has been noted that the theme of
secure configurations of the various information handling joints may be a huge step in combating
cybersecurity theft (Conteh & Schmick, 2016).
Grant, G. H., & Grant, C. T. (2014). SEC cybersecurity disclosure guidance is quickly becoming
a requirement. The CPA Journal, 84(5), 69.
There are numerous ways in which data can be stolen in each organization as far as
cybersecurity theft is concerned. While many organizations may find it difficult to handle all the
possible vulnerabilities one at a time, there are various solutions that could be implemented
(Grant & Grant, 2014). The theme of using firewalls effectively comes up.
Crook, J. R. (2013). US efforts to enhance cybersecurity and to counter international theft of
trade secrets. American Journal of International Law, 107(2), 447-449.
It has been argued that by effectively implementing a frequent patch management
schedule for organizations would go a long way in helping in combating cybersecurity theft.
Additionally, it has been established that sensitizing the various organizations on the need to
constantly update their systems to enforce security is essential in the overall fight against
cybersecurity theft (Crook, 2013). This becomes the other primary theme to be included in the
literature review section of the project.
ATTACKS. In National BDPA Technology Conference (p. 14).
The other theme that could be included in the project is the trending issues in
cybersecurity theft. In the recent past, the discovery of new devices and innovative technologies
had been associated with increased interconnectivity. Today, this increased connectivity among
various devices and the internet has brought about new opportunities that have been exploited by
a group of individuals to steal information or any other resource over the internet as far as
cybercrime theft is concerned (Queen, 2016).
Quisumbing, L. A. (2017). Global Perspectives on Cybersecurity Using Latent Dirichlet
Allocation Algorithm. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 12(20), 1031010323.
To understand the working of the various devices and the internet, the need to understand
how the current generation of increased connectivity among numerous devices is essential. As
such, the theme of the effects of the current interconnection of devices as far as cybersecurity
theft is concerned should be highlighted (Quisumbing, 2017).
Asllani, A., White, C. S., & Ettkin, L. (2013). Viewing cybersecurity as a public good: The role
of governments, businesses, and individuals. Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory
Issues, 16(1), 7.
How are organizations today equipped to handle the issues of cybersecurity theft? There
are numerous strategies that could be used. Under the theme “stop, think and proceed”, the
aspect of being cautious while using the internet in an organization or as an individual has been
found to be effective in addressing and combating cybersecurity theft (Asllani, White & Ettkin,
Mukati, M. A., & Ali, S. M. (2014). The vulnerability of cybersecurity and strategy to conquer
the potential threats to business applications. Journal of Independent Studies and
Research, 12(1), 56.
The creation of cybersecurity awareness forums has been mentioned in various
institutions. While this is an aspect that has not yet been implemented, it has been established
that the implementation of such an awareness campaign would go a long way in ensuring that the
various issues that may affect the operations of a given organization or individual as far as
cybercrime theft is concerned to have been addressed fully (Mukati & Ali, 2014).
Crespo, B. G. N., & Garwood, A. (2014, September). Fighting botnets with cyber-security
analytics: Dealing with heterogeneous cyber-security information in new generation siems.
In Availability, Reliability, and Security (ARES), 2014 Ninth International Conference on (pp.
192-198). IEEE.
Is there a relationship between cybersecurity theft and malware? In most cases, malware
is used by attackers who at times are individuals who are interested in collecting a given piece of
information unlawfully and without the proper authentication and/or authorization (Crespo &
Garwood, 2014). If by any chance the link is provided, taking measures to protect an
organization or an individual from such attacks is then considered a noble step.
Arlitsch, K., & Edelman, A. (2014). Staying safe: Cybersecurity for people and
organizations. Journal of Library Administration, 54(1), 46-56.
Cybersecurity theft in various cases has been seen to be undertaken by inside employees
of a given organization. while an organization may have trusted its employees through the values
that it may have implemented, it has been established that employees sometimes may get access
to corporate data through their data access privileges that may have been given to them. The
possible solution to reduce data access is to enforce user access controls. This would help reduce
the overall rate of data access in the various organizations which may help reduce the chances of
cybersecurity theft (Arlitsch & Edelman, 2014).
These are some of the themes that could be used in the literature review section of the project.
Other themes that are relevant to the topic may be added.
Arlitsch, K., & Edelman, A. (2014). Staying safe: Cybersecurity for people and
organizations. Journal of Library Administration, 54(1), 46-56.
Asllani, A., White, C. S., & Ettkin, L. (2013). Viewing cybersecurity as a public good: The role
of governments, businesses, and individuals. Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory
Issues, 16(1), 7.
Conteh, N. Y., & Schmick, P. J. (2016). Cybersecurity: risks, vulnerabilities, and
countermeasures to prevent social engineering attacks. International Journal of Advanced
Computer Research, 6(23), 31.
Crespo, B. G. N., & Garwood, A. (2014, September). Fighting botnets with cyber-security
analytics: Dealing with heterogeneous cyber-security information in new generation
siems. In Availability, Reliability, and Security (ARES), 2014 Ninth International
Conference on (pp. 192-198). IEEE.
Crook, J. R. (2013). US efforts to enhance cybersecurity and to counter international theft of
trade secrets. American Journal of International Law, 107(2), 447-449.
Grant, G. H., & Grant, C. T. (2014). SEC cybersecurity disclosure guidance is quickly becoming
a requirement. The CPA Journal, 84(5), 69.
Mukati, M. A., & Ali, S. M. (2014). The vulnerability of cybersecurity and strategy to conquer
the potential threats to business applications. Journal of Independent Studies and
Research, 12(1), 56.
ATTACKS. In National BDPA Technology Conference (p. 14).
Quisumbing, L. A. (2017). Global Perspectives on Cybersecurity Using Latent Dirichlet
Allocation Algorithm. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 12(20),
Shackelford, S. J., Proia, A. A., Martell, B., & Craig, A. N. (2015). Toward a Global
Cybersecurity Standard of Care: Exploring the Implications of the 2014 NIST
Cybersecurity Framework on Shaping Reasonable National and International
Cybersecurity Practices. Tex. Int’l LJ, 50, 305.
Cyber Security: Identity Theft
Institutional Affiliation:
Cyber Security: Identity Theft
Cybersecurity is a field of information technology that is inclined towards ensuring that
the affairs of security of any activities undertaken over the web have been maintained. While in
the recent past there has been a rise in the use of computers, the issue of how secure the data and
transactions that are being undertaken across the web are arises. While the issue of cybersecurity
has not been emphasized on in many countries across the world, the overall effects of these
issues arising from the criminal activities being undertaken using computers are continually felt
in most areas of application. There are various issues of concern that are because of
One of the most common issues revolves around identity theft. From the activities being
undertaken across the web which may range from funds transfer to exchange of valuable
information between two parties, it has been established that a new technique of trying to get
access or hold of these pieces of information or even funds has been deduced which is identity
theft. One person may pretend and impersonate another individual to gain the benefits intended
for the legit individual (Reyns, 2013). It has been established that there may be little knowledge
on the manner with which an organization may handle the issues arising from the identity which
may lead to reduced or no solutions at all. It is for this reason that it has become a necessity to
come up with a comprehensive research on the subject matter as far as ensuring that more
information on the issues of identity theft has been uncovered. While identity theft has been a
major challenge for many organizations today, how ready or equipped are these organizations in
dealing with identity theft? This paper is based on the need to evaluate the measures that may be
put in place in business entities to curb cyber security as far as identity theft is concerned.
Research question
Are the organizations today ready for dealing with cyber security as far as identity theft is
In responding to the posed question, the following section outlines guiding interview questions
that may be administered by various organizations.
✓ In a world where cyber security has become a major issue of concern, how would you
term your organization as far as having the respective knowledge on identity theft is
✓ Has your organization been involved in any case of identity theft? What was the
experience and what measures did you put in place to prevent future occurrences?
✓ Do you consider your organization successful in implementing strategies for preventing
identity theft?
✓ How effective are the strategies implemented? Have they prevented the cases of identity
theft from occurring?
✓ What rank would you place your organization as far as preventing identity theft and
cybercrime? What would be used to back up the ranking?
Significance of interviews in the research
While there may be other similar methods of collecting such qualitative information with
respect to the issue of identity theft, it has been established that the use of interviews would be an
appropriate tool. This is so because interviews have the capability of getting …
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