Expert answer:1- Meetings in your OrganizationShare your experience of “typical meetings” in your organization. Discuss what makes these meetings worth while/waste of time. How are you contributing to these outcomes?.2-and you must review and comment on at least four other student introductory commented..!!you can see the flies
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Discussion Forum Rubric
Timeliness, Participation,
0 percent
18 percent
21 percent
25 percent
The student may or may
The student posted a
The student posted a
The student posted a
not have posted a
discussion and replied to discussion and replied to discussion and replied to
(25% Weighting)
discussion but did not
less than two other
at least two other
more than two other
reply to other students. students, and/or was late students, all within the
students, all within the
on one or more postings expected timeframe of
expected time frame of
or replies.
the lesson.
the lesson. At least one
thread shows depth and
persistence in exploring
the topic or concept.
Understanding of the
activity as
demonstrated by critical
thinking, problem solving,
(25% Weighting)
0 percent
The student’s
contribution to the
discussion forum is
superficial and
demonstrates very little
to no understanding of
the concept.
18 percent
The student’s
contribution to the
discussion forum
demonstrates basic
understanding of
concepts, but the
student response lacks
critical thinking or
21 percent
25 percent
The student’s
The student’s
contribution to the
contribution to the
discussion forum
discussion forum
demonstrates an
demonstrates a thorough
understanding of the
understanding of the
concept being
concept being presented.
presented. The student
Student connects
develops a position or
concepts, applies
solution and supports it.
concepts, creates new
solutions, and supports
Page 1 of 3
Interactivity, uniqueness,
(25% Weighting)
(15% Weighting)
(10% Weighting)
0 percent
Student minimally
participates by stating
the obvious and does
not promote further
thinking about the
18 percent
Student primarily
consumes information
demonstrating desire to
learn but offers little in
providing new ideas or
may suggest new
ideas/connections but
does little to promote
further interaction.
21 percent
Student engaged in the
discussion by offering
insight, new ideas and
connections, but lacks
depth and details.
25 percent
Student encourages
further interaction by
clarifying concepts,
focusing discussion,
sharing reflections,
resources, and thoughts
about the concept.
Student offers new ideas
with depth and detail.
0 percent
11 percent
12 percent
15 percent
Did not meet
Met expectations on the Met expectations on the
Exceeded writing
expectations on the
writing requirements of
writing requirements of
requirements for the
writing requirements of the assignment. Student the assignment. Student
assignment. Student
the assignment. Student
communication had
communication was
communication was
communication may not some edge that did not
respectful thus
respectful thus promoting
have been respectful or help in creating trust or
promoting trust and
trust and sharing. No
did not promote trust and
numerous grammar
sharing. Some grammar
errors in grammar or
and/or spelling errors
or spelling errors exist
exist that distract from
but not uncommon to
the message.
informal discussion
0 percent
Appears to not have
read required readings
and cannot sustain any
reference to it in the
7 percent
Appears to have read
required readings but
lacks thoroughness,
understanding or insight.
8 percent
Appears to have read
the required readings
and can discuss with
some thoroughness.
May lack some detail or
critical insight.
10 percent
Clear reference to text
being discussed and
connects it to other
readings or reference
points from previous
Page 2 of 3
Page 3 of 3
1- Johanna Strother
Since our team is virtual, meetings of all sizes everyday are held via Skype, WebEx or
Microsoft’s PSTN audio/web conferencing service (for very large participation). Most of them
have agendas and specific requirements for participation – some are standing status meetings and
round table reviews. Smaller groups focus on resolving specific problems. So we have Core
meetings, which are at the Program and Senior Manager levels above me, standard meetings
which are those conducted by the process managers for their particular ITIL phase (Service
Strategy where the business relationship management happens, Service Design where the
developers turn everything into magic for us and put together the vendors and suppliers and
resources we need to make things happen, Service Transition we bridge the gap into operations
and where Knowledge Managements fits in, Service Operation where the Help and Service
Desks and technicians fit in, and Continual Service Improvement where the quality folks do their
thing). The core meetings are of interest because that’s where you learn what’s going on at the
client level and on your own ITIL team – sometimes it is possible to multitask and get other work
done. The agenda is generally that for an Agile SCRUM meeting – What did you do yesterday?
What did you do today? Are you running into any obstacles? Is there something that the rest of
us should know? Sometimes I cannot get enough work done because I am tied up in meetings all
the time. We still aren’t in a go-live situation with our ITSM tool, ServiceNow, so there has been
a tremendous front load of building infrastructure and process I live for the hours when I can
just focus on getting the Knowledge Articles processed, reviewed, and updated, but realize that
now is the time when I have the most impact on what is being developed — guess it balances
out.. Bottom line, I love my job and feel needed and wanted, with folks paying attention to what
I say. They pay me extremely well for being knowledgeable, flexible, and adaptable, and I get to
see the fruits of my labors in a relatively short time span. There are 7 ITIL experts and a handful
of doctors, and the rest of us are credentialed in at least two or three areas, so it’s never
boring. We never know when we’ll be asked to pitch in on a special project in addition to our
routine duties so that helps spice things up a bit also.
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Mitchell Walker
It sounds like multitasking is the name of the game for you! I know that during a project rollout, it sometimes feels like there are more meetings than hours in the day. Do you think the
amount of meetings your organization has are warranted?
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Johanna Strother
Yes, and there’s the rub. Right now we’ve been in development mode – things are very fluid and
we have so much infrastructure to get built…all of it seems important, with demands from many
sides for data, input, preference, or decisions. Once we get the showboat moved into Production,
it should ease into normal operations and maintenance — a much easier time with few meetings, I
trust! Thanks for asking.
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Emily Mahoney
Seeing as you are currently in development mode, it makes sense that you currently have a
number of meetings. Hopefully the number of meetings will decrease as everyone starts to
understand the process and you can work out any obstacles along the way. Do you feel as though
the content from any of the meetings you are attending could be shared via email? Do you have
any sort of time frame for when your organization will be in Production mode?
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Matthew Hanafin
Hi Joanna,
It sounds like you have quite the number of meetings to get through each week.
You mentioned that sometimes during meetings you can get other work done. Is this work
related to the meeting, or is it work that is more of a priority?
I ask because I almost always bring my laptop into my meetings. If they are not as productive as
the work I could be doing at my desk, I pull it up and start multitasking. I know I am not giving
my undivided attention to the meeting at hand, but sometimes I feel as though there was no
reason for any of us to be in the room to begin with, so I’d rather do something more productive.
2-Sara Plechsmid
The typical meeting at my organization truly depends on the host of the meeting. This is because
there are different standards and expectations from each department, and their leadership.
In my department, we attempt to have a formal meeting; however, more often than not, we
deviate from the agenda. This deviation causes the meeting to run over, lose scope, and/or lose
efficiency. The department does conduct meetings that are very meaningful, but that is not the
Part of the reason is that the department is very close; interpersonal relationships sometimes
conflict with professionalism. Having said that, the previously mentioned issues happen because
leadership does not enforce keeping to the agenda, attendees are not prepared before the meeting,
attendees work on other tasks in the meeting, or attendees do not complete previous action items.
One example of my contribution to these issues is that I normally bring my computer, phone to
meetings. If I were to only bring note-taking materials, I would be setting a better example to
others that other work is not acceptable. The only issues there is if confirming data is needed, I
would need to follow up after the meeting. Perhaps a better way to set that example is to bring
my computer but leave it closed unless needed.
A positive contribution I provide is setting agendas, holding timely meetings, and providing
meeting minutes when I am the meeting host. Over the past year at my organization, I have been
seeing an increase in this practice.
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Johanna Strother
Good post, Sara. I notice those same kinds of behaviors even at church – we have some younger
people in our choir who think nothing of talking to each other when something else is going on,
and one gal who can’t stay off her phone to save her life – texting and surfing, not talking – even
during the sermons. I find those behaviors annoying, whether in person socially or at work — at
least at work when I am multi-tasking, no one can see me do that. And as long as I pay attention,
I don’t miss out.
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Sara Plechsmid
I agree. Use the time for its intended purpose!!
In a general sense, personal actions don’t interfere with work, but I think phones should just stay
down unless information needs to be gathered.
Thanks for your comments!
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Mitchell Walker
It sounds like we have some of the same issues within our organizations. Has your group had a
discussion about practices, or has your example just led the way for change? We’re lucky in that
we don’t have many people bring their laptops in unless it’s needed for a specific topic. Is that
the norm for your organization?
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Sara Plechsmid
Its a combination of both, us setting that standard and new people join the organization that
continues the practice. Our group has spoken many times about how to make meetings more
productive, but holding to those rules can be hard.
As for the computer in meetings, yes it is the norm. Some people are starting the “no open
laptop” rule unless needed. However, I think the bigger issue is people who use meetings as
working time.
Thanks, Sara
3-Angie Heer
Typical meetings in my organization are recurring meetings such as one on ones with
employees/supervisors, weekly team meetings, bi-monthly committee meetings and monthly
organization wide meetings. The majority are held for information sharing and input. In general,
the larger number of people in the meeting, the more disorganized it is. Agendas are typically
made ahead of time, but for larger meetings are not always shared with all participants, rather,
just with those presenting agenda items. The purpose for agenda topics are not always clear. For
instance, as the book touched upon, is the purpose of a particular agenda topic for information
sharing, is a decision needed, is input needed or just brainstorming is desired? One of the
problems I see are inconclusive outcomes from meetings, which leads to another meeting time to
clarify/decide the outcome.
One of the committees I’m on that meets regularly has tried to improve upon this by writing the
purpose of the agenda item next to it, such as “decision required” or “discussion for input”. We
try to recognize when discussion items don’t need to be solved in the meeting, rather, ask “who
should be assigned to research this and come back with a recommendation?” We have also tried
listing time limits for topics, though the leader may not stick to it, which creates frustration. I
was in a meeting two weeks ago where the leader asked at the end of a two-hour meeting (the
time limit) if anyone had any final thoughts. No one spoke up. The meeting leader then decided
to ask each person around the table if they have final thoughts and the meeting lasted another
hour, with each person restating their opinions that were shared earlier in the meeting. It took all
I had to not walk out of the room.
I try to keep my regular team meetings to less than one hour, and try to cancel them if there is
little on the agenda that is time sensitive. We have a meeting agenda template that is followed
and includes a “Kudos” time at the beginning of each meeting for team members to recognize
other team members for their work. I’ve made the agenda an open agenda for any team member
to put on items for which they need input from the team, rather than me dictating the agenda. I
believe this has helped keep our meetings succinct, as team members all feel ownership of the
agenda and realize when an item for discussion is for the entire team or really just something
they need from one or two members that should be handled at another time.
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Mitchell Walker
It sounds like you’ve had great success with the meetings you lead. I have also
implemented many of the solutions you and others have recommended within the meetings
I lead. I still struggle to identify a way to encourage meetings led by others to implement
some meeting best-practices. I would love to hear your thoughts on how to translate
individual success to meetings led by others within an organization.
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Angie Heer
Mitchell, this is a struggle for me too. One strategy I have tried is encouraging a meeting
leader to consider alternating meeting facilitators among the team or assigning a time keeper
to keep the facilitator on task. I’ve seen the alternating facilitators work, because once you
have a good facilitator that adds the time limits to the agenda and ends the meeting early, it
serves as a model for the next facilitator.
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Emily Mahoney
I would love to attend a meeting ran by you! I appreciate that you do not hold a meeting just
for the sake of having one, that you implement kudos and that you allow other team
members to bring ideas to the table. We have started to use kudos in our all staff meetings
and in our team meetings we take turns facilitating a 5-7 minute professional development
moment. These can include news articles, TED talk videos, etc.
Your larger staff meetings sound very similar to what I have experienced. Have you shared
the ideas you came up with on your committee (writing the purpose next to the agenda item,
time limit, etc.) with other leaders in the organization? I can’t believe the meeting leader
allowed the meeting to go on an extra hour by asking for input around the table! If that
happened while I was working remotely, I probably would have had a “computer
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Angie Heer
Thanks, Emily. If only I could have had a computer malfunction.I wished I had a donor visit
to leave early for that afternoon, but my boss was in the meeting and knew I didn’t!
I like that you take turns facilitating a professional development moment. I need to try to
incorporate that with my team.
4- Angela V
In many cases, meetings within our team are based on business critical needs or
sharing of important information that only can be beneficial face to face. Over the last two
years, typical meetings have been overhauled to focus less on having meetings, just to have
meetings. When I first joined the organization, meetings were considered often a waste of
time, as that was the main way people communicated. These meetings brought together a
large group of people with limited discussions and lack of facilitated exchanges of
After having attended a few meetings that were structured in this manner, I began
declining meetings and only accepting meetings that had agendas, with written objectives for
the meeting. In many cases, I could gather the essential information about the meeting from
other attendees or the minutes about the meeting that were shared via email the next day.
This only reinforced to myself that attending this meeting was not vital to gathering business
critical information and I could spend my time completing client related tasks.
Now most of our meetings are less about telling of information but more about group
solutions. Usually two days before the meeting, I will send out an meeting reminder, asking
what are the key items we are discussing and asking if a meeting is needed to facilitate this
discussion. Meetings are useful methods for team engagement, yet we over use them in most
of industries as the outcome is less about the team or the client and more about hearing each
other speak.
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Johanna Strother
I like the daily stand-up scrum style meetings where you have a lightening round of
yesterday, today, obstacles, and goals…keeps the talkers from getting carried away and the
focus on the work to be done. By limiting speaking time, the BS falls away for the most
part. I still live for those days when I have only one or two meetings early in the day, with
the rest wide open for me to handle production. Good idea about declining those meetings
you can. Saves your sanity.
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Emily Mahoney
It sounds as though our organization’s meeting shift is very similar. When I started at my
organization we had a lot of repetitive, meaningless meetings, and now I feel as though most
of the meetings I attend are valuable. And I couldn’t agree with you more; most times it
seems as though meetings are an opportunity for people to hear themselves speak rather than
to take advantage of all being in a room together to think strategically about a new idea or
concept. I think meetings are sometimes viewed as a bonding opportunity of sorts — getting
everyone together in a room. Rather than relying on meetings as an opportunity for social
interaction with colleagues, we lessened the number of meetings and formed a social
committee to focus on camaraderie building opportunities that are a lot more enjoyable than
sitting in a room for two hours.
Topic: Module 6 Discussion: Meetings in your Organization
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This is a graded discussion: 50 points possible
Module 6 Discussion: Mee ngs in your Organiza on
due Nov 26
Share your experience of “typical meetings” in your organization. Discuss what makes these
meetings worthwhile/waste of time. How are you contributing to these outcomes?
Your initial post is due by 11:59 pm on Thursday and your responses to two classmates’ posts are due
by 11:59 pm on Sunday.
Rubric: Discussion Forum Rubric
Johanna Strother
(h ps://
Since our team is virtual, meetings of all sizes everyday are held via Skype, WebEx or Microsoft’s
PSTN audio/web conferencing service (for very large participation). Most of them have agendas
and specific requirements for participation some are standing status meetings and round table
reviews. Smaller groups focus on resolving specific problems. So we have Core meetings, which
are at the Program …
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