Expert answer:Task: finish essay with third example studied by Plutarch.There is file “Essay Plutarch” in addition.Essay 1 TOPIC:Of the many examples studied by Plutarch, which two did you find most helpful in understanding the challenges and tasks of leadership faced by leaders and the role character plays in it? Justify your choice with at least three arguments, using the material assigned for this class.This essay had already done but task was changed….so we have to add one more example.Title page:The title page should meet the criteria set up in the “IRES Essay Writing Standards” 2.1, p. 3 as well as in Appendix A. on p. 7 Please note that you need to develop your own title that illustrates your hypothesis just like a title of a real scholarly article. An essay topic (see above) is not a proper title, it is a merely a research question you start with.Structure of the essay:The essay should be not longer than 3500-4000 words.The structure of the essay should meet the criteria set up in the “IRES Essay Writing Standards” (Appendix B).Failure to include paragraphs will lower your grade.Papers with no references will be rejected. Fore referencing see 2.4, p. 4 of the “IRES Essay Writing Standards.”No plagiarism!And one more sagnificant thing is this essay should be written by harvard reference style !
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A Guide for Students and Lecturers
(Updated October 2014)
1. Introduction
2. Essay Format
2.1. Title Page
2.2. Font, Spacing, Margins, and Page Numbers
2.3. Essay Length
2.4. Referencing System
3. Essay Submission and Grading
3.1. Submission
3.2. Grading
Appendix A – Sample Title Page
Appendix B – Page Format
Essay writing assignments are an important element of course assessment. They not only allow
lecturers and professors to check if students have understood the material in a given course, but
they also allow them to assess the students’ critical thinking and analytical skills. More
importantly, essays are a good way for students to learn about a given subject, and a good
means for them to test their own investigative and diagnostic abilities.
There is no one way that an essay should be structured, and no one way that an argument
should be presented. Essays, like novels, can be as long and convoluted as a Dostoyevsky epic,
or as short and straightforward as a Hemingway novella, and still retain the same literary or
academic value. Nevertheless, in order to train strong writers and successful researchers,
Lazarski University has developed this “Essay Writing Standard” to be used by all students in all
courses in its English-language programs.
The Standard is not intended to constrain the creativity of students, but rather to enforce basic
habits such as proper citation, quotation, and paraphrasing, which are essential for good
academic writing. Like in any trade, whether it be painting, carpentry, or architecture, once
students master the basic rules and tools required to be good academics, they will be free to
experiment and demonstrate their full creative abilities. But before they can do this, they must
learn the fundamentals.
As stated earlier, there is no set style for writing an essay. However, in order to ease the grading
process, as well as to help students focus on the content of their essay without worrying about its
format, Lazarski University has adopted uniform rules concerning title pages, font and line
spacing, page numbers, bibliography, and citation, which are to be used by all students for all
essay-writing assignments.
2.1 Title Page
All essays should have a precise title. For long essays, the title is to be typed in capital letters on
the first page. Below this comes the student’s name, their student number, the course for which
the essay is submitted, the name of the course coordinator, and the date of submission. There
should be no page number on the title page. An example of a proper title page is given in
Appendix A.
For shorter essays (below 2500 words), students may forgo the title page and simply write the
title above the text of their essay, along with their name, student number, and date of submission.
However, it is up to the course coordinator to designate whether or not a proper title page is
2.2 Font, Spacing, Margins, and Page Numbers
The essay text should be double spaced, and the font ought to be in Times New Roman, size 12.
A larger size and different font style may be used for headings or section titles at the student’s
The margins of the essay should be 2.5 cm all around and all pages in the essay must have page
numbers, except for the title page. Page numbers must be written at the bottom of each page and
should be centred. The text of the essay should also be ‘justified’, and the first line of each new
paragraph must begin with an indentation. However, the first line at the beginning of a new
section and below a section heading should not be indented, see Appendix B.
2.3 Essay Length
The length of the essay assignment is dependent on the amount of coursework in a given course,
as well as the year in which the course is taught. The length is also determined by the course
coordinator and shall be given in terms of word-count (e.g. 3000 words).
Given that the Essay Standard requires that all papers be double-spaced, with 2.5 cm margins all
around, one page should fit approximately 350 words. Bibliographies are not counted in the
word/page count.
2.4 Referencing System
Referencing is a standardized way of acknowledging the sources of information and ideas that
are used while writing the essay. In that regard, students should do their best to cite all of their
sources properly and avoid plagiarism. Proper referencing also helps readers to verify quotations,
allows readers to follow up on what the authors have written, and lets them locate the cited works
There are many different citation styles, such as the American Psychological Association (APA)
style, or the Chicago Manual of Style. For essays written at Lazarski University however, the
preferred referencing system is the ‘Harvard Style’. Harvard style is often referred to as an
“author-date”, or “parenthetical” system. It is widely accepted in academic publications, although
there are several variations in the way that it is used.
The Harvard style uses parentheses instead of footnotes as a way to cite sources. In their
essays, students may also use footnotes but only as a way to clarify or expand on a given point
and NOT as a way to reference. For good examples of how to use and apply the Harvard style,
check the following links:
Students may also refer to the BA Thesis Manual, as well as the MA/MSc Dissertation Manual,
for more details. Moreover, they may refer to the Coventry University Harvard Reference Style
Quick Guide. The Quick Guide and the Manuals are available on the student resource page
(zasoby) under the codes “course1-Econ”, “course1-IR”, “course2-Econ” and “course2-IR”.
3.1 Submission
All essays are to be submitted before or on the day specified by the course coordinator. Late
submissions may result in penalties and lower grades. Each student MUST submit a paper copy
of their essay AND an electronic copy either on disc or via email. The electronic copy will be used
by the course coordinator to verify that the work has not been plagiarized by using the antiplagiarism programs Turn-it-in-UK, as well as
3.2 Grading
Essay grades will be given in percents ranging from 0 to 100, although students should not
expect to be given perfect scores because, after all, it is impossible to define what exactly
constitutes a “perfect” essay. To receive an “A” on their essays, students should aim to achieve
70 percent or above. Scores below 40 percent constitute a failing grade.
The table below details the different grade scales in terms of percents, British-letter grades, and
Polish grades.
British letter scale
Polish scale
* a grade of A+ or in Polish “celujący”, is to be given only for truly exceptional work
The following table specifies the characteristics of excellent, mediocre, and poor essays.
BA level
Mark range
90 – 100%
Class I
80 – 89%
70 – 79%
In addition to that for 70 – 79% below, an outstanding answer that could hardly be
bettered. High degree of understanding, critical/analytic skills and original research,
where specified. Outstanding in all respects.
In addition to that for 70 – 79% below, the answer will demonstrate an excellent level
of understanding, presence of clear description, critical/analytical skills or research, as
Answer entirely relevant to the assignment set. Answer will demonstrate clear
understanding of theories, concepts, issues and methodology, as appropriate. There
will be evidence of wide-ranging reading and/or research, as appropriate, beyond the
minimum recommended. Answers will be written/presented in a clear, well-structured
way with clarity of expression. At level 3, evidence of independent, critical thought
would normally be expected.
65 – 69%
Class II : I
60 – 64%
55 – 59%
Class II : II
50 – 54%
Marginal fail
35 – 39%
Answer demonstrating a very good understanding of the requirements of the
assignment. Answer will demonstrate very good understanding of theories, concepts,
issues and methodology, as appropriate. Answer will be mostly accurate/appropriate,
with few errors. Little, if any, irrelevant material may be present. Reading beyond
the recommended minimum will be present where appropriate. Well organised and
clearly written/presented.
A good understanding, with few errors. Some irrelevant material may be present.
Well organised and clearly written/presented. Some reading/research beyond
recommended in evidence.
Answer demonstrating a good understanding of relevant theories, concepts, issues
and methodology. Some reading/research beyond that recommended may be
present. Some errors may be present and inclusion of irrelevant material. May not be
particularly well-structured, and/or clearly presented.
Answer demonstrating a reasonable understanding of theories, concepts, issues and
methodology. Answer likely to show some errors of understanding. May be
significant amount of irrelevant material. May not be well-structured and
expression/presentation may be unclear at times.
Some relevant material will be present. Understanding will be poor with little evidence
of reading/research on the topic. Fundamental errors and misunderstanding likely to
be present. Poor structure and poor expression/presentation. Much material may not
be relevant to the assignment.
Inadequate answer with little relevant material and poor understanding of theories,
concepts, issues and methodology, as appropriate. Fundamental errors and
misunderstandings will be present. Material may be largely irrelevant. Poorly
structured and poorly expressed/presented.
30 – 34%
20 – 29%
0 – 19%
Clear failure to provide answer to the assignment. Little understanding and only a
vague knowledge of the area. Serious and fundamental errors and lack of
understanding. Virtually no evidence of relevant reading/research. Poorly structured
and inadequately expressed/presented.
Complete failure, virtually no understanding of requirements of the assignment.
Material may be entirely irrelevant. Answer may be extremely short, and in note form
only. Answer may be fundamentally wrong, or trivial. Not a serious attempt.
MA/MSc level
UK %
70% and
Very high standard of critical analysis using appropriate conceptual frameworks.
Excellent understanding and exposition of relevant issues.
Clearly structured and logically developed arguments.
Good awareness of nuances and complexities.
Substantial evidence of well-executed independent research.
Excellent evaluation and synthesis of source material.
Relevant data and examples, all properly referenced.
70% and above
High standard of critical analysis using appropriate conceptual frameworks.
Clear awareness and exposition of relevant issues.
Clearly structured and logically developed arguments.
Awareness of nuances and complexities.
Evidence of independent research.
Good evaluation and synthesis of source material.
Relevant data and examples, all properly referenced.
Uses appropriate conceptual frameworks.
Attempts analysis but includes some errors and/or omissions.
Shows awareness of issues but no more than to be expected from attendance at classes.
Arguments reasonably clear but underdeveloped.
Insufficient evidence of independent research.
Insufficient evaluation of source material.
Some good use of relevant data and examples, but incompletely referenced.
Adequate understanding of appropriate conceptual frameworks.
Answer too descriptive and/or any attempt at analysis is superficial, containing errors
and/or omissions.
Shows limited awareness of issues but also some confusion.
Arguments not particularly clear.
Limited evidence of independent research and reliance on a superficial repeat of class
Relatively superficial use of relevant data, sources and examples and poorly referenced.
Pass Mark = 40%
29% and
Weak understanding of appropriate conceptual frameworks.
Weak analysis and several errors and omissions.
Establishes a few relevant points but superficial and confused exposition of issues.
No evidence of independent research and reliance on a superficial repeat of class notes.
Relatively superficial use of relevant data, sources and examples and poorly referenced.
Very weak or no understanding of appropriate conceptual frameworks.
Very weak or no grasp of analysis and may errors and omissions.
Very little or no understanding of the issues raised by the question.
No appropriate references to data, sources, examples or even class notes.
The Role of Intellectuals in Contemporary
By: John F. Awesome
Student Number: 100 500
Advanced Political Theory
Course Coordinator:
Prof. Knows-A-Lot
Date of Submission:
February 31, 2052
Leadership from the Ancients to the Moderns 1st Essay Requirements, Fall 2017
Course coordinator: Michal Kuz, Ph.D.
Student’s essay’s constitute 50% of the final grade.
The essay have to be submitted both in paper and in the electronic form. To submit them in
paper please leave in the Dean’s Office on the 3rd floor in my document box.
To complete the submission process by midnight on December 14 please go to:
Click create account, go through the steps of creating an account and log in (unless you
already have an account).
Then in menu that appears after you log in click: “Join Account”
Class ID: 14043355
Enrollment Password: Washington
Please submit you papers by selecting ”Essay 1 2017 F” then “More actions” and then
“Submit”. Fill in the data and upload your paper.
Should you have any problems with the submission please contact Mr Joshua Walcott
The essay
Please be informed that the IRES ESSAY WRITING STADARDS have been uploaded in a separate
file on your “zasoby” and attached to this information which will also be available on “zasoby”.
Code: Washington
Essay 1 TOPIC:
Of the many examples studied by Plutarch, which did you find most
helpful in understanding the challenges and tasks of leadership faced
by leaders and the role character plays in it? Justify your choice using
the material assigned for this class. Focus on three characters.
Title page:
The title page should meet the criteria set up in the “IRES Essay Writing Standards” 2.1, p. 3
as well as in Appendix A. on p. 7 Please note that you need to develop your own title that
illustrates your hypothesis just like a title of a real scholarly article. An essay topic (see
above) is not a proper title, it is a merely a research question you start with.
Structure of the essay:
The essay should be 3500-4000 words.
The structure of the essay should meet the criteria set up in the “IRES Essay Writing Standards”
(Appendix B).
Failure to include paragraphs will lower your grade.
Papers with no references will be rejected. Fore referencing see 2.4, p. 4 of the “IRES Essay
Writing Standards.”
Plutarch is the old Greek student of history and instructor. He comprehended that people
are extraordinarily social animals, who continually watch the general population around them
and emulate them. Sadly, individuals frequently grow up encompassed by terrible examples
(Russell 2014, p88). Be that as it may, we can direct individuals, by furnishing them with better
examples to mirror. That is the thing that Plutarch attempted to do with his renowned work. In
authoritative terms, that implies what you say to your representatives is less imperative than what
you do.
They will observe how you carry on, treat others, adapt to pressure and whether you fulfil
on your guarantees. What’s more, they will impersonate you. In the event that you discuss morals
and after that cut corners at the principal opportunity, they will take after your lead. Set a decent
case and they will follow suit (Arrian & Hammond). Plutarch would likewise caution that your
best youthful representatives will utilize you as a bar to go for and surpass. That is common.
Give them a chance to contend with you and urge them to go further.
Plutarch underscored and gave a depiction of the political, individual and military
accomplishments for each driving political figure, incorporating his consideration in transit those
characters roused and utilized initiative systems to control and impact their adherents. Plato and
Plutarch were both endeavoring to give a meaning of good and bad, plunging into a moralistic
perspective regarding this matter and applying their perceptual definitions on various pioneers
and political pioneers at an antiquated period to break down their style of administration and sort
them as terrible or great (Bankston 2014, p. 23).
Curiously, the different profiles are infamous for their blend of actuality and fiction,
history and myth, verity and chatter. Plutarch was an admirer of custom, and his prime concern
was to both memorialize past glories and to reassert them as living beliefs (Rice 2011 p.55).
Along these lines, regardless of whether an occasion really happened was of little result to him,
what made a difference was the means by which the lessons from those occasions had gone into
the social awareness.
In every one of his endeavors, however academic, it is the moral issues that stay
fundamental. Plutarch was subsequently going about as an ethical defender. He needed Greeks
and Romans alike to perceive the gigantic heritage which they had acquired from the colossal
men of the past and the considerable city-conditions of the past (Plutarch 2016, p62). His point is
hence plainly instructive. There is a good to his story. What’s more, that reveals to us more than
practically whatever else we think about him.
Authority is a gathering of ideas, capabilities, and standards which has advanced after
some time portraying what a pioneer must be, know and do to achieve an undertaking or mission
(Russell 2014, p19). The effective pioneer is one who chooses the correct standards for the
correct mission at the opportune time to finish the destinations and deal with the troops. On the
off chance that warriors are focused on a reason and see duty and ability in their pioneers, if
officers see confirm that their pioneers truly look after their welfare, they will finish their
missions if humanly conceivable and deal with each other and their pioneers all the while.
Honing self-administration skills gives a proving ground to learning and creating
authority capabilities (Rice 2011, p112). Watching compelling pioneers is a fantastic approach to
create authority abilities. Following or “shadowing” regarded pioneers after some time enables
one to witness firsthand how pioneers apply their abilities in different circumstances. Permitting
time for afterward reflection and talk is essential. Apprenticeship or regulatory assistantship is as
yet another approach to create initiative skills.
Lives is an asset however which understudies can go into a beneficial exchange about
critical verifiable illustrations, uncovering facts about initiative that assistance understudies to
ponder indispensable inquiries (Bury 2015 p.94). Discourse has since quite a while ago filled in
as a vital instrument in instruction. Longstanding and methodical models hold that training can’t
happen without strong discourse. Ven …
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