Expert answer:Assignment InstructionsFor this assignment, I want to bring out your creative side. Instead of writing a paper, you will create a PowerPoint or a Prezi based on the topic you choose. You will become a Modern Day Revolutionary. You would have already chosen a Modern Day Country by accessing the CIA World FACTBOOK. Your country needed to be approved by the instructor in the CoffeHouse forum. One country per person. If you choose a country that is the same as your peer or decide to change your country, there will be deductions, 10 – 15 points.Now the link for the CIA World Factbook is located on the tool bar to the left of the classroom. Please read the directions carefully. DIRECTIONS FOR THE ASSIGNMENT

The Declaration of Independence is one of the most powerful documents that came from the colonists in America against their mother country, England; or I should say against the Monarchy, King George. Staying true to ideology that came out of the Enlightenment period, Thomas Jefferson created this list of grievances against England and basically said American Colonists had enough. With this document, the colonists declared their independence. Please make sure you read through the Declaration of Independence. While it is one of our most revered documents, it should be a guide to your assignment. A link is also provided.Declaration of IndependenceIn this assignment you are a modern day revolutionary. For the country you choose, you will research what is going on and decide on reasons for a new government. Basically, you want independence from the government that is already in power. Read as many articles as you can, these articles will give you insight on what is going on in the country you chose. Make sure you get articles from reliable sources. This is the reason why you need more than just one source. Most of these articles will be newspapers articles but you will need to do a bit more research on the country itself.All information has to be factual. The assignment will be done in a PowerPoint presentation or a Prezi. You will have to have visuals. Below are guidelines for the Prezi and for the PowerPoint presentation, they are mainly the same thing but they are different formats. There is a PowerPoint example for you to view as well as the Prezi link both can be found in the CoffeHouse Forum labeled topics.You can make it interesting by adding some voice or music, the choice is yours. MAIN (General) REQUIREMENTS for both Prezi an PowerPoint.The minimum number of sources and citations for your short paper is three sources. Any material that is not common knowledge has to be cited or any information that is taken directly from the site has to be cited and in quotations marks.

There is a word count for the entire presentation is 600-900 words. Anything less will not justify your research. You need visuals in your presentation – a third of your presentation is to have visuals. – Do not use background visuals, it’s hard to read the text and will not count as visuals.

The PowerPoint and Prezi must include a cover slide with your name, course number and title (HIST112 – World Civilization Since 1650) instructor’s name, and date.The rest of the directions for the Powerpoint first and Prezi next are below.Before I get into those directions —- Remember, the Declaration of Independence is a list of grievances against the King. You will be creating a list of grievances against the government/leader of the country you choose.Directions for PowerPoint Presentation.MODERN DAY REVOLUTIONARIES
In this assignment you will be recreating, rewriting the Declaration of Independence in Modern Terms picking a Modern Country.Slide 1 is the title of your Declaration, the class name, your name, my name and the date.Slide 2 is an introduction of your Declaration explaining to me which country you choose and why.Slide 3 you are to create your opening passages. This is equivalent to the first paragraph in the Declaration. The only passage you are allowed to use from the Declaration of Independence word for word is “When in course of human events”, the rest is in your own words.Slides 4, 5 and 6 (or more) – You are then to come up with minimum of 9 grievances. There needs to be three (3) grievances on each slide making. These grievances need to be in bullet form.Right underneath the slide is the “Speaker Notes”. You will explain your grievances here. You need to make sure you give me the “why’ you went with that particular grievance. Keep in mind, when you are talking about modern day governments, you NEED to take into account the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches. We are talking about Present Day not yesteryear.

EXAMPLE OF A GRIEVANCE:Slide information:Obamacare – fines

In your notes section you will have:Congress has passed a national health care legislation call the Affordable Health Care Act. The insurance is to cover anyone who does not have insurance. It has unintended effects where the uninsured has to pay a fine if they did not sign up for coverage. You will pay the “higher of the two amounts: either 2% of your yearly household income or 325 per person, 162.5 for each child.” (
Slide 7 is your closing paragraph.Again, you will use these words from the Declaration of Independence for your closing, “We, therefore, the Representatives of these” (put in the country you are representing here) and the closing reason for the your Declaration, closely resembling the Declaration of Independence. Slide 8 is your Bibliography Slide – Remember you need three reliable sources.For example:References/Bibliography/Work Cited“The fee you pay if you don’t have health coverage.” (2015). retrieved from… I found that in source citations in your notes section is the best on the PP and the Prezi.For this assignment, History majors use insource citations in your PowerPoint or Prezi. Using footnotes is cumbersome.PREZI — Directions for PreziYou will follow the same guidelines as the PP. The only difference for the Prezi is that you will put all your information in the shapes you use in your presentation. Shape/Bubble 1 is the title of your Declaration, the class name, your name, my name and the date.Shape 2 is an introduction of your Declaration explaining to me which country you choose and why.Shape 3 you are to create your opening passages. This is equivalent to the first paragraph in the Declaration. The only passage you are allowed to use from the Declaration of Independence word for word is “When in course of human events”, the rest is in your own words.Shapes 4, 5 and 6 (or more) – You are then to come up with minimum of 9 grievances. You do not have a note section for Prezi. All your information will be located in each shape. Shape 7 is your closing paragraph.Again, you will use these words from the Declaration of Independence for your closing, “We, therefore, the Representatives of these” (put in the country you are representing here) and the closing reason for the your Declaration, closely resembling the Declaration of Independence. Shape 8 is your Bibliography Slide. Remember you need three reliable sources.


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Syria’s Declaration of
HIST 112– World History
from 1650
R h o d e s – S w a rtz , L in d a
Augus t 12, 2012
As a ancient country, we, the people of Syria,
can trace our heritage throughout the
development of the Middle East. We are a
great people, a modern people, with our
location providing a microcosm of the various
Middle Eastern ethnicities and religions.
Given our prominence in both history and the
international news as of late, we are
disgraced by the horrid actions of our leader
Bashar Al-Assad in response to our peaceful
Declaration of Freedom
“When in the course of human events”[a] it
becomes necessary to address certain
injustices by an unresponsive ruler, we, the
people, are forced to them responsible for
their actions by actively seeking to dissolve
our common ties. Therefore, because of the
grievances listed below, we are compelled to
give birth to a new form of government, one
more responsive to the God-given natural
rights of its people…
1. Lack of freedom of assembly and
2. Freedom from government harassment
3. Freedom from fear of one’s life
Grievances (continued)
4. Lack of authentic representation
5. Lack of economic opportunity
6. Lack of governmental transparency and integrity
Grievances (continued)

7. Lack of rights for religious and
ethnic minorities
8. Lack of an independent press

9. Lack of freedom to hope
Declaration of Freedom
“We, therefore, the representatives”[b] of the
Republic of Syria thereby set forth that our
ties shall be dissolved to the Al-Assad
government and the governed are released
from all allegiances henceforth. As an
independent people, we shall be once more
be free to conduct the people’s business as
we see fit, procuring for the Republic of Syria
all the rights and responsibilities of a free
–Yousef al-Taylor
1. “Unrest Continues in Syria”, Voice of America, accessed on August 12, 2012, retrieved
2. “Robin Wright Hopeful About the Middle East”, Occidental College Press Release, accessed
on August 12, 2012, retrieved from
3. Choksy, Carol and Jamsheed K. Choksy, “Opposition in Syria: A Stragic Analysis”, Small
Wars Journal, accessed on August 12, 2012, retrieved from
4. United Nations, “Syria: UN advisers warn that crimes against humanity may have been
committed”, UN News Centre, accessed on August 12, 2012, retrieved from
5. Mroue, Bassem and Dale Gavlak, “Syrian Refugee Camps Swell as Frustrations Rise” US
News and World Report, accessed on August 12, 2012, retrieved from
Bibliography (continued)
6. Manfreda, Primoz, “Syrian Uprising”,, accessed on August 12, 2012, retrieved
7. “Kurds take control in Syria’s northeast”, Al Jazerra, accessed on August 12, 2012, retrieved
8. “Syria steps up attacks on rebel-held areas”, Al Jazerra, accessed on August 12, 2012,
retrieved from
9. Watson, Ivan and Raja Razek, “Syria’s uprising: From rocks to RPGs”, CNN, accessed on
August 12, 2012, retrieved from
Basic Grading Criteria
for General Education
and (Lower Level)
Written Assignments in
(D+ or below)
Format and
submission is correctly
formatted according to
syllabus and
assignment instructions
on length and word
Introduction and
Thesis Statement:
Topic selection and
thesis offer clear
argument and analysis
appropriate for an
academic paper
Organization and Body
of Essay:
Organization of the
paper (introductory,
supporting, concluding
paragraphs) designed to
present factual material
logically and clearly to
the reader. Speaker
notes are used. Not too
much text on slide.
Visuals were used
effectively. Used the
references to the
Declaration as required.
Historical Analysis:
(C- to C+)
(B- to B+)
(A- to A)
PP formatted with 3 or
more errors; title slide
missing is two or more
required elements; PP
saved using incorrect
filename. Length
(number of slides) and
word count not met
(7.0 – 7.9 points)
Topic is considerably too
large /narrow for PP
length and/ or marginally
related to the course;
thesis or argument is not
clear; some logical and
historical errors; paper
organized more toward
chronology than analysis
and argument.
PP and title slide
formatted correctly with
fewer than 3 errors;
saved and submitted
with correct filename.
Length (number of
slides) and word count
(8.0 – 8.9 points)
Topic is appropriate but
too large /narrow for PP
length; thesis is clear and
argument is supported by
facts in most paragraphs;
historical context and
causality are logically
presented in the analysis.
PP and title slide are
correctly formatted with
no errors; saved and
submitted with correct
filename. Length
(number of slides) and
word count met.
(16 – 17.9 points)
The organization of the
PP generally supports
the purpose of the
presentation; ideas are
usually logically
sequenced so that the
reader can follow the
line of reasoning and use
of factual material.
Limited use of visuals.
Speaker notes were used
sporadically. References
required from
Declaration were used.
(20.0 – 22.4 points)
(18 – 20 points)
The organization of the
PP logically supports the
assignment; ideas are
logically sequenced from
one slide to another; the
reader can easily follow
the line of reasoning.
Speaker notes were used.
Visuals were used
throughout the
presentation. References
required from
Declaration were used.
(0 – 17.4 points)
(14 – 15.9 points)
The PP appears to be
logically organized, but
ideas fail to make sense
there is inadequate
coverage; poor
organization and major
omissions of factual
material. Too much text
on slide with little use of
speaker notes. Limited
use of visuals.
References required
from Declaration not
(17.5 – 19.9 points)
No sources are used for
research related to thesis;
One source is used
demonstrating research
Two or more sources
used demonstrating
Two or more sources
used demonstrating in-
PowerPoint (PP) formatted
with numerous errors and
guidelines not followed; no
title slide; PP saved with
incorrect file name. Length
(number of slides) and
word count not met.
(0 – 6.9 points)
Topic is considerably too
large /narrow for
PowerPoint (PP) length
and/or marginally related
to the course; no
discernible thesis or
argument; many logical
and factual errors;
significant problems with
understanding of historical
(0 – 13.9 points)
The PowerPoint (PP) is not
logically organized in
bullets; ideas fail to make
sense and the reader cannot
identify a line of reasoning
and loses interest; little
evidence of coherent
organization and use of
factual material. Did not
use speaker notes.
Visuals were omitted.
References required from
Declaration not used.
(9 – 10 points)
Topic is appropriate for
PP length; thesis is
focused and argument is
fully supported by
carefully chosen and
weighed facts in each
paragraph; evidence of
comprehension of
historical context and
Indicate the points
and explanation of
how the grade was
100 pts. or
Comments are located
in your presentation.
(22.5 – 25 points)
Research demonstrates
evidence to support
thesis statement and
argument made and
recognition of
historical significance
Required amount of
sources met.
Writing Style and
Writing and grammar
demonstrates effective
use of language, and
punctuation and
Use of Citation and
Citations and
bibliography credit
sources correctly using
Chicago/ Turabian or
APA or MLA citation
only textbook and/or
encyclopedias used;
research is not evident in
the argument in
PowerPoint (PP); use of
information provides no
support for the argument
and displays little evidence
of analysis; author appears
to have gained little or no
knowledge about the topic
and significance of events.
(0 – 17.4 points)
The writing has substantial
errors in grammar and
style so that the basic ideas
are lost; the writing lacks
clarity and sentence
structure is confusing;
errors in spelling are
frequent enough to be a
major distraction to the
(0 – 6.9 points)
Footnotes/endnotes are not
used and /or bibliography
is not included in
PowerPoint (PP).
Bibliography not in the
correct format.
(0 – 6.9 points)
related to thesis;
textbooks and/or
encyclopedias used;
research is not evident in
the argument in PP; use
of information provides
partial support for the
argument and displays
little evidence of
analysis; author appears
to have gained some
knowledge about the
topic and significance of
(17.5 – 19.9 points)
The writing has more
than three grammatical
and stylistic errors; paper
requires additional
proofreading, as some
errors impede the flow of
the reading; sentences
are not varied and
passive voice is used
often. More than three
spelling errors.
(7.0 – 7.9 points)
Footnotes/endnotes are
cited and bibliography
follows the correct rules
for citing sources with
more than three errors.
research related to thesis;
no textbooks or
encyclopedias used;
research is partly
incorporated into the
argument in PP; use of
information provides
reasonable support for
the argument and
displays evidence of
analysis; author gained
some knowledge about
the topic and
significance of events.
(20.0 – 22.4 points)
The writing has one to
three grammatical and
stylistic errors; sentence
structure is generally
effectively; sentences are
varied but awkward at
times or passive voice is
apparent. No more than
three spelling errors
depth research related to
thesis; no textbooks or
encyclopedias used;
research clearly
incorporated into the
argument in PP; use of
information clearly
supports the argument
and shows, in-depth
analysis of a significant
topic; author gained new
knowledge about the
topic and significance of
(22.5 – 25 points)
The writing is free of
grammatical and stylistic
errors; sentence structure
is used effectively;
sentences are varied and
precise; prose style is
appropriate to the
subject. Active voice is
apparent. No spelling
(8.0 – 8.9 points)
Footnotes/endnotes are
cited and bibliography
follows the correct rules
for citing sources with
one to three errors.
(9 – 10 points)
Footnotes/endnotes are
correctly cited and
bibliography follows the
correct rules for citing
(7.0 – 7.9 points)
(7.0 – 7.9 points)
(9 – 10 points)
Checklist for Basic Grading Criteria for General Education and (Lower Level) Written Assignments in History
Format and Submission

Is your paper formatted in the proper file format (MSWord .doc or docx or .rtf file)?
Does your paper include a separate cover page that includes assignment name, student name and student number, course name, professor name, date
and institution?
Is your paper formatted with one inch margins and using New Times Roman 11 or 12 point font?
Is your file submitted using last name first name course and assignment? Example: SmithWilliamHIST101ShortPaper).
Introduction and Thesis Statement

Did you restate question verbatim to be answered before beginning of main essay? You may cut and paste question before introduction.
Did your essay include an introduction and clear thesis statement at the end of the introduction?
Organization and Body of essay

Is your essay well-organized with topic sentences and supporting detail that reinforces your thesis?
Did your essay meet narrative word count requirements? Narrative word count is word count without citation and bibliography. Place word count
requirement here.
Historical Analysis

Did you construct your essay using quality academic sources (specifically book or peer-reviewed sources from our Online Library or other university,
governmental, museum, or research websites)? Place primary and secondary source requirements here.
Did you include relevant historical support, including historical examples that reinforce your thesis?
Did you include chronological context in your essay and include important dates or date spans?
Writing Style and Grammar

Is your essay composed using formal English (no use of slang) and using proper capitalization, grammar and spelling rules?
Is your essay presented in academic third person (does not use “I”)?
Did you refrain from using abbreviations and contractions in your analysis (use “do not” instead of “don’t”)?
Use of Citation and Bibliography

Did you consistently follow the citation and bibliographical requirements of one style manual (Chicago or Turabian, MLA, or APA)? If you are familiar with
a style, please use that style consistently throughout your essay. Do not switch between styles. History majors are strongly encouraged to use Chicago or
Turabian citation as this is a requirement in upper-level courses.
Did you cite your sources in the narrative of your essay using parenthetical citation or computer-generated footnote/endnote numbering? Remember
citation takes place immediately after each use of direct quote and after paraphrasing of information.
Did you include a separate bibliography with your essay?
Is the bibliography alphabetized and includes all relevant information depending on source type? Remember accessed date for online sources.

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