Expert answer:i have two letters assignment, it is easy just answer the questions on the rubric for the two letters and cite some evidence form the six artifact that i uploaded here. just 2 or 3 citations in each letter. i upload the three other artifact once you get started
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Throughout my years as student and professor, I have been most inspired by those teachers who
have had the courage to transgress those boundaries that would confine each pupil to a rote,
assembly-line approach to learning.
Your thoughts
How do you know?
Who do you think hooks is
writing to? Why?
I think that she was writing
to the teachers because she
encouraged the teachers that
they need to teach in
manners and risk
themselves to have the
student engaged in the
No, because she talked
about how the two teachers
helped her and how the
teachers should teach.
To teach in a manner that
respects and cares for the
souls of our students is
essential if we are to
provide the necessary
conditions where learning
can most deeply and
intimately begin.
Paulo Freire and the
Vietnamese Buddhist monk
Thich Nhat Hanh are two of
the “teachers” who have
touched me deeply with
their work
Why do you think hooks
wrote this piece? What is
her goal?
To remind the teachers that
they need change their way
of the teaching in order to
help the students engage
actively in the class.
it was Freire’s insistence
that education could be the
practice of freedom that
encouraged me to create
strategies for what he called
“conscientization” in the
How should teachers act,
according to hooks?
They should risk
themselves and say their
thoughts so that student get
the courage to participate
What do you think the
“banking system of
education” is? Have you
The banking system is that
teachers treat students as
containers that they fill the
Thich Nhat Hanh
emphasized that “~e
practice of a healer,
therapist, teacher or any
helping professional should
be directed toward his or
herself first, because if the
helper is unhappy, he or she
cannot help many people.
“banking system” of
education, that approach to
learning that isrooted in the
Do you think hooks is
writing to you as a student?
Why or why not?
ever experienced a class or
teacher that used the
“banking system”? Describe
that experience.
student with information
without really engage them
to them. I heve experienced
a lot of teachers that used
the banking system . Such
as, last spring, I took a class
with a math professor who
gets to the class and take his
marker and write on the
bored without looking at us
the whole semester. She
never engaged us in
notion that all students need
to do is consume
information fed to them by
a professor and be able to
memorize and store it
Blog Post Week 12
At the beginning of the semester, I thought literacy was just writing about myself or about a
specific events in my life. However, throughout the semester, I learned that literacy is not
just about writing about myself, literacy could be any form of writing. I learned that literacy
could be researching about a specific group or community and write about it. Literacy
always communicate something such as issues or descriptions. I already learned how to
write a narrative literacy based on experience and how to write about a faculty based on
outside sources. Meanwhile, I’m still learning about literacy and how it is defined. Hopefully,
at the end of the semester, I’ll be able to fully understand and define literacy.
The Heart of Campus
Campus Health is the student health resource department at the University of Arizona
that has been serving students for more than ninety years, and is one of the longest-serving
facilities on campus. This resource addresses and serves all unique needs of campus students and
staff. Campus Health is a crucial facility to the population of UA given that most of the students
have never been away from their parents, whom have always taken care of their health issues. As
such, we were interested in knowing how the resource bridges that gap in being available for
students whose health can no longer be supervised by their caretakers. Further, we chose this
resource because it is one of the longest serving units on campus and it can provide an overview
of services within the UA. The basic aim of the research was to find out how the staff at the
facility interact with students/patients, as well as the communication techniques they apply. As
such, the research questions handled issues such as relations among staff and how they handled
students. In addition, the interviewee’s experience at Campus Health was regarded of much
importance as it would provide insight on how employees feel and how they handle their student
patients. Also, the communication network of the facility was researched as a means of
determining how the facility communicates within that community and expanding to the student
body. As UA students, it was important to carry out this research because it highlighted how our
health issues were being handled and hence provided a brief overview of what to expect in case
one has a medical issue on campus.
Campus Health is a clean, shiny, very quiet facility located next to Highland Grill, also
right across the street from the Rec Center. With a fountain at the front of the main entry, the
atmosphere there is serene. The location is somewhat secluded from the main campus resources
such that only when interested in it can you find its location. It is also very close to the football
stadium so that in case of any emergency, it is easily accessible. Campus Health is a medical
center whereby students get all sorts of medical care. From the interview, it was evident that the
facility presents a very amicable place for serving students. The was clear that the staff handles
the student patients as if they were their own children. Also, the facility cares for anyone and
everyone because we found that there are fliers in practically every hall and all around campus.
They also offer follow-up services upon treatment which are conducted through emails, text, and
calls. As seen in our observation, there is quite an application of technology throughout the
community; such as, patients checking in on computers and having tablets to write on,
texts/phone calls to confirm appointments, or sending reminders to students via text. In addition,
after doing the genre analysis, we found that Campus Health uses forms that help the patients to
communicate easily with their doctors and nurses. These forms assist the students to describe
their pain in a few words and scale before they see the doctors. Furthermore, there are some
forms that have to be completed by the nurses. These kind of forms communicate an advance
description of the patients health problems. Nurses uses these advanced forms to help the doctors
easily understand the issue. After the appointment, doctors communicate through prescriptions
that can then be filled at the pharmacy located in the Campus Health building. This makes the
community much more relatable to students as well as offer easy access to all. The focus of the
staff in the facility is such that every student is handled depending on their problem hence taking
on the role of parental care that is no longer easily accessible to students on campus. Some
services include patient-doctor consultations, pharmacy, laboratory tests, and referral services to
Tucson Hospital. Also, Campus Health works with the Next Care and Urgent Care facilities in
case of emergencies. These services show that the facility offers all-rounded health services to
student patients and really cares for student health. That way, it is evident that among all
resources within the UA, Campus Health is one of the most crucial as it ensures that the
population on campus remains happy and healthy.
Campus Health really is the heart of the University of Arizona Campus and after much
research we are positive what the values and goals are of this resource; they truly wish to end
everyday with a happy and health student body. Campus Health not only wants to better their
patients health overall, but they also want to be the resource that every student feels comfortable
going to for anything. The one quote from Terry West that truly solidifies the meaning behind
Campus Health was “…we are the mom away from home” for the students of U of A. This really
makes one feel a sense of belonging in the community due to the fact that we are very young
adults and for a lot of students that live thousands of miles away from home, they don’t have
access to their parents or usual caregivers. Having a safe environment where people take care of
you, and take on the role of caretaker when your family cannot is very important to students
health and success. As a community, Campus Health gets these values across by having posters
and fliers to emphasize the importance of taking care of oneself mentally and physically. That’s
another great thing about Campus Health is that they do not only focus on the medical aspects of
student life but also the psychological side of college. Campus health has multiple different
branches for different aspects of student health; for example, counseling, physical therapy, and
nutrition, making it feel very well rounded and inviting for every need. As said by Glenn
Altschuler, “…campuses have seen a steady decline in unwanted pregnancies and sexually
transmitted diseases over the last three decades,” in direct correlation with the growth of health
centers and also helps student success rates.
Throughout this process we learned so much about this resource that none of us had
really known much about. We now can see what a valuable resource Campus Health is, not just
to ourselves, but to the rest of campus and how it makes for a much healthier and happier
campus. Dr. Thomas Bodenheimer in 2005 talked about different examples of why the U.S. has
the most expensive healthcare but for U of A students you don’t need health insurance to get help
which is incredible so every student can be helped. But with all this information there are still
gaps of knowledge. Due to the fact that there are many different branches of campus health, we
did not get to discuss all of them, so one of the major questions we have as a group is do all the
different branches get equal amounts of “advertisement”/ are they communicated to the rest of
campus as much as the broad Campus Health is? Without having been to and observed Campus
Health we probably never would have known that there was a pharmacy, or a place for learning
disabled people. It makes us wondering how many other unknown branches of Campus Health
there are. Also, we did interview Terry West who gave us quite a bit of information and enjoyed
telling us anything we were interested about as long as they were no specific about patients and
doctors. We were able to observe receptionists and patients interact, they were very kind and
patient, but we weren’t able to see a patient interact with a doctor due to confidentiality issues.
This is where more questions came to mind, such as, what is the patient-doctor interaction truly
like. None of us have been seen by a doctor at Campus Health and it would be interesting to
observe how doctors treat us young adults/students versus grown adults. I believe that there
could be faster communication from Campus Health to people who are not patients. We say this
because in the beginning it did take Terry West and a few others we emailed for an interview to
get back to us with a yes or no or even information. Also, I believe the community could better
engage with people if the perhaps set up booths when there are events for different organizations
just to be able to inform more people about Campus Healthier because none of us barely even
knew where to find Campus Health let alone know details and information about it. From what
we learned though it was very rewarding and within the upcoming years we will all definitely
have campus health in the back of our minds for information, there are many doctors, nurses, etc.
just like Terry that will give you endless information if you need and that really love their jobs.
After several weeks of doing research on this one resource we have come to the
conclusion that Campus Health really is a well rounded, very important, and caring/supportive
resource that all students should utilize. Not only does Campus Health help the students with
their health issues but it also help them to overcome stress and college problems. Campus health
has a significant effect on the student’s life and it aids the students and helps them to the road of
success. The staff are committed to only one goal which is improving the student’s performance
physically and mentally throughout their college life. Also, the staff execute a very welcoming
environment that as stated by Farah Jamal, “In-depth qualitative studies suggest common
pathways via which the school environment might shape young people’s health.” Campus Health
mission is not easy to accomplish. Skoton and Altschuler conclude that “Going beyond providing
medical and mental health care and shaping the environment through a comprehensive public
health approach, including prevention and education, is complicated and difficult.”(2013)
However, they also said,”But these innovations pay off in healthier and more successful students
and, in the long term, a healthier adult population.”(2013)After having interacted in the Campus
Health setting it is clear that the people who work there have the mindset of helping the students
that attend the University of Arizona. It shows the hard work and dedication to be better every
day when thinking about campus health. For over 90 years they have given excellent service for
thousands of students each and every day and have influenced unimaginable amount of young
students lives.
Works Cited
Altschuler, Glenn and David Skorton. “How College Health Centers Help Students Succeed.”
Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 23 Sept. 2013,
Bodenheimer, Thomas. “High and Rising Health Care Costs. Part 1: Seeking an
Explanation.” Annals of Internal Medicine, vol. 142, no. 10, 2005, p. 847., doi:10.7326/00034819-142-10-200505170-00010.
“Campus Health Service |.” Campus Health Service |,
Jamal, Farah, et al. “The school environment and student health: a systematic review
meta-Ethnography of qualitative research.” BMC Public Health , BioMed Central, 2013, .
West, Terry. Personal Interview. 24 October 2017.
1- I know how to play soccer.
2- I know how it feels to travel 32 hours by airplane.
3- I know how hard it can be when you study abroad.
1- I want to know how to speak more than 2 languages.
2- I want to know how it feels to go around the world and visit every country.
3- I want to know more people around the world.
1- I want to unlearn the history that has ashamed humanity.
2- I want to unlearn smoking.
3- I want to unlearn the bad time that I had in Minnesota
My English Teacher
It all happens when my father came to me and asked me, “Do you want to go to The
United States and continue studying there?” at that time, I did not know any English so I had to
think about my father’s offer. It was a hard decision to take. However, being not accepted by
many universities in Saudi Arabia because of my grade in the Quias test, a test that is required by
the schools in Saudi Arabia, made this decision a lot easier. So, I accepted my dad’s offer.
In addition, father and I went to the United States. None of us spoke English at the time,
and we faced some problems, but it was not that bad. We went to Delaware to study there in the
ELI, English language institution. The ELI helped a lot to improve my language. However,
Ruwida Alkrekshi, who was my teacher for a period of time in the ELI, was the one who helped
me most to improve my writing.
First of all, the ELI is an English institution that consisted of eight levels, and each level
had some objects that are required to be learned to pass the level. For instance, level one and
level two taught me how to ask questions and talk in the present tense. In level three, I studied
the past tense that when I began correctly speaking to others. In level four, I started to write
essays and used the present and the past perfect tense. In level five and six, they stopped teaching
us grammar, and they began to focus on the reading and the writing so we can get ready to go the
last two levels. The last two levels were EAP V and EAP VI, and they were the hardest. EAP
stands for English for academic propose. I learned in that class how to write research papers,
how to add citations, and how to use references.
In addition, I met my best teacher in level five, and she was nice. Her name was Ruwida
Alkrekshi, and she was from Libya. She had a master degree in business, and she had been
teaching in the ELI for ten years. She was charming, and everyone had a class with her loved
her. She was serious about teaching her students and so kind that she cared about her students
and their problems. Ruwida was my best teacher who improved my way in my writing.
When I first got in Ruwida’s class, I just came from my summer vacation. For an English
learner, it was hard to speak or to write in English after a long vacation. So, I was not confident
in the class, and I was afraid to participate in the class. However, the class was not that hard, in
the beginning, I could get perfect scores in my quizzes and exams until the middle of the term
came. I had a real difficulty in my writing. My classmates were doing well in the class; I could
see that in their faces because none of them had the expression like I did. I began feeling
depressed, and I started to be absent a lot. My teacher could feel my sadness in the class, so she
decided to take action. One day, Ruwida told me,”Adil, I need to see you after the class.” I felt
bad because I saw that she was serious. I stayed with her in the class after my classmates had
left. She sat on a chair in the middle of the class and told me to sit across her. She said,”So you
know why I want to talk to you.” “Yes,” I responded. She said, “You are not doing well in the
class, and your writing is not at this level.” Everything she told me I already knew.
Nevertheless, I did not feel how serious she was until she spoke Arabic with me and that
made me think for a second because Ruwida had never spoken Arabic with me before. She told
me that I was not trying my best to learn anything; I was just trying to pass the class, and that
was true. And then she switched her tongue and started speaking English and said, “Let me ask
you a question, do you want to improve your writing?” I said, “Yes quietly.” She said,”if you
want to improve your writing, I can help you but in one condition.” I felt like the darkness inside
my head were going away, and I chirped, “What is your condition?” She said, “You need to
work harder than ever.” I told her that I would. Therefore, she started to give me more
assignments than my classmates, and she gave a website for news that I could read from and do a
quiz after the readings.
So, I started to read two articles per day and do their quizzes. After three weeks of
reading, I asked myself,”Why do I need to read if I want to improve my writing?” So, I went to
the teacher and asked her the same question that I asked myself; she said,” Before I answered the
question I need you to write an essay right now.” I told her that I could not do it. She said,” you
are going to do it, and you have only forty minutes.” So, I gave up the argument, and I began
writing my essay because I had never written an essay in forty minutes. Thirty minutes later, I
was astonished because I finished the essay in a limited time. I went to her and showed her my
essay, and I said that I completed the essay in thirty minutes. She said,”I am proud of you,” a …
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