Expert answer:Human And Child Development CHF1500: Reality assig

Expert answer:The purpose of reality assignments is to apply course concepts to real-life experience. Reality assignments require students to engage in a real life experience then apply course concepts in a 2-3 page reflective paper.Students will write a paper to apply course concepts to the experience. The paper should have 3 sections: introduction, application of course concepts, and conclusions: Reality Assignment 3 Template and options are attached in two files.Directions:Introduction:One brief paragraph that identifies the experience selected and an overview of how the reality experience went. Applicationof Course Concepts: Five paragraphs applying at least 5 course concepts (1 paragraph each). Each concept must be from the units being targeted by the assignment. A “concept” is an Concepts include bold text vocabulary words in the text book or red words in the lecture PowerPoint slides. For this reality assignment, at least one concept must be from a human development theory from the applicable course units. To receive full credit for applying the concepts you need to:Identify the concept by using boldtext.Define the You may use your own words or quote the text book or lecture notes.Cite source for the definition (e.g. instructor lecture; text book, course readings) using APA style citations (see assignment templates and “Writing Style” in course policies for resources). Citation examples are included in the assignment template. For text book citations please include the page number. ***Do not use sources that have not been assigned as part of this course (e.g. websites).Provide a specific example of the concept from your Make sure the example occurred DURINGthis reality assignment experience.BEWARE: whencompleting assignments with someone you know well to receive credit you must actually do the assignment as described for the purposes of this class AND apply concepts to this specific experienceFor example, if you choose to hold your sister’s baby that you have held many times before, you must connect courseconcepts to what happened when you held the baby specifically for this In addition, although it is tempting to try and explain the causes of behavior for others, making broad causal inference with limited evidence is inappropriate (i.e. “The baby I held cried the whole time because she has insecure attachment to her mother”).Conclusions:Brief summary of your experience and This should be a reflection that includes responses to these questions: How has this experience influenced your perspective? What have you learned about human development?APA writing style is required for this paper (citations, reference, double space, title page; see template posted on Canvas). First person voice should be used because this is a reflective paper. Please maintain the confidentiality of others by changing the names of people discussed in your paper. The grading rubric is posted with the Canvas assignment submission.I will provide you any further information you need!


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Below are Reality Assignment #3 experience choices for Unit 5 &6. These
experiences focus on adolescence through death. Please choose 1 of these
experiences to do.
When you are finished with the experience write the 2-3 paper. Directions for
writing the paper are in the course syllabus under “Reality Assignments”.
You must apply 5 course concepts, and use APA style formatting. There is an
example template posted on Canvas.
Unit 5: Adolescence & Emerging adulthood
Option A. Adolescent Dating
Find an adolescent and interview then about dating. Take detailed notes
about how they respond to each question.
Examples of questions you could ask them are:
What does dating mean to you?
What are the qualities of a person you would like to date?
What are the qualities you have to offer a date?
What is the best way to initiate a relationship with someone you are
interested in dating?
What are my personal values and beliefs related to serious dating?
What would I consider a perfect date?
After the interview write a brief summary of the questions you asked and the
adolescent’s responses. Include this information in the appendix for this
assignment. Then review course information (text Chapters 9 & 10 & Unit 5
lecture) about the characteristics of adolescent development. Identify examples of
adolescent development in their responses. Write the Reality Assignment paper.
Include a copy of the interview notes as an appendix in your paper or upload a
copy in a separate file when submitting your assignment.
Before writing the Reality Assignment paper review the directions in the
syllabus. You will need to apply 5 course concepts and cite class readings and
lecture as appropriate (Text book Berger, 2014 Chapter 9 & 10).
Option B. Career Interest Interview
Choose a career that you are interested in. Find a person who is in this career and
interview them.
Examples of questions you could ask them are:
Describe your profession
What are the requirements/education needed to get into the profession?
What do you enjoy about your profession?
What are the stressors of your profession?
What is the average/range of income for your profession?
What is a typical day like in your profession?
What are the hours kept?
Is your profession easy or hard on family/marital life?
How does your profession contribute to your overall quality of life?
After the interview write a brief summary of the questions you asked and the
professional’s responses. Then review the information on choosing careers in the
text chapter on emerging adulthood (see p. 412; Figure 11.7). Take the Holland
Code Quiz based on Figure 11.7 in the text to find out what careers fit your
personality best: .
Briefly summarize your results.
After completing these activities write the Reality Assignment paper. The main
part of the paper should focus on identifying how you can use what you have
learned to meet your career goals, and influence your own positive development.
Include a copy of the interview notes as an appendix in your paper or upload a
copy in a separate file when submitting your assignment.
Before writing the Reality Assignment paper review the directions in the
syllabus. You will need to apply 5 course concepts and cite class readings and
lecture as appropriate (Text book Berger, 2014 Chapter 11,12, & 13).
Option C. Completing a Marriage Contract.
This questionnaire is intended to help you think about the multitude of decisions that must be
made during marriage. Complete the following questionnaire with a significant other or friend.
Each partner should complete the questions independently. Then discuss together.
a. Where will you live?
b. Where will you work? If one of you is promoted, what circumstances will affect your
decision to take the promotion (e.g., would you be willing to move far away?)
c. Do you plan on attending church? If so, what religion will you follow?
d. Do you plan on pursuing more education or vocational training?
e. Who will be responsible for household bills?
f. How will household chores be divided?
g. What type of transportation will you use?
h. Do you plan on renting or buying a house?
i. Will finances be combined or kept separate? How will money be managed? What kind of
budget will be kept?
j. How will you spend holidays? (e.g. will you split holidays between both sides of the
a. How much time will you spend with one another’s family?)
k. Do you plan on having children? If so, how many? Who will take care of the children?
l. Will both parents work? If not, who will stay home? How will you account for the
differences in income if one parent stays home?
m. What kind of discipline will you use? Will one parent be more responsible for the
discipline? If so, why?
n. Where will the children go to school? Do you plan on sending your child to college? If
so, how will you finance it?
o. How much time will you spend together?
p. How will you handle marital conflict?
q. What will you do for leisure time activities?
r. How much time will be spent with friends and coworkers?
s. Will you have a prenuptial agreement? Explain why or why not?
When you write the Reality Assignment paper please briefly summarize points of agreement and
disagreement between your responses.
Then consider:
How will you resolve disagreements? What questions do you feel would be the most
controversial in a marriage? If you are already married, or have been married you may describe
how certain questions have directly influenced your marriage and how you have resolved them.
What did you learn about your partner? What did you learn about yourself?
Then reflect on how making these types of decisions with a partner can influence the
development of Erikson’s idea of interpersonal psychological intimacy. Include a copy of the
interview notes as an appendix in your paper or upload a copy in a separate file when submitting
your assignment.
Before writing the Reality Assignment paper review the directions in the
syllabus. You will need to apply 5 course concepts and cite class readings and
lecture as appropriate (Text book Berger, 2014 Chapter 11,12, & 13).
Unit 6: Adulthood
Option D. MIDDLE ADULTHOOD: Parent Interview.
Choose a family who you regard as having “good parents.” These parents need to
be unrelated to you. Create at least five questions about parenting which you would
like to ask them and then interview them. Some examples of questions you might
ask can be:
“What is the most fulfilling part of being a parent?”
“What is one of the most difficult things about being a parent?”
“What types of discipline do you use?”
“How do you handle conflicts or disagreements in your family?”
“What traits or characteristics do you think are important to being a good parent?”
“What advice would you give to someone to help them prepare for being a
When writing your reality assignment paper, include a brief summary of what you
asked them and their answers. Then reflect on the following:
 What points do the parents agree/disagree on?
 Overall, how similar are their views?
 What parenting characteristics are reflected in their answers have research
evidence to support these characteristics tend to positively influence
 What parenting characteristics are reflected in their answers have research
evidence to support these characteristics may negatively influence children?
 What elements of their perspective feel congruent with your own?
 What did they say that surprised you?
Please use specific examples of what they said to illustrate course concepts related
to parenting, child development, and characteristics of middle adulthood. Include a
copy of the interview notes as an appendix in your paper or upload a copy in a
separate file when submitting your assignment.
Before writing the Reality Assignment paper review the directions in the
syllabus. You will need to apply 5 course concepts and cite class readings and
lecture as appropriate (Text book Berger, 2014 Chapter 12 & 13; as well as
the chapters covering childhood & adolescence).
Option E. LATE ADULTHOOD: What Will I Be Like When I Am Seventy-Five?
Please answer the following questions about yourself.
Which of your current behaviors will be similar and which ones will be
different when you are 75?
In what ways will you look like you do now and in what ways will your
appearance be different?
What do you think your eyesight, hearing, and physical strength will be like at age
What might you like about being 75 years old?
What do you prefer about being your present age compared to being 75 years old?
Is it difficult to imagine yourself at 75? Why or why not?
For the Reality Assignment paper please write a brief summary of the questions
and your answers. Then focus the main part of your paper on comparing your
answers to the information in chapters 14 and 15 about aging, ageism, and
longevity. Consider how accurate are your views of getting older with the realities
described in the chapter? What lifestyle behaviors could you engage in now to
ensure your vision of aging happens?
Before writing the Reality Assignment paper review the directions in the
syllabus. You will need to apply 5 course concepts and cite class readings and
lecture as appropriate (Text book Berger, 2014 Chapters 14 & 15).
Option F: DEATH AND DYING: The Last Lecture.
The last lecture really began as a goodbye speech made by Randy Pausch, a 47year-old professor diagnosed with terminal cancer. His speech at Carnegie Melon
University became an internet phenomenon, and was later published into a book.
For this assignment I would like you to read the book or watch the lecture. You can
find the video on YouTube or you may type in Randy Pausch and find his
homepage or on youtube ( As
you read or watch take note of the things you like. What are the things that Randy
Pausch thinks is important in life? What are the things you think are important in
For the Reality Assignment paper briefly summarize what key points of the lecture
resonated with you. Review the following in the text: Epilogue Aging & Death p.
573-598. What characteristics described in the text as being part of death and dying
did you notice about Randy Pausch’s approach to death? What level of Maslow’s
hierarchy of needs do you see evidence for in Randy Pausch’s approach to death?
What developmental resources (environmental and heredity) were evident in his
examples of experiences he had childhood through adulthood that helped him in
persisting to fulfill his goals, and maintain a positive approach to death?
Before writing the Reality Assignment paper review the directions in the
syllabus. You will need to apply 5 course concepts and cite class readings and
lecture as appropriate (Text book Berger, 2014 Epilogue).
The running head and page number should be at the top of the title page. Please note for the
words “Running head” only the R is uppercase. The h in head should be lower case. All letters
in the short heading after the semicolon should be upper case. Please delete these directions
before submitting your paper.
Weber State University
Child and Family Studies 1500
Sheila Anderson, Ph. D.
The running head on all pages other than the title page includes only the short title. The words
“Running head” are not included. Please delete these directions before submitting your paper.
Start the paper by stating the reality assignment option that you choose to do and why.
Then provide a brief overview of what you did and how it went. If the activity was to conduct an
interview or observation, provide a brief summary of the highlights here, then attach your notes
written notes as an appendix at the end of this document or upload as a separate file when you
submit the assignment. The reality assignment options are posted on Canvas. There is also a
grading rubric posted on Canvas that has grading criteria. The introduction is worth 3 out of the
20 points.
Course Concepts Application
Concept 1
This is the main section of the paper. The purpose is to apply 5 course concepts. It is
worth 10 out of the 20 points for the paper (2 points each). This section should have 5
paragraphs, one for each course concept. A concept is an idea. In this class course concepts are
often the words in the text book in bold text, or in red text from the lecture. To get full credit for
applying a concept you must do the following: bold text the concept, define the concept, cite the
source for the definition (please provide page number if you cite the text book or use a direct
quote), and provide an example of the concept from your experience. The citation format for the
text book is formatted like this (Berger, 2014, p. 14). The citation for lecture should include the
date of the lecture and is like this (S. Anderson, personal communication, January 11, 2016). If
you use a direct quote from lecture or the text book use quotation marks.
As you write the example of the concept use professional writing by being specific and
objective about what you experienced. For example, if you are held a baby and said “The baby
was happy I was holding her”, this would be a general and subjective statement because it is an
interpretation of how the baby felt. Specific and objective writing requires describing what
actually happened: “The baby looked at me and smiled, I smiled back, then she began to giggle”.
This provides the reader with a much clearer idea of what actually happened.
Concept 2
Apply concept 2 here. To get full credit for applying a concept you must do the
following: bold text the concept, define the concept, cite the source for the definition (please
provide page number if you cite the text book or use a direct quote), and provide an example of
the concept from your experience. Remember to be specific and objective as you describe the
Concept 3
Apply concept 3 here. To get full credit for applying a concept you must do the
following: bold text the concept, define the concept, cite the source for the definition (please
provide page number if you cite the text book or use a direct quote), and provide an example of
the concept from your experience. Remember to be specific and objective as you describe the
Concept 4
Apply concept 4 here. To get full credit for applying a concept you must do the
following: bold text the concept, define the concept, cite the source for the definition (please
provide page number if you cite the text book or use a direct quote), and provide an example of
the concept from your experience. Remember to be specific and objective as you describe the
Concept 5
Apply concept 5 here. This paper requires that you apply a concept from a theory. If
you have not already done so, this concept should be from a theory we learned in class . To
get full credit for applying a concept you must do the following: bold text the concept, define the
concept, cite the source for the definition (please provide page number if you cite the text book
or use a direct quote), and provide an example of the concept from concept from your
experience. Remember to be specific and objective as you describe the example.
The conclusion is worth 4 points. It should include a brief personal reflection about what
this experience meant to you. This is where you can use more subjective writing because it is
your interpretation. Please include how has your perspective changed as a result of completing
this experience and assignment and what you have learned.
Check for APA formatting and put your references below. The only references that
should be used for this assignment should be course readings and materials. Do not use internet
websites. APA formatting is worth 3 points.
Berger, K. S. (2014). Invitation to the lifespan. New York: Worth Publishers.
This is the reference page. The heading is not bold text. Please use APA formatting to reference
all sources cited in the paper. Please note that the example reference for the text book is the
2014 edition. If you are using the newest edition you will need to update the publication year. If
you cited course lecture using the format recommended by this instructor you do not need to
provide a reference. Please delete these directions before submitting your paper. Please delete
the Appendix pages that follow if you do not have an appendix.
Appendix A
If you selected a reality option that included completing and interview or specific observation,
please attached your written notes here or upload and submit as a separate file. Delete this page
If you do not have additional written notes to submit.
Active support of explorations, efforts, skills initiative, curiosity, creativity and play
child to handle
Parent offers toys or says positive things when child shows obvious interest in
Notes Ob 1: When the baby went for car/camera, mom let them explore new
Notes Ob 2: Very verbally positive with the child when catching football
Follows what
child is trying
to do
Parent both responds to and gets involved with the child’s activities
Notes Ob 1: Responds at first, but is unwilling to follow. Wants to tickle.
Notes Ob 2: Child chose to hold hands differently that parent, but he was okay
with that. Allowed the child to experiment.
Supports child
in making
child’s efforts
Parent allows child to choose activity or toy and gets involved with activity or
toy child chooses at the time
Notes Ob 1: Took away the car at one point, but was generally supportive
Notes Ob 2: The child never got to pick the activity, Father wouldn’t let him
sit down
Parent shows verbal enthusiasm, offers positive comments or makes
suggestions that make things easier for the child (without interfering), when
the child is trying to accomplish something on their own
Notes Ob 1: When the child is interested in the car, mom grabs it for her, few
positive comments
Notes Ob 2: excellent positive comments, “sad” when he missed, but
Parent pauses after saying something the child could do and waits for child to
answer or do something, whether child actually responds or not
Notes Ob 1: asks questions a couple of times, but is mostly focused on positive
sounds like laughing
Notes Ob 2: parent made not suggestions on what to play or how to play
Waits for
response after
making a
Observations Guidelines
Ob 1
Ob 2

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