Expert answer:HRIS Case Study, Part III

Expert answer:Read the SHRM case study Integrating a Human Resource
Information System (…)and answer the questions below based on
the case study and information provided for context. You may use
information from the lectures and readings to supplement your answers if
necessary.1.What cultural issues are interwoven
in this project that affected HR?2.Who should be involved in future
global integration projects?3.What skills should team members have
and how should they be selected?


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Strategic HR Management
instructor’s Manual
Integrating a Human Resource
Information System: A Module with Case
By James E. Bartlett, II, Ph.D., and Michelle E. Bartlett, M.S.
Edited by Myrna Gusdorf, MBA, SPHR
Project Team
James E. Bartlett, II, Ph.D., and Michelle E. Bartlett, M.S.
SHRM project contributors:
Bill Schaefer, SPHR
Nancy A. Woolever, SPHR
External contributor:
Sharon H. Leonard
Katya Scanlan, copy editor
Terry Biddle, graphic designer
© 2008 Society for Human Resource Management. James E. Bartlett, II, Ph.D., and Michelle E. Bartlett, M.S.
Note to HR faculty and instructors: SHRM cases and modules are intended for use in HR classrooms at
universities. Teaching notes are included with each. While our current intent is to make the materials available
without charge, we reserve the right to impose charges should we deem it necessary to support the program. However,
currently, these resources are available free of charge to all. Please duplicate only the number of copies needed,
one for each student in the class.
For more information, please contact:
SHRM Academic Initiatives
1800 Duke Street, Alexandria, VA 22314, USA
Phone: (800) 283-7476 Fax: (703) 535-6432
Integrating a Human Resource
Information System: A Module with Case
table of Contents
Syllabus ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 2
Module Outline ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 5
Notes to the Instructor �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 8
Possible Discussion Board Questions ���������������������������������������������������������������������� 9
HRIS Case Study �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 12
References for Learning Module and Case ������������������������������������������������������������ 17
Teaching Notes for Course Module Slides ������������������������������������������������������������ 19
© 2008 Society for Human Resource Management. James E. Bartlett, II, Ph.D., and Michelle E. Bartlett, M.S. 1
Integrating a Human Resource Management Information System (HRIS):
A Learning Module and Case Study
Instant Messenger
This module introduces HR students and professionals to human resource
management systems (HRIS) and project management and demonstrates the
integration of these areas.
At the end of this module, students will be able to:
Describe the historical development of HRIS.
Describe project management concepts as related to an HRIS integration project.
Apply project management techniques to an HRIS integration process.
Understand the business decisions that can be used with HRIS.
Describe global issues such as laws and cultures that affect HRIS.
Refine skills of analysis, synthesis and communication concerning issues and ideas
related to HRIS systems integration and project management.
This module is designed to be taught over four 50-minute classes. It can be adjusted
as needed for classes of a different duration.
2 © 2008 Society for Human Resource Management. James E. Bartlett, II, Ph.D., and Michelle E. Bartlett, M.S.
Attendance and participation are essential to a successful learning experience.
You are expected to actively participate in all parts of this course. A classroom is
an environment to discuss and present new and creative ideas. Please extend the
classroom etiquette to our virtual online environment.
All written assignments are expected to be in APA style unless otherwise noted by
the instructor. Papers should be typed, double-spaced, using a 12-point font and
one-inch margins. Make sure to place your last name, the name of the course and
assignment name in the title when you submit your work.
For information on APA style, please see:
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th ed.). (2001).
Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Place comments here that are appropriate to your institution.
All materials in this course are copyrighted, including the course web site, syllabus,
assignments, handouts and examinations. Copying course materials without the
permission of the professor is prohibited.
Ball, K. S. (2001). The use of human resource information systems: A survey.
Personnel Review, 30(6), 677-693.
Bedell, M. D., Floyd, B. D., Nicols, K. M., & Ellis, R. (2007). Enterprise resource
planning software in the human resource classroom. Journal of Management
Education, 31(1), 43-63.
Haines, V.Y., & Petit, A. (1997). Conditions for successful human resource
information systems. Human Resource Management, 36(2), 261-275.
Hendrickson, A. R. (2003). Human resource information systems: Backbone
technology of contemporary human resources. Journal of Labor Research, 24(3),
Hosie, P. (1995). Promoting quality in higher education using human resource
information systems. Quality Assurance in Education, 3(1), 30-45.
Lengnick-Hall, M. L., & Moritz, S. (2003). The impact of e-HR on the human
resource management function. Journal of Labor Research, 24(3), 365-379.
© 2008 Society for Human Resource Management. James E. Bartlett, II, Ph.D., and Michelle E. Bartlett, M.S. 3
Luthans, F., Marsnik, P. A., & Luthans, K. W. (1997). A contingency matrix
approach to IHRM. Human Resource Management, 36(2), 183-199.
Mayfield, M., Mayfield, J., & Lunce, S. (2003). Human resource information
systems: A review and model development. Advances in Competitiveness Research,
11(1), 139-151.
Panayotopoulou, L., Vakola, M., & Galanaki, E. (2005). E-HR adoption and the
role of HRM: Evidence from Greece. Personnel Review, 36(2), 277-294.
Ruel, H. J. M., Bondarouk, T. V., & Van der Velde, M. (2007). The contributions
of e-HRM to HRM effectiveness: Results from a quantitative study in a Dutch
ministry. Employee Relations, 29(3), 280-291.
Stroh, L. K., & Caligiuri, P. M. (1998). Strategic human resources: A new source for
competitive advantage in the global arena. The International Journal of Human
Resource Management, 9(1), 1-13.
Strohmeier, S. (2007). Research in e-HRM: Review and implications. Human
Resource Management Review, 17, 19-37.
Tansley, C., Newell, S., & Williams, H. (2001). Effecting HRM-style practices
through an integrated human resource information system: An e-greenfield site?
Personnel Review, 30(3), 351-370.
Tansley, C., & Watson, T. (2000). Strategic exchange in the development of human
resource information systems (HRIS). New Technology, Work and Employment,
15(2), 108-122.
Teo, T. S. H., Lim, G. S., & Fedric, S.A. (2007). The adoption and diffusion of
human resources information systems in Singapore. Asia Pacific Journal of Human
Resources, 45(1), 44-62.
4 © 2008 Society for Human Resource Management. James E. Bartlett, II, Ph.D., and Michelle E. Bartlett, M.S.
Module Outline
Class 1: Introduction to the class and overview of learning objectives.
HRIS – Human Resource Information Systems
1. HRIS defined.
2. History of HRIS.
3. Who uses HRIS? How is it used?
4. Benefits of HRIS.
5. Terminology:
a. HRIS.
b. ERB.
c. SAP.
Class 2: Project Management
1. Project management:
a. Definition.
b. Characteristics.
2. Process of project management:
3. Linear process:
a. Waterfall model.
b. Examples.
4. Cyclical project management process:
a. Preferred for software development.
5. DANS Software development method:
a. Blend of linear and cyclical.
b. DANS process.
6. Project management tools:
a. Charts: Gantt, PERT, Fishbone, Event Chain, Run Chart.
© 2008 Society for Human Resource Management. James E. Bartlett, II, Ph.D., and Michelle E. Bartlett, M.S. 5
7. Project Management Software:
a. Desktop.
b. Web-based.
c. Open source.
Class 3: Managing Projects and HRIS
1. Managing a project.
2. Project team members and tasks:
a. Project sponsor.
b. Organizational management.
c. Project manager.
d. Team members.
3. Communication.
4. Project managers and leadership:
a. Initiation.
b. Project planning.
c. Project execution.
d. Project control.
e. Closure and evaluation.
5. Issues of project management for integrating an HRIS.
Class 4: HRIS Implementation
1. Uses of HRIS:
a. Traditional/administrative.
b. Analytical.
c. HRIS in business decision-making.
2. Application of HRIS in HR functional areas:
a. Strategic management.
b. Workforce planning and employment.
c. HR development.
d. Total rewards.
e. Employee and labor relations.
6 © 2008 Society for Human Resource Management. James E. Bartlett, II, Ph.D., and Michelle E. Bartlett, M.S.
f. Risk management.
3. Legal issues:
a. Employee information.
b. Privacy.
c. Security of data.
4. U.S. laws:
a. Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCR A).
b. Electronic Communications Privacy Act.
c. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
d. Sarbanes-Oxley Act.
5. Globalization:
a. European Union Protection Directive.
b. Canadian Privacy Laws.
6. Conflicts in globalization.
7. HR’s role in change management.
Organizations in the Press (OIP) Discussion Board
The discussion board is intended to promote student engagement, peer interaction
and understanding of the materials. There is no prescribed length for postings;
however, the quality of your thoughts is critical. It is expected that students
will monitor and post on the board throughout the week. This is an ongoing,
asynchronous conversation, not a one-time stating of your thoughts. Students
offering substandard or limited responses will be prompted to offer additional
thoughts or risk losing points.
Students will enrich their understanding of organizations by frequently making
connections between principles discussed in class and actual situations in the
working environment. In addition to relating class issues to their own work
situation, students can make connections by noting articles in the press about project
management and HRIS issues.
The instructor will assign one topic to each student, and the student will choose an
article from the press relating to his or her assigned topic. Students should post the
article for the entire class. The post should include a one-paragraph abstract of the
article. In addition to the abstract, three discussion questions should be provided
for class members to respond to generate discussion. Each student will be challenged
to facilitate one online discussion on his or her assigned topic. Each class member
must also participate in the online discussion every week. Consistent and substantial
participation is expected (I expect more than just ‘good job,’ ‘nice post’ or ‘great
© 2008 Society for Human Resource Management. James E. Bartlett, II, Ph.D., and Michelle E. Bartlett, M.S. 7
points’). Discussions in the initial post can include, but are not limited to the
Briefly state the key issues in the article.
What additional information can you add?
What connections can be made to the course information?
What information is missing that would help better describe, explain or predict the
How can this relate to practice?
HRIS Case Study/Case Analysis
Cases are representations of reality that place the student in the role of a participant
in the situation. Case analysis is a task common to many forms of professional
education in which students are asked to examine life-like situations and suggest
solutions to business dilemmas. Cases may include a problem, a set of events or a
particular situation in which something is clearly wrong. In this HRIS case study,
students are asked to identify the basic problem and support the diagnosis with
material from the case and the course. Many cases have no clearly defined problem.
In the analysis of such cases, the major task is explaining what is occurring and why.
Students should read the case and answer the questions at the end. Answers should
be between five and 10 pages. Papers should by typed, double-spaced, using a
12-point font and one-inch margins. Make sure you place your last name, the
name of the course and assignment name in the title when you submit your work.
Appropriately reference your paper in APA style.
Students will be evaluated on:
Discussion boards.
HRIS case analysis paper.
Involvement (class and online).
Notes to the Instructor
Please note: A student workbook does not exist for this integrated learning
study. You may create a student workbook by extracting those
items students will need in order to complete the case.
Discussion Board Assignment. The discussion board assignment is designed to
be an ongoing activity throughout the course. However, if you prefer not to use an
online discussion board, the same assignment could be adapted to the classroom by
requiring students to provide an article that addresses the same issues that would
be identified on the discussion board. Students would then lead a short in-class
discussion on the article.
8 © 2008 Society for Human Resource Management. James E. Bartlett, II, Ph.D., and Michelle E. Bartlett, M.S.
Some possible topics:
Privacy Issues
1. What are U.S. organizations doing to ensure the security of employee information
in HRIS data bases?
2. Further discussion of U.S. laws regarding the protection of employee data.
3. How do other countries regulate the protection of employee information?
4. Research privacy laws in other countries and discuss what organizations are doing
internationally with regard to protection of employee data.
Project Management
1. Find examples of project management systems used in organizations. Who uses
what and why?
2. What factors would be involved in an organization’s choice of a project
management system?
1. Research available HRIS and discuss advantages and disadvantages of the different
2. How is HRIS different in small organizations from those used in large
HRIS Case Study – This assignment is intended to be a written paper. As time
allows, it would be helpful to use the case as a class discussion either before or after
students turn in their written analysis.
Possible Discussion Board Questions
1. What are your perceptions of an HRIS? In your own words, describe why an
organization might want to implement an HRIS.
The answer to this question will vary based on the type of organization and
experiences of the students. Brainstorming is encouraged. This activity will give
the instructor an idea of where the students stand in terms of knowledge and
2. List an HRIS you have heard about and describe the functions it offers.
This question will generate a list of HRIS. Functions might include core
administration, training and recruitment.
© 2008 Society for Human Resource Management. James E. Bartlett, II, Ph.D., and Michelle E. Bartlett, M.S. 9
3. What can an HRIS do for an organization?
Student responses to this question will vary but students should note the ways an
HRIS system would affect HR. Students will most likely address administrative
issues, training and recruitment.
4. List why your organization would want to use or does use an HRIS (if you
have limited work experience, interview HR business professionals to help you).
The answers to this question are integrated in the lecture topics.
5. What is the difference between a stand-alone and an enterprise resource
planning (ERP) system?
6. Provide specific examples of HRIS systems and provide the details (costs,
system requirements and web site resources, etc.). What are the strengths? What
are the weaknesses? Respond to other students’ posts.
The answers to this question will be found from online research and will be based
on the specific systems students find. This could range from SAP to open source
7. What are the desired skills for a person to have in order to effectively lead the
implementation of an HRIS?
See lecture notes and have students provide information based on their knowledge.
8. As a group, decide which HRIS is a good choice for a large organization and
which one is best for a small organization.
Responses will range from a large system like SAP to a small, open source system.
9. What is the hardest for the HR professional to control: time, cost or scope?
Time might be the hardest because payroll and administrative issues must occur in
a timely manner. Other issues that affect time may include reporting to state and
federal agencies.
10 © 2008 Society for Human Resource Management. James E. Bartlett, II, Ph.D., and Michelle E. Bartlett, M.S.
10. What can the HR professional do to ensure success in time, cost and scope?
Making sure they are involved in the decisions with their IT professionals to
understand the context of decisions.
11. There are many project management tools. This discussion board will
help you explore resources available to support a project manager. Provide an
example of a project management tool and how it could be used. Provide one
software resource and list the strengths and weaknesses.
Answers are available from online research.
12. Create a list of critical risks and contingencies for an HRIS implementation.
As a virtual team or individually, create an outline of how each phase of project
management is affected.
Risks are based on the phases. Each phase may generate different risks; however, you
will notice that they typically relate to time, cost and scope.
© 2008 Society for Human Resource Management. James E. Bartlett, II, Ph.D., and Michelle E. Bartlett, M.S. 11
HRIS Case Study
Learning Objectives
By the end of this case, students will:
Understand how time, cost and scope affect the project management of an HRIS
Identify potential problems in a global integration of an HRIS.
Identify cultural issues present in a global integration of an HRIS.
Describe why evaluation is important and how it could be done when integrating
an HRIS.
Identify the skills needed by employees when participating in a global HRIS
Analyze the case and identify lessons learned from the global integration of an
A global energy company incorporated in the United States has approximately
54,000 employees in more than 180 countries. The U.S.-based human resource
information system (HRIS) currently houses approximately 20,000 employee records
and tracks both bi-monthly and bi-weekly payrolls. The system also tracks employees
who are represen …
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