Expert answer:HIM 510 Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric

Expert answer:Overview: This is your second chance to prepare for your final project, developing procedures and training presentations for Mercy Vale. The work you do for this milestone will be incorporated into your final project. Your job at Mercy Vale is becoming intense. Your HIM reports reveal that patient safety issues are increasing, with more falls reported in the last six months than ever before. Also, incidents of patient infection are on the rise. Anecdotal evidence suggests that staff may not be working together Overview: This is your second chance to prepare for your final project, developing procedures and training presentations for Mercy Vale. The work you do for this milestone will be incorporated into your final project. Your job at Mercy Vale is becoming intense. Your HIM reports reveal that patient safety issues are increasing, with more falls reported in the last six months than ever before. Also, incidents of patient infection are on the rise. Anecdotal evidence suggests that staff may not be working together collaboratively, allowing too many mistakes to be made. It may be that there are issues of cultural competence on the staff. In addition to the patient safety issues, you are still struggling with the potential results of continued poor coding procedures. Various entities have called your team’s billing procedures into question, refusing to process claims and reimbursements. If this continues, Mercy Vale’s financial challenges will get even worse. Again, you know the answer is setting clear policies and training your staff to comply with them. Prompt: Conduct appropriate research to supplement your knowledge about patient safety and proper coding procedures. If you need to, research training processes and methods. Use the Milestone Two Template to complete the steps listed below:  Develop clear policy statements for Mercy Vale. Based on your research, write clear, comprehensive policies and procedures addressing the three issues: o Ensuring patient safety from falls o Ensuring patient safety from infections o Coding services correctly to ensure prompt claim processing and reimbursement  Explain how your data analysis procedures for the health information management team improve revenue management.  Explain how your procedures for conducting and reporting data analyses improve patient safety.  Explain how your procedures for conducting and reporting data analyses improve regulatory violations.  Explain how your policies guide employees in keeping patient health information secure.  Explain how your policies provide procedures for management to track access to patient health information.  Explain how your policies align with appropriate health laws to improve the organization’s compliance with standard-setting agencies.  Explain how your policies and training plan recommend leadership strategies that foster improved ethical practices of employees when working with health information.  Explain how your training plan recommends leadership strategies that encourage effective collaboration between members of the health information management team and other staff members in the organization.  Explain how your training plan recommends leadership strategies that promote the cultural competence of the health information management team both in working with each other and when working with health information.  Explain how your training plan clearly demonstrates to employees the steps of new procedures that employees must now perform and follow, supporting materials with examples of how employees will act out procedures.  Explain how your training plan clearly demonstrates how these new procedures will improve compliance with regulations and standard-setting agencies.  Explain how your training plan clearly demonstrates the importance of these new procedures in terms of patient safety and security of patient information.  Explain how your training plan recommends leadership strategies that could be used by management in disseminating and enforcing these new procedures. Guidelines for Submission: Fill in the Milestone Two Template. Use APA formatting to cite all sources used. Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value collaboratively, allowing too many mistakes to be made. It may be that there are issues of cultural competence on the staff. In addition to the patient safety issues, you are still struggling with the potential results of continued poor coding procedures. Various entities have called your team’s billing procedures into question, refusing to process claims and reimbursements. If this continues, Mercy Vale’s financial challenges will get even worse. Again, you know the answer is setting clear policies and training your staff to comply with them. Prompt: Conduct appropriate research to supplement your knowledge about patient safety and proper coding procedures. If you need to, research training processes and methods. Use the Milestone Two Template to complete the steps listed below:  Develop clear policy statements for Mercy Vale. Based on your research, write clear, comprehensive policies and procedures addressing the three issues: o Ensuring patient safety from falls o Ensuring patient safety from infections o Coding services correctly to ensure prompt claim processing and reimbursement  Explain how your data analysis procedures for the health information management team improve revenue management.  Explain how your procedures for conducting and reporting data analyses improve patient safety.  Explain how your procedures for conducting and reporting data analyses improve regulatory violations.  Explain how your policies guide employees in keeping patient health information secure.  Explain how your policies provide procedures for management to track access to patient health information.  Explain how your policies align with appropriate health laws to improve the organization’s compliance with standard-setting agencies.  Explain how your policies and training plan recommend leadership strategies that foster improved ethical practices of employees when working with health information.  Explain how your training plan recommends leadership strategies that encourage effective collaboration between members of the health information management team and other staff members in the organization.  Explain how your training plan recommends leadership strategies that promote the cultural competence of the health information management team both in working with each other and when working with health information.  Explain how your training plan clearly demonstrates to employees the steps of new procedures that employees must now perform and follow, supporting materials with examples of how employees will act out procedures.  Explain how your training plan clearly demonstrates how these new procedures will improve compliance with regulations and standard-setting agencies.  Explain how your training plan clearly demonstrates the importance of these new procedures in terms of patient safety and security of patient information.  Explain how your training plan recommends leadership strategies that could be used by management in disseminating and enforcing these new procedures. Guidelines for Submission: Fill in the Milestone Two Template. Use APA formatting to cite all sources used. Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value



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HIM 510 Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric
Overview: This is your second chance to prepare for your final project, developing procedures and training presentations for Mercy Vale. The work you do for
this milestone will be incorporated into your final project.
Your job at Mercy Vale is becoming intense. Your HIM reports reveal that patient safety issues are increasing, with more fall s reported in the last six months than
ever before. Also, incidents of patient infection are on the rise. Anecdotal evidence suggests that staff may not be working together collaboratively, allowing too
many mistakes to be made. It may be that there are issues of cultural competence on the staff.
In addition to the patient safety issues, you are still struggling with the potential results of continued poor coding procedures. Various entities have called your
team’s billing procedures into question, refusing to process claims and reimbursements. If this continues, Mercy Vale ’s financial challenges will get even worse.
Again, you know the answer is setting clear policies and training your staff to comply with them.
Prompt: Conduct appropriate research to supplement your knowledge about patient safety and proper coding procedures. If you need to, research training
processes and methods.
Use the Milestone Two Template to complete the steps listed below:

Develop clear policy statements for Mercy Vale. Based on your research, write clear, comprehensive policies and procedures addressing the three issues:
o Ensuring patient safety from falls
o Ensuring patient safety from infections
o Coding services correctly to ensure prompt claim processing and reimbursement
Explain how your data analysis procedures for the health information management team improve revenue management.
Explain how your procedures for conducting and reporting data analyses improve patient safety.
Explain how your procedures for conducting and reporting data analyses improve regulatory violations.
Explain how your policies guide employees in keeping patient health information secure.
Explain how your policies provide procedures for management to track access to patient health information.
Explain how your policies align with appropriate health laws to improve the organization’s compliance with standard-setting agencies.
Explain how your policies and training plan recommend leadership strategies that foster improved ethical practices of employees when working with
health information.
Explain how your training plan recommends leadership strategies that encourage effective collaboration between members of the health information
management team and other staff members in the organization.
Explain how your training plan recommends leadership strategies that promote the cultural competence of the health information management team
both in working with each other and when working with health information.

Explain how your training plan clearly demonstrates to employees the steps of new procedures that employees must now perform and follow,
supporting materials with examples of how employees will act out procedures.
Explain how your training plan clearly demonstrates how these new procedures will improve compliance with regulations and standard-setting agencies.
Explain how your training plan clearly demonstrates the importance of these new procedures in terms of patient safety and security of patient
Explain how your training plan recommends leadership strategies that could be used by management in disseminating and enforcing these new
Guidelines for Submission: Fill in the Milestone Two Template. Use APA formatting to cite all sources used.
Critical Elements
New Policy and
Procedures: Revenue
Exemplary (100%)
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates keen insight
regarding procedures for both
conducting and reporting data
Proficient (90%)
Develops new procedures for
the health information
management team for both
conducting and reporting data
analyses regarding revenue
New Policy and
Procedures: Patient
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates keen insight
regarding procedures for both
conducting and reporting data
Develops new procedures for
the health information
management team for both
conducting and reporting data
analyses regarding patient
New Policy and
Regulatory Violations
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates keen insight
regarding procedures for both
conducting and reporting data
Develops new procedures for
the health information
management team for both
conducting and reporting data
analyses regarding regulatory
New Policy and
Procedures: Secure
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates keen insight into
how to improve compliance
through new policy creation
Develops a new policy for the
organization that outlines
measures for employees that
will guide them in keeping
patient health information
Needs Improvement (70%)
Develops new procedures for
the health information
management team for
conducting or reporting data
analyses regarding revenue
management but procedures
are cursory or inappropriate
Develops new procedures for
the health information
management team for
conducting or reporting data
analyses regarding patient
safety but procedures are
cursory or inappropriate
Develops new procedures for
the health information
management team for
conducting or reporting data
analyses regarding regulatory
violations but procedures are
cursory or inappropriate
Develops a new policy for the
organization that outlines
measures for employees that
will guide them in keeping
patient health information
secure but policy is cursory or
Not Evident (0%)
Does not develop new
procedures for the health
information management team
for both conducting and
reporting data analyses
regarding revenue
Does not develop new
procedures for the health
information management team
for conducting or reporting
data analyses regarding patient
Does not develop new
procedures for the health
information management team
for conducting or reporting
data analyses regarding
regulatory violations
Does not develop a new policy
for the organization that
outlines measures for
employees that will guide them
in keeping patient health
information secure
New Policy and
Procedures: Track
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates keen insight into
how to improve compliance
through new policy creation
Develops a new policy for the
organization that provides
procedures for management to
track access to patient health
New Policy and
Procedures: Health
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates keen insight into
how to improve compliance
through new policy creation
Develops a new policy for the
organization that aligns with
appropriate health laws that
would further improve the
organization’s compliance with
standard-setting agencies
New Policy and
Procedures: Ethical
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates a sophisticated
awareness of strategies leaders
can use to foster improved
ethical practices among
Recommends leadership
strategies that foster improved
ethical practices of employees
when working with health
New Policy and
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates a sophisticated
awareness of strategies leaders
can use to foster improved
collaboration among
Recommends leadership
strategies that encourage
effective collaboration between
members of the health
information management team
and other staff members in the
New Policy and
Procedures: Cultural
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates a sophisticated
awareness of strategies leaders
can use to foster improved
cultural competence among
Recommends leadership
strategies that promote the
cultural competence of the
health information
management team both in
working with each other and
when working with health
Develops a new policy for the
organization that provides
procedures for management to
track access to patient health
information but policy is
cursory or illogical
Develops a new policy for the
organization that aligns with
appropriate health laws that
would further improve the
organization’s compliance with
standard-setting agencies but
policy is cursory or illogical
Recommends leadership
strategies that foster improved
ethical practices of employees
when working with health
information but
recommendations are cursory
or illogical
Recommends leadership
strategies that encourage
effective collaboration between
members of the health
information management team
and other staff members in the
organization but
recommendations are cursory
or illogical
Recommends leadership
strategies that promote the
cultural competence of the
health information
management team both in
working with each other and
when working with health
information but
recommendations are cursory
or illogical
Does not develop a new policy
for the organization that
provides procedures for
management to track access to
patient health information
Does not develop a new policy
for the organization that aligns
with appropriate health laws
that would further improve the
organization’s compliance with
standard-setting agencies
Does not recommend
leadership strategies that foster
improved ethical practices of
employees when working with
health information
Does not recommend
leadership strategies that
encourage effective
collaboration between
members of the team and
other staff members in the
Does not recommend
leadership strategies that
promote the cultural
competence of the team both
in working with each other and
when working with health
Training Materials:
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
supporting examples are
especially illustrative of how
employees will act out the new
Designs training materials that
clearly demonstrate to
employees the steps of new
procedures that employees
must now perform and follow,
supporting materials with
examples of how employees
will act out procedures
Training Materials:
Improve Compliance
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates keen insight into
how to clearly demonstrate
how the new procedures will
improve compliance
Designs training materials that
clearly demonstrate how these
new procedures will improve
compliance with regulations
and standard-setting agencies
Training Materials:
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates keen insight into
how to clearly demonstrate the
importance of these
procedures in terms of patient
safety and security of pati ent
Designs training materials that
clearly demonstrate the
importance of these new
procedures in terms of patient
safety and security of patient
Training Materials:
Leadership Strategies
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates sophisticated
awareness of leadership
strategies that management
could employ to enact new
policies and procedures
Recommends leadership
strategies that could be used by
management in disseminating
and enforcing these new
Includes no errors related to
organization, grammar and
style, and APA citations
Includes minor errors related to
organization, grammar and
style, and APA citations
Designs training materials that
clearly demonstrate to
employees the steps of the new
procedures that employees
must now perform and follow,
supporting materials with
examples of how employees
will act out procedures, but
training materials are cursory
or examples provided are
illogical or irrelevant
Designs training materials that
clearly demonstrate how these
new procedures will improve
compliance with regulations
and standard-setting agencies
but training materials are
cursory or examples provided
are illogical or irrelevant
Designs training materials that
clearly demonstrate the
importance of these new
procedures in terms of patient
safety and security of patient
information but training
materials are cursory or
examples provided are illogical
or irrelevant
Recommends leadership
strategies that could be used by
management in disseminating
and enforcing these new
procedures but
recommendations are cursory
or illogical
Includes some errors related to
organization, grammar and
style, and APA citations, but
errors do not impede
Does not design training
materials that clearly
demonstrate to employees the
steps of the new procedures
that employees must now
perform and follow
Does not design training
materials that clearly
demonstrate how these new
procedures will improve
compliance with regulations
and standard-setting agencies
Does not design training
materials that clearly
demonstrate the importance of
these new procedures in terms
of patient safety and security of
patient information
Does not recommend
leadership strategies that could
be used by management in
disseminating and enforcing
these new procedures
Includes major errors related to
organization, grammar and
style, and APA citations that
impede understanding of the
HIM 510 Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric
Overview: This is your second chance to prepare for your final project, developing procedures and training presentations for Mercy Vale. The work you do for
this milestone will be incorporated into your final project.
Your job at Mercy Vale is becoming intense. Your HIM reports reveal that patient safety issues are increasing, with more fall s reported in the last six months than
ever before. Also, incidents of patient infection are on the rise. Anecdotal evidence suggests that staff may not be working together collaboratively, allowing too
many mistakes to be made. It may be that there are issues of cultural competence on the staff.
In addition to the patient safety issues, you are still struggling with the potential results of continued poor coding procedures. Various entities have called your
team’s billing procedures into question, refusing to process claims and reimbursements. If this continues, Mercy Vale ’s financial challenges will get even worse.
Again, you know the answer is setting clear policies and training your staff to comply with them.
Prompt: Conduct appropriate research to supplement your knowledge about patient safety and proper coding procedures. If you need to, research training
processes and methods.
Use the Milestone Two Template to complete the steps listed below:

Develop clear policy statements for Mercy Vale. Based on your research, write clear, comprehensive policies and procedures addressing the three issues:
o Ensuring patient safety from falls
o Ensuring patient safety from infections
o Coding services correctly to ensure prompt claim processing and reimbursement
Explain how your data analysis procedures for the health information management team improve revenue management.
Explain how your procedures for conducting and reporting data analyses improve patient safety.
Explain how your procedures for conducting and reporting data analyses improve regulatory violations.
Explain how your policies guide employees in keeping patient health information secure.
Explain how your policies provide procedures for management to track access to patient health information.
Explain how your policies align with appropriate health laws to improve the organization’s compliance with standard-setting agencies.
Explain how your policies and training plan recommend leadership strategies that foster improved ethical practices of employees when working with
health information.
Explain how your training plan recommends leadership strategies that encourage effective collaboration between members of the health information
management team and other staff members in the organization.
Explain how your training plan recommends leadership strategies that promote the cultural competence of the health information management team
both in working with each other and when working with health information.

Explain how your training plan clearly demonstrates to employees the steps of new procedures that employees must now perform and follow,
supporting materials with examples of how employees will act out procedures.
Explain how your training plan clearly demonstrates how these new procedures will improve compliance with regulations and standard-setting agencies.
Explain how your training plan clearly demonstrates the importance of these new procedures in terms of patient safety and security of patient
Explain how your training plan recommends leadership strategies that could be used by management in disseminating and enforcing these new
Guidelines for Submission: Fill in the Milestone Two Template. Use APA formatting to cite all sources used.
Critical Elements
New Policy and
Procedures: Revenue
Exemplary (100%)
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates keen insight
regarding procedures for both
conducting and reporting data
Proficient (90%)
Develops new procedures for
the health information
management team for both
conducting and reporting data
analyses regarding revenue
New Policy and
Procedures: Patient
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates keen insight
regarding procedures for both
conducting and reporting data
Develops new procedures for
the health information
management team for both
conducting and reporting data
analyses regarding patient
New Policy and
Regulatory Violations
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates keen insight
regarding procedures for both
conducting and reporting data
Develops new procedures for
the health information
management team for both
conducting and reporting data
analyses regarding regulatory
New Policy and
Procedures: Secure
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates keen insight into
how to improve compliance
through new policy creation
Develops a new policy for the
organization that outlines
measures for employees that
will guide them in keeping
patient health information
Needs Improvement (70%)
Develops new procedures for
the health information
management team for
conducting or reporting data
analyses regarding revenue
management but procedures
are cursory or inappropriate
Develops new procedures for
the health information
management team for
conducting or reporting data
analyses regarding patient
safety but procedures are
cursory or inappropriate
Develops new procedures for
the health information
management team for
conducting or reporting data
analyses regarding regulatory
violations but procedures are
cursory or inappropriate
Develops a new policy for the
organization that outlines
measures for employees that
will guide them in keeping
patient health information
secure but policy is cursory or
Not Evident (0%)
Does not develop new
procedures for the health
information management team
for both conducting and
reporting data analyses
regarding revenue
Does not develop new
procedures for the health
information management team
for conducting or reporting
data analyses regarding patient
Does not develop new
procedures for the health
information management team
for conducting or reporting
data analyses regarding
regulatory violations
Does not develop a new policy
for the organization that
outlines measures for
employees that will guide them
in keeping patient health
information secure
New Policy and
Procedures: Track
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates keen insight into
how to improve compliance
through new policy creation
Develops a new policy for th …
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