Expert answer:health journal entry

Expert answer:Hii..Could you do this assignment please..The book is :Insel, Paul M. and Walton T. Roth. Connect Core Concepts in Health Big with Connect 15th ed.———————————-Each module will require you to make a journal entry related to the unit topic. We will cover 4 modules plus Chapter 21 in all. The journal entry will explore your attitudes, opinions, and beliefs about health. You are to turn in a journal entry for each module.Journal entries require thoughtful reflection on your personal health. You will also be evaluated on the quality of content. When appropriate, journal entries may require you to discuss ideas and support them by scientific data and references, if necessary (not required). Your journal entry should include discussion of the content in the module the stood out to you the most, your feelings and opinions on the topic, and how the information you learned will influence you going forward. Also, it should include any other reflective thoughts you may have on the module.These journal entries should be organized by module and submitted in one Word document file. Each journal entry should be 400 words in length. The Chapter 21 entry should be 100 words.—————————–I will attach the topics for each model to choose what to write and don’t forget, each model just 400 words and the last chapter just 100 words———————————– I’m an international male student** -Please note that Professor is too serious about Plagiarism so please make it different.thank you..

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Model 1: Establishing a Basis for Wellness
This module will focus on your individual health and what it means to be well. It will prompt you to
analyze all aspects of your wellness. By learning and understanding the multiply dimensions of wellness
you will in turn be able to improve these different dimensions. You will develop a deeper understanding of
how stress affects a person physically as well as emotional. Also you will delve into the topic of mental

Chapter 1
health – The overall condition of body or mind and the presence or absence of illness or injury.
wellness – Optimal health and vitality, encompassing all the dimensions of well-being.
risk factors – A condition that increases your chances of disease or injury.
lifestyle choices – A conscious behavior that can increase or decrease a person’s risk of disease or injury; such
behaviors include smoking, exercising, and eating a healthful diet.
behavior change – A lifestyle management process that involves cultivating healthy behaviors and working to
overcome unhealthy ones.
target behavior – An isolated behavior selected as the object for a behavior change program.
Chapter 2
stressor – Any physical or psychological event or condition that produces physical and emotional reactions.
stress response – The physical and emotional reactions to a stressor.
stress – The general physical and emotional state that the stressor produces.
hormone – A chemical messenger produced in the body and transported in the bloodstream to target cells or organs
for specific regulation of their activities.
epinephrine – A hormone secreted by the medulla (inner core) of the adrenal gland that affects the functioning of
organs involved in responding to a stressor; also called adrenaline.
fight-or-flight reaction – A defense reaction that prepares an individual for conflict or escape by triggering
hormonal, cardiovascular, metabolic, and other changes.
homeostasis A state of stability and consistency in an individual’s physiological functioning.
gender role – A culturally expected pattern of behavior and attitudes determined by a person’s sex.
eustress – Stress resulting from a stressor perceived to be pleasant.
distress – Stress resulting from a stressor perceived to be unpleasant.
acute stress – Stress immediately following a stressor; may last only minutes or may turn into chronic stress.
chronic stress – Stress that continues for days, weeks, or longer.
Chapter 3
Psychological health – Mental health, defined negatively as the absence of illness or positively as the presence of
self actualization – The highest level of growth in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.
autonomy – Independence; the sense of being self-directed.
emotion – A feeling state involving some combination of thoughts, physiological changes, and an outward
expression or behavior.
self- concept – The ideas, feelings, and perceptions a person has about himself or herself; also called self image.
defense mechanism – A mental mechanism for coping with conflict or anxiety.
depression – A mood disorder characterized by loss of interest, sadness, hopelessness, loss of appetite, disturbed
sleep, and other physical symptoms.
—————————————————–Model 2: Understanding Sexuality
This module will explore the complexity of relationships, the sexual body, and family
Chapter 4
attachment The emotional tie between an infant and his or her caregiver or between two
people in an intimate relationship.
infatuation An idealizing, obsessive attraction, characterized by a high degree of physical
cohabitation Living together in a sexual relationship without being married.
sexual orientation A consistent pattern of emotional and sexual attraction based on
biological sex; it exists along a continuum that ranges from exclusive heterosexuality
(attraction to people of the other sex) through bisexuality (attraction to people of both
sexes) to exclusive homosexuality (attraction to people of one’s own sex).
straight Attraction to people of the other sex; heterosexual.
Chapter 5 and 6
sexual intercourse Sexual relations involving genital union; also called coitus, and also
known as making love.
sexual coercion The use of physical or psychological force or intimidation to make a
person submit to sexual demands.
pornography The depiction of sexual activities in pictures, writing, or other material with
the intent to arouse.
sexuality A dimension of personality shaped by biological, psychosocial, and cultural
forces and concerning all aspects of sexual behavior.
adrenal glands Endocrine glands, located over the kidneys, that produce sex hormones.
pituitary gland An endocrine gland at the base of the brain that produces hormones and
regulates the release of hormones—including sex hormones—by other glands.
Chapter 7 and 8
preconception care Health care in preparation for pregnancy.
fetus The developmental stage of a human from the ninth week after conception to the
moment of birth.
fertilization The initiation of biological reproduction; the union of the nucleus of an egg cell
with the nucleus of a sperm cell.
Model 3: Substance Abuse and Addiction
This module will explore the types of drugs, addiction, alcohol, alcoholism, and
tobacco use and its effects on the cardiovascular system.
Chapter 9
drug Any chemical other than food intended to affect the structure or function of the body.
intoxication The state of being mentally affected by a chemical (literally, a state of being poisoned).
addiction A chronic disease that disrupts the brain’s system of motivation and reward, characterized by a
compulsive desire and increasing need for a substance or behavior, and by harm to the individual and/or
tolerance Lower sensitivity to a drug so that a given dose no longer exerts the usual effect and larger doses are
withdrawal Physical and psychological symptoms that follow the interrupted use of a drug on which a user is
physically dependent; symptoms may be mild or life threatening.
high The subjectively pleasing effects of a drug, usually felt quite soon after the drug is taken.
euphoria An exaggerated feeling of well-being.
depressant, sedative-hypnotic A drug that decreases nervous or muscular activity, causing drowsiness or
stimulant A drug that increases nervous or muscular activity.
Chapter 10
misuse or excessive use Drinking alcohol to the point of slurring words and engaging in risky behavior such
as drunk driving.
alcohol The intoxicating ingredient in fermented or distilled beverages; a colorless odorless liquid.
blood alcohol concentration (BAC) The amount of alcohol in the blood expressed as the percentage of
alcohol in a deciliter of blood, used as a measure of intoxication.
alcoholism A pathological use of alcohol or impairment in functioning due to alcohol; characterized by
tolerance of alcohol and withdrawal symptoms.
binge drinking Periodically drinking alcohol to the point of severe intoxication: about four drinks (for
women) and five drinks (for men) consumed within a period of about two hours.
Chapter 11 and 15
cardiovascular disease (CVD) The collective term for various diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
cardiovascular system (CVS) The system that circulates blood through the body; consists of the heart and
blood vessels.
tobacco The leaves of cultivated tobacco plants prepared for smoking, chewing, or use as snuff.
psychoactive drug A chemical substance that affects brain function and changes
perception, mood, or consciousness.
nicotine A poisonous, addictive substance found in tobacco and responsible for many of the effects of
—————————————————–Model 4: Your Health
This module introduces the recommended eating habits, weight, and exercises
habits adults should adhere to. It will give you the tools to address health concerns
and make improvements. This module will also cover the types of medicine,
conventional and complementary, that people choose from when caring for their
Chapter 12
Nutrition – The science of food and dietary supplements, and how the body uses
them in health and disease.
essential nutrients – Dietary components the body must get from foods or
supplements because it cannot manufacture them to meet its needs.
energy – The capacity to do work, measured by calories. We get energy from certain
nutrients in food.
digestion – The process of breaking down foods into compounds the gastrointestinal
tract can absorb and the body can use.
kilocalorie – A measure of energy content in food; 1 kilocalorie represents the
amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 liter of water 1°C; commonly
referred to as calorie.
Chapter 13 and 14
physical fitness – The body’s ability to respond or adapt to the demands and stress
of physical effort.
health-related fitness – Physical capabilities that contribute to health, including
cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and
body composition.
physical activity – Any body movement carried out by the skeletal muscles that
requires energy.
exercise – Planned, structured, repetitive movement of the body intended to improve
or maintain physical fitness.
energy balance – A condition that occurs when energy intake equals energy
expenditure; the key to achieving and maintaining a healthy body weight.
overweight – Body weight above the recommended range for good health.
obesity – Severe overweight, characterized by an excessive accumulation of body
fat; may also be defined in terms of some measure of total body weight.
Chapter 16 and 20
cancer – The abnormal, uncontrolled multiplication of cells.
tumor – A mass of tissue that serves no physiological purpose; also called a
complementary medicine – unconventional medical practices that are used
together with conventional ones.
alternative medicine – unconventional medical practices that are used instead of
conventional methods.
conventional medicine – a system if medicine emphasizing biological and
physical scientific principles.
Chapter 21: Personal Safety

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