Expert answer:Evidence Based paper

Expert answer:This is a evidence based paper
for my nursing program. Needs to be 8-10 pages long, APA formatted must be
correct, minimum of six peer- reviewed Scholarly sources. Attached is a rubric
which needs to be followed and EACH question needs to be answered within the
rubric. This rubric is broken down into sections such as introduction,
Importance, Patient Population and so on. Please make sub headings for each
topic and answer the questions in each of those subjects within the subheading.
My PICOT question that this paper needs to be on is:-Older adults that attend
outpatient care clinics which initiate fall risk assessments have a decrease in
numbers of falls verses those clinics that do not have a fall risk assessment
implemented over a one year period. Along
with the rubric I have also attached my preview for this paper which was
approved by the professor. This paper also has 3 references in the attachment
if possible please use at least one. Also needs to be under 20% in TurnItin (plagersium website)



Unformatted Attachment Preview

Capstone Evidence‐based Paper Guidelines
In this final assignment of the Capstone course, the student will use skills of inquiry gained in the
baccalaureate nursing program to identify a clinical issue upon which nurses have the ability to resolve or
have a positive impact. With a focus on the diversity of the individual as well as the variation of cultural
values of a particular population, the student will develop a plan for addressing the clinical issue. With the
incorporation of other disciplines from the health care team the student will describe the role the nurse
has in the implementation of an ethically sound plan.
This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes.

CO # 1: Synthesize knowledge from sciences, humanities, and nursing in managing the
needs of humans as consumers of healthcare in a patient‐centered environment. (PO#1)
CO # 2: Integrate communication and relationship skills in teamwork and collaboration
functioning effectively with health team members and consumers of care. (PO#3)
CO # 3: Utilize information technology to manage knowledge, mitigate error, and support
decision making with health team members and consumers of care. (PO# 8)
CO # 4 Integrate critical thinking, clinical reasoning skills, best current evidence, clinical
expertise, and patient/family preferences/values in the implementation of the nursing
process. (PO# 4)
CO # 5: Explore the impact of professional standards, legislative issues, ethical principles,
and values on professional nursing, using data to monitor outcomes and improve quality
and safety. (PO# 5, 6)
Unless otherwise instructed by the faculty, this assignment is due to be submitted in the course drop box no
later the 12 am (midnight) on the Sunday at the end of Unit 6. The College’s Late Assignment Policy applies to
this activity.
200 points
• When selecting a clinical issue to be addressed in the assignment, the student is expected to
draw from one of the four main categories of the NCLEX‐RN examination blueprint: assurance
of a safe and effective care environment, health promotion and maintenance of health, the
preservation of the patient’s psychosocial and physiological integrity.
• Length of paper 8‐10 pages excluding the title page and the reference page.
• The sources cited both in text and on the reference page for this assignment will be formatted
according APA 6th edition guidelines.
• A minimum of six (6) peer‐reviewed scholarly sources are required in support of the Evidence‐based
Capstone Evidence‐based Paper.
• This assignment will be graded using the Capstone Evidence‐ based Paper Rubric available in Unit 6
of the course.
The student will be required to:
 Produce an 8‐10 page evidence‐based paper addressing a significant clinical issue
 Identify and explore a solution to a clinical issue
 Gather additional background information on:
o the clinical issue
o the patient population
 Develop a plan that could be carried out by a nurse to resolve the clinical issue.
 Reflect on the knowledge and experience gained in the nursing program
 Draw from one of the four main categories of the NCLEX‐RN examination blueprint
o assurance of a safe and effective care environment,
o health promotion and maintenance of health,
o preservation of the patient’s psychosocial
o preservation of the patient’s physiological integrity
With the exception of the Introduction, each criterion listed below will serve as the major headings of this
assignment due in Unit Six and will include the following:

Title Page: (APA 6th edition formatting)
 Offers a detailed description of the statement of purpose for the paper.
 Identifies a clinical issue or problem drawn from one of the four main categories of the NCLEX‐RN
examination blueprint:
o Assurance of a safe and effective care environment
o Health promotion and maintenance of health
o Preservation of the patient population’s psychosocial integrity
o Preservation of the patient population ’s physiological integrity
 In this paper the student will provide a detailed description of the relationship between the category
from the NCLEX‐RN examination blueprint and the clinical issue.
 The reference to the NCLEX‐RN examination blueprint found at the National Council of State Boards of
Nursing website constitutes one scholarly reference.
 Importance: The student will describe the importance of the clinical issue to the health of a patient
population. This discussion will include the potential negative effect of leaving the clinical issue
NR452 Evidence‐based Project Guidelines V2.docx
Revised August 2017 ew

Patient Population: The student will describe the patient population that is impacted by the clinical
issue. With a focus on the diversity of the human condition found within this patient population, the
student will describe the influence that cultural values may have on the proposed solution.
 Proposed Solution: The student will set the stage for proposing the best solution to the clinical problem
by using appropriate evidence‐based data and integrating data from peer‐reviewed journal articles. In
this paper, the student will:
Propose a clear solution to the clinical problem that is supported by a minimum of
three scholarly, peer‐reviewed journal articles.
Expand on the ethical considerations when developing the plan.
 Goals: While the intervention will not actually be carried out, the student will discuss the plan that could
be implemented by a nurse to address the clinical issue. One short‐term and one long‐term goal of the
intervention will be identified. The student will include a description of how attainment of each of the
goals would be measured.
 Barriers: The student will identify a minimum of two potential barriers to the success of the plan as well
as a strategy for addressing each one.
 Benefits: The student will describe a minimum of one benefit to the patient population and one benefit
to the nursing profession that will result from carrying out the plan. Provides a minimum of one
scholarly, peer‐reviewed source in support of the benefit of the plan to the patient population.
 Participants and Interdisciplinary Approach: The student will identify all of the parties whose
participation is important for the success of implementing the plan.
i. This list will include a minimum of two members of disciplines outside of nursing.
ii. A description of the benefit of including each member from another discipline to the success
of the plan.
iii. A minimum of one scholarly, peer‐reviewed source providing support for the success of the
plan by including the healthcare team member outside of nursing.
• Conclusion:
i. Provides a thorough recap of the purpose of the plan to prevent or help to resolve the clinical
ii. Includes a complete statement describing why addressing this clinical problem matters and to
• Reference Page: (APA 6 edition formatting)
NR452 Evidence‐based Project Guidelines V2.docx
Revised August 2017 ew

Introduces a clinical problem drawn from one of the four main
categories of the NCLEX‐RN examination blueprint:
 Assurance of a safe and effective care environment.
 Health promotion and maintenance of health.
 Preservation of the patient’s psychosocial integrity.
 Preservation of the patient’s physiological integrity.
 This reference appropriately cites the NCLEX‐RN
examination blueprint found at the National Council of
State Boards of Nursing website and constitutes one
scholarly reference.

Describes the importance of the clinical problem to the health
of the patient population.
Includes the potential negative effect of leaving the clinical
issue unresolved.



Summarizes the diversity of the human condition found
within the patient population.
Identifies the influence that cultural values may have on the
plan for addressing the clinical issue.
Proposes a clear solution to the clinical problem that is
supported by a minimum of three scholarly, peer‐reviewed
Expands on the ethical considerations in developing the plan
for addressing the issue affecting patient population.

Develops a minimum of one short‐term goal.
Develops a minimum of one long‐term goal.
Includes the ways in which attainment of each of the goals
will to be measured.

Identifies a minimum of two anticipated barriers to the
success of preventing or resolving the clinical issue.
Describes at least one strategy for addressing each
anticipated barrier.


Participants and

NR452 Evidence‐based Project Guidelines V2.docx
Describes a minimum of one benefit to the patient
population and one benefit to the nursing profession that
will result from preventing or resolving the clinical issue.
Provides a minimum of one scholarly, peer‐reviewed source
in support of the benefit of the plan to the patient
Identifies all of the parties who will be involved in the
implementation of the clinical project.
This list includes a minimum of two members of a discipline
outside of nursing.
Revised August 2017 ew


APA 6th edition
Grammar and
Total Points = 200

Includes the benefit of including each member from another
discipline to the success of the project.
Provides a minimum of one scholarly, peer‐reviewed source
in support of the success of the plan by including the
healthcare team member outside of nursing.
Provides a thorough recap of the purpose of the plan to
prevent or help to resolve the clinical issue.
Includes a complete statement describing why addressing
the clinical problem matters and to whom
Uses clear and correct grammar.
Uses proper sentence structure and flow.
Adheres to all APA 6th edition formatting guidelines for title
page, margins, and in‐text citations.
Points Earned = _____
NR452 Evidence‐based Project Guidelines V2.docx
Revised August 2017 ew
(20 points)
(20 points)
Outstanding or Highest
Level of Performance
Very Good or High Level of
Competent or Satisfactory
Level of Performance
A (92–100%)
B (84–91%)
C (76–83%)
Completely sets the stage for
selecting the clinical issue in
terms of the impact on the
health of a patient population.
Offers a detailed description of
the statement of purpose for
the paper while introducing a
clinical problem drawn from
one of the four main categories
of the NCLEX‐RN examination
blueprint which is
appropriately cited.
Minimally addresses the
clinical issue in terms of the
impact on the health of a
patient population. Describes
in general terms the statement
of purpose for the paper but
does not introduce a clinical
problem drawn from one of
the four main categories of the
NCLEX‐RN examination
Provides a description of the
purpose of the paper but does
not address the clinical issue in
terms of the impact on the
health of a patient population.
Does not introduce a clinical
problem drawn from one of
the four main categories of the
NCLEX‐RN examination
19‐20 points
Partially sets the stage for
selecting the clinical issue in
terms of the impact on the
health of a patient population.
Identifies most but not all of
the details describing the
statement of purpose for the
paper while introducing a
clinical problem drawn from
one of the four main
categories of the NCLEX‐RN
examination blueprint which is
appropriately cited.
17‐18 points
16 points
0‐15 points
Completely describes the
importance of the clinical
problem to the health of the
patient population and
includes the potential negative
effect of leaving the clinical
issue unresolved.
Partially describes the
importance of the clinical
problem to the health of the
patient population with partial
inclusion of the potential
negative effect of leaving the
clinical issue unresolved.
19‐20 points
17‐18 points
Minimally describes the
importance of the clinical
problem to the health of the
patient population with
minimal inclusion of the
potential negative effect of
leaving the clinical issue
16 points
NR452 Evidence‐based Project Guidelines.docx
Revised September 2015 SME‐EP/ CIS‐LS
Poor, Failing or
Unsatisfactory Level of
F (0–75%)
Provides minimal or no
description of the importance
of the clinical problem to the
health of the patient
population and/or the
potential negative effect of
leaving the clinical issue
0‐15 points
Patient Population
(20 points)
Clearly summarizes the
diversity of the human
condition found within the
patient population. Completely
identifies the influence that
cultural values may have on
the plan for addressing the
clinical issue in the patient
population. Provides an
expanded view of the ethical
considerations of the patient
Partially summarizes the
diversity of the human
condition found within the
patient population. Provides
limited identification of the
influence that cultural values
may have on the plan for
addressing the clinical issue in
the patient population.
Presents an incomplete view of
the ethical considerations of
the patient population.
Minimally summarizes the
diversity of the human
condition found within the
patient population. Provides
marginal identification of the
influence that cultural values
may have on the plan for
addressing the clinical issue in
the patient population.
Presents an inadequate view of
the ethical considerations of
the patient population.
Summary of the diversity of
the human condition found
within the patient population
missing. Identification of the
influence that cultural values
may have on the plan for
addressing the clinical issue in
the patient population
Identification of patient
population missing completely
or lacking in description.
19‐20 points
17‐18 points
16 points
0‐15 points
Proposed Solution
(20 points)
Proposes a clear solution to
the clinical problem that
encompasses pertinent ethical
considerations in the
development of the plan.
Appropriately supported by a
minimum of three scholarly,
peer‐reviewed journal articles.
19‐20 points
Proposes a solution to the
clinical problem that provides
minimal reference to the
ethical considerations of
developing the plan.
Appropriately supported by
two scholarly, peer‐reviewed
journal articles.
17‐18 points
Attempts to propose a solution
to the clinical problem that
does not provide reference to
the ethical considerations of
developing the plan.
Appropriately supported by
one scholarly, peer‐reviewed
journal article.
16 points
Makes reference to a solution
to the clinical problem without
reference to the ethical
considerations of developing
the plan and is not
appropriately supported by
scholarly, peer‐reviewed
journal articles.
0‐15 points
(20 points)
Develops one or more short‐
term goal and one or more
long‐term goal. Includes a
complete description of the
ways in which attainment of
each of the goals will be
Provides a partial description
of one short‐term goal and one
long‐term goal. Includes a
partial description of the ways
in which attainment of each of
the goals will be measured.
Provides a minimal description
of one short‐term goal and one
long‐term goal. Includes a
limited description of the ways
in which attainment of each of
the goals will be measured.
Makes reference to a short‐
term goal and at least one
long‐term goal but neglects to
provide a description of the
ways in which attainment of
each of the goals will be
17‐18 points
16 points
0‐15 points
19‐20 points
NR452 Evidence‐based Project Guidelines.docx
Revised September 2015 SME‐EP/ CIS‐LS
(20 points)
(25 points)
Completely describes
minimum of two anticipated
barriers to the success of the
implementation of the clinical
project and plans for
addressing them.
Partially describes one
anticipated barrier to the
success of the implementation
of the clinical project and plans
for addressing same.
Provides a minimal description
of anticipated barriers to the
success of the implementation
of the clinical project and
minimal or missing plans for
addressing them.
Little or no reference to the
anticipated barriers to the
success of the implementation
of the clinical project and plans
for addressing them.
19‐20 points
17‐18 points
16 points
0‐15 points
Provides a thorough
description of a minimum of
one benefit to the patient
population and one or more
benefit to the nursing
profession that will result from
carrying out the clinical
project. Provides one or more
scholarly, peer‐reviewed
source in support of the
benefit of the plan to the
patient population.
19‐20 points
Provides a partial overview of
one benefit to the patient
population and one benefit to
the nursing profession that will
result from carrying out the
clinical project. Provides one
scholarly, peer‐reviewed
source in support of the
benefit of the plan to the
patient population.
Provides a minimal overview of
benefit to the patient
population and benefit to the
nursing profession that will
result from carrying out the
clinical project. Provides one
reference for support of the
benefit of the plan to the
patient population.
Fails to provide an overview of
benefit to the patient
population and to the nursing
profession that will result from
carrying out the clinical
project. Does not provide a
reference in support of the
benefit of the plan to the
patient population.
17‐18 points
16 points
0‐15 points
NR452 Evidence‐based Project Guidelines.docx
Revised September 2015 SME‐EP/ CIS‐LS
Participants and
(20 points)
(20 points)
Provides complete details
identifying all of the parties
who will be involved in the
implementation of the clinical
project. This list includes two
or more members of a
discipline outside of nursing.
Provides a complete
description of the benefit of
including each member from a
discipline outside of nursing to
the success of the project.
Provides a one or more
scholarly, peer‐reviewed
source in support of the
success of the plan by
including the healthcare team
member outside of nursing.
19‐20 points
Provides partial details
identifying all of the parties
who will be involved in the
implementation of the clinical
project. This list includes at
least one member of a
discipline outside of nursing.
Provides a partial description
of the benefit of including each
member from a discipline
outside of nursing to the
success of the project.
Provides a minimum of one
scholarly, peer‐reviewed
source in support of the
success of the plan by
including the healthcare team
member outside of nursing.
17‐18 points
Minimally details the parties
who will be involved in the
implementation of the clinical
project. May or may not
include a member of a
discipline outside of nursing.
Provides a minimal description
of the benefit of including each
member from a discipline
outside of nursing to the
success of the project.
Provides one reference in
support of the success of the
plan by including the
healthcare t …
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