Expert answer:For this assignment, you will submit a 750-1,000 word written evaluation of the event. You will compile your stakeholder interview information, event artifacts, and observations into a written report that summarizes the event, assesses event planning effectiveness, and offers feedback and suggestions for enhancing the event in the future. Address the following in your evaluation.Explain the role that core business practices played in the planning and execution of the event. Use stakeholder interview(this will be attached) feedback and your own observations related to event promotion, organization, and execution to discuss how well the event coordinator met the event objectives. Cite specific event artifacts, data, and examples in your analysisAs you think about the execution of the event and the planning skills that were utilized, how effective was the event planner in executing the event? Identify specific strengths and provide suggestions for ways the event could be enhanced in the future. Identify the most important lessons you learned from observing the event planning process and executionI have attached the guidelines as well as the necessary documents as well as the assignment guidelines to help complete this assignment.Prepare this assignment according to APA guidelines found in the APA. An abstract is not required.You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.
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Assignment #11: Bench Mark; Event Evaluation
Submit a 750-1,000 word written evaluation of the event. Use APA guidelines for this paper.
Please follow the order below.
1. In the opening paragraph, address the 5 wh’s(who, what, when, why, where) of your
event and include a purpose statement for the paper.
2. Examine the role of core business practices in the development of sporting events.
Please address the following core business practices:
Venue choice
Finding and managing the right people
Event sponsorship
Servicing the media—includes social media
Risk assessment
3. In the document, cite specific event artifacts, data, and examples in your analysis. Each
of your previous documents should be addressed at least once. Sample citations:
(Building your team, 2017), (Event promotion, 2017)
4. Identify specific strengths and provide suggestions for ways the event could be enhanced
in the future.
5. Identify the most important lessons you learned from observing the event planning
process and execution.
6. You may use the following References page:
Building your team [Supplemental material]. (2017). In YOUR NAME—First initial. Last name
(Comp.), Sports Event Planning Assignments (BUS 372). Phoenix: Grand Canyon
Event budget estimation. [Supplemental material]. (2017). In YOUR NAME (Comp.), Sports
Event Planning Assignments (BUS 372). Phoenix: Grand Canyon University.
Event coordinator interview. [Supplemental material]. (2017). In YOUR NAME (Comp.), Sports
Event Planning Assignments (BUS 372). Phoenix: Grand Canyon University.
Event promotion. [Supplemental material]. (2017). In YOUR NAME (Comp.), Sports Event
Planning Assignments (BUS 372). Phoenix: Grand Canyon University.
Event rundown. [Supplemental material]. (2017). In YOUR NAME (Comp.), Sports Event
Planning Assignments (BUS 372). Phoenix: Grand Canyon University.
PAPER test. [Supplemental material]. (2017). In YOUR NAME (Comp.), Sports Event Planning
Assignments (BUS 372). Phoenix: Grand Canyon University.
Safety and security plan. [Supplemental material]. (2017). In YOUR NAME (Comp.), Sports
Event Planning Assignments (BUS 372). Phoenix: Grand Canyon University.
Sponsorship deck and presentation. [Supplemental material]. (2017). In YOUR NAME (Comp.),
Sports Event Planning Assignments (BUS 372). Phoenix: Grand Canyon University.
Stakeholder interviews. [Supplemental material]. (2017). In YOUR NAME (Comp.), Sports
Event Planning Assignments (BUS 372). Phoenix: Grand Canyon University.
Event Coordinator Interview
The questions below can be used as a guide as you conduct your interview. Submit the interview
questions and responses to your instructor using a Word document.
1. What is the name of the event? Brophy Xavier Invitational
2. What are the main goals of the event? One of the main goals are to provide high school
golfers with a high-quality tournament experience. Another goal of the Brophy Xavier
Invitational is to encourage participation and development of golf within high schools
and the educational system and to assist promising high school golfers to continue to
develop their skills on new courses and in friendly competition with players from
throughout the golfing world.
3. What is the history of the event (if any)? This is the 2nd year of the Brophy Xavier
4. How do you generate interest in your event and recruit participants and spectators?
First, we generate interest from other teams by putting together a good competitive
tournament. Secondly, we promote by using email, we email all our staff/students to
come out and support. Then, closer to the event we have brochures to detail the event
in each of the main offices so people can see it when they first walk in. Lastly, we
used social media to gain spectators we encourage all of our faculty and students to
share the event on all their social media accounts to maximize exposure for both
spectators and participants.
5. What role does social media/technology play in your event planning and execution? As
mentioned before we use a lot of social media to promote/advertise our event. This year
we will do live feed updates like most major sports team do to update people on golfer
information. We do use technology to live score the event so people can see scores in
real time as we have in the past.
6. How many participants do you expect for the event? Spectators? We expect about 60
participants and maybe about 50-75 spectators
7. What kind/amount of revenue do you hope to generate from the event? W e,
don’t generally look to make any money. We just try not to lose money. there
are many golf tournaments events that lose money when producing a golf
tournament. Why, because they do not manage their money. For many of us
© 2015. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.
money is the purpose of the event to raise money because this is fundraising
event. So, it only makes sense to make as much as you can.
8. What is the overall budget for your event? We have a budget of about $4000. Creating
and sticking to a budget will make the difference between making money and losing
money. We tried our hardest to minimize our expenses but at the same time not be too
cheap because golfers and spectators would not to participate in a cheap event.
9. What role do volunteers play in the event? In order to host a successful golf event, you
need to have golf tournament volunteers you can count on to keep things organized and
perform under pressure when you are not available. Parents and alumni typically
volunteer by helping ensure that players stay hydrated with water etc., with registration
and wherever there’s help needed.
10. How many volunteers do you expect to utilize during the planning and execution of the
event? I’d expect to have about 15-20 volunteers. Before the event, volunteers can
help with event preparation. Setting name tags, assembling goodie bags for players,
and placing signs on the course. As the tournament begins, volunteers can help as
greeters near parking lot entrances, organizing and executing the registration process,
contests, or driving golf carts.
11. What methods have you used for recruiting volunteers? We usually just have parents sign
up to help out. This year we will contact alumni students and those who have participated
in the past to see if they would be interested in volunteering. We will have them sign a
volunteer waiver just to ensure safety and their participation.
12. Do you have strategic partners or sponsors for the event? We are trying to get Antigua a
famous golf apparel to partner with us and GCU obviously is a partner. Since its our 2nd
event we are looking into get local businesses to sponsor the event as well.
13. What strategies have you used to recruit partners/sponsors? We could offer local small
businesses a small hole sign and their name in the brochure. So, when people go to that
hole or look in the brochure they can read what the business.
14. How did you select your event venue/location? Choosing a golf course in the most
important of this event. We wanted to do something with GCU and their new golf
course and they were open to working with us. GCU has a pretty new golf course and
it’s in a great location so that’s why we chose it.
15. What role does the local community play in your event and how do you make the event a
positive experience for them? Local community doesn’t really play a role as this is just
another golf event at the course.
© 2015. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.
16. What kinds of planning and communication tools do you use to ensure that your event
runs smoothly? Usually email communication with the golf course and coaches to ensure
that we are all on the same page
17. What are some common ethical or legal issues you encounter and must be aware of as
you plan and execute the event? Legal issues could be if someone was injured during
the tournament and them possibly suing the school. An ethical issue could be, the
person who is in charge of the money raised deciding to keep the money for
themselves or not be honest about the money we raise.
18. What methods do you use to assess the success of your event? A method we could use is
maybe having them complete a survey online about the overall event. We could also do a
follow up meeting with everyone involved in the event to what things went well and see
what we can improve on for next years event.
19. How will you use this year’s event as a building block for executing the same event next
year or to plan and execute subsequent events? Budget will be a big issue for next year.
we will need to do a better job in setting a budget so we don’t stand to lose money
20. What is your best event planning advice to those new to the field? Plan early, plan ahead
and be prepared for setbacks. Over budget…you always will spend more than you think.
© 2015. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.
© 2015. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.
Event Promotion
One key to successful event promotion is the creation of a clear, consistent message about the
event. A good promotion gets people excited about the event while providing basic details about
the who, what, when, where, why and how of the event. Think about the event you are planning
and determine how you can promote the event to targeted participants, the local community and
potential volunteers.
Message Components
Who is the event targeting?
Participant message:
Brophy Prep invites you to a day of fun at the 36th Annual Brophy Golf Classic on
Wednesday November 8, 2017 at the Grayhawk Golf Club. All Proceeds from the Golf
Classic go to the Brophy Financial Aid Fund to Benefit Students with Verified Need.
Spectator message:
Come out and watch some of fellow Brophy classmates and alumni in this year’s 36th Annual
Brophy Golf Classic. It will be a day filled with great food and great company.
Volunteer message:
Help us put on an unforgettable experience as we will host the 36th Annual Brophy Annual Golf
Classic. You will be able to connect with fellow Brophy students, faculty and alumni. Just put
on a smile and come out ready to work hard.
What is the event? Describe it here.
The Brophy Golf Classic at the Grayhawk Golf Club delivers the premium branding, hospitality
and experiences for sponsors and participants that Brophy has been renowned for over thirty
When and Where will the event take place?
It will take Wednesday November 8, 2017 at the Grayhawk Golf Club in Scottsdale, Arizona.
Why should people get involved with the event?
Participant message: You will want to participate in this year’s golf classic because there
will be lots of good food, and lots of good company. Each year just keeps getting better and
better, so don’t miss out.
© 2015. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.
Spectator message: You will want to come out and support your friends and family as
this year’s golf classic will be filled with even more friendly competition. See who will get to
walk away with all the bragging rights.
Volunteer message: You will want to come out and volunteer because not only do you
get to meet a lot of cool people, but you get to take home a free t-shirt and there will be free
How can people learn more about the event? Remember to include contact information and
direct people to digital resources here.
You can learn more about the event by contacting the event coordinator, Jon Shores. His email is
. Although he doesn’t give out his phone number, he responds pretty quickly through email or
you can call the school as to get connected to his office. You can also log onto the and click on the Golf Classic tab.
What sponsor information needs to be included in your communication?
We will communicate how our sponsors are sponsoring the whole event. We will also include
all the different types of sponsorship packages available to them including the price and what
they get from each package.
Promotion Mediums
What two forms of digital media are you using to promote your event? Include links to the
digital media by pasting them in the space below.
We will use Instagram and Facebook as our digital media platforms in promoting this
How are you using this digital media? Explain what you are posting, the frequency of posts, and
how you are driving potential participants, spectators, and volunteers to the media.
We will be posting the flyers we have developed and pictures of precious years events. We will
start posting 4 months in advance and post something once a month, up until 1 month before,
then we will post once a week. Our goal is to display how fun our event is and all the benefits are
in partaking in it.
To whom will you distribute the print flyer? List recipients below. Remember to include
community businesses and sponsors on your list.
© 2015. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.
We will distribute our print flyer to local golf resorts in the Phoenix area to see if any of them
would like to participate in the event. We would also hand them out to potential sponsors.
© 2015. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.
To whom will you distribute the written piece? List recipients below. Remember to include
sponsors on your list.
We will distribute the written piece to any previous participants, spectators, and sponsors, as well
as all of the people who are in the Golf Classic and are subscribed to our email lists.
List the dates for various promotional distributions in the chart below.
Promotional Distribution
(digital, flyer, written)
Promotional Message Content
Where and when, and contact information
Post flyer
Post flyer
Post pictures of previous years events
Where and when, and contact information
© 2015. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.
Securing the golf course
The course is your biggest expense and one
of the main reasons golfers play in your
event. Golfers want a great golf course in
$ 6,000.00 good condition
Golfers want more than just a burnt hot
dog with a drink ticket. Give them food that
they get excited about. Pay for the
beverages, sodas and water, alcohol will be
$ 2,000.00 available for purchase
Contest Prizes
The Golfer Gift Package (Goodie Bag) the
first thing that they receive when they
arrive must have an impact. It shows a
quality event if it is a good package. Ideally
$ 1,000.00 sponsors will cover the costs
Golfers want to play for something
worthwhile. It is great if you can get these
items donated but if you must pay for
$ 1,000.00 them.
Make impact with signage. Sponsors want
to see their name placed prominently and
big. Make your event look bigger with
bigger signs and we can recycle these same
$ 1,700.00 signs for next years event
Golfer Gift Packages(Goddie Bags)
Making sure that if any accidents happen
between golfers, attendees and volunteers
$ 5,000.00 that we insurance to cover any damages
Paying a graphic designer to help design a
$ 500.00 website so people can visit
T-shirts for volunteers
We need to print out brochures/pamphlet
$ 1,500.00 so we can market our event
Estimated to have 20-30 volunteers with t$ 500.00 shirt that cost $7
Total $19,200.00
Monetary Revenue Description
Regristration starting at $325 per foursome,
$16,500.00 expected to have 50 groups
6 major sponsor, ranging from $2500$15000 depending on how you want to be
sponsored. For example:golf cart sponsor
$40,000.00 start at $5000
We will have a raffle where you can win
prizes raffle tickets starting at $2 or you can
$ 3,000.00 purchase raffle tickets 5 for $20
We have a non-golfer donation club
$ 8,000.00 starting at $150 per person
Total $67,500.00
Non-monetary Revenue
Since the event is being held at Grayhawk
golf club, food will be provided by their
restaurant but we will also bring along
500 caters for options
Some water and gatorade will be donated,
but we will cover additional costs for
800 alcohol
EMT services
200 We can hire a fire-fighter in training as EMT
Building Your Team
Task Description
Start Date
End Date
Completed by (Job Title)
Develop/Schedule the Event
Identify net income/loss goal
Develop Expenses
Develop Revenues
Determine sponsor rev. needs
First draft Budget
Finalize budget
Brophy/Xavier Board of Directors
Brophy/Xavier Board of Directors
Brophy/Xavier Board of Directors
Brophy/Xavier Board of Directors
Brophy/Xavier Board of Directors
Brophy/Xavier Board of Directors
Brophy/Xavier Board of Directors
Create sponsorship plan/presentation
Determine & finalize sponsorships
Social media posts
Registering participants online
Brophy/Xavier Board of Directors
Brophy/Xavier Board of Directors
Marketing Staff
Marketing Staff
Marketing Staff
Volunteer recruitment
Determine/Assign job duties
T shirt printage for volunteers & golfers
A member from the Board of Directors
A member from the Board of Directors
Marketing Staff
Set up event
Set up tent for sponsors
Registration for golfers/registration
Answer golfers’ questions
Shot gun start announcer
Follow up on course
Directing golfers’ to lunch
Volunteers/Event Director
Volunteers/Event Director
Brophy/Xavier Board of Directors
Marketing Staff
Take home packages
money mangement
tear down/clean up event
Brophy/Xavier Board of Directors
Brophy/Xavier Board of Directors
g Your Team
Key Responsibilities
approval of facility, approval of sponsorships, budget and dates
plan a budget meeting with board of directors
brainstorm expenses i.e facility, merchandise, food and bev.
brainstorm revenues i.e participation fees, $ generated from auction
brainstorm potential & current sponsors, determine how much $ we need from them
Make an overall draft budget explaining the expenses of the event and the revenues
Make any adjustments and finalize the budget and stick to the strict budget
Present sponsors with budgeting plans & what they expect in return
Approval of sponsors and finalizing sponsorship costs with board of directors
In charge of posting about the event on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram
Making a link on our website and other social sites to allow participants to register
Printing and mailing of flyers and brochures to people in our mailing list
Have Board of Directors email alumni, parents of students and staff if they’re willing to help out
Create a group email/chat listing job descriptions and asking the volunteers to pick their most desired position
Get every volunteer and particpants T-shirt sizes and confirm their sizes. Place an order
Arrive at facility at 7am and set up necessary signs on every hole, entrance of hotel and tables for registration
Set up tents, signage, tables for sponsors
Greet every participant, check them in, direct them to course
Anything related to the event, answer a …
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