Expert answer:English 122 – In the article written by Anderson,

Expert answer:Hi! for this essay, it has to be 3 pages long. I can link the book that you must use on this essay. You can’t use outside sources that are not listed in the link. Please site, use a few quotes. For the essay you may use the one of the plays I have read in class… an enemy of the people by arthur miller.

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Elements of Drama – due Sunday, Dec. 10Dec. 3, by 11:59pm •3-4 pages (at least 3
full pages)
•Times New Roman 12-pt. font only
•Save as .doc, .docx., or .rtf only
•Submit in the Drama Paper folder in Blackboard
•Minimum of at least 3 full pages (not 2 3⁄4 – if in doubt, write a bit more, to get onto that third page.)
Papers that do not meet this minimum 3 full page requirement will not be read or graded! (Remember that
the Works Cited page is not included in this page count.)
TOPIC: You will be analyzing of the plays that we have read in class.
1. Choose one of the two options listed below.
2. Discuss thoroughly the points listed for that option.
3. You must use at least 3 specific quotes from the play to support your discussion.
Option 1 – Analyzing Plot
1. Reviewing the information on Plot from our textbook (p. 7-10) and other course
2. Choose one play that we have read this semester and analyze its plot thoroughly.
3. The paper will include an introductory paragraph that includes your thesis statement and a
conclusion paragraph. The body paragraphs will contain your analysis and should be a
comprehensive discussion that includes all of the following:
o play type (drama, tragedy, comedy of manners, satire, etc.) o plot type: (unified, episodic,
o plot action: comment specifically on how the action (exposition/establishment of circumstance,
rising action, conflict/crisis, climax, falling action, denouement/resolution) moves the storyline
along in significant ways
o be sure to discuss the importance of foreshadowing (if any), sub-plots that contributed to the
overall plot structure (if any), reversal(s) (if any), and anagnorisis (if any).
Option 2 – Characterization
1. Reviewing the information on Characterization from our textbook (p. 10-12) and other
course materials.
2. Choose one play that we have read this semester and analyze the characterization
3. The paper will include an introductory paragraph that includes your thesis statement and a
conclusion paragraph. The body paragraphs will contain your analysis and should be a
comprehensive discussion that includes the following:
o protagonist and antagonist(s) and their importance in the play
o foils (if any) and the ways that their presence in the play strengthens or weakens the
characterization of the protagonist
o presence of hamartia (if any) in the protagonist and/or other characters and how this
feature develops these characters and their actions
o stock characters and their influence on the main characters’ actions
o character motivation – what causes the characters to act the way they do? How do these
actions become significant to the storyline?
o other elements of characterization that may appear in the play you’ve chosen, such as
the tragic hero, the scapegoat, the confidante, characters of comic relief, etc.
Lapointe/English Page 1 of 2
This is not a research paper – you may use only these materials to support your ideas:
(1) the play itself, (2) our textbook, and (3) the course Lectures in Blackboard – you may not
use outside material from the Internet.

▪ Do not use “I” statements. The paper is to be written in third person (he/she/it/they).
Unlike your weekly discussion Posts, this is a formal paper. Remember that you are
focusing your discussion on the text you have read; do not use “I” statements in your
paper. Example – not this: (“I think that the author describes…”), but this: (“The author
describes…”). Likewise, don’t address the reader directly (you, your), but focus your
writing on the material itself.
▪ Don’t embed large sections of the play into your paper! A few lines are fine; anything more
than that makes it look as though you are using the play as a page-filler. Remember that
quotations are used to support your ideas/analysis.
▪ Remember to cite properly (review MLA style of proper citing of plays) – and:
Be sure to introduce quotes and paraphrases, so that the reader can’t distinguish which ideas
your own and which are from the source.
Use the “quote” (or “paraphrase”) sandwich:
o Top bread: your discussion and introduction of the quote or paraphrase
o Filling: the quote or paraphrase
o Bottom bread: synthesis of quote or paraphrase within your continuing discussion

▪ Finally… give yourself time to think, write, and PROOFREAD. This is not a paper that
you can complete successfully a few minutes before it is due! Proofread for writing errors
and for MLA style/formatting!
▪ Reminder about Plagiarism As outlined in the syllabus plagiarism is a serious offense
and will be treated as such. Plagiarizing material puts you at risk of receiving a failing
grade for the assignment and English 122. I read student papers very carefully and will
check on any material that appears suspicious. Ensure that any material that you quote
or paraphrase is properly cited.
Your paper will be graded according to the following rubric.
Possible Score: 160
Intellectual Consideration
(knowledge of topic; well-developed discussion of topic; ideas supported by quotes/paraphrases from the textbooks
and/or other course material); at least three direct quotes from the play.
Structure (cohesive intro, body, & conclusion paragraphs included; clear thesis statement; thorough transition of
Proofing/Grammar (spelling, punctuation, grammar, academic language used)
MLA Formatting (all elements of MLA style adhered to, including proper margins, header, name block, title,
citations, and Works Cited page); citations and item on the Works Cited page correspond correctly.

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