Expert answer:Review Elli Smith’s Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP) to complete your Final IEP assignment. To complete this assignment, fill in the Blank IEP provided as if this IEP meeting is occurring at the beginning of Elli’s 2nd grade year. Look for the instructions throughout the IEP and review the grading rubric for this assignment to make sure you complete all areas of the IEP.
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EDUC 521
Review Elli Smith’s Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance
(PLAAFP) to complete your Final IEP assignment. To complete this assignment, fill in the Blank
IEP provided as if this IEP meeting is occurring at the beginning of Elli’s 2nd grade year. Look
for the instructions throughout the IEP and review the grading rubric for this assignment to make
sure you complete all areas of the IEP.
You may use your course notes and textbook materials, but do not accept assistance from anyone
in developing your Final IEP. Review the feedback from your IEP Goals in Module/Week 2
before completing this assignment. Also, be sure to use your completed workbook to assist you.
Read the report carefully. You must base your responses for the Final IEP on the information
Submit the Final IEP via LiveText by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Friday of Module/Week 8.
EDUC 521
Complete the Cover Page:
Student’s Name: Elli Smith
Date of IEP meeting:
(Use todays’ date)
Most recent evaluation date:
(Use today’s date)
IEP Teacher/Manager (Your Name):
Grade: 2
The IEP annual review must occur before:
Next re-evaluation must occur before:
School: Liberty Elementary School
The Individualized Education Plan (IEP) that accompanies this document is meant to support the
positive process and team approach. The IEP is a working document that outlines the student’s
vision for the future, strengths, and needs. The IEP is not written in isolation. The intent of an
IEP is to bring together a team of people who understand and support the student in order to
come to a consensus on a plan and appropriate and effective education for the student. No two
teams are alike, and each team will arrive at different answers, ideas, supports, and services to
address the student’s unique needs. The student and his/her family members are vital
participants, as well as teachers, assistants, specialists, outside service providers, and the
principal. When all team members are present, the valuable information shared supports the
development of a rich student profile and education plan.
Participants Involved
The list below indicates that the individual participated in the development of this IEP and the
placement decision; it does not authorize consent. Parent consent is indicated on the “Prior
Notice” page.
Include all participants that are required by IDEA to attend an IEP meeting.
Note: You can make up the names of the participants but the position must reflect the
required participant positions according to IDEA.
Name of Participant
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Factors for IEP Team Consideration
During the IEP meeting, the following factors must be considered by the IEP team. Best practice
suggests that the IEP team documents that the factors were considered and any decision made
relative to each. The factors are addressed in other sections of the IEP if not documented on this
page (for example see PLAAFP).
1. Results of the initial or most recent evaluation of the student:
According to psychological evaluation, Elli demonstrates overall ability in the average range.
She demonstrates substantially less well developed long-term retrieval, associative memory, and
auditory processing, specifically phonemic awareness. According to an achievement assessment,
Elli demonstrates average oral language skills, mathematics, and written expression in the low
average range with significant deficits in reading in the borderline to deficient range. According
to speech language evaluation, Elli demonstrates weaknesses in phonological awareness and
auditory cohesion, as well as in pragmatic skills.
2. The strengths of the student:
Math: is very good at adding and subtracting and has caught on well to the strategies she has
been taught.
3. The academic, developmental, and functional needs of the student:
Please refer to the Present Level of Academic and Functional Performance.
4. The concerns of the parent(s) for enhancing the education of his/her child:
Parents indicate concerns with reading skills and difficulty with frustration, attention, and
adaptive skills weaknesses.
These are the concerns reported by the parents. The listing of these concerns in the IEP does not
mean that the concerns are shared by the school division. To the extent the parent concerns are
shared by the school division, they have been addressed in the IEP.
5. The communication needs of the student:
Elli’s speech and receptive/expressive language skills are considered to be within the average
6. The student’s need for benchmarks or short-term objectives:
Short-term objectives and benchmarks are not required.
7. Whether the student requires Assistive Technology devices and services:
The IEP team has determined that Elli does not require Assistive Technology supports and/or
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8. In the case of a student whose behavior impedes his/her learning or that of others,
consider the use of positive behavioral interventions, strategies, and supports to address that
Elli does not display behaviors that have been determined to be related to her identified disability
that impact her learning or that of others.
9. In the case of a student with limited English proficiency, consider the language needs of the
student as those needs relate to the student’s IEP:
Elli is not a student with limited English proficiency.
10. In the case of a student who is blind or is visually impaired, provide for instruction in
Braille and the use of Braille, unless the IEP team determines after an evaluation of the student’s
reading and writing skills, needs, and appropriate reading and writing media, including an
evaluation of the student’s future needs for instruction in Braille or the use of Braille, that
instruction in Braille or the use of Braille is not appropriate for the student. When considering
that Braille is not appropriate for the child, the IEP team may use the Functional Vision and
Learning Media Assessment for Students who are Pre-Academic or Academic and Visually
Impaired in Grades K-12 (FVLMA) or similar instrument; and
Elli is not a student with a visual impairment.
11. In the case of a student who is deaf or hard of hearing, consider the student’s language and
communication needs, opportunities for direct communications with peers and professional
personnel in the student’s language and communication mode, academic level, and full range of
needs, including opportunities for direct instruction in the student’s language and communication
mode. The IEP team may use the Virginia Communication Plan when considering the student’s
language and communication needs and supports that may be needed.
Elli is not deaf and is not a student with a hearing impairment
12. Extended School Year (ESY)
Elli’s IEP team determined that ESY services are not warranted.
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Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP)
Student Name__________________________________________________________
Date____/____/____ Page ___of___
The Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance summarizes the
results of assessments that identify the student’s interests, preferences, strengths, and areas of
need. It also describes the effect of the student’s disability on his/her involvement and progress
in the general education curriculum, and for preschool children, as appropriate, how the
disability affects the student’s participation in appropriate activities. This includes the student’s
performance and achievement in academic areas such as writing, reading, math, science, and
history/social sciences. It also includes the student’s performance in functional areas, such as
self-determination, social competence, communication, behavior, and personal management.
Test scores, if included, must be self-explanatory or an explanation must be included, and the
Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance must be written in
objective, measurable terms, to the extent possible. There must be a direct relationship among
the desired goals, the Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance, and
all other components of the IEP.
Student’s Strengths, Preferences, and Interests
Elli Smith is a 7.8 year old girl currently in the 2nd grade. Elli was found eligible for service for
Specific Learning Disability.
According to psychological evaluation, Elli demonstrates an overall ability in the average range.
She demonstrates substantially less well developed long-term retrieval associative memory and
auditory processing, specifically phonemic awareness. These relative weaknesses coupled with
difficulties in the aspect of auditory processing, such as phonemic awareness, which is the
understanding of the smallest units of sound (phonemes), might make the acquisition of reading
difficult. Also, the spelling of unfamiliar words might also prove to be a challenging task. Elli’s
social functioning, as assessed through rating scales, teacher interviews, and direct observation
appears to be a challenging area. According to achievement assessment, Elli demonstrates
average oral language skills, mathematics, and written expression in the low average range with
significant deficient range. Teacher reports indicate that Elli demonstrates an independent
reading level of pre primmer 1. Her auditory comprehension is very good, but her word attack is
very poor. She has received PALS remediation and Title I supports for reading for a period of 6
months and has made very minimal progress despite supplemental instruction interventions
targeting her identified areas of deficit.
Student’s Areas of Need (Deficits that Require Supports)
Elli’s areas of need resulting from her disability-related deficits include:
Written language
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Effect of Disability on Student
Elli demonstrates substantially less well developed long-term retrieval, associative memory, and
auditory processing, specifically phonemic awareness. These relative weaknesses coupled with
difficulties in aspects of auditory processing, such as phonemic awareness, which is the
understanding of the smallest units of sound (phonemes), makes the acquisition of reading
difficult as well as the spelling of unfamiliar words.
Academic Performance
Wechsler Individual Achievement Test- Third Edition (WIAT-III)
Subtests with age-based scores:
Listening Comprehension 90, Early Reading Skills 92, Reading Comprehension 79,
Math Problem Solving 80, Alphabet Writing Fluency 96, Sentence Composition 90,
Word Reading 72, Pseudoword Decoding 77, Numerical Operations 93,
Oral Expression 95, Oral Reading Fluency 63, Spelling 80, Math Fluency-Addition 83, Math
Fluency-Subtraction 89, Oral Reading Accuracy 61
Oral Reading Rate 78,
Listening Comprehension
Receptive Vocabulary 81 Below Average,
Oral Discourse Comprehension 103 Average,
Sentence Composition
Sentence Combing 98 Average, Sentence Building 84 Below Average,
Oral Expression
Expressive Vocabulary 85 Average, Oral Word Fluency 107 Average,
Sentence Repetition 97 Average, Oral Language 91 Average,
Total Reading 69 Low, Basic Reading 75 Below Average,
Written Expression 85 Average,
Mathematics 85 Average, Math Fluency 86 Average,
Total Achievement 82 Below Average
Teacher Educational Information
Reading instructional level (1st); independent level (Readiness); Elli’s comprehension is good as
long as it is tested orally. She can recall story elements and information when the story is read to
her. Her word attack skills are extremely limited. She knows sounds when they are isolated but
has difficulty putting the sounds together. Her retention of words (sight words) is very weak. She
is currently receiving Title 1 and Pals Remediation, but she has made very little growth.
Language instructional level (below grade level); she has memorized certain sentence structures
and adapts it to the current topic. Elli is an excellent speller, but she cannot read the words she is
spelling. She memorizes the spelling features. Math: She is very good at adding and subtracting
and has caught on well to the strategies she has been taught. She does a great job deciding which
operation should be used and then working out a word problem. Social Studies and Science: Elli
does very well in both classes. Movement Ed.: she follows directions and does all activities;
seems to get along with everyone during class and seems to enjoy PE; appears to love Art and
Library and works well with other students.
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EDUC 521
Measurable Annual Goals, Progress Report
Use the Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP)
example of Elli to write 3 standard based goals. They must be different than the goals you wrote
for your IEP Goals and Objectives that you submitted during Module/Week 3. You must include
all goal components.
Write the SOL number related to this goal:
How will progress toward these annual goals be measured? (Check all that apply)
____Classroom Participation
____ Checklist
____ Class work
____ Homework
____ Observation
____ Special Projects
____ Tests and Quizzes
____ Written Reports
____ Criterion-referenced test:_____________________
____ Norm-referenced test: _______________________
Write the SOL number related to this goal:
How will progress toward these annual goals be measured? (Check all that apply)
____Classroom Participation
____ Checklist
____ Class work
____ Homework
____ Observation
____ Special Projects
____ Tests and Quizzes
____ Written Reports
____ Criterion-referenced test:_____________________
____ Norm-referenced test: _______________________
Write the SOL number related to this goal:
How will progress toward these annual goals be measured? (Check all that apply)
____Classroom Participation
____ Checklist
____ Class work
____ Homework
____ Observation
____ Special Projects
____ Tests and Quizzes
____ Written Reports
____ Criterion-referenced test:_____________________
____ Norm-referenced test: _______________________
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Accommodations/modifications provided as part of the instructional and testing/assessment
process will allow the student equal opportunity to access the curriculum and demonstrate
achievement. Accommodations/modifications also provide access to nonacademic and
extracurricular activities and educationally-related settings. Accommodations/modifications
based solely on the potential to enhance performance beyond providing equal access are
inappropriate. Accommodations may be in, but are not limited to, the areas of time, scheduling,
setting, presentation, and response. The impact of any modifications listed must be discussed.
List a minimum of 5 accommodations/modifications that are appropriate for Elli based on
(name of school )
m/d/y to m/d/y
Participation in the State and Division-wide Accountability/Assessment System
Check the assessment(s) chosen for the student’s participation in Virginia’s accountability
system. (Check if Elli will participate in Virginia’s SOL State Assessments or if she will need
an alternative assessment of VAAP when she takes the state assessment in 3rd grade. You should
be able to determine this through your textbook readings and course presentations.)
Identify the Correct State Assessment:
Standards of Learning (SOL) Assessments Reading Math Science
History/Social Science Writing
Alternative State Approved Substitute: Virginia Alternative Assessment Program (VAAP)
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Services – Least Restrictive Environment – Placement
Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)
When discussing the least restrictive environment and placement options, the following must be
• To the maximum extent appropriate, the student is educated with children without disabilities.
• Special classes, separate schooling, or other removal of the student from the regular
educational environment occurs only when the nature or severity of the disability is such that
education in regular classes with the use of supplementary aids and services cannot be
achieved satisfactorily.
• The student’s placement should be as close as possible to the child’s home and unless the IEP
of the student with a disability requires some other arrangement, the student is educated in the
school that he/she would attend if he or she did not have a disability.
• In selecting the LRE, consideration is given to any potential harmful effect on the student or
on the quality of services that he/she needs.
• The student with a disability shall be served in a program with age-appropriate peers unless it
can be shown that for a particular student with a disability, the alternative placement is
appropriate as documented by the IEP.
Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)
When discussing FAPE for this student, it is important for the IEP team to remember that FAPE
may include, as appropriate:
Educational Programs and
Proper Functioning of Hearing
Assistive Technology
• Nonacademic and Extracurricular Services and
• Physical Education
• Extended School Year Services
• Length of School Day
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Special Education Services
Identify the service(s), including frequency, duration, and location that will be provided to or on
behalf of the student in order for the student to receive free appropriate public education. These
services are the special education services and as necessary, the related services, supplementary
aids and services based on peer-reviewed research to the extent practicable, assistive technology,
supports for personnel*, accommodations and/or modifications* and extended school year
services.* The student will receive that will address area(s) of need as identified by the IEP team.
Address any needed transportation and physical education services including accommodations
and/or modifications.
Complete the Service Page Table:
Special Education
(name of school)
m/d/y to m/d/y
Effect of Disability on the Student
Elli demonstrates substantially less well developed long-term retrieval, associative memory, and
auditory processing, specifically phonemic awareness. These relative weaknesses coupled with
difficulties in aspects of auditory processing, such as phonemic awareness, which is the
understanding of the smallest units of sound (phonemes), makes the acquisition of reading
difficult as well as the spelling of unfamiliar words.
Placement Decision
Based upon identified services and the consideration of Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)
and placement continuum options, describe in the space below the placement decision. This
explanation of the placement decision should reflect the services outlined in the Service Page.
Additionally, summarize the discussions and decision around LRE and placement. This must
include an explanat …
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