Expert answer:Designing effective presentation part 3

Expert answer:Choose one of the following to complete: Option 1:Create an 8- to 10-slide presentation that should be 5 to 10 minutes in length. Please include detailed speaker notes, based on the Week 4 Persuasive Messages Part I & Part II assignment. Apply the four aspects of delivering business presentations discussed in the textbook to your presentation. Include at least one visual to support on your slides, for example, using a line chart to show increasing sales. Include the following in presentation slides: TitleIntroductionRecommendationBenefitsImpact if product or service does not sell as much as expectedConclusionReferences Format consistent with APA guidelines.


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Constructing Effective Business Messages Part 1
Cassandra Simmons
COM/295-Business Communication
November 13, 2017
Cecilia Gregg
Constructing Effective Business Messages Part 1
The world is getting more and more connected because of globalization and this has
presented the companies with a unique opportunity to reach a global market place. This doesn’t
however mean that global marketplace is all same and that the same product can be marketed in
the same way and to the same audience in all the nations. Companies aiming to market a global
product must understand the local culture, preferences, beliefs, appropriate channels and any
special needs of the customers.
The product and its main characteristics
The service I came up with is a multifunctional health monitoring device which is
connected to the monitoring systems in the nearest hospital as well as the police station. The
product will be called HealthMD. The main characteristics of this product are that it can monitor
the body weight of a person, the blood pressure, the blood glucose levels and heart rate. It will
also have the facility to send an SOS message in case of an emergency or a phone call facility as
well. The device gives out a print-out of the latest healthcare vitals and the provision of sending a
copy to the physician of one’s choice. This is a device which can revolutionize the way the access
to healthcare will be improved drastically for the general population.
Basically, with the increase in the numbers of the greying population (Spiezia, V. 2002),
the healthcare system is expected to get overburdened and access to healthcare will become
questionable for a large majority of the people. This means that innovations like HealthMD can
go a long way in improving the ease of access to healthcare. The healthcare organizations can
also monitor their patients more closely and effectively. The physician can be constantly in touch
with the patient and know the status of his health without meeting him/her physically very often.
The SOS’
facility can also help alert the healthcare organization as well as the police. This can help a
person get better care and also prevent (Cohen, J. T., Neumann, P. J., & Weinstein, M. C. 2008)
any eventualities.
Some of the main features of the product are:

The product will be priced at $65 in the developed countries and $40 in the developing

It can monitor:
o Blood pressure
o Body weight
o Blood glucose levels
o Heart rate

Facility to send SOS message to the nearest hospital and police station

Print out of the results of vital healthcare measurements

Feature of sending a copy of the vital measurements to the physician
Is the product worthwhile?
The product is worthwhile because of the ease and comfort with which it lets the users
monitor their vitals. It is also worthwhile because it helps the patient connect to his/her physician
without visiting physically. There is also a greater chance that the person will be able to get help
and care during an emergency. The product is needed all over the world because it helps
empower the people to manage their health more effectively. This can reduce the ultimate cost of
healthcare because people will be able to get diagnosed early in life rather than the disease
reaching advanced stages.
The product is worth every penny and in fact much cheaper than getting treated for an
advanced disease. Better health enjoyed by the citizens of a country ensure that they are more
productive, and this adds to the overall growth and progress of the GDP (gross domestic product)
of the country.
Audience profile
The audience profile consists of two set of global countries namely the developed and the
developing nations. The product will be priced differently in these two categories. Apart from
this, the segments will consist of the age group of 30-40, 40-50 and 50 and above. These three
segments will be the target audience. But it will not just be the individual buyers but also the
institutional buyers. The healthcare organizations, old age homes, caregiver organizations and
governments are also a potential audience. A special price will be worked out for institutional
These audience are important because they are the ones who are going to popularize the
product and make its demand rise. Targeting the audience through e-commerce portals and
special healthcare portals is also a very good idea. These audience will help spread the news of
the product through word-of-mouth as well.
Each audience will have to be approached differently. The 30-40 age-groups is healthy in
general and it is their inclination to be health conscious which will make them targets of the
HealthMD. They will be targeted by highlighting the addition that the product can make to their
life and health management. They will also be communicated about the benefit to their future
which can come from proper health management. The advertisements and messages need to
focus on the need to be proactive. The second set is the age group of 40-50 years which includes
people who might start getting first signs of diseases. They can be targeted by highlighting the
proactive part and the need to get used to a device which they will surely need during their old
Furthermore, the age group of 60 and above are the main target audience because they
have immense healthcare needs. They also feel helpless and the inconvenience of physically
visiting a diagnostic centre takes a toll on their health and pocket. HealthMD is a one-time
investment which can make the monitoring (Komninos, A., & Stamou, S. 2006) of their health
easier for them and make them understand the common vital parameters as well as their
ramifications. This audience must be targeted in a more sensitive and patient manner. They are
not very tech savvy and are also short on funds because they are living on the social security,
retirement savings and old-age funds. They need to be targeted by providing them options of
paying the money for the product in instalments or on a loan basis. They will also have to be
given demonstrations about the product and will have to be assured that good after sales service
will be provided. They will need assistance with small snags that could develop and something
as simple as changing the printing paper roll in the machine will also require assistance for them.
The company will have to ensure that it has its services team on toes all the time.
Ways to establish credibility
To establish credibility, it would be crucial to understand the culture of the country in
which the product is being launched. The looks, the packaging, the message and promotion will
all have to be according to the do’s and don’ts practiced in this culture. This will help gain an
entry into the hearts of the general population. The brand ambassador will be chosen carefully,
and every communication will be streamlined. The product will be given to the institutions for
demos so that they can in turn recommend it to individuals.
Furthermore, it is important to understand that the patients are more likely to choose a
product when their doctor recommends it to them rather than trying to decide on their own. The
doctor’s recommendation adds credibility to the product. There is also a need to provide a
guarantee of prompt and effective after-sales service to the customers. This will help the
customers feel more connected to the brand and not feel that the brand would go missing after
their purchase. Since there is a sensitive customer base involved, patient assistance will have to
be ensured always.
I would follow various strategies to establish credibility:

Signing a credible brand ambassador who can endorse this product

The celebrity will be chosen based on the liking of most of the people in the part of the

The product will be given to the hospitals for providing free demonstrations

The institutions will be offered special discounts for recommending this product

Credible celebrities linked to medical professional will be roped in

Effective after-sales service will be provided to establish a long-term relationship with
the clients
The channel selected is online sales and institutional sales and the advertising and
promotion would be done through social media as well as other traditional options like television
advertisements. Since the product is a healthcare one, using the advertising options in the
healthcare magazines is also a very good idea. Other online healthcare websites, popular blogs
and support groups are also a good channel to target. There is a need to use channels which can
reach the right set of target audience and not annoy the people.
It is safe to conclude that HealthMD is a future oriented product aimed at empowering
the customers and taking the burden off from the already overburdened healthcare system. They
are more likely to take control of their health and contribute to the improvement of the overall
health index of the world, if they can monitor their vitals. HealthMD is a product with a global
appeal because the health parameters are the same in all countries.
Cohen, J. T., Neumann, P. J., & Weinstein, M. C. (2008). Does preventive care save money?
Health economics and the presidential candidates. New England Journal of
Medicine, 358(7), 661-663.
Komninos, a., & stamou, s. (2006). Healthpal: an intelligent personal medical assistant for
supporting the self-monitoring of healthcare in the ageing society. Proceedings of the
Spiezia, V. (2002). The greying population: A wasted human capital or just a social
liability?. International Labour Review, 141(1‐ 2), 71-113
Developing Persuasive Business Messages Part ll
Cassandra Simmons
COM/295- Business Communication
November 20,2017
Cecilia Gregg, Ed.D.
Developing Persuasive Business Messages Part 2
To: Donald Trump
CEO Corporation
From: HealthMd
Date: November 20, 2017
Subject: Proposal for launching healthmd, a self-monitoring healthcare product
I am writing to propose the investment of capital resources to develop healthmd whose
sales can be very profitable for the company. The recommendation is being made after a
thorough research, analysis and plausible future scenarios. Patient engagement is being
considered as an increasingly important strategy which will revolutionize the way in which
healthcare functions. Patients who are more proactive have better health comes (Hibbard, J. H.,
& Greene, J. 2013). Coupled with this is the phenomenon of digital health care and it encourages
patients to engage in self-monitoring and self-care (Lupton, D. 2013). The digitally engaged
patients is the need of the future.
Healthmd can revolutionize the healthcare management field and become a part of every
home. This is a product which is in great need because of the nature of the problems of our
health care system. There is already an obesity epidemic (Swan, M. 2012) which is worsening
and coupled with this are aging worldwide populations, shortages of physicians and nurses and
the high cost of bringing a new drug to the market. Basically it is a profitable proposition for
every stakeholder to focus more on prevention than on cure. The governments as well as the
healthcare organizations have begin to realize the importance of ensuring ease of access of
preventive medicine tools to the largest possible segment of the population. There is an
emerging preventive medicine positive opinion and ecosystem emerging which will change the
healthcare industry forever. Healthmd can be a crucial part of this preventive medicine
infrastructure. The product has a huge potential for driving sales and profits for the company.
The desire for launching this product is rested in the huge global appeal that this product
can have and the sales and profits that can be generated from this mass appeal. The product is a
multi-utility product and offers the measurement of vitals for some very common health
problems like diabetes, blood pressure, body weight, etc. The delay in seeking an effective
healthcare treatment is also rested in the inconvenience and time taken to get some common
vitals measured. This can be overcome with the help of healthmd.
Some of the main features of the product are; firstly, the product will be priced at $65 in
the developed countries and $40 in the developing countries. Secondly, it has the ability to
monitor: blood pressure, body weight, blood glucose levels and heart rate. Thirdly, it has the
facility to send SOS message to the nearest hospital and police station. Fourthly, it can provide a
print out of the results of vital healthcare measurements. Fifthly, feature of sending a copy of the
vital measurements to the physician is also present in the product.
The positive aspect of this product is that the governments and the healthcare
organizations are already very interested in promoting prevention based healthcare practices
because these are cheaper for a country. The product can get special tax benefits and
endorsements from the governments and healthcare organizations. This can also ensure that there
are lesser barriers to entry and faster penetration. It is expected that every household, especially
people above 30 years who can afford to buy a microwave oven, will be interested in investing in
Moreover our company has also been looking out for a product which can be innovative
and can aid in improving the financial performance of the company. Healthmd could actually
pave the way for more healthcare products and services and help in making the company the
leader in preventive healthcare devices. The added advantage comes from the lack of need to
customize the product a lot according to the different territories of the world. This is because the
healthcare vitas are pretty universal all over the world. This can save huge costs for the
company. Once the company has entered this segment, it will also be able to understand the other
needs and requirements apart from other similar products. Providing a specific simulation
environment is also a good idea in this regard because it can help the potential customers get a
good idea about healthmd and the manner in which it works.
The audience profile consists of two set of global countries namely the developed and the
developing nations. The product will be priced differently in these two categories. Apart from
this, the segments will consist of the age group of 30-40, 40-50 and 50 and above. These three
segments will be the target audience. But it will not just be the individual buyers but also the
institutional buyers. The healthcare organizations, old age homes, caregiver organizations and
governments are also a potential audience. A special price will be worked out for institutional
buyers. It is expected that the product will bring in $80,000 sales within the first phase of launch
in the Europe and U.S. In the first three months. The product will be launched after that in other
geographies. This will cover and exceed the r& d cost along with the marketing costs by 70
However, if the product doesn’t sell as much expected, I intend to conduct a product
review and gather the feedback from the customers. This will help make changes to the product
according to the expectations of the market. Since there is a risk involved, this is why there is a
plan to launch the product only in Europe and U.S. first and then launch in various parts of the
world globally. In order to ensure that the company and brand are culturally accepted, extensive
research from a cultural perspective is being done and in countries which are culturally very
contrasting, a joint venture will be the channel of entry. This will help gain some information and
experience about the territory and also mitigate the risks. A strong team of expert on culture of
various European countries can be hired in order to ensure that healthmd has its slogans and
communication message in line with the culture of the countries. There is also a need to know
the specific customer preferences. This can prevent us from making any mistakes.
The companies which will be able to anticipate and proactively launch products and
services for the future are the ones who will be able to survive and thrive. Our company can be
one of them and a successful launch can give us a competitive edge over the competitors. This
can also help us get a market at the global levels which will help us venture into other industries
or products and services. The concept of wellness maintenance and conditions prevention are
becoming more and more prevalent in the field of healthcare . Healthcare is also one industry
which will never see a major recession because it is the most important and basic need of
I am personally vouching for this proposal because I have spent extensive amount of time
and efforts in the research of this idea. There is a need for our company to take some risks in
order to get good returns. If funding is an issue for expansion, we can try and get funds from
crowd funding sources or through venture capitalists and ensure that financial performance of the
project is monitored very closely. This can help in preventing any problems and necessary
changes can be made too. I am open to the idea of debating and brainstorming about this
proposal with experts or other stakeholders and have various facts and figures which I can share
in my defence. Overall I think that the decision to go ahead with the production and launch of
this product at a global level will be a good idea.
Cassandra Simmons
XYZ Corporation
Hibbard, J. H., & Greene, J. (2013). What the evidence shows about patient activation: better
health outcomes and care experiences; fewer data on costs. Health affairs, 32(2), 207214.
Lupton, D. (2013). Quantifying the body: monitoring and measuring health in the age of
mhealth technologies. Critical Public Health, 23(4), 393-403.
Swan, M. (2012). Health 2050: The realization of personalized medicine through
crowdsourcing, the quantified self, and the participatory biocitizen. Journal of
personalized medicine, 2(3), 93-118.
Lupton, D. (2013). Quantifying the body: monitoring and measuring health in the age of
mhealth technologies. Critical Public Health, 23(4), 393-403.

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