Expert answer:Cultural Anthropology

Expert answer:Hello! This will be the continuation of the discussion board. Just reply from the 2 students. Should be around 5-6 sentences that relate to the replies.Thank you! 🙂

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Reply 1
22 hours ago
Carmen Aikin
The Golden Lotus
In any given day, we see women and men with body modifications that are usually
done from a personal level. A women may feel her nose is too big and get a brand
new one. However, in early Chinese empires, a certain body modification was
performed for an opportunity to achieve affluence. In “Painful Memories for
China’s Footbinding Survivors”, foot binding is discussed. Women who lived as far
back as the Shang dynasty, underwent foot binding which they called “three inch
golden lotuses”. Tale says that the emperor during the Song dynasty (960-1279 A.D.)
had his heart captured by a concubine named Yao Niang who bound her feet and
performed a “lotus dance.” Young women everywhere in China began to bound their
feet when they realized that it would grant them a life of success and the hope of
marrying a wealthy man. It was estimated that a total of two billion Chinese women
had their feet bound. By 1949, 40%-50% of women had their feet bounded. The upper
class had an astonishing 100%. Although this practice was banned numerous time, the
art form of foot binding not only subjugated women physically but financially as well.
The process for foot binding is painful as it sounds. It involves breaking ones toes
when very young so bones are easier to break and take form. They are then wrapped
with bandages and eventually this binding began to shape the foot. Like many societies
around the world, such as the caste class system in India, women are expected to
marry for wealth and financial security. The Chinese practiced hypergamy, the act of
marrying someone with a higher social status, by young women wanting to achieve a
higher social status. Zhou Guizhen, an 86 year old woman, explains, “I regret binding
my feet..I can’t dance, I can’t move properly. I regret it a lot. But at the time, if you
didn’t bind your feet, no one would marry you.” She continues, “At that time
everybody had bound feet. If you didn’t, you’d only be able to marry a tribesman from
an ethnic minority.” This art form, their idea of beauty and way of achieving
opulence, also brought forth problems. During Communist China, not only was feet
binding outlawed but many of these women lost their riches. They were forced to
work hard labor and with their tiny feet, it became painful and unbearable. These
Chinese women encountered not only restriction in their physical being but also
restrained them from providing their family a better way of life.
Today, we also find ourselves binding and shaping our bodies. They take place in the
form of liposuction to wearing very tight spandex. Women are expected to wear to be
considered attractive. Women in our society also experience pitfalls that are
associated with these modifications. It is not uncommon to hear about women dying
in operating tables during plastic surgery or getting scarred for life due to botched
procedures. Much like the women of today, it is done with the intent to please the
opposite sex. It has crossed my mind to undergo some beauty procedures, but I wisely
decided against it. Unlike the “three inch golden lotus” women, our open class system
allows women to achieve wealth without having to sacrifice our bodies to achieve it.
With education and a hard working ethic, women are now able to rise to the top with
nothing tying them down
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28 minutes ago
Joleen Piser
RE: The Golden Lotus
I can not imagine having to alter myself in such a permanent way in order to attain a certain lifestyle. While it is
hard for me to understand the need to alter the body in such a way, knowing that it was such an expected process for
the women of those times makes it easier to understand why people would endure the pain. I feel sorry for the
people that were forced to endure it due to expectation and had issues walking far distances and dealing with being
crippled all for the effect of beauty.
57 minutes ago
Joleen Piser
Body Art
The form that I can relate to the most is tattooing. For people in the United States, it is the most
common form of permanent body art other than piercing. While I do not personally have any
tattoos the decision of whether or not to decorate my body has been a question since
adolescence. In my family it is a sort of split, while not culturally significant in the same way as
the Polynesian tattoos or tattoos that show status in a society, what I mean by split is that almost
all of my dad’s family has tattoos while my mother’s family is against them entirely. When my
sisters and I came of age we were faced with the decision to either get tattoos or not. I decided
that it was not for me, although both of my sisters decided to get tattoos on their legs and backs.
Culturally it is more widely accepted for men and women alike in our society, however it is a
newly accepted art form. In the past decades, it was most common for gangsters, sailors, and
prisoners to have tattoos whereas now it is common for everyone to have tattoos as a form of
expression. Tattoos are a symbol of creativity and individualism as well as serve a purpose of
representing familial ties or military affiliations. As common as these are, the regulations in the
workplace are still stringent, a left over affect of the stigma related to tattoos of the past
generations. As the regularity of tattoos become even more commonplace I am sure we will see a
lift in regulations in the workplace.
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